1 unemployment benefit
unemployment benefit пособие по безработице -
2 unemployment benefit
3 unemployment benefit
пособие по безработице имя существительное:пособие по безработице (unemployment benefit, dole, relief) -
4 unemployment benefit
5 unemployment benefit
sickness benefit — пособие по болезни; выплата по бюллетеню
unemployed on benefit — безработный, получающий пособие
English-Russian big medical dictionary > unemployment benefit
6 unemployment benefit
1) unemployment (sickness, maternity) benefit пособие по безработице (по болезни, на детей)English-Russian combinatory dictionary > unemployment benefit
7 unemployment benefit
пособие по безработице пособие по безработицeБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > unemployment benefit
8 unemployment benefit
пособие по безработице ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > unemployment benefit
9 unemployment benefit
пособие по безработицеАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > unemployment benefit
10 unemployment benefit
1) Общая лексика: пособие по безработице2) Социология: льготы по безработице -
11 unemployment benefit
пособие по безработицеАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > unemployment benefit
12 unemployment benefit
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15 unemployment benefit
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > unemployment benefit
16 unemployment benefit
[,ʌnɪm'plɔɪmənt,benɪfɪt]посо́бие по безрабо́тице ( выплачивается государством при сроке безработицы до одного года)English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > unemployment benefit
Пособие по безработице
Выплаты из государственного бюджета, направляемые на поддержание минимального уровня жизни временно безработных. В большинстве стран мира все работающее население платит взносы в фонд социального страхования в обмен на право получения пособия по безработице. См. Jobseekers allowance, Job centre, Government expenditure, Social security benefits.Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. > UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT
18 unemployment benefit
19 unemployment benefit
пособие по безработицеEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > unemployment benefit
20 unemployment benefit
См. также в других словарях:
unemployment benefit — ➔ benefit1 * * * unemployment benefit UK US noun [C or U] UK (US unemployment benefits [plural]) ► GOVERNMENT money that the government pays regularly to unemployed people who are looking for a job. The term unemployment benefit was officially… … Financial and business terms
unemployment benefit — unemployment benefits N UNCOUNT: also N in pl Unemployment benefit is money that some people receive from the state when they do not have a job and are unable to find one. In 1986 more than three million were receiving unemployment benefit...… … English dictionary
unemployment benefit — ► NOUN ▪ payment made by the state or a trade union to an unemployed person … English terms dictionary
unemployment benefit — noun : payment (as by a union or an employer or according to the provisions of a governmental social security program) to an unemployed worker of a sum of money per week compare dole * * * unemˈployment benefit [unemployment benefit] (BrE) ( … Useful english dictionary
unemployment benefit — unem ployment .benefit BrE unem ployment .benefits/compen.sation AmE n [U] money paid regularly by the government to people who have no job on unemployment benefit (=be getting unemployment benefit) ▪ people on unemployment benefit … Dictionary of contemporary English
unemployment benefit — unem ployment ,benefit noun uncount BRITISH UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unemployment benefit — an allowance of money paid, usually weekly, to an unemployed worker by a state or federal agency or by the worker s labor union or former employer during all or part of the period of unemployment. Also called unemployment compensation. [1925 30]… … Universalium
unemployment benefit — noun see unemployment compensation … New Collegiate Dictionary
unemployment benefit — BrE unemployment compensation AmE noun (U) money paid regularly by he government to people who do not have a job … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
unemployment benefit — UK / US noun [uncountable] British money provided by the government to someone who does not have a job. The American word is unemployment compensation … English dictionary
unemployment benefit — unemploy′ment ben efit n. bus a usu. weekly payment of money to an unemployed worker under an unemployment insurance program. Also called unemploy′ment compensa tion • Etymology: 1925–30 … From formal English to slang