1 type caster
1) Полиграфия: отливщик шрифта2) Макаров: шрифтолитейная машина -
2 type caster
1) шрифтолитейная машина2) отливщик шрифтаАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > type caster
3 type caster
4 stereo-type caster
Полиграфия: стереотипный отливной аппарат -
5 caster
1. литейная машина; отливной станок, отливной аппарат, станок для отливки2. литейщик; стереотипёр; отливщик шрифтаautomatic newspaper stereotype caster — отливной газетный автомат; автомат для отливки газетных стереотипов
3. шрифтолитейная машина4. отливщик шрифта -
6 caster
1) литейная машина; отливной станок, отливной аппарат, станок для отливки (стереотипов, шрифтов)2) литейщик; стереотипёр; отливщик шрифтаАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > caster
7 type
1. тип; образец; видgeneric data type — родовой тип данных; данные родового типа
floating point type — плавающий тип; тип с плавающей запятой
2. литера; буква; знак3. шрифт4. печатать на машине5. вводить, набиратьset in type — набирать; набрать
6. распечатывать на выходеto type in — вводить ; набирать
7. «чужая» литера; буква, ошибочно попавшая в набор8. сбитая литера; дефектная букваbattered type — сбитая литера; дефектная буква
block type — гротесковый шрифт; рубленый шрифт, шрифт без засечек
body type — шрифт основного текста; обычный прямой шрифт для сплошного набора
book type — шрифт основного текста; книжный шрифт
calligraphic type — каллиграфический шрифт; рукописный шрифт
caslon type — шрифт «Кеслон»
century type — шрифт «Сенчери»
9. шрифт для наборно-пишущих машин10. переводной или разрезной шрифт11. шрифт эльзевир12. книга, изданная Эльзевиромextrabold type — сверхжирный шрифт, шрифт особой насыщенности
fancy type — шрифт, украшенный орнаментом
foundry type — шрифт, отлитый в словолитне
italic type — курсив, курсивный шрифт
machine-set type — шрифт, отлитый на буквоотливной наборной машине
music type — типографские нотные литеры; знаки нотного набора
Elzevir type — книга, изданная Эльзевиром
13. записьtype record — тип "запись"
14. тип записи15. прямой шрифт16. латинский шрифт17. шрифт антикваsanserif type — рубленый шрифт, шрифт без засечек, шрифт сансериф
title type — титульный шрифт, заголовочный шрифт
typewriter type — машинописная гарнитура, шрифт для пишущей машинки
8 caster
4) метал. стол с "гусиными шейками"5) станок для отливки стереотипов•-
S-type continuous caster
continuous caster
curved mold continuous caster
pig caster
pneumatic caster
vertical continuous caster -
9 type high stereotype
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > type high stereotype
10 S-type continuous caster
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > S-type continuous caster
11 "S"-type continuous caster
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > "S"-type continuous caster
12 S-type continuous caster
Техника: радиальная МНЛЗУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > S-type continuous caster
13 S-type continuous caster
Техника: радиальная МНЛЗУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > S-type continuous caster
14 bed
1. фундамент2. основание3. стеллаж- carry-over bed
- caster bed
- caster transfer bed
- chain-type cooling bed
- chain-type transfer bed
- chipping bed
- conditioning beds
- cooling bed
- cooling roller bed
- dead roller bed
- double cooling bed
- double sided bed
- drawbench bed
- grinding bed
- hot bed
- inspection bed
- looping bed
- mechanical cooling bed
- notch-bar cooling bed
- notch-bar hot bed
- packing bed
- piler bed
- piling bed
- piling cooling bed
- racking-type cooling bed
- rail-type hot bed
- rocker-type cooling bed
- roller bed
- roller-type cooling bed
- rope-driven hot bed
- rope-type cooling bed
- scarfing bed
- screw-type cooling bed
- single-sided bed
- single-sided hot bed
- skid bed
- skid-type hot bed
- stacking bed
- stationary cooling bed
- storage bed
- transfer bed
- transfer inspection bed
- unscrambling bed -
15 wheel
