1 two-way channel
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > two-way channel
2 two-way channel
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > two-way channel
3 two-way channel
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > two-way channel
4 two-way channel
2) Телекоммуникации: двусторонний канал -
5 two-way channel
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > two-way channel
6 two-way channel
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > two-way channel
7 two-way
1. a двусторонний2. a двухпутный, двухходовой -
8 two-way
9 two-way communication channel
Безопасность: канал двусторонней связи, канал дуплексной связиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > two-way communication channel
10 two-way communications channel
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > two-way communications channel
11 channel
1) канал3) сток, сточная канава || рыть сточную канаву5) архит. каннелюра6) метал. боров7) метал. швеллер8) мн. ч. "мёртвые места" ( в конвертере)9) машиностр. проход ( для рабочей среды)11) дорожка ( магнитной ленты)12) канал, канальная область ( в полупроводниковых приборах)13) ручей ( уборочной машины)•channel with feedback — канал с обратной связью-
A channel
active channel
adjacent channel
air channel
allocated channel
analog data transfer channel
annular channel
approach channel
artificial channel
aspirating channel
assembly channel
asymmetric channel
audio channel
average power channel
average temperature channel
B channel
backward channel
beam channel
biological channel
blade channel
blocked channel
boiling channel
broadband channel
broadcasting channel
broadcast channel
buried channel
burst channel
bypass channel
byte multiplexer channel
cable channel
camera channel
carrier-current channel
carrier channel
cascaded channel
central fuel channel
check channel
chroma channel
clock channel
closed-circuit TV channel
closure channel
coin channel
collecting channel
color channel
color film channel
color telecine projection channel
communications channel
communication channel
control channel
control-rod channel
convergent-divergent channel
cooling channel
core channel
data transfer channel
data channel
dedicated channel
dial-up channel
die channel
digital communication channel
digital channel
direct access channel
discharge channel
discrete channel
display channel
diversion channel
diversity channel
divertor channel
Doppler-shifted channel
downstream channel
drain channel
drainage channel
duplex channel
engine main oil channel
engineering channel
entrance channel
equalizer bar channel
exhaust channel
experimental channel
expulsion smoke channel
fading channel
fast-safety channel
feedback channel
fiber optic communication channel
fiber optic channel
film channel
fire channel
fish bypass channel
fixed-tuned channel
flood relief channel
flow channel
flowing channel
flux-measuring channel
forward channel
frequency channel
fuel channel
fuel return channel
Gaussian channel
guard channel
gun barrel channel
half-duplex channel
head channel
headrace channel
high Reynolds number channel
highest-grade channel
hot channel
I channel
idle channel
image channel
induced channel
induction smoke channel
information channel
inlet channel
input channel
input-output channel
instrument channel
intake channel
integrated channel
intercepting channel
interference channel
intermediate-frequency channel
internally finned channel
inversion channel
ionospheric channel
jammed channel
L stereo channel
leased channel
left audio channel
line-of-sight channel
long-distance channel
lubrication channel
luminance channel
main channel
main drainage channel
main ship channel
measuring channel
memory channel
memoryless channel
molding channel
monophonic channel
motion channel
multipath channel
multiplexer channel
multiplex channel
multiuser channel
narrow-band channel
navigable channel
near infrared channel
noiseless channel
noisy channel
nonsynchronized channel
n-type channel
ocean color channel
oil channel
one-way channel
optical channel
output channel
overflow channel
picture channel
pilot channel
pitch channel
plasma channel
power mismatch channel
power range channel
power-level channel
primary channel
