1 two spool compressor
двухкаскадный компрессор
Компрессор ГТД, состоящий из двух последовательно расположенных каскадов компрессоров.
[ ГОСТ 23851-79]Тематики
67. Двухкаскадный компрессор
D. Zweiwellenverdichter
E. Two spool compressor
F. Compresseur double corps
Компрессор ГТД, состоящий из двух последовательно расположенных каскадов компрессоров
Источник: ГОСТ 23851-79: Двигатели газотурбинные авиационные. Термины и определения оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > two spool compressor
2 two-spool compressor
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > two-spool compressor
3 two-spool compressor
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > two-spool compressor
4 two-spool compressor
5 two-spool compressor
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > two-spool compressor
6 two-spool compressor
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > two-spool compressor
7 two-spool compressor
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > two-spool compressor
8 two-spool compressor
9 two-spool compressor
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > two-spool compressor
10 two-spool compressor
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > two-spool compressor
11 two-spool compressor
12 two-spool compressor
двухкаскадный [двухроторный, двухвальный] компрессорEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > two-spool compressor
13 two-spool
two-spool compressorдвухкаскадный компрессорtwo-spool engineдвухкаскадный двигательtwo-spool rotorдвухкаскадный ротор -
14 compressor
cold air unit compressor — компрессор холодильного агрегата [холодильника]
15 compressor
- auxiliary compressor
- axial flow compressor
- birotating compressor
- centrifugal compressor
- compound compressor
- diaphragm-type compressor
- displacement compressor
- double-acting compressor
- double-acting piston compressor
- double-stage compressor
- emergency compressor
- fluid compressor
- four-stage compressor
- gas compressor
- high-pressure compressor
- information compressor
- intermediate pressure compressor
- low-pressure compressor
- mixed flow compressor
- multistage compressor
- piston compressor
- piston-type compressor
- positive displacement compressor
- radial compressor
- radial-flow compressor
- ram compressor
- reciprocal compressor
- reciprocating compressor
- refrigeration compressor
- rotary compressor
- screw compressor
- single-stage compressor
- slow-speed compressor
- standby compressor
- starting compressor
- three-spool compressor
- three-stage compressor
- twin compressor
- two-spool compressor
- two-stage compressor
- vane compressor
- wet-air compressorEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > compressor
16 compressor
компрессор, устройство сжатияaxial compressoraxial-flow compressorcentrifugal compressorcompound compressorfive-stage compressorhigh-flow compressorhigh-pressure compressorHP compressorintermediate-pressure compressorlow-pressure compressorLP compressormixed-flow compressormultistage compressorseven-stage compressorthree-spool compressorthree-stage compressortwo-spool compressorvapor cycle compressorvariable-capacity compressorvariable-geometry compressor -
17 compressor
axial-flow compressorосевой компрессорbirotating compressorбиротативный компрессорcentrifugal compressorцентробежный компрессорcompound compressorкомбинированный компрессорcompressor air flow ductвторой контурcompressor bleed bandлента перепуска воздуха из компрессораcompressor bleed valveклапан перепуска воздуха из компрессораcompressor delivery pressureдавление за компрессоромcompressor delivery temperatureтемпература на выходе из компрессораcompressor discдиск компрессораcompressor pressure ratioстепень повышения давления компрессоромcompressor rotorротор компрессораcompressor rotor discдиск ротора компрессораcompressor rotor wheelрабочее колесо компрессораcompressor sectionузел компрессораcompressor stageступень компрессораcompressor surge marginкомпрессор по помпажуdual compressorдвухкаскадный компрессорfinal compressor stageпоследняя ступень компрессораhigh-pressure compressorкомпрессор высокого давленияinlet compressor stageвходная ступень компрессораlow-pressure compressorкомпрессор низкого давленияmixed-flow compressorцентробежно-осевой компрессорmultistage compressorмногоступенчатый компрессорradial-flow compressorцентробежный компрессорram compressorпрямоточный компрессорsplit compressorдвухкаскадный компрессорtap air from the compressorотбирать воздух от компрессораtwo-rotor compressorдвухроторный компрессорtwo-shaft compressorдвухвальный компрессорtwo-spool compressorдвухкаскадный компрессорtwo-stage compressorдвухступенчатый компрессор -
18 compressor
— centrifugal-flow compressor -
19 compressor
1) компрессор2) компрессор; устройство автоматического сжатия динамического диапазона3) вчт. уплотнитель ( информации)•-
accessible compressor
air brake compressor
air compressor
air scavenging compressor
air-cooled compressor
angle compressor
axial-flow compressor
birotating compressor
booster compressor
brake compressor
centrifugal-flow compressor
centrifugal compressor
closed crankcase compressor
compound compressor
counterflow compressor
diaphragm-type compressor
direct-flow compressor
double-acting compressor
dry piston compressor
dry screw compressor
field compressor
field service compressor
fractional horsepower compressor
gas turbine compressor
gas-engine driven compressor
gas-engine compressor
heavy-tonnage compressor
hermetic compressor
high-pressure compressor
high-side compressor
high-speed compressor
integral muted compressor
intermediate compressor
jet compressor
low-pressure compressor
low-side compressor
low-tonnage compressor
mixed-flow compressor
monoblock compressor
motor compressor
multistage compressor
multivane compressor
oil-flooded screw compressor
oilfree compressor
open crankcase compressor
open-type compressor
piston compressor
piston-type compressor
plant-air compressor
positive displacement compressor
propane compressor
radial flow compressor
reciprocating compressor
refrigerant compressor
return-flow compressor
rotary compressor
rotary screw compressor
rotary vane compressor
screw compressor
semihermetic compressor
single-stage compressor
slow-speed compressor
