1 two-channel sound system
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > two-channel sound system
2 two-channel sound system
English-Russian electronics dictionary > two-channel sound system
3 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
4 system
1) система; комплекс2) метод; способ3) канал•- acoustic alarm system
- acoustic image system
- acoustic systems
- actiontrack system
- active IR-system
- actuator system
- adaptive communication system
- adaptive teleinformation system
- adaptive telemetering system
- advanced information system
- Afsatcom system
- air system
- aircraft intercommunication system
- airfield communication system
- air-ground automatic system
- airline reservation system
- air-to-ground TV system
- alarm signal system
- alarm system
- all-channel signaling system
- ALL-IN-ONE system
- alphanumeric system
- amplified speaker system
- amplitude shift-keying system
- AMPS system
- analog cellular communication system
- analog cellular system
- analog component video system
- analog television system
- analog tropospheric system
- anisochronous system
- antenna system
- antitheft system
- AR system
- Arabsat system
- ASK system
- associated channel analog system
- asynchronous address communication system
- audio recording system
- Aurora system
- Aussat system
- automatic communication system
- automatic connection establishment system
- automatic control system
- automatic data acquisition system
- automatic telegraphy system
- automatic telephone system
- automatic tuning system
- automatized cellular system
- auxiliary alarm system
- balanced cable transmission system
- band sharing system
- base station system
- baseband system
- basic input/output system
- bass-reflex speaker system
- batch processing system
- batch transmission system
- batch-and-forward system
- batteryless system
- bilateral CTV system
- binary tariff system
- biocontrol system
- bit parallel interface system
- bit transport system
- bridge duplex system
- broadband mobile system
- broadcast satellite system
- broadcasting delivery media systems
- burglar alarm system
- byte-serial interface system
- cabinet system
- cabinetless system
- cable distribution system
- cable TV system
- call-accounting system
- call-answering system
- call-counting system
- call-distributing system
- call-processing system
- call-queueing system
- camp-on system
- CAPTAIN system
- car component audio system
- carrier reinsertion system
- carrier system
- carrier-communication system
- carrier-current communication system
- Cassegrain-Schmidt system
- cassette recording system
- cassette reproducing system
- CATRIN system
- caution system
- CD 900 system
- cellular system
- cellular-radio system
- central-battery system
- centralized control system
- chirp binary telegraph system
- cipher system
- circuit switched telecommunication system
- circuit switching telecommunication system
- circular telecontrol system
- clock system
- closed-circuit communication system
- closed-circuit telegraph system
- closed-numbering system
- code-dependent system
- code-division multiple access system
- code-independent system
- code-insensitive system
- code-sensitive system
- coding system
- coherent fiber-optic system
- collimating system
- collocated system
- color separating system
- combined numbering system
- combined power supply system
- combined satellite communication system
- common-battery system
- common-carrier system
- common-channel signaling system
- common-engineering communication system
- common-purpose cellular system
- common-using band system
- common-using cordless telephone system
- common-using paging system
- communication system
- communication traffic system
- communications system
- community antenna system
- community antenna television system
- community TV-system
- commununication switching system
- compact disk digital audio system
- compatible color television system
- compatible single sideband system
- compatible single-band system
- compatible TV-system
- complex radio communication system
- computer vision system
- computer-telephone system
- Comsar system
- Comsat system
- Conax system
- concentrated-insonation system
- conference system
- conference-communication system
- congested system
- congress-class system
- constant-current system
- control generating system
- conventional television system
- Conversant system
- cordless-communication system
- crossbar system
- crossed-coincident microphone system
- Crosspoint system
- CSE system
- C-system
- cubical video projecting system
- data processing system
- data system
- data transport system
- data-collection system
- data-compression system
- data-exchange system
- dataflow system
- data-gathering system
- data-handling system
- data-measuring system
- data-reduction system
- data-transmission system
- Decca Navigator system
- DECfax system
- decision-feedback system
- dedicated control channel system
- dedicated multimedia system
- delta-sigma system
- deluxe presentation system
- departmental communication system
- desktop-video system
- DFS/Copernicus system
- dial-telephone system
- differential phase shift-keying system
- differential-duplex system
- differential-magnetic system
- digital camera system
- digital hybrid-key telephone system
- digital mass storage system
- digital microwave radio transmission system
- digital telephone communication system
- digital transmission system
- digital TV-communication system
- Digital UNIX system
- digital-analog system