primary-color channel
process channel
p-type channel
Q channel
quantum channel
R stereo channel
radio channel
radioactivity measurement channel
radio-frequency channel
read channel
recording channel
recording-duplicating channel
reference channel
relay channel
replay channel
return channel
right audio channel
roll channel
rolled steel channel
roll-formed channel
roof-support channel
running channel
safety channel
scatter channel
scavenge channel
sea channel
secondary channel
selector channel
service channel
short channel
shutdown channel
side channel
signaling channel
simplex channel
simulated fuel channel
simultaneous channels
skew-back channel
sloping loop channel
sluiceway channel
sodium-filled channel
sodium channel
sole channel
sound channel
sow channel
spark channel
speech channel
sprocket channel
stationary channel
stereophonic channel
stereo channel
supervisory channel
supply channel
surface channel
switched channel
symmetrical channel
symmetric channel
synchronizing channel
tailrace channel
taxi channel
telecine projection channel
telecine channel
telecommunications channel
telecommunication channel
telegraph channel
telemetering channel
telemeter channel
television channel
through channel
time-derived channels
time-varying channel
timing channel
top channel
training channel
transmission channel
two-way channel
uncharged fuel channel
vane channel
vertical channel
video-frequency vision channel
video vision channel
video-frequency channel
video channel
voice-band voice-grade channel
voice voice-grade channel
voice-band channel
voice channel
wasteway channel
water channel
whip channel
wide-band channel
wind channel
wireless channel
wire-tap channel
write channel
Y channel
yaw channel -
12 channel
канал (связи, передачи информации)Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > channel
13 channel
канал; канал управления; канал связи; информационный канал; шлейф ( осциллографа) ; швеллер; лётная полоса гидроаэродрома; направлять ( информацию) по какому-л. каналу -
14 two-step operation
- two-step supercharger - two-step-type cleaner - two-stopper ladle - two-story frame - two-strand conveyor - two-stroke- two-tier- two-tier arrangement - two-tier stacker - two-tip torch - two-to-one ratio - two-to-four wire conversion - two-tone - two-tone paint - two-tool machine - two-value capacitor motor - two-vane rotating shutter- two-way- two-way articulation - two-way bit - two-way chute - two-way clutch - two-way cock - two-way contact - two-way control valve - two-way conveyor - two-way dump truck - two-way mirror - two-way ratchet gearing - two-way reinforcement - two-way tap - two-way tilting body - two-way tilting table - two-way traffic - two-way transmission - two-way valve - two-wheel tandem roller - two wheels and axle - two-winding motor - two-winding transformer - two-wire channel - two-wire cord - two-wire-ground circuit - two-wire system - two-worm - two-zone combustion waveАнгло-русский словарь по машиностроению > two-step operation
15 channel
1) канал (1. тракт передачи данных; носитель передаваемых данных 2. ресурсы системы связи или системы вещания, выделяемые для передачи определённых данных 3. любой из составляющих сигналов в стереофонии или квадрафонии 4. тлв любой из сигналов цветности 5. любой из сигналов в многоканальной системе 6. пп область между истоком и стоком в полевом транзисторе, канальная область 7. микр. область между соседними матрицами логических элементов в специализированной ИС) || использовать канал; передавать по каналу; канализировать || канальный2) образовывать канал; формировать канал3) тракт; трасса; шина4) дорожка (напр. магнитной ленты)5) ствол ( в радиорелейной линии)6) вчт шина•- access channel - accompanying sound channel
- active channel
- actuating channel
- additive-noise channel
- adjacent channel
- adjacent audio channel
- allocated channel
- alpha channel
- alternate channel
- analog data channel
- analog data transfer channel
- arithmetic channel
- associated channel
- asynchronously multiplexed channel
- audio channel
- audio-frequency channel
- auxiliary channel
- available channel
- aviation channel
- B-channel
- back channel
- backward channel
- band-limited channel
- basic channel