колесо; проф. скат; скатка; проф. "баранка"; руль; маховик; ручной маховичок; зубчатое колесо; шестерня; штурвал; шлифовальный круг; II катить; поворачивать; шлифовать- wheel alignment - wheel-and-disk integrator - wheel arch - wheel axis - wheel balance - wheel balancing fixture - wheel blank - wheel bouncing - wheel cap - wheel carrier - wheel caster - wheel felloe - wheel fight - wheel fork - wheel free-type lift - wheel front support - wheel front support arm - wheel hop - wheel-hub drive - wheel lean gear housing - wheel loader - wheel lock ring - wheel lock-up - wheel locking - wheel lug - wheel-mounted - wheel-mounted shovel - wheel mounting - wheel nut wrench - wheel offset - wheel-out tank - wheel payloader - wheel peener - wheel plane - wheel plate - wheel pressure - wheel puller - wheel pump - wheel reduction gear - wheel rolling along the plane - wheel scotch - wheel shaft - wheel side ring - wheel sideway - wheel size - wheel skidder - wheel skids - wheel slide protection - wheel slip - wheel slip angle - wheel slip brake control system - wheel slipper - wheel spacer ring - wheel spacing - wheel speed sensor - wheel spider - wheel spin - wheel splash guard - wheel spoke - wheel springing - wheel stand - wheel suspention - wheel swarf - wheel tip compactor - wheel toe - wheel track eliminator - wheel tractor - wheel tractor scraper - wheel tramp - wheel tread pressure - wheel tread thickness - wheel-type tractor - wheel washer - wheel wearing - wheel web - wheel with drop center rim - wheel wobble - bull wheel - castor wheel - swivelling wheel - castoring wheel - centre wheel - correcting wheel - coupled wheel - depth-control wheel - dirigible wheel - dished steering wheel - escapement wheel - fine-grain grinding wheel - great wheel - great setting wheel - herringbone wheel - hind wheel - hypoidal wheel - idle wheel - impulse wheel - interchangeable gear wheels - intermedial wheel - intermediate wheel - internal gear-wheel - keyless wheel - knife wheel - laminated grinding wheel - land wheel - landing wheel - leading wheel - lever escape wheel - lifter wheel - little main wheel - little setting wheel - locking wheel - maintaining wheel - mangle wheel - Mansell wheel - metering wheel - middle wheel - minute wheel - mitre wheel - mortice wheel - multiplying wheel - one-side grinding wheel - pick-up wheel - spiked wheel - lantern wheel - pitch wheel - plate wheel - plough trail wheel - pricking wheel - rear furrow wheel - regulating wheel - skew bevel wheel - spinner wheel - spinning wheel - resilient steering wheel - star-feed wheel - third wheel - traveling wheel - worm wheel -
16 bearing
1) подшипник2) опора; несущая поверхность || опорный; несущий; поддерживающий3) направляющая5) деталь, лежащая на опорах7) пятно контакта; рабочая часть зуба•- adjustable bearing
- aerostatic bearing
- air bearing
- air journal bearing
- air pressure bearing
- air-lubricated foil thrust bearing
- angle pedestal bearing
- angular ball bearing
- angular contact bearing
- angular-contact ball bearing
- annular ball bearing
- antifriction bearing
- assembled ball bearing
- assembled bearing
- axial bearing
- ball bearing
- ball thrust bearing
- ball-in-socket bearing
- base bearing
- bespoke bearing
- bias bearing
- bias tooth bearing
- big bearing
- big-end bearing
- block bearing
- bracket bearing
- bridged bearing
- bridged profile bearing
- bridged profile tooth bearing
- bridged tooth bearing
- bush bearing
- bushed bearing
- camshaft bearing
- cartridge bearings
- caster bearings
- center bearing
- central heel bearing
- central heel tooth bearing
- central toe bearing
- central toe tooth bearing
- circular cylindrical bearing
- clearance bearing
- collar bearing
- collar step bearing
- collar thrust bearing
- combined journal-and-thrust bearing
- compliant bearing
- cone bearing
- crank bearing
- crankshaft bearing
- crescent-shaped bearing
- crescent-shaped tooth bearing
- cross bearing
- cross tooth bearing
- cup-and-cone bearing
- cylindrical bearing
- cylindrical roll bearing
- cylindrical roller bearing
- diamond bearing
- divided bearing
- double-direction ball thrust bearing
- double-row ball bearing
- double-row self-aligning bearing
- double-shield bearing
- double-thrust bearing
- drop-hanger bearing
- duplex bearing
- dynamically loaded bearing
- dynamically loaded journal bearing
- elastically supported bearing
- electromagnetic bearing
- end bearing
- end support bearing for boring bar
- end support bearing
- end-journal bearing
- end-thrust bearing
- epoxy-based plain bearing
- even bearing
- external bearing
- external bearings
- extrasmall ball bearing
- fabriseal bearing
- failed test bearing
- filling slot bearing
- filling slot-type bearing
- finger bearing
- fishtail bearing
- fitted bearing
- flange bearing
- flanged half bearing
