1 uniform
uniform -
2 uniform
unifòrm -
3 uniform
uniform ['junɪfɔ:m]1 noununiforme m;∎ in school uniform en uniforme d'école;∎ to wear uniform porter l'uniforme∎ these boxes are all of uniform size ces boîtes sont toutes de la même grandeur►► Accountancy uniform accounting comptabilité f uniforme;Commerce uniform business rate = taxe assise sur la valeur des locaux commerciaux, ≃ taxe f professionnelle;uniform rate taux m uniforme -
4 uniform
uniform [ˈju:nɪfɔ:m]1. noununiforme m• out of uniform [policeman, soldier] en civil2. adjective[shape, size] identique ; [temperature] constant• of a uniform shape/size de forme/taille identique* * *['juːnɪfɔːm] 1.noun uniforme m2.out of uniform — Military en civil
adjective [temperature] constant; [shape, size, colour] identique -
5 uniform
B adj [temperature, acceleration] constant ; [shape, size, colour] identique ; uniform in appearance d'apparence identique. -
6 uniform
uniform accelerationравномерное ускорениеuniform loadравномерная нагрузкаuniform procedureединый порядок -
7 uniform
uniform [ˊju:nɪfɔ:m]1. n фо́рменная оде́жда, фо́рма2. a1) единообра́зный; однообра́зный; одноро́дный;uniform prices еди́ные це́ны
2) постоя́нный3) фо́рменный ( об одежде)3. v одева́ть в фо́рму -
8 uniform
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uniform gleichförmig, gleichmäßig, gleich bleibend, stetig; einheitlich, homogenEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > uniform
11 uniform
English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > uniform
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13 uniform
uniform 1. однообразный; одинаковый; 2. однородныйEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > uniform
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1. adjective(the same for all) einheitlich; (unvarying) gleich bleibend [Strömung, Temperatur, Qualität]; gleichmäßig [Tempo]2. nounbe uniform in shape/size/appearance — die gleiche Form/Größe/das gleiche Aussehen haben
Uniform, diein/out of uniform — in/ohne Uniform
be in/out of uniform — Uniform/keine Uniform tragen
* * *['ju:nifo:m] 1. adjective 2. noun((a set of) clothes worn by eg soldiers, children at a particular school etc: Full uniform must be worn; The new uniforms will arrive tomorrow.) die Uniform- academic.ru/93215/uniformed">uniformed- uniformity
- uniformly* * *uni·form[ˈju:nɪfɔ:m, AM -nəfɔ:rm]I. nnurse's \uniform Schwesterntracht f▪ to be in/out of \uniform eine/keine Uniform tragenII. adj1. (same) einheitlich2. (not changing) condition, quality, treatment gleich bleibend; temperature, rate, speed konstant; colour, sound, design einförmig, eintönig pej; scenery gleichförmig3. PHYS, ELEC\uniform field PHYS homogenes Feld* * *['juːnɪfɔːm]1. adj1) (= unvarying) length, colour, tax einheitlich; treatment gleich, einheitlich; temperature, pace gleichmäßig, gleichbleibend; (= lacking variation) life gleichförmig, eintönig (pej); thinking gleichartig, gleichförmig, uniform (pej); scenery einförmig, eintönig (pej)uniform in shape/size — von gleicher Form/Größe
2) (MIL, SCH ETC) Uniform-2. nUniform f; (fig: inf) uniformierter Polizist, uniformierte Polizistinin uniform —
in full uniform — in voller Uniform
out of uniform — in Zivil, ohne Uniform
* * *uniform [ˈjuːnıfɔː(r)m]A adj (adv uniformly)1. uniform, gleich(förmig)2. gleichbleibend, konstant (Temperatur etc)3. uniform, einheitlich, übereinstimmend, gleich, Einheits…:4. einförmig, eintönigB s Uniform f, Dienstkleidung f, (Schwestern- etc) Tracht f:in uniform in Uniform;a) Uniform tragen,b) weitS. beim Militär seinC v/t1. uniformieren, gleichförmig etc machen2. MIL etc jemanden uniformieren:uniformed uniformiert, in Uniform* * *1. adjective(the same for all) einheitlich; (unvarying) gleich bleibend [Strömung, Temperatur, Qualität]; gleichmäßig [Tempo]2. nounbe uniform in shape/size/appearance — die gleiche Form/Größe/das gleiche Aussehen haben
Uniform, diein/out of uniform — in/ohne Uniform
be in/out of uniform — Uniform/keine Uniform tragen
* * *adj.einheitlich adj.gleichförmig adj. n.Dienstanzug m.Uniform -en f. -
16 uniform
1. n форменная одежда, форма, униформа2. n воен. обмундирование, установленная форма одеждыofficial uniform — служебная форма; форменная одежда