- bearer channel
- binary channel
- binary erasure channel
- binary symmetric channel - BL channel
- block-multiplexer channel
- blue channel
- brightness channel
- broad-band channel
- broadcast channel - buried channel
- burst channel
- burst-error channel
- busy channel
- bypass channel
- byte-multiplexer channel
- calling channel
- camera channel
- common channel
- carrier channel
- carrier current channel
- chocked channel
- chroma channel
- chromaticity channel
- chrominance channel
- citizen band channel
- class D-channel
- class E-channel
- clear channel
- coherent channel
- color channel
- color-difference channel
- color-sync channel
- color-sync processing channel
- color transmitting channel
- command channel
- common-user channel
- communication channel
- companded channel
- conducting channel
- conductive channel
- contiguous channels
- control channel
- cross-polarized channels
- D-channel
- data channel
- data transfer channel
- dedicated channel - deep sound channel
- default color channels
- delta channel
- demand-assigned channel
- demodulator channel
- depletion channel
- dial-up channel
- difference channel
- diffuse optical channel
- digital data channel
- digital data transfer channel
- dipole channel
- direct-access radar channel
- direct memory access channel
- discrete channel
- discrete-input channel
- discrete memoryless channel
- display data channel - DMA channel
- dogleg channel
- domain-tip propagation channel
- Doppler-shifted channel
- duplex channel
- emergency radio channel
- engineering channel
- excitation channel
- fading channel
- fast-acting channel - FET channel
- fiber channel
- fiber-optic communication channel
- field-effect transistor channel
- fixed-tuned channel
- forward channel
- four-wire channel
- frequency-modulation broadcast channel - green channel
- guard channel
- half-duplex channel - high-frequency channel
- horizontal channel
- I-channel
- idle channel
- induced channel
- information channel
- information bearer channel
- input channel
- input/output channel
- interference channel
- Internet relay chat channel
- interrupt channel
- inversion channel
- I/O channel
- ion channel
- ion-implanted channel
- ionospheric channel
- IRC channel
- isolating channel
- jammed channel
- L-channel
- leased channel
- left front channel
- left rear channel
- left stereo channel
- left stereophonic channel
- line-of-sight channel
- local channel
- logical channel
- low-frequency channel
- luminance channel
- M-channel
- melting channel
- memory channel
- memoryless channel
- meteor-burst channel
- MIDI channel
- monochrome channel
- multipath channel
- multipath-fading resistant channel
- multiple-access channel
- multiplex channel
- multiuser channel
- narrow-band channel
- news-talk-sports channel
- noiseless channel
- noisy channel
- nonswitched channel
- n-type channel
- off-hook channel
- one-way channel
- on-hook channel
- optical channel
- optical scatter channel
- ordinary channel
- output channel - permanent virtual channel
- photo-defined channel
- picture channel
- pilot channel
- plasma channel
- primary color channel
- programmed channel
- p-type channel
- Q-channel
- R-channel
- radio channel
- radio-frequency channel - read/write channel
- recording channel
- red channel
- reference channel
- regional channel
- relay channel
- rented channel
- reproducing channel
- reverberation channel
- right front channel
- right rear channel
- right stereo channel
- right stereophonic channel
- S-channel
- scatter channel
- scribe channel
- sealed channel
- second channel
- selector channel
- serial management channel
- service channel
- shared channel
- side-lobe blanker channel
- side-lobe canceller channel
- signal channel
- signaling channel
- simplex channel - SLC channel - sound channel
- spacecraft channel
- SPX channel
- standard broadcast channel
- standard broadcasting channel
- stereo channel
- stereophonic channel
- subcarrier channel
- subcarrier-regeneration channel
- sum channel
- superconducting channel
- supervisory channel
- surface channel
- switched channel
- symmetrical channel
- synchronizing channel
- telecommunication channel
- telegraph channel
- telemeter channel
- telemetering channel