- flanged plain bearing
- flat bearing
- floating bush bearing
- floating ring journal bearing
- fluid bearing
- foil bearing
- foil journal bearing
- foot bearing
- footstep bearing
- force-cooled bearing
- force-measuring bearing
- force-sensing bearing
- free bearing
- free spherical plain bearing
- frictionless bearing
- front end bearing
- fulcrum bearing
- full-journal bearing
- gas bearing
- gas-lubricated foil journal bearing
- gas-lubricated porous bearing
- gas-lubricated thrust bearing
- graphite-loaded bearing
- greased-for-life bearing
- grease-lubricated bearing
- grease-pack bearing
- grease-packed bearing
- gudgeon bearing
- guide bearing
- half bearing
- head bearing
- heavy bearing
- high-pressure bearing
- high-speed bearing
- high-speed solid lubricated ball bearing
- hot bearing
- hybrid bearing
- hydrodynamic bearing
- hydrostatic air bearing
- hydrostatic bearing
- hydrostatic gas bearing
- hydrostatic journal bearing
- inner arbor bearing
- inner bearing
- inner journal support bearing
- instrumented spindle bearing
- intermediate bearing
- joint-type bearing
- journal bearing
- journal plain bearing
- kingsbury bearing
- knife-edge bearing
- K-silc radial bearing
- labyrinth bearing
- large tapered roller bearing
- leading-screw bearing
- linear antifriction bearing
- linear bearing
- linear frictionless bearing
- linear roller bearing
- linear sliding bearing
- linear-motion roller bearing
- liquid bearing
- lobed bearing
- locating bearing
- low-flow air bearing
- lubriseal bearing
- magnetic bearing
- main bearing
- middle bearing
- misadjusted bearings
- misaligned finite journal bearing
- misaligned journal bearing
- monometallic bearing
- multilayer bearing
- multilobe journal bearing
- multipad hydrostatic bearing
- nail bearing
- needle bearing
- needle roller bearing
- nonadjustable bearing
- noncircular cylindrical bearing
- nonpreloaded bearing
- non-self-aligning bearing
- oblique pillow-block bearing
- oblique plummer-block bearing
- oil film bearing
- oil hydrostatic bearing
- oilless bearing
- oil-ring bearing
- open bearing
- oscillation bearing
- outboard bearing
- outborn bearing
- outer bearing
- outer journal support bearing
- out-of-position bearing
- overboard bearing
- overhung bearing
- pad thrust bearing
- pad-journal bearing
- pad-like bearing
- partial journal bearing
- pedestal plain bearing
- pendulum bearing
- pilot bearing
- pin bearing
- pinion front bearing
- pinion head bearing
- pivot bearing
- pivotal bearing
- pivoted spherical cap slider bearing
- pivoting bearing
- plain bearing
- plain half bearing
- plain journal bearing
- plain roller bearing
- plain thrust bearing
- plain-and-ball bearing
- plane slider bearing
- pocket bearing
- porous bearing
- porous self-lubricating bearing
- precision ball bearing
- preloaded bearing
- pressurized thrust bearing
- proper bearing
- quick-disconnect bearing
- quill bearing
- radial ball bearing
- radial bearing
- radial roll bearing
- radial roller bearing
- radial thrust bearing
- reciprocating bearing
- recirculating bearing
- rigid-mounted support bearing
- ring bearing
- ring lubricating bearing
- ring oiling bearing
- ring step bearing
- rocker bearing
- roller bearing
- roller step bearing
- roller-type linear bearing
- rolling contact bearing
- rolling element bearing
- roll-neck bearing
- sealed bearing
- segmental shoe bearing
- self-acting gas-lubricated journal bearing
- self-aligning bearing
- self-lubricated bearing
- self-lubricated spherical plain bearing
- self-lubricating bearing
- self-oiling bearing
- self-setting bearing
- shaft bearing
- shielded ball bearing
- shifting bearing
- silicon carbide lubricated bearing
- single-direction ball thrust bearing
- single-row ball bearing
- single-shield bearing
- sleeve bearing
- sleeve-type bearing
- sliding bearing
- small spring-loaded graphite collar bearing
- snap ring ball bearing
- solid half bearing
- solid-film bearing
- spherical roller bearing
- spherical roller thrust bearing
- spigot bearing
- split bearing
- spring bearing
- squeeze film damper bearing
- squeeze oil film bearing
- starved journal bearing
- steadily loaded bearing
- step bearing
- stepped thrust bearing
- stuffing box bearing
- subminiature linear bearings
- superlaminar journal bearing
- support bearing
- suspended test bearing
- swivel bearing
- tail bearing
- taper bearing
