1 однородный
1. uniform2. uniformlyАвиация и космонавтика. Русско-английский словарь > однородный
2 однородный
1. homogeneous[lang name="Russian"]гомогенная система; однородная система — homogeneous system
[lang name="Russian"]однородная смесь; гомогенная смесь — homogeneous mixture
2. uniform; homogeneous3. uniformly4. unimodal -
3 однородный завершающий штрих
Perfume: uniform finishУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > однородный завершающий штрих
4 ровный завершающий штрих
Perfume: uniform finishУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > ровный завершающий штрих
5 обеспечивать
. давать•A coating of zinc is deposited on the wire to afford protection against corrosion.
•Reliability is a difficult thing to build into equipment.
•It may become necessary to reduce the amine concentrations to effect easier stripping of the amine solution.
•The system is used to ensure a constant rate of flow.
•The cylinder furnishes radiation shielding.
•Four-wheel steering gives exceptional manoeuvrability.
•The hard metal and ceramic structures adopted make for mechanical ruggedness.
•To obtain correct filter operation,...
•These gases offer better performance than nitrogen.
•The machines have been designed to permit of almost limitless possibilities in the field of...
•The diffuser provides a uniform illumination of the negative.
•The use of very large antennas will secure high efficiency in the radiation of...
•The above engineering features have given these boring mills a leading position throughout the country.
•To maintain high accuracy in milling operations,...
•The machine provides for copying intricate masters.
•Tunable dye lasers afford (or ensure) temporal resolution.
•The engine delivers (or gives) enough power.
•The overall goal is to realize the following characteristics:...
•In most finishing operations it is only necessary to impart a smooth finish to the wheel.
•The electronegativity difference between carbon and hydrogen is insufficient to produce a bond polarity high enough for effective hydrogen bonding.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > обеспечивать
6 отделка поверхности
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > отделка поверхности
См. также в других словарях:
United States Army Uniform in World War II — The United States Army in World War II used a variety of standard and non standard dress and battle uniforms, which often changed depending upon the theater of war, climatic environment, and supply exigencies.U.S. Army Combat UniformsM 1941… … Wikipedia
Airman Battle Uniform — The Airman Battle Uniform (ABU) is the new service distinctive camouflage battle dress uniform for the United States Air Force. It is currently in full production and is expected to completely replace the Battle Dress Uniform by Fiscal Year 2011 … Wikipedia
Service uniform — (Mil. & Nav.) The uniform prescribed in regulations for active or routine service, in distinction from dress, full dress, etc. In the United States army it is of olive drab woolen or khaki colored cotton, with all metal attachments of dull finish … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
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Powder coating — is a type of dry coating, which is applied as a free flowing, dry powder. The main difference between a conventional liquid paint and a powder coating is that the powder coating does not require a solvent to keep the binder and filler parts in a… … Wikipedia
Worshipful Company of Clothworkers — The Livery Hall of the Clothworkers Company in 1859. The Worshipful Company of Clothworkers was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1528, formed by the amalgamation of its two predecessor Companies, the Fullers (incorporated 1480) and the Shearmen… … Wikipedia
Hot water crust pastry — Hot water crust is a type of pastry used for savoury pies, such as pork pies, game pies and, more rarely, steak and kidney pies. Hot water crust was traditionally used for making hand raised pies.As the name suggests, the pastry is made by… … Wikipedia
Roy Roberts (inventor) — Roy Roberts was the inventor of the gripper rod (UK) or tack strip (USA) [ [http://tack strip.com/content/history.htm TackStrip.com Gripper Edge Tack Strip ] ] used to secure carpets.His innovation in 1938 revolutionised the fitting system for… … Wikipedia
Composition leather — is made from recycled leather off cuts, trimmings and shavings that would normally be sent by the leather industry to landfill. The type of leather specifically used in the manufacture of composition leather is called ‘wet blue’. This raw… … Wikipedia
floor covering — Finish material on floors, including wood strips, parquet, linoleum, vinyl, asphalt tile, rubber, cork, epoxy resins, ceramic tile, and carpeting. Wood strip flooring, attached to a subfloor of plywood, is most popular, especially for residences … Universalium
Cleveland Browns — Current season Established 1946 Play in Cleveland Browns Stadium Cleveland, Ohio Headquartered in the Cleveland Browns Training and Administrative Complex Berea, Ohio … Wikipedia