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  • 21 Socialist Party / Partido Socialista

       Although the Socialist Party's origins can be traced back to the 1850s, its existence has not been continuous. The party did not achieve or maintain a large base of support until after the Revolution of 25 April 1974. Historically, it played only a minor political role when compared to other European socialist parties.
       During the Estado Novo, the PS found it difficult to maintain a clandestine existence, and the already weak party literally withered away. Different groups and associations endeavored to keep socialist ideals alive, but they failed to create an organizational structure that would endure. In 1964, Mário Soares, Francisco Ramos da Costa, and Manuel Tito de Morais established the Portuguese Socialist Action / Acção Socialista Português (ASP) in Geneva, a group of individuals with similar views rather than a true political party. Most members were middle-class professionals committed to democratizing the nation. The rigidity of the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) led some to join the ASP.
       By the early 1970s, ASP nuclei existed beyond Portugal in Paris, London, Rome, Brussels, Frankfurt, Sweden, and Switzerland; these consisted of members studying, working, teaching, researching, or in other activities. Extensive connections were developed with other foreign socialist parties. Changing conditions in Portugal, as well as the colonial wars, led several ASP members to advocate the creation of a real political party, strengthening the organization within Portugal, and positioning this to compete for power once the regime changed.
       The current PS was founded clandestinely on 19 April 1973, by a group of 27 exiled Portuguese and domestic ASP representatives at the Kurt Schumacher Academy of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Bad Munstereifel, West Germany. The founding philosophy was influenced by nondogmatic Marxism as militants sought to create a classless society. The rhetoric was to be revolutionary to outflank its competitors, especially the PCP, on its left. The party hoped to attract reform-minded Catholics and other groups that were committed to democracy but could not support the communists.
       At the time of the 1974 revolution, the PS was little more than an elite faction based mainly among exiles. It was weakly organized and had little grassroots support outside the major cities and larger towns. Its organization did not improve significantly until the campaign for the April 1975 constituent elections. Since then, the PS has become very pragmatic and moderate and has increasingly diluted its socialist program until it has become a center-left party. Among the party's most consistent principles in its platform since the late 1970s has been its support for Portugal's membership in the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Union (EU), a view that clashed with those of its rivals to the left, especially the PCP. Given the PS's broad base of support, the increased distance between its leftist rhetoric and its more conservative actions has led to sharp internal divisions in the party. The PS and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) are now the two dominant parties in the Portuguese political party system.
       In doctrine and rhetoric the PS has undergone a de-Marxification and a movement toward the center as a means to challenge its principal rival for hegemony, the PSD. The uneven record of the PS in general elections since its victory in 1975, and sometimes its failure to keep strong legislative majorities, have discouraged voters. While the party lost the 1979 and 1980 general elections, it triumphed in the 1983 elections, when it won 36 percent of the vote, but it still did not gain an absolute majority in the Assembly of the Republic. The PSD led by Cavaco Silva dominated elections from 1985 to 1995, only to be defeated by the PS in the 1995 general elections. By 2000, the PS had conquered the commanding heights of the polity: President Jorge Sampaio had been reelected for a second term, PS prime minister António Guterres was entrenched, and the mayor of Lisbon was João Soares, son of the former socialist president, Mário Soares (1986-96).
       The ideological transformation of the PS occurred gradually after 1975, within the context of a strong PSD, an increasingly conservative electorate, and the de-Marxification of other European Socialist parties, including those in Germany and Scandinavia. While the PS paid less attention to the PCP on its left and more attention to the PSD, party leaders shed Marxist trappings. In the 1986 PS official program, for example, the text does not include the word Marxism.
       Despite the party's election victories in the mid- and late-1990s, the leadership discovered that their grasp of power and their hegemony in governance at various levels was threatened by various factors: President Jorge Sampaio's second term, the constitution mandated, had to be his last.
       Following the defeat of the PS by the PSD in the municipal elections of December 2001, Premier Antônio Guterres resigned his post, and President Sampaio dissolved parliament and called parliamentary elections for the spring. In the 17 March 2002 elections, following Guterres's resignation as party leader, the PS was defeated by the PSD by a vote of 40 percent to 38 percent. Among the factors that brought about the socialists' departure from office was the worsening post-September 11 economy and disarray within the PS leadership circles, as well as charges of corruption among PS office holders. However, the PS won 45 percent of the vote in parliamentary elections of 2005, and the leader of the party, José Sócrates, a self-described "market-oriented socialist" became prime minister.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Socialist Party / Partido Socialista