3. a однообразный, единообразный4. a одинаковый, единый5. a форменный6. a однородный7. a постоянный, ровный8. a тех. сплошной9. a равномерный10. v делать однообразным11. v одевать в форменную одеждуСинонимический ряд:1. consistent (adj.) consistent; harmonious; homogeneous2. equal (adj.) equal; equivalent; identical; unvarying3. like (adj.) agnate; agreeing; akin; alike; analogous; comparable; consonant; corresponding; intercomparable; like; parallel; similar; such; suchlike; undifferenced; undifferentiated4. plain (adj.) plain; solid5. unvaried (adj.) constant; equable; even; invariable; regular; stabile; stable; steady; unchanged; unchanging; unfluctuating; unvaried; unwavering6. clothing (noun) attire; clothing; costume; dress; habit; livery; robe; vestment; wardrobeАнтонимический ряд:askew; awry; bizarre; confused; contorted; crooked; deranged; disjoined; dissimilar; distorted; divergent; diverse; diversified; grotesque; inconsistent; variable -
17 uniform
1) мундир
2) равномерный
3) униформный
4) <engin.> однородный
5) постоянный
6) единообразный
7) однообразный
8) равностепенный
9) всесторонний
10) сплошной
– not uniform
– roughly uniform
– uniform acceleration
– uniform approximation
– uniform attack
– uniform combustion
– uniform continuity
– uniform deformation
– uniform distribution
– uniform dyeing
– uniform encoding
– uniform flow
– uniform gravitation
– uniform grid
– uniform line
– uniform load
– uniform motion
– uniform rotation
– uniform sampling
test for uniform convergence — признак равномерной сходимости
uniform diffuse transmission — пропускание идеальнорассеянное
18 uniform
1. сущ. форменная одежда, форма to don a uniform, to put on a uniform ≈ надевать форменную одежду to wear a uniform ≈ носить одежду military uniform ≈ военная форма naval uniform ≈ морская форменная одежда nurse's uniform ≈ форменная одежда медсестры/сиделки parade uniform ≈ парадная форма police uniform ≈ форменная одежда отрядов полиции/милиции regulation uniform ≈ предписанная военная форма in uniform ≈ в форме out of uniform ≈ не в форме He was out of uniform when he was picked up by the military police. ≈ Он был не в форме, когда его задержала полиция.
2. прил.
1) единообразный;
одинаковый, однородный, унифицированный uniform prices ≈ единые цены Syn: monotonous, invariable
2) неизменный, неизменяемый, постоянный Syn: constant, permanent, invariable
3) форменный( об одежде) ;
относящийся к униформе
3. гл. одевать в форму форменная одежда, форма, униформа - school * школьная форма (военное) обмундирование, установленная форма одежды - out of * одетый не по форме;
в гражданской одежде - to put into * призывать на военную службу - * allowance экипировочные деньги однообразный, единообразный - * life однообразная жизнь - a row of * houses ряд совершенно одинаковых домов одинаковый, единый - a * application одинаковое применение - a * understanding единое понимание форменный (об одежде) однородный - * cargo однородный груз постоянный, ровный - keep the room at a * temperature поддерживайте в комнате постоянную температуру - * scale (топография) постоянный масштаб( техническое) сплошной( о покрытии) равномерный( о движении и т. п.) делать однообразным одевать в форменную одежду make ~ делать единообразным service ~ амер. воен. повседневная форма одежды uniform единообразный;
uniform prices единые цены ~ единообразный ~ одевать в форму ~ одинаковый ~ однообразный ~ однородный ~ постоянный ~ равномерный ~ форменная одежда, форма ~ форменный (об одежде) uniform единообразный;
uniform prices единые цены -
19 uniform
1. adjective(the same always or everywhere; not changing or varying: The sky was a uniform grey.) uniforme
2. noun((a set of) clothes worn by eg soldiers, children at a particular school etc: Full uniform must be worn; The new uniforms will arrive tomorrow.) uniforme- uniformity
- uniformly
uniform n uniformetr['jʊːnɪfɔːm]1 uniforme2 (temperature) constante1 uniforme nombre masculino\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLin uniform de uniforme, uniformado,-auniform ['ju:nə.fɔrm] adj: uniforme, homogéneo, constanteuniform n: uniforme mv.• uniformar v.adj.• uniforme adj.n.• uniforme s.m.