- tapered bearing
- tapered bore ball bearing
- tapered bore roller bearing
- tapered roller bearing
- temperature-compensated bearing
- test bearing
- thick walled half bearing
- thin walled half bearing
- three-lobe bearing
- thrust ball bearing
- thrust bearing
- thrust journal bearing
- thrust plain bearing
- thrust roller bearing
- tilting bearing
- tilting-pad bearing
- tilting-pad gas journal bearing
- tilting-pad journal bearing
- tilting-pad thrust bearing
- tooth bearing
- transverse bearing
- trunnion bearing
- tumbler bearing
- turntable bearing
- turntable-type bearing
- twin bearing
- two-part bearing
- unbushed bearing
- unlubricated bearing
- variable preload bearing
- water-cooled bearing
- water-sealed bearing
- whitemetal bearing
- wide-inner bearing
- wiped bearingEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > bearing
17 bed
3) дно (океана, реки)4) водоносный пласт; водоупор5) строит. основание; подушка, подготовка || устраивать основание; устраивать подушку; ставить на основание6) постель (кирпича, шифера)8) строит. заделывать; погружать; пригонять11) метал. лещадь13) стенд14) штатив ( репродукционного аппарата)15) полигр. талер17) подушка ( гладильного пресса)18) платформа ( швейной машины)19) метал. стеллаж20) бтх придонный слой, подложка•bed of nails — электрон. матрица( подпружинных) игольчатых контактов-
active bed
active mixed bed
air-fluidized bed
ammoniated bed
anion-exchange bed
anion bed
atmospheric fluidized bed
bacteria bed
ballast bed
bearing bed
boiling bed
boulder bed
bubbling bed
bundling bed
card bed
carrier grid cooling bed
caster bed
casting bed
catalyst bed
cation-exchange bed
cation bed
cement-sand bed
circulating fluidized bed
clay bed
clay-bearing bed
coal bed
coke bed
coked fixed bed
commercial bed
conditioning bed
confining bed
conveyor bed
cooling bed
cooling roller bed
cylinder bed
dead roller bed
dense bed
densely packed bed
dirt bed
down-flow fixed bed
drop-hammer bed
electrofluidized bed
embankment bed
endurance test bed
engine bed
engineering test bed
equalizing bed
expanded bed
feed-off arm bed
filter bed
fire bed
fixed bed
flat bed
fluid bed
fluidized bed
fluidized-packed bed
foreset bed
foundation bed
free-arm bed
freezing bed
front needle bed
fuel bed
gas-bearing bed
gas-fluidized bed
glacier bed
glowing bed
granular bed
gravel bed
guide bed
high-velocity fluidized bed
horizontal needle bed
hot bed
impervious bed
inclined bed
inert mixed bed
jig bed
key bed
liquid fluidized bed
live roller bed
machine bed
magnetic bed
main fluidized bed
marker bed
mash bed
mined bed
mixed bed
mixed-resin bed
molding bed
mortar bed
multistage bed
natural bed
needle bed
normally packed bed
off-the-arm bed
oil-bearing bed
outcropping bed
overfeed bed
overlying bed
packed bed
packed fluidized bed
percolation bed
permeable bed
pipeline bed
post bed
prestressing bed
railroad bed
raised bed
reflecting bed
refracting bed
register bed
reservoir bed
resin bed
revolving bed
rider bed
road bed
rock bed
rocker-type cooling bed
roller bed
roller-type cooling bed
rotary bed
rotary-screw bed
run-out-and-conveyor bed
sand filter bed
seed bed
semistationary bed
sewing machine bed
shaken bed
single-component bed
sleeper bed
slide bed
sliding bed
sludge drying bed
sludge bed
solid bed of catalyst
spaced-out bed
spouted bed
static bed
stationary bed
stirred-fluidized bed
tank bed
test bed
thick bed
thin bed
tongue bed
track bed
track link welder bed
tricle bed
trunnion bed
type bed
underdrainage bed
underfeed bed
underlying bed
unmined bed
up-flow fixed bed
vertical needle bed
vibrated fluidized bed
vibration bed
walking-type notched cooling bed
water-bearing bed
workable bed -
18 table
1. рольганг2. стол3. таблица- approach extension table
- approach roller table
- auxiliary roller table
- back auxiliary table
- back live table
- back main table
- back mill table
- back tilting table
- bundling table
- by-pass table
- carry-over table
- caster table
- charging roller table
- classifying table
- conveyor table
- cooling table
- cooling bed run-in table
- cooling bed run-out table
- dead roller table
- delay table
- delivery table
- depressing table
- disappearing table
- discharging roller table
- disk-type roller table
- dumping table
- encircling roller table
- expanded coil table
- feed table
- feed roller table
- feeding and catching table
- fixed tilting table
- front table
- front and back mill tables
