1 uneven
uneven [‚ʌn'i:vən](a) (line) irrégulier, qui n'est pas droit; (surface) irrégulier, rugueux; (ground) raboteux, accidenté; (edge) inégal;∎ she has uneven teeth ses dents sont irrégulières;∎ the floorboards are uneven les lattes du plancher ne sont pas toutes au même niveau(b) (unequal → contest, quality, distribution) inégal;∎ figurative his performance was very uneven il a joué de façon très inégale -
2 uneven
uneven braking acquisitionнеравномерное срабатывание тормозовuneven signatureискривленный профиль волныuneven use of fuelнеравномерная выработка топлива -
3 uneven
uneven [ʌnˊi:vn] a1) неро́вный; шерохова́тый2) неуравнове́шенный;of uneven temper име́ющий неуравнове́шенный хара́ктер
3) нечётный -
4 uneven
uneven [ˈʌnˈi:vən]b. ( = irregular) irrégulierc. ( = inconsistent) [quality, performance, distribution] inégal* * *[ʌn'iːvn]1) ( variable) [colouring, hem, results, rhythm, teeth] irrégulier/-ière; [contest, performance, surface] inégal; [voice] tremblant2) Sportuneven bars — barres fpl asymétriques
5 uneven
6 uneven
1 ( variable) [colouring, hem, pattern, pressure, results, rhythm, speed, teeth] irrégulier/-ière ; [contest, performance, quality, surface] inégal ; [voice] tremblant ; -
7 uneven
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English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > uneven
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[ʌn'iːvn]1) (variable) [colouring, hem, rhythm, teeth] irregolare; [ contest] impari; [ quality] disuguale; [ surface] accidentato, irregolare; [performance, results] discontinuo; [ voice] tremante2) sport* * *1) (not even: The road surface here is very uneven.) ineguale, irregolare2) ((of work etc) not all of the same quality: His work is very uneven.) irregolare•- unevenly* * *uneven /ʌnˈi:vn/a.1 irregolare; non uniforme: uneven ground, terreno irregolare; The floors in the cottage are very uneven, i pavimenti del cottage non sono affatto livellati4 iniquo; non equilibrato: the uneven distribution of benefits amongst different social groups, la distribuzione iniqua dei profitti fra gruppi sociali diversi; an uneven contest, una gara impari5 discontinuo; incostante; an uneven temper, un carattere incostante (o volubile); ( sport, ecc.) uneven performance, rendimento incostante● ( ginnastica) uneven parallel bars, parallele asimmetriche □ (autom.) «Uneven road» ( cartello), «strada dissestata».* * *[ʌn'iːvn]1) (variable) [colouring, hem, rhythm, teeth] irregolare; [ contest] impari; [ quality] disuguale; [ surface] accidentato, irregolare; [performance, results] discontinuo; [ voice] tremante2) sport -
11 uneven