  • 22 Social Democratic Party / Partido Social Democrático

       One of the two major political parties in democratic Portugal. It was established originally as the Popular Democratic Party / Partido Popular Democrático (PPD) in May 1974, following the Revolution of 25 April 1974 that overthrew the Estado Novo. The PPD had its roots in the "liberal wing" of the União Nacional, the single, legal party or movement allowed under the Estado Novo during the last phase of that regime, under Prime Minister Marcello Caetano. A number of future PPD leaders, such as Francisco Sá Carneiro and Francisco Balsemão, hoped to reform the Estado Novo from within, but soon became discouraged. After the 1974 Revolution, the PPD participated in two general elections (April 1975 and April 1976), which were crucial for the establishment and consolidation of democracy, and the party won sufficient votes to become the second largest political party after the Socialist Party (PS) in the number of seats held in the legislature, the Assembly of the Republic. The PPD voting results in those two elections were 26.4 percent and 24.4 percent, respectively.
       After the 1976 elections, the party changed its name from Partido Popular Democrático to Partido Social Democrático (PSD). As political opinion swung from the left to the center and center-right, and with the leadership of Francisco Sá Carneiro, the PSD gained greater popularity and strength, and from 1979 on, the party played an important role in government. After Sá Carneiro died in the air crash of December 1980, he was replaced as party chief and then prime minister by Francisco Balsemão, and then by Aníbal Cavaco Silva. As successors, these two leaders guided the PSD to a number of electoral victories, especially beginning in 1985. After 1987, the PSD held a majority of seats in parliament, a situation that lasted until 1995, when the Socialist Party (PS) won the election.
       The PSD's principal political program has featured the de-Marxi-fication of the 1976 Constitution and the economic system, a free-market economy with privatization of many state enterprises, and close ties with the European Economic Community (EEC) and subsequently the European Union (EU). After the PSD lost several general elections in 1995 and 1999, and following the withdrawal from office of former prime minister Cavaco Silva, a leadership succession crisis occurred in the party. The party leadership shifted from Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa to Manuel Durão Barroso, and, in 2004, Pedro Santana Lopes.
       During 2000 and 2001, as Portugal's economic situation worsened, the PS's popularity waned. In the December 2001 municipal elections, the PSD decisively defeated the PS and, as a result, Prime Minister António Guterres resigned. Parliamentary elections in March 2002 resulted in a Social Democratic victory, although its margin of victory over the PS was small (40 percent to 38 percent). Upon becoming premier in the spring of 2002, then, PSD leader Durão Barroso, in order to hold a slim majority of seats in the Assembly of the Republic, was obliged to govern in a coalition with the Popular Party (PP), formerly known as the Christian Democratic Party (CDS). Although the PSD had ousted the PS from office, the party confronted formidable economic and social problems. When Durão Barroso resigned to become president of the EU Commission, Pedro Santana Lopes became the PSD's leader, as prime minister in July 2004. Under Santana Lopes's leadership, the PSD lost the parliamentary elections of 2005 to the PS. Since then, the PSD has sought to regain its dominant position with the Portuguese electorate. It made some progress in doing so when its former leader, Cavaco Silva, was elected president of the Republic of 2006.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Social Democratic Party / Partido Social Democrático

  • 23 CPSU Communist Party of the Soviet Union

    CPSU Communist Party of the Soviet Union noun Коммунистическая партия Со-ветского Союза, КПСС

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > CPSU Communist Party of the Soviet Union

