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См. также в других словарях:

  • undistributed profit — ➔ profit1 …   Financial and business terms

  • undistributed profit — Profit earned by an organization but not distributed to its shareholders by way of dividends. Such sums are available for later distribution but are frequently used by companies to finance their activities. See: retained earnings …   Accounting dictionary

  • undistributed profit — Profit earned by an organization but not distributed to its shareholders by way of dividends Such sums are available for later distribution but are frequently used by companies to finance their activities. See retained earnings …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • undistributed profit — /ˌʌndɪstrɪbju:tɪd prɒfɪt/ noun a profit which has not been distributed as dividends to shareholders …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • undistributed — UK US /ˌʌndɪˈstrɪbjʊtɪd/ adjective ACCOUNTING, FINANCE ► used to describe the part of a company s profits that it has kept rather than paid to shareholders: undistributed earnings/profit »The Chancellor is considering changes to the tax treatment …   Financial and business terms

  • profit — prof·it n 1: gain in excess of expenditures: as a: the excess of the selling price of goods over their cost b: net income from a business, investment, or capital appreciation compare earnings, loss …   Law dictionary

  • profit — total revenue less total expenses for a period of time calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Glossary of Business Terms Revenue minus cost. The amount one makes on a transaction. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary *… …   Financial and business terms

  • profit — Most commonly, the gross proceeds of a business transaction less the costs of the transaction; i.e. net proceeds. Excess of revenues over expenses for a transaction; sometimes used synonymously with net income for the period. Gain realized from… …   Black's law dictionary

  • gross operating profit — общая прибыль от эксплуатации гостиницы undistributed profit tax налог на нераспределенную прибыль profit maximizating condition условие максимизации прибыли trading profit торговая прибыль; производственная прибыль profit sharing bond облигация… …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • Surplus value — is a concept created by Karl Marx in his critique of political economy, where its ultimate source is unpaid surplus labor performed by the worker for the capitalist, serving as a basis for capital accumulation.The German equivalent word Mehrwert… …   Wikipedia

  • Нераспределенная прибыль — (retained earnings, retentions) Прибыли, полученные компанией на данный момент, но еще не распределенные между акционерами в виде дивидендов. Подобные прибыли часто называются резервами, созданными из прибыли (См.: резервный фонд (reserve) и… …   Финансовый словарь

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