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  • 61 complicar las cosas

    (v.) = make + things complex, add + salt to the wound, add + salt to injury, add + insult to injury, rub + salt in the wound
    Ex. If a sort facility is required, for instance, it will make things complex if authors are entered as: JOHN HUNT ERIC SMITH etc. = Si, por ejemplo, se necesita una herramienta para la ordenación, las cosas se complicarán si los autores se introduce del siguiente modo: JOHN HUNT ERIC SMITH etc.
    Ex. To add salt to the wound, weaknesses and vulnerabilities in computers have grown over 4 times in the past two years.
    Ex. Retailers are just adding salt to injury by rack up the price even more.
    Ex. It seems McDonalds are seeking to add insult to injury by negotiating directly with non-union staff.
    Ex. He even rubbed salt in the wound when he indicated that Obama could turn on that 'Negro dialect' whenever it suited his demagogic purposes.
    * * *
    (v.) = make + things complex, add + salt to the wound, add + salt to injury, add + insult to injury, rub + salt in the wound

    Ex: If a sort facility is required, for instance, it will make things complex if authors are entered as: JOHN HUNT ERIC SMITH etc. = Si, por ejemplo, se necesita una herramienta para la ordenación, las cosas se complicarán si los autores se introduce del siguiente modo: JOHN HUNT ERIC SMITH etc.

    Ex: To add salt to the wound, weaknesses and vulnerabilities in computers have grown over 4 times in the past two years.
    Ex: Retailers are just adding salt to injury by rack up the price even more.
    Ex: It seems McDonalds are seeking to add insult to injury by negotiating directly with non-union staff.
    Ex: He even rubbed salt in the wound when he indicated that Obama could turn on that 'Negro dialect' whenever it suited his demagogic purposes.

    Spanish-English dictionary > complicar las cosas

  • 62 comunicación dentro de una organización

    Ex. When organizational communication works well, every ofther facet of management is enhanced; if it derails, other aspects of directing falter as well = Cuando la comunicación dentro de una organización funciona bien, las demás facetas de la gestión mejoran; no obstante, si falla, los otros aspectos de la dirección flaquean también.
    * * *

    Ex: When organizational communication works well, every ofther facet of management is enhanced; if it derails, other aspects of directing falter as well = Cuando la comunicación dentro de una organización funciona bien, las demás facetas de la gestión mejoran; no obstante, si falla, los otros aspectos de la dirección flaquean también.

    Spanish-English dictionary > comunicación dentro de una organización

  • 63 tener una ventaja

    (v.) = get + a head start, have + an edge
    Ex. Just a little bus on wheels but preschoolers get a head start.
    Ex. Any librarian who is fluent in Spanish will have an edge in applying for a public service position in most public libraries today = Cualquier bibliotecario que hable con fluidez el español tendrá una ventaja al solicitar un puesto público en la mayoría de las bibliotecas públicas actuales.
    * * *
    (v.) = get + a head start, have + an edge

    Ex: Just a little bus on wheels but preschoolers get a head start.

    Ex: Any librarian who is fluent in Spanish will have an edge in applying for a public service position in most public libraries today = Cualquier bibliotecario que hable con fluidez el español tendrá una ventaja al solicitar un puesto público en la mayoría de las bibliotecas públicas actuales.

    Spanish-English dictionary > tener una ventaja

  • 64 cumplir con una obligación

    (v.) = live up to + Posesivo + obligation, fulfil + obligation, honour + obligation
    Ex. Danish libraries must include video in their services if they wish to live up to their obligation as regards giving users the possibility of personal enrichment = Las bibliotecas danesas deben incluir el vídeo en sus servicios si desean cumplir con su oblicación de dar a los usuarios la posibilidad del enriquecimiento personal.
    Ex. This agreement must build in incentives to participating libraries as well as methods of censuring those participants which do not fulfil their obligations to the other participating libraries in the network = Este acuerdo debe incorporar incentivos para las bibliotecas participantes así cómo la forma de llamarle la atención a aquellos participantes que no cumplan sus obligaciones con las otras bibliotecas de la red.
    Ex. According to the market regulator, the traders would be required to mandatorily honour the obligation of delivering the shares at the time of settlement.
    * * *
    (v.) = live up to + Posesivo + obligation, fulfil + obligation, honour + obligation

    Ex: Danish libraries must include video in their services if they wish to live up to their obligation as regards giving users the possibility of personal enrichment = Las bibliotecas danesas deben incluir el vídeo en sus servicios si desean cumplir con su oblicación de dar a los usuarios la posibilidad del enriquecimiento personal.