- telephone channel
- television channel
- time-derived channel
- time-division multiplex channel
- time-varying channel
- tone channel
- top channel - transponder channel
- troposcatter channel
- two-wire channel
- undersea communication channel
- vertical channel - VF channel
- VHF channel
- video-frequency channel
- virtual channel
- vision channel
- VM channel
- voice channel
- voice-band channel
- voice-frequency channel
- voice-grade channel
- waveguide channel
- wide-band channel
- wireless channel
- wire-tap channel
- write channel -
16 channel
1) канал (1. тракт передачи данных; носитель передаваемых данных 2. ресурсы системы связи или системы вещания, выделяемые для передачи определённых данных 3. любой из составляющих сигналов в стереофонии или квадрафонии 4. тлв. любой из сигналов цветности 5. любой из сигналов в многоканальной системе 6. пп. область между истоком и стоком в полевом транзисторе, канальная область 7. микр. область между соседними матрицами логических элементов в специализированной ИС) || использовать канал; передавать по каналу; канализировать || канальный2) образовывать канал; формировать канал3) тракт; трасса; шина4) дорожка (напр. магнитной ленты)5) ствол ( в радиорелейной линии)6) вчт. шина•- access channel
- access grant channel
- accompanying audio channel
- accompanying sound channel
- active channel
- actuating channel
- additive-noise channel
- adjacent audio channel
- adjacent channel
- allocated channel
- alpha channel
- alternate channel
- analog data channel
- analog data transfer channel
- arithmetic channel
- associated channel
- asynchronously multiplexed channel
- audio channel
- audio-frequency channel
- auxiliary channel
- available channel
- aviation channel
- B channel
- back channel
- backward channel
- band-limited channel
- basic channel
- bearer channel
- binary channel
- binary erasure channel
- binary symmetric channel
- binary symmetric dependent channel
- binary symmetric independent channel
- BL channel
- block-multiplexer channel
- blue channel
- brightness channel
- broad-band channel
- broadcast channel
- broadcast control channel
- bulk channel
- buried channel
- burst channel
- burst-error channel
- busy channel
- bypass channel
- byte-multiplexer channel
- calling channel
- camera channel
- carrier channel
- carrier current channel
- chocked channel
- chroma channel
- chromaticity channel
- chrominance channel
- citizen band channel
- class D channel
- class E channel
- clear channel
- coherent channel
- color channel
- color transmitting channel
- color-difference channel
- color-sync channel
- color-sync processing channel
- command channel
- common channel
- common-user channel
- communication channel
- companded channel
- conducting channel
- conductive channel
- contiguous channels
- control channel
- cross-polarized channels
- D channel
- data channel
- data transfer channel
- dedicated channel
- dedicated control channel
- deep channel
- deep sound channel
- default color channels
- delta channel
- demand-assigned channel
- demodulator channel
- depletion channel
- dial-up channel
- difference channel
- diffuse optical channel
- digital data channel
- digital data transfer channel
- dipole channel
- direct memory access channel
- direct-access radar channel
- discrete channel
- discrete memoryless channel
- discrete-input channel
- display data channel 1
- display data channel 2
- display data channel
- diversity channel
- DMA channel
- dogleg channel
- domain-tip propagation channel
- Doppler-shifted channel
- duplex channel
- emergency radio channel
- engineering channel
- excitation channel
- fading channel
- fast associated control channel
- fast-acting channel
- feedback channel
- FET channel
- fiber channel
- fiber-optic communication channel
- field-effect transistor channel
- fixed-tuned channel
- forward channel
- four-wire channel
- frequency-modulation broadcast channel
- full rate traffic channel
- Gaussian channel
- green channel
- guard channel
- half rate traffic channel
- half-duplex channel
- hard-limited channel
- high-frequency channel
- horizontal channel
- I channel
- I/O channel
- idle channel
- induced channel
- information bearer channel
