1 rense
cleanse, gut, purify, unstop* * *vb clean ( fx one's clothes, a pipe, one's nails, a wound),( skylle) rinse ( fx bottles);(F: især grundigt) cleanse ( fx a wound);( ceremonielt) cleanse; purify;(fig: for beskyldning) clear ( for of),F exculpate, exonerate ( for from);(moralsk etc) cleanse ( for of, fx guilt, iniquity, wickedness), purify, purge ( for of, fx one's mind of wicked thoughts);( tage indvoldene ud af fjerkræ også) draw ( og binde op and truss);( om spildevand også) treat;( sigte) screen, sift;( raffinere) refine ( fx petrol, sugar), rectify ( fx alcohol);(rør etc) clean out, clear;( korn) clean,(med blæser el. vind) winnow;( for radioaktivitet, giftgas) decontaminate;[ kemisk rense]( om tøj) dry-clean;[ rense luften] purify the air,(fig) clear the air;[ med præp, adv & sig:][ rense for] clear of,F rid of,( stærkere) purge of;(fig), se ovf;[ rense noget for pletter] remove stains (, spots) from something;[ rense op] clean out,( opmudre) dredge ( fx a harbour, a river);[ rense ud] clean,F cleanse;( i skov) weed, clean;( ved afføring) purge ( fx the bowels);(fig: uønskede personer etc) weed out;[ rense ud i personalet] weed out the staff,F purge the staff of undesirable elements (, incompetent persons etc);[ rense sig] clean oneself,( for beskyldning) clear oneself, clear one's name. -
2 uønsket
undesirable, uninvited* * *adj unwanted ( fx child);( ofte =) undesirable ( fx effect);(fx udlændinge) undesirable persons;( om diplomat) he was declared persona non grata.
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