  • 24 Socialist Party

    Политическая партия; создана в 1901 в Индианаполисе В. Бергером [Berger, Victor L.], Дж. Харриманом [Harriman, Job] и М. Хилкуитом [ Hillquit, Morris] из Социалистической рабочей партии [ Socialist Labor Party of North America] и Ю. Дебсом [ Debs, Eugene Victor] из Профсоюза американских железнодорожников [American Railway Union] в результате слияния Социал-демократической партии [ Social-Democratic Party] и отколовшейся части Социалистической рабочей партии [ Socialist Labor Party of North America]. Правое крыло (М. Хилкуит, В. Бергер, Н. Томас [Thomas, Norman]) стремилось ограничить деятельность партии участием в избирательных кампаниях. Наибольшим влиянием в стране партия пользовалась в 1907-12, когда ее политика и действия определялись влиянием ее левого крыла (Ю. Дебс, У. Хейвуд [ Haywood, William Dudley (Big Bill)], Ч. Рутенберг [ Ruthenberg, Charles Emil]). В 1910-12 в партии состояло 118 тыс. членов. Примерно 1 тыс. членов партии была избрана в местные органы власти и органы власти штатов. В 1910 В. Бергер стал первым социалистом, избранным в Конгресс, а в 1912 Ю. Дебс набрал 6 процентов голосов избирателей на президентских выборах. В 1913 из исполкома партии был исключен председатель массовой рабочей организации "Индустриальные рабочие мира" [ Industrial Workers of the World] Ю. Дебс, и, лишившись боевого левого крыла, партия быстро потеряла свое влияние. Ослабленная репрессиями властей и уходом левых сил, партия безуспешно попыталась в 1924 поддержать кандидата независимой Прогрессивной партии Р. Лафоллетта [ La Follette, Robert Marion]. После 1948 в выборах не участвовала и влиянием не пользовалась

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Socialist Party

  • 25 Conservative Party

    пол., брит. консервативная партия (одна из двух ведущих партий Великобритании; выступает за постепенные преобразования и минимальное вмешательство государства в социально-экономическую сферу; образована в 1867 г. на базе партии тори)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Conservative Party

  • 26 Conservative Party

    Консервати́вная па́ртия (одна из двух крупнейших буржуазных политических партий. Организационно оформилась в 1867 на базе партии тори [ Tory Party 1)]; выражает интересы монополистической буржуазии и крупных земельных собственников. Членство в партии официально не оформляется. Насчитывает ок. 2 млн. чел. Высшими органами партии номинально являются ежегодная конференция [Conservative Party Conference], Центральный совет [ Central Office] и исполнительный комитет [Executive Committee]; фактически вся полнота власти принадлежит лидеру партии)
    официальное название National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > Conservative Party

  • 27 Sharecroppers' Union

    Радикальная организация арендаторов-издольщиков [ croppers] Алабамы, созданная в 1931 по инициативе Коммунистической партии США [ Communist Party of the United States]. Значительную часть членов составляли негры. Существовала до начала 1940-х гг.
    тж Croppers' Union

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Sharecroppers' Union

  • 28 National Union of Conservative and Unionist Organizations

    пол., брит. Национальный союз консервативных и юнионистских организаций ( официальное название Консервативной партии Великобритании)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > National Union of Conservative and Unionist Organizations

  • 29 Women’s Social and Political Union

    пол., брит. сокр. WSPU Женский социальный и политический союз (политическая партия, образовалась в 1903 г. из Лондонского отделения Национального женского социального и политического союза; впоследствии слилась с партией лейбористов)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Women’s Social and Political Union

  • 30 children's New Year party

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > children's New Year party

  • 31 American Civil Liberties Union

    сокр ACLU
    Организация социалистов-пацифистов, создана 1920. Расширила впоследствии сферу своей деятельности защитой конституционных и гражданских прав. Проводит исследования и пропагандистские кампании, в отдельных случаях осуществляет судебную защиту. Участвовала в крупнейших процессах: суде над Скоупсом [ Scopes Trial], деле "Браун против Совета по образованию" [ Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas]. В 1978 поддержала право Американской нацистской партии [American Nazi Party] на демонстрацию с использованием нацистских символов в г. Скоки, шт. Иллинойс. Имеет свои отделения во всех штатах США. Около 250 тыс. членов (1993). Штаб-квартира в г. Нью-Йорке. Издает ежемесячник "Первый принцип" [First Principle] и выходящий раз в два месяца "Сивил либертиз" [Civil Liberties]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > American Civil Liberties Union