    Ex: This agreement must build in incentives to participating libraries as well as methods of censuring those participants which do not fulfil their obligations to the other participating libraries in the network = Este acuerdo debe incorporar incentivos para las bibliotecas participantes así cómo la forma de llamarle la atención a aquellos participantes que no cumplan sus obligaciones con las otras bibliotecas de la red.
    Ex: According to the market regulator, the traders would be required to mandatorily honour the obligation of delivering the shares at the time of settlement.

    Spanish-English dictionary > cumplir con una obligación

  • 65 estar pegado a las faldas de una mujer

    estar pegado a las faldas de una mujer
    unter dem Pantoffel einer Frau stehen

    Diccionario Español-Alemán > estar pegado a las faldas de una mujer

  • 66 pasar las mil y una

    pasar las mil y una
    viel durchmachen

    Diccionario Español-Alemán > pasar las mil y una

  • 67 defender una causa

    DERECHO to argue a case
    * * *
    (v.) = promote + cause, support + cause, champion + cause
    Ex. The teaching profession's spirit of renewal in recent years has promoted the cause of school libraries from within the schools themselves.
    Ex. There is a number of members of the US Congress who have supported the cause of libraries = Hay ciertos miembros del Congreso de los Estados Unidos que han apoyado la causa de las bibliotecas.
    Ex. Although the Commission has championed the cause of women's rights by providing legislation, financial support and information, data on women were previously scattered and difficult to obtain.
    * * *
    (v.) = promote + cause, support + cause, champion + cause

    Ex: The teaching profession's spirit of renewal in recent years has promoted the cause of school libraries from within the schools themselves.

    Ex: There is a number of members of the US Congress who have supported the cause of libraries = Hay ciertos miembros del Congreso de los Estados Unidos que han apoyado la causa de las bibliotecas.
    Ex: Although the Commission has championed the cause of women's rights by providing legislation, financial support and information, data on women were previously scattered and difficult to obtain.

    Spanish-English dictionary > defender una causa

  • 68 adoptar una decisión

    (v.) = adopt + decision
    Ex. The European Commission has issued a time schedule for measures which will follow the decisions adopted = La Comisión Europea ha publicado un calendario de las medidas que se tomarán trás las decisiones adoptadas.
    * * *
    (v.) = adopt + decision

    Ex: The European Commission has issued a time schedule for measures which will follow the decisions adopted = La Comisión Europea ha publicado un calendario de las medidas que se tomarán trás las decisiones adoptadas.

    Spanish-English dictionary > adoptar una decisión

  • 69 crear una colección

    (v.) = build + collection
    Ex. It is difficult for librarians to judge objectively the accuracy of all materials and they should build collections that provide access to the views of the deniers as well as to those who refute them = Es difícil para los bibliotecarios evaluar objetivamente la fiabilidad de todos los materiales y deberían formar colecciones que ofrezcan acceso a las opiniones de los refutadores además de a las de aquellos que los refutan.
    * * *
    (v.) = build + collection

    Ex: It is difficult for librarians to judge objectively the accuracy of all materials and they should build collections that provide access to the views of the deniers as well as to those who refute them = Es difícil para los bibliotecarios evaluar objetivamente la fiabilidad de todos los materiales y deberían formar colecciones que ofrezcan acceso a las opiniones de los refutadores además de a las de aquellos que los refutan.

