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  • 41 auto-exit

    A text box in which the focus automatically moves to the next control as soon as a user types the last character.

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > auto-exit

  • 42 AutoCorrect

    A feature that automatically corrects errors and makes other substitutions as soon as a user types text.

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > AutoCorrect

  • 43 bit

    "The smallest unit of information handled by a computer. One bit expresses a 1 or a 0 in a binary numeral, or a true or false logical condition. A group of 8 bits makes up a byte, which can represent many types of information, such as a letter of the alphabet, a decimal digit, or other character."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > bit

  • 44 binary digit

    "The smallest unit of information handled by a computer. One bit expresses a 1 or a 0 in a binary numeral, or a true or false logical condition. A group of 8 bits makes up a byte, which can represent many types of information, such as a letter of the alphabet, a decimal digit, or other character."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > binary digit

  • 45 burst

    Transfer of a block of data all at one time without a break. Certain microprocessors and certain buses have features that support various types of burst transfers.

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > burst

  • 46 chat

    "A real-time conversation via computer using short instant messages between two or more participants. When a participant types a line of text and then presses the Enter key, that participant's words appear on the screens of the other participants, who can then respond in kind."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > chat

  • 47 ar-sa دردشة

    "A Windows construct that specifies the format and content of certificates based on their intended usage. When requesting a certificate from a Windows enterprise certification authority (CA), certificate requestors can select from a variety of certificate types that are based on certificate templates."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > ar-sa دردشة

  • 48 certificate template

    "A Windows construct that specifies the format and content of certificates based on their intended usage. When requesting a certificate from a Windows enterprise certification authority (CA), certificate requestors can select from a variety of certificate types that are based on certificate templates."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > certificate template

  • 49 CIM

    "The model that describes how to represent real-world managed objects. CIM uses an object-oriented paradigm, where managed objects are modeled using the concepts of classes and instances. The CIM is divided into the metamodel and the standard schema. The metamodel describes what types of entities make up the schema. It also defines how these entities can be combined into objects that represent real-world devices."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > CIM

  • 50 Common Information Model

    "The model that describes how to represent real-world managed objects. CIM uses an object-oriented paradigm, where managed objects are modeled using the concepts of classes and instances. The CIM is divided into the metamodel and the standard schema. The metamodel describes what types of entities make up the schema. It also defines how these entities can be combined into objects that represent real-world devices."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > Common Information Model

  • 51 command prompt

    An interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types command language strings of text that are passed to the command interpreter for execution.

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > command prompt

  • 52 contact

    "A person, inside or outside your organization, for whom you have created an entry where you can save several types of information, such as street and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and Web page URLs."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > contact

  • 53 container

    "A directory object that can contain other directory objects. In Active Directory, the schema definition of each object class determines the types of objects that can be containers of instances of the class."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > container

  • 54 custom price

    "The price calculated according to specific pricing rules that apply to products in a virtual catalog. There are three types of custom prices: percentage off, fixed amount off, and explicit price."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > custom price

  • 55 crosstab query

    "A query that calculates a sum, average, count, or other type of total on records, and then groups the result by two types of information: one down the left side of the datasheet and the other across the top."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > crosstab query

  • 56 data model

    "A collection of related object types, operators, and integrity rules that form the abstract entity supported by a database management system (DBMS). Thus, one speaks of a relational DBMS, a network DBMS, and so on, depending on the type of data model a DBMS supports. In general, a DBMS supports only one data model as a practical rather than a theoretical restriction."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > data model

  • 57 DCE

    "A set of standards from the Open Group (formerly the Open Software Foundation) for development of distributed applications that can operate on more than one platform. One of two types of hardware connected by an RS-232-C serial connection, the other being a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) device. A DCE is an intermediary device that often transforms input from a DTE before sending it to a recipient. A modem, for example, is a DCE that modulates data from a microcomputer (DTE) and sends it along a telephone connection."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > DCE

  • 58 desktop

    "The work area on a computer screen that simulates the top of an actual desk. The desktop contains the Recycle Bin and other icons (shortcuts to programs, files, folders, and various types of documents such as letters, reports, or pictures) that you can arrange on the electronic desktop just as you would arrange real objects on top of a desk."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > desktop

  • 59 Domain Name System

    "A hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. DNS enables the location of computers and services by user-friendly names, and it also enables the discovery of other information stored in the database."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > Domain Name System

  • 60 DNS

    "A hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. DNS enables the location of computers and services by user-friendly names, and it also enables the discovery of other information stored in the database."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > DNS

См. также в других словарях:

  • Types in Scripture — • Offers several definitions Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Types in Scripture     Types in Scripture     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Types de cartes dans counter-strike — Article principal : Counter Strike. Les types de carte disponibles dans le jeu vidéo Counter Strike sont les suivants : Types de carte officiels Map as (assassination) Un des membres de l équipe anti terroriste prend aléatoirement le… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Types of societies — are categories of social groups that differ according to subsistence strategies; the way that humans use technology to provide needs for themselves. Although humans have established many types of societies throughout history, anthropologists tend …   Wikipedia

  • Types d'emulsions argentiques — Types d émulsions argentiques Cet article fait partie de la série Photographie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Types de contrats d'assurances — Types de contrats d assurance Il y a deux grands types d assurances, bien que plusieurs puissent être couverts simultanément par le même contrat (« multirisque » dans ce cas) Sommaire 1 L assurance de personnes 2 L assurance de dommages …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Types de depots bancaires — Types de dépôts bancaires Les clients des banques peuvent déposer leur argent et leurs valeurs sur divers comptes ou plans. En France, il existe une variété de comptes de dépôts et autres formules prévus à cet effet : Sommaire 1 Dépôts à vue …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Types de gouvernements — Cette série fait partie des séries sur la politique Liste de formes de gouvernements Aristocratie Autocratie Anarchie Bureaucratie Démocratie Despotisme Dictature …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Types de moteurs — Un moteur à combustion interne est un moteur dont la combustion (production d énergie) va se situer au même endroit que la production de travail. On distingue ces moteurs : des moteurs à combustion externe : moteur Stirling, moteur à… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Types de personnages dans battlefield 2142 — Article principal : Battlefield 2142. Dans le jeu, il y a quatre types de soldats : le Reco, l Assaut, le Soutien et le Sapeur et ce quel que soit le camp choisi. Chaque soldat dispose d armes spécifiques et d éléments à débloquer… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Types de plongees — Types de plongées La plongée sous marine permet bon nombre d activités, qu elles soient professionnelles, sportives, ludiques ou tout simplement distrayantes. Sommaire 1 Plonger pour faire quoi ? 1.1 Plongée professionnelle 1.2 Plongée… …   Wikipédia en Français

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