- front auxiliary table
- front main table
- front mill table
- front tilting table
- furnace charging table
- furnace delivery table
- furnace entry table
- gathering table
- gauger table
- hinge-type disappearing table
- hold table
- holding table
- hump table
- inclined roller table
- individually driven table
- ingoing main table
- ingot receiving table
- ingot transfer table
- inlet table
- inspection table
- inspection bed roller table
- intermediate table
- kick-off table
- lay-out table
- lifting table
- line shaft-type mill table
- live-roll table
- loading table
- loop table
- looping table
- magazine table
- main table
- main mill table
- marking table
- mill table
- mill approach table
- mill run-in table
- mill run-out table
- outgoing table
- outlet table
- piling table
- plate marking table
- processing table
- pull-back roll table
- receiving roll table
- roll table
- run-around table
- run-in table
- run-off table
- runout table
- scale approach table
- scale roll table
- screw type cooling table
- shear approach table
- shear delivery table
- shear entry table
- shear gauge table
- shear pull-back table
- skew table
- skew-Y-table
- slab turn table
- sorting table
- squeezer and dryer table
- stationary tilting table
- supply table
- tight coiling table
- tilting table
- trailer table
- transfer table
- travelling roller table
- travelling tilting table
- turn table
- unloading table
- weight-scale table -
19 радиальная МНЛЗ
""S""-type continuous caster, bow-type plantБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > радиальная МНЛЗ
20 table
1) стол2) горн. концентрационный стол3) рольганг, стол прокатного стана4) уровень (напр. подземных вод)7) полка ( таврового сечения)8) планшайба9) рбт планшет12) графопостроитель13) полигр. талер14) таблица15) матрица•-
360-degree indexing table
accumulator table
address table
air navigation table
air transport movement table
air-bearing rotary table
air-bearing table
air-cushion table
altitude-conversion table
Ampere's table
antifriction ball table
approach extension table
approach table
attribute-value table
auxiliary rotary table
average standard table
back auxiliary table
back live table
back main table
back mill table
back tilting table
bar shear table
barometric reduction table
boiling table
buffet table
bundling table
bypass table
carry-over table
caster table
chain and grid cooling table
character count table
charging roller table
chart table
checking table
check table
classifying table
coal-washing table
code table
collecting roller table
color look-up table
compound table
configuration table
connectivity table
continuous table
contouring table
conversion table
cooling bed run-in table
cooling bed run-out table
cooling table
coordinate table
copyfitting table
correction table
correlation table
corrosion table
crossed motion table
cross-reference table
crucible table
cutting table
dead roller table
decision table
dedicated-position indexing table
delay table
delivery table
depressing table
derrick table
dial indexing table
disappearing table
discharging roller table
disk-type roller table
dividing canted table
drafting table
drain table
drawing table
driven rotary table
drop table
dumping table
editing table
electrical interchangeability reference table
electrical interchangeability table
elevating table
encircling roller table
equivalence table
erase table
expanded coil table
extended side table
fastness table
feed table
feeder table
feeding-and-catching table
felling table
fettling table
filler table
finishing table
fixed tilling table
floating table
font width table
frequency table
front auxiliary table
front main table
front mill table
front table
front tilting table
frying table
function table
functional interchangeability reference table
functional interchangeability table
furnace charging table
gathering table
glass blower's table
groundwater table
group-driven roller table
hardness conversion table
hashed table
hash table
head-indexing table
heat content table
hinge-type disappearing table
holding table
hold table
hump table
hydrostatic table
ingot receiving table
ingot transfer table
inlet table
in-out table
inspection bed roller table
insulating table
interchangeability reference table
interchangeability table
jarring table
jump table
kickoff table
ladle-lining table
layout table
lifting table
lift table
lifting-turning table