adjective1) (not smooth) uneben* * *1) (not even: The road surface here is very uneven.) uneben•- academic.ru/78198/unevenness">unevenness- unevenly* * *un·even[ʌnˈi:vən]1. (not flat or level) unebenan \uneven road eine holprige Straße2. (unequal, asymmetrical) ungleich3. (unequal, unfair) unterschiedlich\uneven contest ungleicher Wettkampf\uneven treatment Ungleichbehandlung f\uneven performances schwankende Leistungen\uneven numbers ungerade Zahlen* * *[ʌn'iːvən]adj1) (= not level) surface uneben; (= irregular) line ungerade; thickness ungleich; pulse, breathing, teeth unregelmäßig; voice unsicher, schwankend; pace, rate, colour, distribution ungleichmäßig; quality unterschiedlich; temper unausgeglichen; contest, competition ungleich2) number ungerade* * *uneven adj (adv unevenly)1. uneben (Boden etc)2. ungerade (Zahl):uneven page Buchseite f mit ungerader Zahl3. ungleich (-mäßig, -artig):4. fig unausgeglichen:he has an uneven temper er ist unausgeglichen oder Stimmungen unterworfen;an uneven fight ein ungleicher Kampf* * *adjective1) (not smooth) uneben2) (not uniform) ungleichmäßig; unregelmäßig [Pulsschlag]; unausgeglichen [Temperament]* * *adj.uneben adj.ungerad adj.ungleichmäßig adj.ungrad adj. -
12 uneven
1) (not even: The road surface here is very uneven.) desigual, irregular2) ((of work etc) not all of the same quality: His work is very uneven.) desigual•- unevenly
uneven adj desigual / irregular / desniveladotr[ʌn'iːvən]1 (not level) desigual; (bumpy) accidentado,-a2 (varying) irregular, variable3 (road) lleno,-a de baches4 (unfairly matched) desigual5 SMALLMATHEMATICS/SMALL imparuneven [.ʌn'i:vən] adj1) odd: impar (dícese de un número)2) : desigual, desnivelado (dícese de una superficie)uneven terrain: terreno accidentado3) irregular: irregular, poco uniforme4) unequal: desigualadj.• accidentado, -a adj.• barrancoso, -a adj.• cerril adj.• desigual adj.• desparejo, -a adj.• fragoso, -a adj.• inconsistente adj.• ondulado, -a adj.• quebrado, -a adj.'ʌn'iːvən1)a) ( not straight) torcidob) ( not level) < surface> desigual, irregular, disparejo (AmL); < ground> desnivelado, desigual, disparejo (AmL)2)a) ( irregular) <breathing/pulse> irregularb) (not uniform, inconsistent) <color/paint> poco uniforme, disparejo (AmL); <performance/quality> desigual, dispar, disparejo (AmL)3) ( unequal) <widths/lengths/contest> desigual['ʌn'iːvǝn]ADJ1) (=not flat or straight) [surface, wall, road] desigual, irregular; [teeth] desigual2) (=irregular) [breathing, rate] irregular3) (=unfair) [distribution] desigual, poco equitativo; [contest] desigualthe uneven distribution of aid — la distribución desigual or poco equitativa de las ayudas
* * *['ʌn'iːvən]1)a) ( not straight) torcidob) ( not level) < surface> desigual, irregular, disparejo (AmL); < ground> desnivelado, desigual, disparejo (AmL)2)a) ( irregular) <breathing/pulse> irregularb) (not uniform, inconsistent) <color/paint> poco uniforme, disparejo (AmL); <performance/quality> desigual, dispar, disparejo (AmL)3) ( unequal) <widths/lengths/contest> desigual -
13 uneven
[ˈʌnˈi:vən]uneven неуравновешенный; of uneven temper имеющий неуравновешенный характер uneven неравномерный uneven неравный uneven неровный; шероховатый uneven неуравновешенный; of uneven temper имеющий неуравновешенный характер uneven нечетный uneven нечетный -
14 uneven
[ʌnʹi:v(ə)n] a1. 1) неровный, негладкий; шероховатыйuneven surface - неровная /шероховатая/ поверхность
2) неровный, колеблющийсяan uneven performance - неровное исполнение (музыки и т. п.)