    Spanish-English dictionary > crear una colección

  • 70 formar una colección

    (v.) = build + collection
    Ex. It is difficult for librarians to judge objectively the accuracy of all materials and they should build collections that provide access to the views of the deniers as well as to those who refute them = Es difícil para los bibliotecarios evaluar objetivamente la fiabilidad de todos los materiales y deberían formar colecciones que ofrezcan acceso a las opiniones de los refutadores además de a las de aquellos que los refutan.
    * * *
    (v.) = build + collection

    Ex: It is difficult for librarians to judge objectively the accuracy of all materials and they should build collections that provide access to the views of the deniers as well as to those who refute them = Es difícil para los bibliotecarios evaluar objetivamente la fiabilidad de todos los materiales y deberían formar colecciones que ofrezcan acceso a las opiniones de los refutadores además de a las de aquellos que los refutan.

    Spanish-English dictionary > formar una colección

  • 71 tomar una decisión

    (v.) = make + decision, make + judgement, take + decision, reach + decision, make up + Posesivo + (own) mind, adopt + decision
    Ex. However, once a decision has been made to group similar types of entries other difficulties emerge in defining the categories.
    Ex. Human indexers sometimes make inappropriate judgements, misinterpret ideas, have lapses of memory or concentration, and generate omissions and inconsistencies in their indexing.
    Ex. It is becoming urgently necessary for libraries to take a decision as to their role in information dissemination.
    Ex. From a social point of view, information technology promises changes in the way we communicate and reach decisions.
    Ex. Like a good introducer, the author leads students to the text, presents the difficulties and alternatives, and then retreats to allow them to make up their own mind.
    Ex. The European Commission has issued a time schedule for measures which will follow the decisions adopted = La Comisión Europea ha publicado un calendario de las medidas que se tomarán trás las decisiones adoptadas.
    * * *
    (v.) = make + decision, make + judgement, take + decision, reach + decision, make up + Posesivo + (own) mind, adopt + decision

    Ex: However, once a decision has been made to group similar types of entries other difficulties emerge in defining the categories.

    Ex: Human indexers sometimes make inappropriate judgements, misinterpret ideas, have lapses of memory or concentration, and generate omissions and inconsistencies in their indexing.
    Ex: It is becoming urgently necessary for libraries to take a decision as to their role in information dissemination.
    Ex: From a social point of view, information technology promises changes in the way we communicate and reach decisions.
    Ex: Like a good introducer, the author leads students to the text, presents the difficulties and alternatives, and then retreats to allow them to make up their own mind.
    Ex: The European Commission has issued a time schedule for measures which will follow the decisions adopted = La Comisión Europea ha publicado un calendario de las medidas que se tomarán trás las decisiones adoptadas.

    Spanish-English dictionary > tomar una decisión

  • 72 Con el tiempo y una caña hasta los verdes se alcanzan

    [lang name="SpanishTraditionalSort"]Con el tiempo y una caña todo se alcanza.
    [lang name="SpanishTraditionalSort"][los higos y las brevas se alcanzan con una caña (los maduros a veces se caen sacudiendo la higuera)]
    Mit Geduld und Ausdauer kann man alles erreicht.
    Was noch nicht ist, kann ja noch werden.
    Mit der Zeit wird etwas erreicht.
    Mit Geduld und Spucke fängt man manche Mucke.

    Proverbios, refranes y dichos españoles con sus equivalencias en alemán > Con el tiempo y una caña hasta los verdes se alcanzan

  • 73 apostár{(se)}las a uno

    1) бросать вызов, вызывать на состязание
    se las apuesta con cualquiera a una cosa — он с кем угодно может потягаться

    БИРС > apostár{(se)}las a uno

  • 74 apostár{(se)}las con uno

    1) бросать вызов, вызывать на состязание
    se las apuesta con cualquiera a una cosa — он с кем угодно может потягаться

    БИРС > apostár{(se)}las con uno

  • 75 apostár{(}se{)}las a uno

    1) бросать вызов, вызывать на состязание
    se las apuesta con cualquiera a una cosa — он с кем угодно может потягаться