light table
lineup table
locking table
logarithmic table
log table
look-up table
looping table
loop table
magazine table
magnetic table
main table
marking table
metering table
mill table
movable table
multiplication table
name table
NC ultra-precise rotary table
offset table
output table
page table
pallet table
paper table
perched water table
periodic table
permafrost table
permanent rotary table
piling table
plane table
plotting table
polling table
positioning table
preparation table
pressure conversion table
program reference table
programmable position rotary table
psychrometric tables
reel table
reference table
relaxation table
rewinding table
roller table
roll table
rotary indexing table
rotary table
rotating-tilting table
routing table
ruling-up table
run-around table
run-back table
run-in table
run-up table
sand table
saturation steam table
segment table
sequence table
shake table
shake-out table
shaking table
shock table
shuttle table
single table
skeleton table
slewing table
slime table
split table
standard reference table
state table
steam table
stepping table
summary table
surveyor's table
symbol table
table of natural cosines
table of cosines
table of natural sines
table of sines
table of weights and measures
tandem table
tank tables
threading table
three-axis table
tide table
tight coiling table
tilling table
till table
tooling table
trace table
tracing table
transfer rolled table
transfer table
transition table
translation table
traveling roller table
truth table
turning table
turn table
two-axis table
two-tier mobile catering table
unloading table
user profile table
vacuum table
vibrating table
voltage table
water table
weight-scale table
wire table
wire-gage table
workpiece supporting table
X-Y table
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Type caster — Шрифтолитейная машина; Отливщик шрифта … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Type casting (typography) — Type casting is a technique for casting the individual letters known as sorts used in hot metal typesetting by pouring molten metal into bronze moulds called matrices.Although using matrices was a technique known well before his time, Johann… … Wikipedia
type-cast — type caster, n. /tuyp kast , kahst /, v., type cast, type casting, adj. Print. v.t., v.i. 1. to cast (type). adj. 2. (of text to be printed) having the type already cast. [1875 80] * * * … Universalium
type-cast — [tīp′kast΄] vt., vi. type cast, type casting to cast (type) type caster n … English World dictionary
type-cast — type caster, n. /tuyp kast , kahst /, v., type cast, type casting, adj. Print. v.t., v.i. 1. to cast (type). adj. 2. (of text to be printed) having the type already cast. [1875 80] … Useful english dictionary
Caster (Fate/stay night) — Caster is a fictional character from the Japanese visual novel and anime series Fate/stay night by TYPE MOON.An honored guest of the Ryūdō family, permitted to live at their temple until the preparations for her marriage have been finalized. A… … Wikipedia
Caster (Fate/Zero) — Caster is a fictional character from the Japanese visual novel Fate/Zero by TYPE MOON and fellow developer Nitroplus.He is the Servant of Ryūnosuke Uryū during the 4th Holy Grail War. Caster derives pleasure from first providing his victims with… … Wikipedia
Caster angle — is the angular displacement from the vertical axis of the suspension of a steered wheel in a car, bicycle or other vehicle, measured in the longitudinal direction. It is the angle between the pivot line (in a car an imaginary line that runs… … Wikipedia
caster — caster, castor The two forms represent several words and overlap in usage: caster is the only spelling for a few technical meanings; castor (a different word) is the only spelling for the oil; and both are used for the sugar (which is named after … Modern English usage
Type metal — The term type metal (sometimes called hot metal ) represents a range of metal alloys that are used in traditional typefounding and mechanical typesetting. History Although the knowledge of casting soft metals in moulds was well established before … Wikipedia
Caster (disambiguation) — A caster is a type of wheel. Caster can also mean:*Spellgun, a fictional weapon *Caster angle, one of the angles important to automotive suspension *Caster, a machine used in metal casting *A type of sugar *Caster (Fate Stay Night), an anime… … Wikipedia