- information channel
- input channel
- input/output channel
- interference channel
- Internet relay chat channel
- interrupt channel
- inversion channel
- ion channel
- ion-implanted channel
- ionospheric channel
- IRC channel
- isolating channel
- jammed channel
- L channel
- leased channel
- left front channel
- left rear channel
- left stereo channel
- left stereophonic channel
- line-of-sight channel
- local channel
- logical channel
- low-frequency channel
- luminance channel
- M channel
- melting channel
- memory channel
- memoryless channel
- meteor-burst channel
- MIDI channel
- monochrome channel
- multipath channel
- multipath-fading resistant channel
- multiple-access channel
- multiplex channel
- multiuser channel
- narrow-band channel
- news-talk-sports channel
- noiseless channel
- noisy channel
- nonswitched channel
- n-type channel
- off-hook channel
- one-way channel
- on-hook channel
- optical channel
- optical scatter channel
- ordinary channel
- output channel
- paging channel
- percolating conduction channel
- permanent virtual channel
- photo-defined channel
- picture channel
- pilot channel
- plasma channel
- primary color channel
- programmed channel
- p-type channel
- Q channel
- R channel
- radio channel
- radio-frequency channel
- random access channel
- Rayleigh channel
- read/write channel
- recording channel
- red channel
- reference channel
- regional channel
- relay channel
- rented channel
- reproducing channel
- reverberation channel
- right front channel
- right rear channel
- right stereo channel
- right stereophonic channel
- S channel
- scatter channel
- scribe channel
- sealed channel
- second channel
- selector channel
- serial management channel
- service channel
- shared channel
- side-lobe blanker channel
- side-lobe canceller channel
- signal channel
- signaling channel
- simplex channel
- single channel per carrier
- SLB channel
- SLC channel
- slow associated control channel
- sofar channel
- sound channel
- spacecraft channel
- SPX channel
- standard broadcast channel
- standard broadcasting channel
- stereo channel
- stereophonic channel
- subcarrier channel
- subcarrier-regeneration channel
- sum channel
- superconducting channel
- supervisory channel
- surface channel
- switched channel
- symmetrical channel
- synchronizing channel
- telecommunication channel
- telegraph channel
- telemeter channel
- telemetering channel
- telephone channel
- television channel
- time-derived channel
- time-division multiplex channel
- time-varying channel
- tone channel
- top channel
- traffic channel
- transfer channel
- transponder channel
- troposcatter channel
- two-wire channel
- undersea communication channel
- vertical channel
- VESA media channel
- vestigial-sideband channel
- VF channel
- VHF channel
- video-frequency channel
- virtual channel
- vision channel
- VM channel
- voice channel
- voice-band channel
- voice-frequency channel
- voice-grade channel
- waveguide channel
- wide-band channel
- wireless channel
- wire-tap channel
- write channelThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > channel
17 channel
1) радиоканал, полоса частот шириной 10 кГц, предоставленная службам радиосвязи2) ТВ-канал, полоса частот шириной 6 МГц, предоставленная службам ТВ-вещания3) тракт4) дорожка•- adjacent channel
- aeronautical emergency channel
- air channel
- air-air channel
- air-ground channel
- allocated channel
- alpha channel
- analog channel
- analog data channel
- associated channel
- associated signaling channel
- asynchronous channel
- audio channel
- automatic's line channel
- auxiliary channel
- average-speed signaling channel
- backward channel
- balanced channel
- band-limited channel
- base cable channel
- base RF-channel
- baseband channel
- B-channel
- bidirectional interaction channel
- bidirectional intercom channel
- binary symmetric channel
- binomial channel
- blank channel
- block multiplexor channel
- blue channel
- branching channel
- brightness channel
- broadband channel
- broadband multiplexing channel
- broadcast TV-radio channel
- buffered I/O channel
- bypass channel
- byte-multiplexor channel
- cable channel
- calling channel
- camera channel
- carrier-current channel