- digital-cellular system
- digital-data modulation system
- digital-effect system
- digital-message entry system
- digital-termination system
- direct-broadcasting satellite system
- directing system
- direct-modulation system
- direct-sequence system
- direct-telephone communication system
- discrete communication system
- discrete sound system
- discrete-addressing system
- disk-operating system
- DISOSS system
- dispatch telephone communication system
- dispatch-center system
- dispersed-insonation system
- distributed-insonation system
- distributed-processing system
- documental-type communication system
- Dolby systems
- domestic satellite communication system
- double-band telephone communication system
- double-channel transmission system
- double-current transmission system
- double-pole communication system
- double-sideband large carrier system
- DSCS system
- D-system
- dual-cable system
- dual-reflector system
- duplexed system
- Earth-to-space transmission system
- ECM system
- electric communication system
- electronic antishock system
- electronic data-gathering system
- electronic data-processing system
- electronic-message system
- electronic-scanning system
- electronic-switching system
- Ellipso system
- emergency telephone communication system
- emergency-broadcast system
- EMX system
- equidistant system
- error-correction system
- error-detection system
- Eutelsat system
- extensible system
- external paging system
- facsimile system
- fast-acting servicing system
- fault-tolerant system
- fax communication system
- fax transmitting system
- feed system
- fiber transmission system
- fiber-optic transmission system
- field-sequential system
- final mile system
- finishing system
- fire alarm system
- fire warning system
- first generation cellular system
- five-channel communication system
- fixed satellite system
- Flexcam system
- flexible access system
- Flitsatcom system
- focusing system
- four-channel sound system
- four-dimensional system
- four-wire telephone communication system
- frame-sequential system
- frequency shift-keying system
- frequency-carrier system
- frequency-control system
- front-bass reflex speaker system
- fully digital system
- gate system
- Gaussian system
- generalized system
- generating dynamic system
- generator-dc-motor system
- GIGASET radio system
- global positioning system
- Global system
- Gopher system
- grandfathered system
- group-alerting and dispatching system
- guide system
- hard-wired CCTV system
- hazard system
- helical-scan system
- HF-synchronizing system
- high-precision navigating system
- Hi-linear system
- home system
- home-telephone system
- home-type system
- homing-guidance system
- host system
- hydroacoustic system
- ideal communication system
- idealized system
- image informaion system
- image-forming system
- immedial servicing system
- incompatible system
- independent system
- information retrieval system
- information system radio system
- information system
- information-feedback system
- information-measuring system
- infrared alarm system
- Inmarsat system
- Inmarsat-A system
- Inmarsat-B system
- Inmarsat-C system
- Inmarsat-D system
- Inmarsat-M system
- Inmarsat-P system
- integrated telephone system
- integrated videographic teleconferencing system
- integrated-antenna system
- integrated-communication system
- integrated-modulation system
- integrated-office system
- Intelsat system
- interactive system
- intercarrier-sound system
- intercommunication system
- intercontinental tropospheric system
- interlock system
- intermachine exchange system
- intermediate system
- international communication system
- interphone system
- Intervision system
- intraband signaling system
- intruder alarm system
- inward-outward dialing system
- ionoscatter system
- ionosphere sounder system
- ionospheric system
- Iridium system
- isolated system
- Italsat system
- J-carrier system
- joint-multichannel trunking and switching system
- K-carrier system
- key system
- key-telephone system
- land satellite communication system
- large-grained communication system
- laser communication system
- L-band satellite system
- L-carrier system
- Leasat system
- lightning protection system
- limited distortion system
- line amplifiers system
- link system
- little-channel relay system
- local alarm system
- local battery system
- local communication system
- local radio paging system
- long-haul system
- long-range system
- loop system
- loud-speaking communication system
- low-traffic system
- magnetic tape recording system
- Mail system
- management-information system
- manual cellular system system
- manual telephone set system
- Marisat system
- master television system
- master-antenna television system
- matrix sound system
- message feedback system
- message procession system
- message registration system
- message-switched system
- meteor radio system
- Metrobus system
- micro component system
- Micro Press Cluster Printing system
- micro-lens system
- microprocessor system
- microwave relay system
- midi system
- mine radio telephone system
- mini system
- mixed media system
- mixed numbering system
- mobile cellular communication system
- mobile land communication system
- mobile radio system
- mobile relay system
- mobile system
- modulated system
- monetary mobile system
- MS-Mail system
- multiareal system
- multicassette system
- multichannel telephone system
- multicomputer system
- multidisk system
- multiformat recording system