split compressor
starting compressor
steam-jet compressor
steam-turbine driven compressor
syllabic compressor
time compressor
turbine compressor
turbine-driven compressor
two-rotor compressor
two-spool compressor
uniflow compressor
vane compressor
vapor compressor
water-cooled compressor
well starting compressor
wet screw compressor -
20 two
два; двойка- two-arm caliper - two-armed manipulator - two-axis accelerometer - two-axis coupling - two-axis deflector - two-axis excitation - two-axis fork head - two-axis loading - two-axis pivote mirror - two-axis robot - two-axle bodywork - two-axle bogie - two-axle car - two-axle drawbar trailer - two-axle scraper - two-axle trailer - two-axle vehicle - two-ball machine - two-ball tester - two-bank - two-bladed fan - two-bottom plough - two-box car - two bridge caliper - two-can lacquer - two-chamber air reservoir - two-channel analyzer - two-channel switch - two-circuit tower - two component dynamometer - two-component glass - two-component liquid - two-component sensor - two-core cable - two-cycle - two-decker - two-degree-of-freedom suspension - two dimensional - two-dimensional cam - two-dimensional detector - two-dimensional flow - two-dimensional heat exchange - two-dimensional mirror - two-dimensional multishock compression - two-dimensional nozzle - two-dimensional sensor - two direction hydraulic motor - two-door hard top sedan - two-drum hoist - two-duck air-conditioning system - two-engine closed-loop gear - two-engine hydromechanical transmission - two-engined vehicle - two-finger - two-flap valve - two-flight stairs - two-flow economizer - two-fluid hydrodynamics - two-fold - two-forked - two-forty - two-gauge rosette - two-handed arm - two-head automatic arc-welding machine - two-head signal - two-high leveler - two-hinged arm - two jaw chuck - two-jawed - jawed chuck - two-lane - two-lane conveyor - two-lane highway - two-lane road - two-lane traffic - two-lane tunnel- two-leaf- two level model - two-light head lamp - two-part - two-phase supercharger - two-piece - two-piece wheel- two-row- two-seater - two-spark - two-spark ignition - two-speed drive - two-speed drive system - two-speed final drive - two-speed gearless transmission - two-speed wiper - two-speed transfer case - two-spoke steering wheel - two-spool compressor - two-stage accelerator - two-stage air cleaner - two-stage air heater - two-stage axial accelerator - two-stage carbureter - two-stage coating - two-stage compressor - two-stage controller - two-stage crushing - two-stage ejector - two-stage epicyclic reduction gear - two-stage filter element - two-stage gearbox - two-stage hoist - two-stage hydraulic filter - two-stage injection - two-stage injector - two-stage mast - two-stage precipitator - two-stage right-angle reducer - two-stage secondary suspension - two-stage separator - two-stage servosystem - two-stage valve - two-stand load station - two-start screw conveyor - two-start thread - two-step - two-step control - two-step controller - two-step detector - two-step mechanism
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
twin-spool compressor — A compressor that has two independently operating low and high pressure compressors driven, respectively, by low and high pressure turbines. Twin spool compressor … Aviation dictionary
Compressor stall — A compressor stall is a situation of abnormal airflow resulting from a stall of the aerofoils within the compressor of a jet engine. Stall is found in dynamic compressors, particularly axial compressors, as used in jet engines and turbochargers… … Wikipedia
Axial compressor — Axial compressors are rotating, aerofoil based compressors in which the working fluid principally flows parallel to the axis of rotation. This is in contrast with centrifugal, axi centrifugal and mixed flow compressors where the air may enter… … Wikipedia
dual-spool gas turbine engine — An axial flow turbine engine with two independent axial flow compressors, each driven by its own stage(s) of turbines. The high pressure, or N2 , compressor is speed governed by the fuel control system. The speed of the low pressure compressor,… … Aviation dictionary
Rolls-Royce Conway — The RB.80 Conway was the first by pass engine (or turbofan) to go into service in the world. Development started at Rolls Royce in the 1940s, but it was used only briefly in the late 1950s and early 1960s before other turbofan designs were… … Wikipedia
ГОСТ 23851-79: Двигатели газотурбинные авиационные. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 23851 79: Двигатели газотурбинные авиационные. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 293. Аварийное выключение ГТД Аварийное выключение Ндп. Аварийное отключение ГТД D. Notausschaltung Е. Emergency shutdown F. Arrêt urgent… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
двухкаскадный компрессор — Компрессор ГТД, состоящий из двух последовательно расположенных каскадов компрессоров. [ГОСТ 23851 79] Тематики двигатели летательных аппаратов EN two spool compressor DE Zweiwellenverdichter FR compresseur double corps … Справочник технического переводчика
Двухкаскадный компрессор — 67. Двухкаскадный компрессор D. Zweiwellenverdichter E. Two spool compressor F. Compresseur double corps Компрессор ГТД, состоящий из двух последовательно расположенных каскадов компрессоров Источник: ГОСТ 23851 79: Двигатели газотурбинные… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Turbofan — [ CFM56 3 turbofan, lower half, side view.] A turbofan is a type of jet engine, similar to a turbojet. It essentially consists of a ducted fan with a smaller diameter turbojet engine mounted behind it that powers the fan. Part of the airstream… … Wikipedia
Jet engine performance — This article describes how jet engine performance is estimated during the design phase. Similar techniques are used once the engine has been built and is being tested, except the performance of individual components, rather than being assumed, is … Wikipedia
Rolls-Royce Trent — are a family of high bypass turbofan engines manufactured by Rolls Royce. All are developments of the RB211 with thrust ratings of between 53,000 and 95,000 lbf (236 to 423 kN). Versions of the Trent are in service on the Airbus A330, A340, A380… … Wikipedia