  • 32 As goes Maine, so goes the Union

    "Как голосует Мэн, так голосует вся страна"
    Избирательный лозунг Республиканской партии [ Republican Party]. Впервые был выдвинут в период избирательной кампании 1840 вигами [ Whigs], считавшими итоги выборов в штате Мэн своего рода политическим барометром положения в стране
    тж "As Maine goes, so goes the Nation"

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > As goes Maine, so goes the Union

  • 33 National Labor Union

    сокр NLU; ист
    Первая общенациональная организация рабочих, созданная в 1866 в г. Балтиморе, шт. Мэриленд. Добилась от Конгресса установления 8-часового рабочего дня для работников предприятий федерального подчинения, в 1868 - отмены Закона о контрактном труде 1864 [Contract Labor Act of 1864], разрешавшего привлечение иностранных рабочих по контракту, выступала за проведение политических реформ. В 1872 объединяла около 650 тыс. рабочих, переименована в Национальную трудовую реформистскую партию [National Labor Reform Party]. Прекратила свое существование в период кризиса 1873 [Panic of 1873].

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > National Labor Union

  • 34 National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations

    Национа́льный сою́з консервати́вных и юниони́стских ассоциа́ций (см. Conservative Party)

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations

  • 35 Amalgamated Shearers' Union of Australia

    Объединённый профсоюз стригальщиков Австралии (создан в 1886 У. Г. Спенсером {W. G. Spencer}, кот. опирался на традиции солидарности рабочих; провал в 1890 общей забастовки членов профсоюза и портовиков вызвал осознание необходимости организованной политической борьбы трудящихся, что привело к созданию Австралийской лейбористской партии { Australian Labor Party}

    Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Amalgamated Shearers' Union of Australia

  • 36 All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

    Американский английский: ВКП

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

  • 37 Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

  • 38 Communist Party of the Soviet Union

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Communist Party of the Soviet Union

  • 39 the All-Union Communist Party (of Bolsheviks)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the All-Union Communist Party (of Bolsheviks)

  • 40 All-Union Communist Party

    Американский английский: (Bolsheviks) ВКП

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > All-Union Communist Party

См. также в других словарях:

  • Union Party — may be:* Union Party (Faroe Islands), a political party of the Faroe Islands * Union Party (Norway), a historical political party of Norway * Union Party (Ukraine), a political party of Ukraine * Papua and Niugini Union Pati, a political party of …   Wikipedia

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  • Union Party (United States) — The Union Party was a short lived political party in the United States, formed in 1936 by a coalition of radio priest Father Charles Coughlin, old age pension advocate Francis Townsend, and Gerald L. K. Smith, who had taken control of Huey Long s …   Wikipedia

  • Union Party (Faroe Islands) — The Union Party ( fo. Sambandsflokkurin, also translated Unionist Party) is a conservative liberal political party in the Faroe Islands. The party wants to maintain the Faroe Islands union with Denmark. In 2004 Kaj Leo Johannesen succeeded… …   Wikipedia

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  • Union Party (Armenia) — The Union Party is a political party in Armenia. In the 2007 Armenian parliamentary elections it didn t win any seat with a popular vote of 2.44 % …   Wikipedia

  • Union Party —    In 1936, various groups critical of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal gathered to oppose his reelection. They included Father Charles Coughlin and the National Union for Social Justice, William Lemke and the Nonpartisan League, Francis… …   Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era

  • Union Party (Ukraine) — The Party Union is a political party in Ukraine. In the 30 September 2007 elections, the party failed as part of the Electoral Bloc of Political Parties KUCHMA to win parliamentary representation …   Wikipedia

  • National Union Party (United States) — National Union Party Founded 1864 Dissolved 1868 …   Wikipedia

  • Democratic Union Party (Bukovina) — The Democratic Union Party (Romanian: Partidul Democrat al Unirei or Partidul Democrat al Unirii, PDU) was a political group in Romania, one of the political forces which claimed to represent the ethnic Romanian community of Bukovina province.… …   Wikipedia

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