- multifrequency tone signaling system
- multiguard system
- multilevel mixed system
- multimedia system
- multiple-channel system
- multiqueue system
- Multiscrypt system
- multistandard system
- multitrack editing system
- mutibeam antenna system
- muting system
- Nagravision system
- NAMTS system
- narrow-angle TV system
- national communication system
- navigation system
- n-channel communication system
- n-channel DPSK system
- n-channel transmission system
- network standalone system
- network system
- network-operation system
- networks numbering system
- neutral direct-current telegraph system
- n-head video system
- NMT system
- noise-reduction system
- nonhoming tuning system
- noninterlaced television system
- nonsegmented system
- Norsat system
- n-satellite system system
- n-tone DPSK system
- n-tone MFSK system
- NTSC system
- NTT system
- obligatory message system
- Odyssey system
- off-line system
- on-line computer system
- on-line secured system
- open numbering system
- open system
- operative-engineering communication system
- opposite signals system
- optical-communication system
- optical-information system
- optical-projection system
- optoelectronic system
- oscillating system
- oscillation system
- outband signaling system
- package-and-resource tracking system
- pagemaster system
- paging system
- PAL system
- parametric system
- PATHWORKS system
- pattern recognition system
- personal holding guard system
- phase shift-keying system
- phone system
- Piccolo system
- pilot-controller system
- polar direct-current telegraph system
- portable mobile system
- power control system
- power controlling system
- power-line carrier system
- power-supply system
- press-to-talk system
- Prestel system
- primary-supply system
- privacy system
- private branch paging system
- private movable system
- private videodata system
- private videotex system
- process-interface system
- PROFS system
- programmable cross-connect system
- programmable cross-connected system
- programmed radio system
- prompting system
- protected wireline distribution system
- protection system
- pseudoquadraphony system
- pseudotrunking system
- public videodata system
- public videotex system
- pulse-code system
- pulse-frequency system
- pulse-time system
- quadraphonic sound system
- quadruple-diversity system
- R1 system
- R2 system
- radio buoy system
- radio command system
- radio communication system
- Radio Data system
- radio facsimile system
- Radiocom 2000 system
- radio-control system
- radio-paging system
- radio-relay system
- radiosonde-radio-wind system
- radio-telemetering system
- real time pulse-echo system
- real time system
- receiver lockout system
- recording system
- recovery system
- redundant system
- reference-information system
- regional electronic payment system
- relay-radio system
- remote concentrating system
- remote control system
- remote diagnostic system
- remote information system
- remote semiconcentrating system
- remote sensing system
- remote signaling system
- rendering system
- rerecording system
- reserved servicing system
- RF/Transmission system
- rotary system
- safety alarm system
- safety system
- Satcom system
- satellite comminication system
- satellite marine comminication system
- Satellite Master Antenna Television system
- satellite radio system
- satellite-aircraft communication system
- SB-communication system
- SBL communication system
- scalable system
- scanning trunking system
- SCO UNIX system
- searchless identification system
- seat reservation system
- SECAM system
- second generation cellular system
- second room system
- secondary supply system
- secrecy system
- section communication system
- security system
- segmented system
- seismic system
- selective calling system
- selective frequency base station system
- selective protective system
- selective telephone system
- self-adjusting system
- self-balancing differential system
- self-contained system
- self-test system
- selsyn system
- semiautomatic-switching system
- semiautomatized cellular system
- sensory system
- servo system
- shadow-batch system
- short-haul microwave system
- Sicral system
- Sigma Servo system
- signal system
- simplex movable system
- single-band transmission system
- single-busbar system
- single-cable communication system
- single-cable system
- single-channel system
- single-current transmission system
- single-pulse tracking system
- Skynet system
- small-grained communication system
- SmarTrunk II radio communication system
- solid-state uninterruptible power battery system
- Sony bus system
- sound alarm system
- sound equalization system
- sound navigation system
- sound reinforcement system
- sound warning system
- space-division system
- space-switched system
- spark-safe system
- speaker system
- special communication system
- speech-processing system
- speech-recognition system
- split-speaker system
- spread-spectrum system
- stabilizing system
- stage monitoring system
- standalone double point system
- star-circuit system
- STAREX CMX system
- starting communication system
- start-stop system
- stationary satellite system
- step-by-step system
- stereo sound system
- stereophonic sound system
- storage system
- storage-and-retrieval system
- Strowger system
- submarine fiber-optic system
- subprimary digital transmission system
- subscriber carrier system
- subscriber switching system
- suffix system
- Supersat system
- supervisory control system
- surround sound system
- switched telecommunication system
