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unknown seas

  • 1 unknown seas

    unknown/strange (distant) seas неизведанные/незнакомые (далёкие) моря

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > unknown seas

  • 2 sea


    Two seas wash the shores of this country. — Два моря омывают берега этой страны.

    We have been at sea out of sight of land for the past three weeks. — Последние три недели мы провели в плавании далеко от родных берегов.

    - agitated sea
    - rippled sea
    - smooth sea
    - sparkling sea
    - inland sea
    - North Sea
    - ice-free sea
    - warm sea
    - tideless sea
    - stormy sea
    - unknown seas
    - uncharted sea
    - free sea
    - glassy sea
    - shoreless sea
    - placid sea
    - sullen sea
    - short sea
    - head sea
    - four seas
    - seven seas
    - sea power
    - sea steamboat
    - sea chart
    - sea plane
    - sea battle
    - sea fight
    - sea war
    - sea view
    - sea wall
    - sea front
    - sea port
    - sea level
    - sea post
    - sea force
    - sea forces
    - sea transport
    - sea air
    - sea water
    - sea birds
    - sea shore
    - sea animal
    - sea eagle
    - sea god
    - sea goddess
    - sea foam
    - sea shell
    - sea floor
    - sea drift
    - sea fog
    - sea wind
    - trouble sea of life
    - sea coast
    - Sea of Japan
    - shores of the sea
    - gale from the sea
    - sounds of the sea
    - three miles away from the sea
    - ship at sea
    - swim in the sea
    - town on the sea
    - port on the sea
    - arm of the sea
    - islets scattered in the sea
    - at the bottom of the sea
    - on the high seas
    - at full sea
    - be at the open sea
    - be on the sea
    - be at sea
    - be out at sea
    - be lost at sea
    - be washed by sea
    - be washed up by the sea
    - bury smb at sea
    - be burried at sea
    - enhabit the sea
    - face the sea
    - fly over the sea
    - follow the sea
    - gain land from the sea
    - get smth across the sea
    - go out to the sea
    - go to sea
    - go to the sea during one's holoday
    - go by sea
    - have one's sea legs
    - have good sea legs
    - head on to sea
    - hold the seas
    - keep the sea
    - leave the sea
    - live at the sea
    - live by the sea
    - navigate the high seas
    - sail in the high seas
    - put out to sea
    - raise a chopping sea
    - run before the sea
    - sail the seas
    - sail the Seven Seas
    - sound the sea
    - stretch to the sea
    - sweep the sea for mines
    - swim in the sea
    - swim about in the sea
    - take to sea
    - take up the sea
    - take the sea
    - sea breaks over the rocks
    - sea is choppy
    - sea spreads to the horizont

    The actor looked out from the stage into a sea of upturned faces. — Актер со сцены смотрел на море поднятых к нему лиц.

    Between the devil and the deep sea. — Из огня, да в полымя. /Между двух огней. /Между молотом и наковальней.

    When the sea gives up its dead. — Когда рак на горе свистнет. /Никогда.

    There are plenty more fish in the sea. — Свет клином не сошёлся.

    - sea of heads
    - sea of wooden crosses
    - angry sea of faces
    - sea of troubles
    - sea of blood
    - sea of clouds
    (1.) Названия морей, океанов и рек употребляются с определенным артиклем: the Black Sea, the Thames, the Pacific (Ocean). (2.) Существительное sea 1., обозначающее море как среду деятельности или обитания, употребляктся с определенным артиклем: to be in the open sea быть в открытом море; a town on the sea город на море; to live near the sea жить у моря; to have a swim in the sea искупаться в море; to go to the sea shore поехать к морю/на побережье. (3.) Sea 1., обозначающее море как часть земной поверхности, противопоставленную суше, употребляется без артикля: to travel over land and sea путешествовать по воде (по морю) и по суше; to be lost at sea пропасть в море; to be washed by sea омываться морем; the boat was swept out to sea лодку унесло в море; to go by sea поехать морем. (4.) See boat, n (5.) See air, n; USAGE (1.), (2.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > sea

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