I 'juːnəfɔːrm, 'juːnɪfɔːmnoun uniforme mto be in uniform — ir* de uniforme, estar* uniformado; ( to be in the army) vestir* uniforme
adjective <shape/color/length> uniforme; <temperature/speed> constante['juːnɪfɔːm]1.ADJ [shape, size, colour] uniforme; [speed] constante; [rate, tariff] fijo, invariableto make sth uniform — hacer algo uniforme, uniformar algo
2.N uniforme mschool uniform — uniforme m escolar or de colegio
to be in/out of uniform — ir con/sin uniforme
dress 4.to wear (a) uniform — llevar uniforme, ir de uniforme
* * *
I ['juːnəfɔːrm, 'juːnɪfɔːm]noun uniforme mto be in uniform — ir* de uniforme, estar* uniformado; ( to be in the army) vestir* uniforme
adjective <shape/color/length> uniforme; <temperature/speed> constante -
20 uniform
I ['juːnɪfɔːm] II ['juːnɪfɔːm]nome uniforme f., divisa f.out of uniform — in borghese, in abiti civili
* * *['ju:nifo:m] 1. adjective(the same always or everywhere; not changing or varying: The sky was a uniform grey.) uniforme2. noun((a set of) clothes worn by eg soldiers, children at a particular school etc: Full uniform must be worn; The new uniforms will arrive tomorrow.) uniforme- uniformity
- uniformly* * *uniform (1) /ˈju:nɪfɔ:m/a.uniforme; costante: a uniform surface, una superficie uniforme; (fis.) uniform motion, moto uniforme; uniform rules, regole uniformi; uniform temperature, temperatura costanteuniformly avv. ♦ uniform (2) /ˈju:nɪfɔ:m/n.1 uniforme; divisa: school uniform, uniforme scolastica; a nurse's [police] uniform, una divisa da infermiera [della polizia]; an officer in uniform, un ufficiale in divisa; in full uniform, in alta uniforme● (mil.) dress uniform, alta (o grande) uniforme □ (mil.) undress uniform, divisa ordinaria; bassa tenuta.(to) uniform /ˈju:nɪfɔ:m/v. t.uniformare; rendere uniforme.* * *I ['juːnɪfɔːm] II ['juːnɪfɔːm]nome uniforme f., divisa f.out of uniform — in borghese, in abiti civili
См. также в других словарях:
uniform — uni·form adj: of, relating to, or based on a uniform act Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. uniform I … Law dictionary
uniform — [yo͞o′nə fôrm΄] adj. [MFr uniforme < L uniformis < unus,ONE + formis, FORM] 1. a) always the same; not varying or changing in form, rate, degree, manner, etc.; constant [a uniform speed] b) identical throughout a state, country, etc. [a… … English World dictionary
Uniform — U ni*form, a. [L. uniformis; unus one + forma from: cf. F. uniforme.] [1913 Webster] 1. Having always the same form, manner, or degree; not varying or variable; unchanging; consistent; equable; homogenous; as, the dress of the Asiatics has been… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Uniform — U ni*form, n. [F. uniforme. See {Uniform}, a.] A dress of a particular style or fashion worn by persons in the same service or order by means of which they have a distinctive appearance; as, the uniform of the artillery, of the police, of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
uniform — UNIFÓRM, Ă, uniformi, e, adj., s.f. 1. adj. (Adesea adverbial) Care are permanent şi pe toată întinderea sau durata aceeaşi formă, aceeaşi înfăţişare, aceeaşi intensitate, aceeaşi viteză, aceeaşi desfăşurare etc.; care este la fel, constant,… … Dicționar Român
Uniform — Sf std. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. uniforme, einer Substantivierung von frz. uniforme einheitlich, einförmig , dieses aus l. ūnifōrmis, zu l. ūnus ein und l. fōrma Gestalt, Figur . Verb: uniformieren; Adjektiv: uniform. Ebenso… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
uniform — UK US /ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/ adjective ► not changing or different in any way: »Making the rules more uniform should reduce the number of cases taken before district law courts. »A proposed new framework has been widely praised for providing a uniform… … Financial and business terms
uniform — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. uniformmie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} przepisowy ubiór, mający wskazywać na przynależność do określonej organizacji społecznej, grupy zawodowej, formacji militarnej, służby państwowej; mundur : {{/stl 7}}{{stl… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
Uniform — [Aufbauwortschatz (Rating 1500 3200)] Bsp.: • Er trug die Uniform der britischen Armee. • Und vielleicht werden manche Leute nervös, weil Motorradfahrer oft in Gruppen reisen und eine Art Uniform tragen. • Er sieht in seiner neuen Uniform gut aus … Deutsch Wörterbuch
Uniform — U ni*form, v. t. 1. To clothe with a uniform; as, to uniform a company of soldiers. [1913 Webster] 2. To make conformable. [Obs.] Sir P. Sidney. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
uniform — [adj1] consistent compatible, consonant, constant, equable, even, fated, fateful, fixed, habitual, homogeneous, immutable, incorrigible, inflexible, invariable, irreversible, level, methodical, monolithic, normal, of a piece*, ordered, orderly,… … New thesaurus