- switching system
- sync communication system
- synchro system
- synchronous communication system
- synchronous digital system
- TAGS system
- tandem system
- tariffication system
- T-carrier system
- TDF system
- teleautomatic system
- Telecom system
- telecommunication system
- telecommunications system
- telecommunication-service priority system
- telecommunications-service priority system
- telecontrol system
- telemechanic system
- telemetering system
- telemetry system
- telephone system
- telephone-answering system
- telephone-communication system
- telephone-communications system
- teleprocessing system
- Telesat system
- teletex system
- teletypewriter system
- television-telephone system
- Tele-X system
- Telsar system
- terminal system
- terrestrial radio-relay system
- theft-prevention system
- thin-route system
- third generation communication system
- three-axle stabilizing system
- three-channel HF-telephone system
- three-channel transmission system
- three-color system
- three-lens optical system
- three-primary system
- three-wire system
- time-dissemination system
- time-frequency hopping system
- time-switched system
- total access communication system
- total area coverage system
- transmission system
- trichromatic system
- triple-interlace system
- triplex system
- trunk communication system
- TV-observation system
- twelve-channel transmission system
- two-arm system
- two-band system
- two-color system
- two-roller transfer system
- two-step control system
- two-way CATV system
- two-way system
- two-wire telephone communication system
- ultra-match system
- ULTRIX system
- unified radioaccess system
- unilateral-control system
- unilateral-synchronization system
- uninterruptible-power system
- Unisat system
- universal alarm system
- universal-battery system
- universal-electronic system
- universal-movable system
- Uniworks system
- vestigial-sideband system
- video editing system
- video home system
- video recording system
- videocom system
- videoteleconference system
- videotex system
- virtual studio system
- vision system
- vocoder system
- voice dialog system
- voice frequency carrier telegraph system
- voice modulation system
- voice post system
- volume control system
- waiting system
- warning system
- watch system
- watching system
- waterside facsimile communication system
- wave-propagating system
- wide-angle TV system
- Winfax Pro system
- wired broadcasting system
- wireless CCTV system
- wireless home system
- wireless infrared speaker system
- wire-radio communication system
- XY system
- zone-selective protection system
- zoning systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > system
5 system
система; комплекс; средство; способ; метод; сеть (напр. дорог) ;aiming-navigation system (analog, digital) — прицельно-навигационная система (аналоговая, цифровая)
air observation, acquisition and fire control system — (бортовая) система воздушной разведки, засечки целей и управления огнем
air support aircraft ECM (equipment) system — (бортовая) система РЭП для самолетов авиационной поддержки
airborne (ground) target acquisition and illumination laser system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и подсветки (наземных) целей
airborne (ground) targeting and laser designator system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и целеуказания (наземных целей)
airborne laser illumination, ranging and tracking system — ав. бортовая система лазерной подсветки, определения дальности и сопровождения цели
artillery (nuclear) delivery system — артиллерийская система доставки (ядерного) боеприпаса (к цели)
C2 system — система оперативного управления; система руководства и управления
C3 system — система руководства, управления и связи; система оперативного управления и связи
channel and message switching (automatic) communications system — АСС с коммутацией каналов и сообщений
country-fair type rotation system (of instruction) — метод одновременного обучения [опроса] нескольких учебных групп (переходящих от одного объекта изучения к другому)
dual-capable (conventional/nuclear) weapon delivery system — система доставки (обычного или ядерного) боеприпаса к цели
electromagnetic emitters identification, location and suppression system — система обнаружения, опознавания и подавления источников электромагнитных излучений [излучающих РЭС]
field antimissile (missile) system — полевой [войсковой] ПРК
fire-on-the-move (air defense) gun system — подвижный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс для стрельбы в движении [на ходу]
fluidic (missile) control system — ркт. гидравлическая [струйная] система управления полетом
forward (area) air defense system — система ПВО передового района; ЗРК для войсковой ПВО передового района
graduated (availability) operational readiness system — Бр. система поэтапной боевой готовности (частей и соединений)
high-resolution satellite IR detection, tracking and targeting system — спутниковая система с ИК аппаратурой высокой разрешающей способности для обнаружения, сопровождения целей и наведения средств поражения
ICBM (alarm and) early warning satellite system — спутниковая система обнаружения пусков МБР и раннего предупреждения (средств ПРО)
information storage, tracking and retrieval system — система накопления, хранения и поиска информации
instantaneous grenade launcher (armored vehicle) smoke system — гранатомет (БМ) для быстрой постановки дымовой завесы