    БИРС > apostár{(}se{)}las a uno

  • 76 apostár{(}se{)}las con uno

    1) бросать вызов, вызывать на состязание
    se las apuesta con cualquiera a una cosa — он с кем угодно может потягаться

    БИРС > apostár{(}se{)}las con uno

  • 77 apoyar una causa

    (v.) = forward + cause, support + cause
    Ex. At the same time we traditionally record the departure of those who have completed terms of office and who have given much of their time and some of their lives to forwarding the cause of libraries and librarianship.
    Ex. There is a number of members of the US Congress who have supported the cause of libraries = Hay ciertos miembros del Congreso de los Estados Unidos que han apoyado la causa de las bibliotecas.
    * * *
    (v.) = forward + cause, support + cause

    Ex: At the same time we traditionally record the departure of those who have completed terms of office and who have given much of their time and some of their lives to forwarding the cause of libraries and librarianship.

    Ex: There is a number of members of the US Congress who have supported the cause of libraries = Hay ciertos miembros del Congreso de los Estados Unidos que han apoyado la causa de las bibliotecas.

    Spanish-English dictionary > apoyar una causa

  • 78 cumplir una promesa

    (v.) = fulfil + promise, live up to + Posesivo + promise, keep + Posesivo + promise
    Ex. If the contractor defaults in his performance and fails to fulfill his contractual promises, the surety can itself complete the contract, or pay damages up to the limit of the bond.
    Ex. Increasingly, organizations are looking towards information systems planing in an effort to force information technology to live up to its promise = Cada vez más, las organizaciones están dirigiendo su mirada hacia la planificación de los sistemas de información para obligar a la tecnología de la información a cumplir sus promesas.
    Ex. Suppose you are abducted by a highway robber, who intends to ransom you and in return for your release you promise to deliver the ransom yourself; should you subsequently keep your promise?.
    * * *
    (v.) = fulfil + promise, live up to + Posesivo + promise, keep + Posesivo + promise

    Ex: If the contractor defaults in his performance and fails to fulfill his contractual promises, the surety can itself complete the contract, or pay damages up to the limit of the bond.

    Ex: Increasingly, organizations are looking towards information systems planing in an effort to force information technology to live up to its promise = Cada vez más, las organizaciones están dirigiendo su mirada hacia la planificación de los sistemas de información para obligar a la tecnología de la información a cumplir sus promesas.
    Ex: Suppose you are abducted by a highway robber, who intends to ransom you and in return for your release you promise to deliver the ransom yourself; should you subsequently keep your promise?.

    Spanish-English dictionary > cumplir una promesa

  • 79 específico de una disciplina

    Ex. In 2000 there will be support also for complementary discipline-specific metadata produced by special working groups = En el 2000 también existirán mecanismos de apoyo para metadatos complementarios específicos para las distintas disciplinas producidos por grupos de trabajo especiales.
    * * *

    Ex: In 2000 there will be support also for complementary discipline-specific metadata produced by special working groups = En el 2000 también existirán mecanismos de apoyo para metadatos complementarios específicos para las distintas disciplinas producidos por grupos de trabajo especiales.

    Spanish-English dictionary > específico de una disciplina

  • 80 establecer una colaboración

    (v.) = forge + collaboration
    Ex. In spite of bureaucratic boundaries, seemingly conflicting interests, and threats to professional and organizational identities, I believe that effective collaborations can be forged = A pesar de las barreras burocráticas, los intereses aparentemente contradictorios y del riesgo de perder la identidad profesional e institucional, pienso que se pueden establecer colaboraciones fructíferas.
    * * *
    (v.) = forge + collaboration

    Ex: In spite of bureaucratic boundaries, seemingly conflicting interests, and threats to professional and organizational identities, I believe that effective collaborations can be forged = A pesar de las barreras burocráticas, los intereses aparentemente contradictorios y del riesgo de perder la identidad profesional e institucional, pienso que se pueden establecer colaboraciones fructíferas.

    Spanish-English dictionary > establecer una colaboración

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