- chroma channel
- chrominance channel
- clear channel
- coherent channel
- color channel
- color-difference channel
- color-sync channel
- common-user channel
- communication channel
- complex high-frequency line channel
- confidence channel
- continuous channel
- continuous-discrete channel
- control channel
- covertness-protected channel
- cue channel
- data transfer channel
- data transmission channel
- D-channel
- D-echo channel
- dedicated channel
- deep-sound channel
- delta channel
- department communication channel
- digital data channel
- direct channel
- direct control channel
- direct receiving channel
- direct satellite channel
- discrete channel
- discrete-continuous channel
- dispatch communication channel
- double-pole channel
- drop-insertion channel
- duplex communication channel
- E-channel
- electric communication channel
- electric protection channel
- elementary channel
- emergency-radio channel
- engineering channel
- enhanced discrete channel
- even channel
- exchange channel
- fast channel
- fast-acting channel
- fax-modem channel
- feedback channel
- fiber optic communication channel
- firing channel
- fixed-tuned channel
- forcible-borrowed channel
- forward channel
- forward wideband delivery channel
- four-wire channel
- frequency signaling channel
- full-rate traffic channel
- green channel
- group channel
- guard channel
- half-duplex channel
- half-rate traffic channel
- H-channel
- head channel
- health channel
- HF broadband channel
- HF multiplexed channel
- high voltage aerial cable line channel
- highest grade channel
- high-frequency channel
- high-speed signaling channel
- high-voltage aerial line channel
- high-voltage cable line channel
- high-voltage tone line channel
- hydroacoustic channel
- I channel
- ideal channel
- image channel
- in-band orderwire channel
- induced channel
- information bearer channel
- information channel
- infrared channel
- input channel
- input-output channel
- interaction channel
- intercepting-protected channel
- interference channel
- intermodulation channel
- internal phase channel
- internal wire channel
- intrabasin channel
- intradistrict telegraph channel
- intraregional telegraph channel
- ionospheric channel
- isolated bundled phase channel
- jamming channel
- labeled channel
- labeled-statistical channel
- leased channel
- left front channel
- left rear channel
- left stereophonic channel
- line channel
- linear random channel
- line-of-sight channel
- local channel
- logical channel
- long-communication bypass channel
- long-distance channel
- low-frequency channel
- luminance channel
- M channel
- marine radio communication channel
- memory channel
- memoryless channel
- meteor-burst channel
- mobile communication channel
- monochrome channel
- multipath channel
- multiplexing channel
- noiseless channel
- noisy channel
- noncoherent channel
- nonfixed channel
- nonswitched channel
- nonsynchronous channel
- off-hook channel
- one-piece channel
- one-way channel
- open channel
- optimal channel
- optoelectronic channel
- ordinary channel
- outband channel
- output channel
- parallel access channel
- parallel optical channel
- parasitic channel
- peripheral-interface channel
- phase line channel
- phase-phase pitch line channel
- physical channel
- picture channel
- pilot channel
- pipeline control channel
- pitch communication channel
- planar channel
- positioned channel
- primary channel
- protection channel
- Q channel
- quadrature channel
- radio communication channel
- radiotelegraph channel
- radiotelephone channel
- read/write channel
- reception channel
- red channel
- relay channel
- relay protected channel
- return channel
- reverse channel
- reverse control channel
- Ricean channel
- right channel
- right front channel
- right rear channel
- right stereophonic channel
- road safety channel
- road servicing channel
- S channel
- safety channel
- satellite communication channel
- scatter channel
- secondary channel
- selector channel
- send channel
- sensor channel
- separate resonance channel
- series optical channel
- service communication channel
- shared channel
- ship-to-shore channel
- shore-to-ship channel
- side channel
- signal channel
- signaling channel
