1 under arrest
под аре́стомyou are under arrest — вы аресто́ваны
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > under arrest
2 under arrest
1) Общая лексика: под арестом, под запретом2) Юридический термин: арест под арестом3) Деловая лексика: под стражей -
3 under arrest
4 under arrest
5 under arrest
под арестомEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > under arrest
6 under arrest
7 you are under arrest
юр.Н.П. "вы арестованы" -
8 be under arrest
1) Общая лексика: находиться под арестом2) Военный термин: содержаться под арестом, содержаться под стражей -
9 communicate with a person under arrest
Дипломатический термин: сноситься с лицом, находящимся под арестом (или задержанным)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > communicate with a person under arrest
10 goods under arrest
Экономика: груз, находящийся под арестом, товар, на который наложен арест -
11 group of persons under arrest
Общая лексика: этап (in transit)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > group of persons under arrest
12 keep under arrest
Военный термин: задерживать, содержать под стражей -
13 person under arrest
Юридический термин: арестованный -
14 place (smb.) under arrest
Макаров: арестовать (кого-л.), взять под стражу (кого-л.)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > place (smb.) under arrest
15 place under arrest
1) Морской термин: посадить под арест2) Юридический термин: арестовать -
16 put (smb.) under arrest
Макаров: арестовать (кого-л.), взять под стражу (кого-л.)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > put (smb.) under arrest
17 put the leader under arrest
СМИ: арестовывать лидераУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > put the leader under arrest
18 put under arrest
1) Юридический термин: арестованный, арестовать, арестовывать -
19 putting under arrest
Юридический термин: арест, арестовывающий -
20 to be under arrest
Юридический термин: состоять под арестом
См. также в других словарях:
under arrest — {adj. phr.} Held by the police. * /The man believed to have robbed the bank was placed under arrest./ * /The three boys were seen breaking into the school building and soon found themselves under arrest./ … Dictionary of American idioms
under arrest — {adj. phr.} Held by the police. * /The man believed to have robbed the bank was placed under arrest./ * /The three boys were seen breaking into the school building and soon found themselves under arrest./ … Dictionary of American idioms
under arrest — index arrested (apprehended), in custody Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
under\ arrest — adj. phr. Held by the police. The man believed to have robbed the bank was placed under arrest. The three boys were seen breaking into the school building and soon found themselves under arrest … Словарь американских идиом
under arrest — phrasal : in legal custody : arrested * * * under arrest Having been apprehended by legal authority, held in custody • • • Main Entry: ↑arrest … Useful english dictionary
under arrest — stopped and taken away by the police, busted Jean, you are under arrest. What for, sir? For stealing a loaf of bread … English idioms
under arrest — held by police in connection with a crime. Police claim they have one of the gunmen under arrest … New idioms dictionary
under arrest — phrasal in legal custody … New Collegiate Dictionary
under arrest — adjective Arrested or being arrested … Wiktionary
under arrest — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. arrested, caught, apprehended, taken into custody, seized, taken in, handcuffed, confined, jailed, imprisoned, detained, shut up, penned up, put in irons, sent to prison, sent to jail, busted*, pinched*, booked*,… … English dictionary for students
under arrest — arrested; imprisoned … English contemporary dictionary