1 under the harrow of affliction
Макаров: под тяжестью горяУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > under the harrow of affliction
2 Harrow
1. n геогр. Харроу2. n боронаweeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
3. n расположение или построение по диагонали4. v боронить, бороновать5. v поддаваться боронованию6. v процарапывать7. v мучить, терзать8. v арх. грабить; разорять, опустошатьСинонимический ряд:1. farm implement (noun) cultivator; farm implement; plough; plow; rake; scourer; shovel; tiller; tilling disks; tractor accessory2. afflict (verb) afflict; agonize; crucify; excruciate; martyr; martyrize; rack; smite; strike; torment; torture; try; wring3. cultivate (verb) break clods; cultivate; drag; grade; plough; plow; rake; scour; smooth; till4. sack (verb) depredate; loot; pillage; plunder; rape; ravage; sack
См. также в других словарях:
Under the harrow — Harrow Har row (h[a^]r r[ o]), n. [OE. harowe, harwe, AS. hearge; cf. D. hark rake, G. harke, Icel. herfi harrow, Dan. harve, Sw. harf. [root]16.] 1. An implement of agriculture, usually formed of pieces of timber or metal crossing each other,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Harrow — Har row (h[a^]r r[ o]), n. [OE. harowe, harwe, AS. hearge; cf. D. hark rake, G. harke, Icel. herfi harrow, Dan. harve, Sw. harf. [root]16.] 1. An implement of agriculture, usually formed of pieces of timber or metal crossing each other, and set… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bush harrow — Harrow Har row (h[a^]r r[ o]), n. [OE. harowe, harwe, AS. hearge; cf. D. hark rake, G. harke, Icel. herfi harrow, Dan. harve, Sw. harf. [root]16.] 1. An implement of agriculture, usually formed of pieces of timber or metal crossing each other,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Drill harrow — Harrow Har row (h[a^]r r[ o]), n. [OE. harowe, harwe, AS. hearge; cf. D. hark rake, G. harke, Icel. herfi harrow, Dan. harve, Sw. harf. [root]16.] 1. An implement of agriculture, usually formed of pieces of timber or metal crossing each other,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adversity — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Ill fortune Nouns 1. (difficulty) adversity, affliction; bad, ill, adverse, or hard luck or fortune, Weltschmerz; evil lot; force majeur, frowns of fortune; evil star or genius; ups and downs of life,… … English dictionary for students
suffering — Synonyms and related words: Schmerz, ache, aches and pains, aching, admissive, adversity, afflicted, affliction, agonized, agony, allowing, blow, consenting, convulsed, cramp, crucified, cut, discomfort, distress, distressed, dolor, grief,… … Moby Thesaurus
Health and Disease — ▪ 2009 Introduction Food and Drug Safety. In 2008 the contamination of infant formula and related dairy products with melamine in China led to widespread health problems in children, including urinary problems and possible renal tube… … Universalium
pain — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Suffering Noun 1. pain, suffering, sufferance; hurt, cut; discomfort, painfulness; discomfort, malaise; nightmare; anguish, agony, misery, excruciation, torment, torture, rack; Weltschmerz; distress,… … English dictionary for students