- single-beam channel
- single-ended channel
- slow channel
- slow-acting channel
- sound broadcasting channel
- sound channel
- space-craft channel
- special cable-line channel
- speech channel
- standard broadcast channel
- subvoice grade channel
- sum channel
- supervisory channel
- switched channel
- symmetrical channel
- synchronous channel
- telecommunication channel
- telemechanic channel
- telemetering channel
- telephone channel
- television channel
- time-derived channel
- toll cable channel
- tone frequency channel
- top channel
- traffic channel
- train dispatch communication channel
- train radio communication line channel
- transfer channel
- transmission channel
- transmission service channel
- transparent channel
- trunk channel
- TV-frequency channel
- TV-observation channel
- two-wire channel
- video channel
- virtual signaling channel
- voice channel
- voice-band channel
- waste channel
- wave channel
- wire communication channel
- wireless channel
- working channel
- write channelEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > channel
18 channel
1) канал2) канал связи, информационный канал3) дорожка•- audio channel
- backward channel
- back channel
- band-limited channel
- bearer channel
- block-multiplexed channel
- buffered channel
- bypass channel
- byte-at-time channel
- byte-multiplexed channel
- check channel
- clock channel
- coherent channel
- communication channel
- continuous-amplitude channel
- covert channel
- covert storage channel
- covert timing channel
- data channel
- data link channel
- data transfer channel
- data transmission channel
- dedicated channel
- direct-memory-access channel
- duplex channel
- event channel
- fact-acting channel
- forward channel
- four-wire channel
- frequency channel
- Gaussian channel
- Gauss channel
- half-duplex channel
- IDE channel
- idle channel
- inbound channel
- information bearer channel
- information channel
- input channel
- input/output channel
- interconnection channel
- interface channel
- interrupt channel
- leased channel
- logical channel
- lossless channel
- lower-bit-rate channel
- memoryless channel
- multiaccess broadcast channel
- multiplexer channel
- multiplex channel
- noiseless channel
- noisy channel
- one-way only channel
- optical communication channel
- outbound channel
- output channel
- paper tape channel
- peripheral interface channel
- pivot channel
- primary channel
- programmed channel
- read/write channel
- recording channel
- reverse channel
- routing channel
- secongary channel
- selector channel
- semaphor channel
- simplex channel
- single-ended channel
- sprocket channel
- storage channel
- symmetric channel
- tape channel
- temporary storage channel
- time-derived channel
- timing channel
- transmission channel
- two-wire channel
- unidirectional channel
- video channel
- voice channel
- voice-band channel
- voice-grade channelEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > channel
19 way
1. n путь; дорога; маршрут2. n направление3. n расстояние4. n движение вперёд; ход5. n образ действия; метод, способso and in no other way — только так ; только таким образом
in the following way — таким образом; следующим методом
6. n манера поведенияway of behavior — способ поведения; поведение
7. n особенность, характерная черта8. n уклад, обычай, привычкаthe way of the world — общепринятый уклад жизни; традиционные взгляды; общепринятые нормы поведения
9. n отношение, аспект10. n положение, состояние11. n размах, масштабы деятельности12. n разг. область, сфера; занятиеhunting is not in my way — охота — это не по моей категория, род
13. n возможность, путь, средствоeightfold way — «восьмеричный путь»
14. n мор. стапель15. n тех. направляющая16. n юр. право прохода, проездаany way — и в том и в другом случае; в любом случае
better by a long way, a long way better — гораздо лучше
in a way — в известном смысле; до некоторой степени, в известной мере
no two ways about it — это несомненно; об этом не может быть двух мнений
one way or another, some way or other — так или иначе; в любом случае; как бы то ни было
nothing came my way — мне ничего не удавалось, мне не подвёртывалось ничего хорошего
way enough! — шабаш!, на воду!