2. неравныйan uneven confrontation [contest] - конфронтация [состязание] с неравными силами
3. неуравновешенный4. нерегулярный; неправильный5. мат. нечётный -
15 uneven
adj1) нерівний2) неоднаковий, нерівноцінний3) неврівноважений4) нерегулярний, неправильний5) мат. непарний* * *a1) нерівний, негладкий; шорсткийuneven surface — нерівна /шорстка/ поверхня; нерівний, що коливається
2) нерівнийan uneven confrontation [contest] — конфронтація [сзмагання]з нерівними силами
4) нерегулярний; неправильний5) мaт. непарний -
16 uneven
неровный имя прилагательное: -
17 uneven
1. a неровный, негладкий; шероховатый2. a неровный, колеблющийся3. a неравный4. a неуравновешенный5. a нерегулярный; неправильный6. a мат. нечётныйСинонимический ряд:1. bent (adj.) bent; skewed2. broken (adj.) broken; coarse; gnarled3. crooked (adj.) asymmetric; crooked; irregular4. jagged (adj.) bumpy; intermittent; jagged; lumpy; serrated; spasmodic; unpolished5. lopsided (adj.) asymmetrical; difform; disproportional; disproportionate; lopsided; nonsymmetrical; off-balance; overbalanced; proportionless; unbalanced; unequal; unproportionate; unsymmetrical6. rough (adj.) asperous; cragged; craggy; hairy; harsh; ironbound; ragged; rough; rugged; scabrous; scraggy; unlevel; unsmooth7. variable (adj.) inconsistent; irregular; on-again-off-again; patchy; spotty; unsteady; variableАнтонимический ряд:smooth; straight; symmetrical -
18 uneven
1) ( not flat or level) uneben;an \uneven road eine holprige Straße2) (unequal, asymmetrical) ungleich;3) (unequal, unfair) unterschiedlich;\uneven contest ungleicher Wettkampf;\uneven treatment Ungleichbehandlung f;\uneven performances schwankende Leistungen\uneven numbers ungerade Zahlen -
19 uneven
20 uneven
a1) нерівний, негладкий; шорсткийuneven surface — нерівна /шорстка/ поверхня; нерівний, що коливається
2) нерівнийan uneven confrontation [contest] — конфронтація [сзмагання]з нерівними силами
4) нерегулярний; неправильний5) мaт. непарний
См. также в других словарях:
uneven — UK US /ʌnˈiːvən/ adjective ► not following a regular or steady pattern, or not the same in every part: »The regional impact of the fall in house prices is uneven, with modest declines predicted in the south east, while values are set to fall much … Financial and business terms
Uneven — Un*e ven, a. [AS. unefen. See {Un } not, and {Even}, a.] 1. Not even; not level; not uniform; rough; as, an uneven road or way; uneven ground. [1913 Webster] 2. Not equal; not of equal length. [1913 Webster] Hebrew verse consists of uneven feet.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
uneven — index broken (interrupted), disordered, disorderly, disparate, disproportionate, inequitable, one sided … Law dictionary
uneven — O.E. unefen unequal, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + EVEN (Cf. even). Cf. O.Fris. oniovn, M.Du. oneven, O.H.G. uneban, Ger. uneben, O.N. ujafn. Meaning irregular, broken, rugged (in ref. to terrain, etc.) is recorded from late 13c … Etymology dictionary
uneven — *rough, harsh, rugged, scabrous Antonyms: even Contrasted words: *level, flat, plane, smooth: equable, even, uniform, *steady, constant … New Dictionary of Synonyms
uneven — [adj] not smooth or balanced asperous, asymmetrical, broken, bumpy, changeable, craggy, differing, discrepant, disparate, disproportionate, fitful, fluctuating, harsh, ill matched, intermittent, irregular, jagged, jerky, leftover, lopsided,… … New thesaurus
uneven — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not level or smooth. 2) not regular, consistent, or equal. DERIVATIVES unevenly adverb unevenness noun … English terms dictionary
uneven — [un ē′vən] adj. [ME < OE unefen] not even; specif., a) not level, smooth, or flat; rough; irregular b) not straight or parallel c) unequal, as in length or thickness d) not uniform; varying; fluctuating e) not equally balanced or matched … English World dictionary
uneven — [[t]ʌ̱ni͟ːv(ə)n[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED An uneven surface or edge is not smooth, flat, or straight. He staggered on the uneven surface of the car park... She gazed round the church at the grey uneven walls and the vivid stained glass windows.… … English dictionary
uneven — adjective Date: before 12th century 1. a. archaic unequal 1a b. odd 3a 2. a. not even ; not level or smooth ; rugged, ragged < large uneven teeth > … New Collegiate Dictionary
uneven — un|e|ven [ʌnˈi:vən] adj 1.) not smooth, flat, or level ▪ She walked back carefully over the uneven ground. 2.) not regular ▪ His breathing had become uneven. ▪ uneven rates of development 3.) not equal or equally balanced ▪ an uneven distribution … Dictionary of contemporary English