to have a way with one — обладать обаянием; иметь подход к людям
she has a winning way with her — в ней есть обаяние; она привлекает сердца
to bet both ways — ставить на лошадь и место, которое она займёт
to make way — уступить дорогу ; расчистить путь; расступиться, раздвинуться
to pay its way — окупаться, оправдывать себя, быть рентабельным
17. a промежуточный; расположенный по пути18. adv амер. усил. далеко; на значительном расстоянии, в отдалении19. adv амер. усил. полностью, до конца20. adv амер. усил. близ21. int тпру!Синонимический ряд:1. behaviour (noun) actions; behaviour; comportment; conduct; demeanour; deportment2. distance (noun) distance; interval; space; ways3. door (noun) access; adit; admission; admittance; door; entrance; entree; entry; ingress4. habit (noun) consuetude; custom; form; habit; habitude; manner; practice; praxis; trick; usage; use; wont5. means (noun) design; fashion; means; method; mode; modus; plan; policy; procedure; process; style; system; technique; wise6. passage (noun) channel; course; drag; line; passage; path; route; throughway7. progress (noun) direction; extent; progress8. road (noun) artery; avenue; boulevard; drive; freeway; highway; road; roadway; street; thoroughfare; track9. type (noun) breed; cast; character; class; cut; description; feather; ilk; kidney; kind; lot; mold; nature; order; persuasion; sort; species; stamp; stripe; type; variety -
20 дуплексный канал
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > дуплексный канал
См. также в других словарях:
Two-way alternating — communications is a term sometimes used to disambiguate the term Duplex (telecommunications). In a two way alternating communications channel, each endpoint can either send or receive at any given time, but cannot send and receive at the same… … Wikipedia
Two-way simultaneous — communications is a term sometimes used to disambiguate the term duplex (telecommunications). In a two way simultaneous communications channel, each endpoint can both send and receive at the same time. Two way alternating communications allows an … Wikipedia
Two-way — a. (Pipe Fitting) Serving to connect at will one pipe or channel with either of two others; as, a two way cock. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Two-way communication — is a form of transmission in which both parties involved transmit information. Common forms of two way communication are:* In person communication. * Telephone conversations. * Amateur, CB or FRS radio contacts. * Computer networks. See back… … Wikipedia
Two-way radio — receiver which only receives content. Two way radios are available in mobile, stationary base and hand held portable configurations. Hand held radios are often called walkie talkies or handie talkies. A push to talk or Press To Transmit button is … Wikipedia
two-way — adjective Date: 1844 1. being a cock or valve that will connect a pipe or channel with either of two others 2. moving or allowing movement in either direction < a two way bridge > 3. a. involving or allowing an exchange between two individuals or … New Collegiate Dictionary
Channel — Chan nel (ch[a^]n n[e^]l), n. [OE. chanel, canel, OF. chanel, F. chenel, fr. L. canalis. See {Canal}.] 1. The hollow bed where a stream of water runs or may run. [1913 Webster] 2. The deeper part of a river, harbor, strait, etc., where the main… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Channel bar — Channel Chan nel (ch[a^]n n[e^]l), n. [OE. chanel, canel, OF. chanel, F. chenel, fr. L. canalis. See {Canal}.] 1. The hollow bed where a stream of water runs or may run. [1913 Webster] 2. The deeper part of a river, harbor, strait, etc., where… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Channel bill — Channel Chan nel (ch[a^]n n[e^]l), n. [OE. chanel, canel, OF. chanel, F. chenel, fr. L. canalis. See {Canal}.] 1. The hollow bed where a stream of water runs or may run. [1913 Webster] 2. The deeper part of a river, harbor, strait, etc., where… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Channel goose — Channel Chan nel (ch[a^]n n[e^]l), n. [OE. chanel, canel, OF. chanel, F. chenel, fr. L. canalis. See {Canal}.] 1. The hollow bed where a stream of water runs or may run. [1913 Webster] 2. The deeper part of a river, harbor, strait, etc., where… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Channel iron — Channel Chan nel (ch[a^]n n[e^]l), n. [OE. chanel, canel, OF. chanel, F. chenel, fr. L. canalis. See {Canal}.] 1. The hollow bed where a stream of water runs or may run. [1913 Webster] 2. The deeper part of a river, harbor, strait, etc., where… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English