Precision Location [Locator] (and) Strike system — высокоточная система обеспечения обнаружения и поражения целей; высокоточный разведывательно-ударный комплекс
rapid deceleration (parachute) delivery system — парашютная система выброски грузов с быстрым торможением
real time, high-resolution reconnaissance satellite system — спутниковая разведывательная система с высокой разрешающей способностью аппаратуры и передачей информации в реальном масштабе времени
received signal-oriented (output) jamming signal power-adjusting ECM system — система РЭП с автоматическим регулированием уровня помех в зависимости от мощности принимаемого сигнала
sea-based nuclear (weapon) delivery system — система морского базирования доставки ядерного боеприпаса к цели
small surface-to-air ship self-defense (missile) system — ЗРК ближнего действия для самообороны корабля
Status Control, Alerting and Reporting system — система оповещения, контроля и уточнения состояния [боевой готовности] сил и средств
surface missile (weapon) system — наземный [корабельный] РК
target acquisition, rapid designation and precise aiming system — комплекс аппаратуры обнаружения цели, быстрого целеуказания и точного прицеливания
— ABM defense system— antimissile missile system— central weapon system— countersurprise military system— laser surveying system— tank weapon system— vertical launching system— weapons system -
6 system
- active antinoise system
- active damping system
- air brake system
- air gulp system
- air induction system
- air intake system
- air-assisted braking system
- air-conditioning system
- air-over-hydraulic brake system
- alarm system
- American light distribution system
- antidive system
- antilock brake system
- antinoise system
- antiskid system
- antisquat system
- antitheft alarm system
- antitheft system
- audio warning system
- automatic braking system
- automatic climate control system
- automatic closing system
- automatic level control system
- automatic leveling control system
- automotive system
- auxiliary system
- ballast ignition system
- body mounting system
- brake system
- breakerless ignition system
- breakerless transistorized ignition system
- capacitor ignition system
- car audio system
- car navigation system
- car security system
- central door locking system
- central fuel injection system
- central lubrication system
- central tire inflation system
- child restraint system
- climate control system
- closed cooling system
- closed evaporation system
- cold start system
- collision warning system
- continuous fuel injection system
- control system
- controlled combustion system
- cooling system
- crankcase ventilation system
- crash avoidance system
- cruise-control system
- damper control system
- damping system
- diagnostic system
- diagonal-split dual circuit braking system
- direct acting system
- distributor-less ignition system
- dual braking system
- dual circuit brake system
- dual exhaust system
- electronic brake system
- electronic ignition system
- electronic load-leveling system
- electronic map ignition system
- emergency brake system
- emission control system
- engine management system
- engine mount system
- European light distribution system
- exhaust system
- four-channel antilock brake system
- fuel supply system
- fuel system
- fuel vapor recirculation system
- gas-storage system
- heating system
- heating, ventilation and air conditioning system
- highway system
- hydraulic brake system
- idle system
- ignition system
- indicating system
- induction system
- inductive ignition system
- inertia braking system
- injection and ignition system
- injection system
- insulated-return electric system
- intake system
- keyless entry system
- lighting system
- lubricating system
- metering system
- microprocessor spark timing system
- modular system
- mounting system
- multipoint fuel injection system
- occupant restraint system
- on-board diagnostic system
- open evaporation system
- parking brake system
- passenger-protection system
- pneumatic brake system
- pneumatic system
- pointless ignition system
- powertrain control system
- pre-heater system
- preheating system
- pressurized cooling system
- primary braking system
- programmable fuel injection system
- radio antitheft system
- regenerative braking system
- restraint system
- sealed system
- seat adjustment system
- secondary brake system
- self-diagnosis system
- sequential fuel injection system
- service brake system
- side impact protection system
- single-line brake system
- sound system
- speed-control system
- split brake system
- stability management control system
- starting system
- steering system
- swapbody system
- tire-pressure monitoring system
- traction-control system
- twin circuit brake system
- two-line brake system
- unit replacement system
- unloading system
- vehicle navigation system
- vehicle-dynamics control system
- ventilation system
- warning system -
7 amplifier
1) усилитель2) приемник ( прямого усиления)•- acoustic amplifier
- adder amplifier
- all-pass amplifier
- all-purpose amplifier
- all-radial amplifier
- antenna amplifier
- aperiodic amplifier
- audio-distribution amplifier
- audio-frequency amplifier
- audio-video amplifier
- automatic stereophonic recording amplifier
- auxiliary amplifier
- AV-amplifier
- average power amplifier
- backward-wave amplifier
- B-amplifier
- bandpass amplifier
- base amplifier
- beam-parametric amplifier
- binaural-power amplifier
- bioelectric-potential amplifier
- bistable amplifier
- bootstrap amplifier
- branching amplifier
- bridge magnetic amplifier
- bridging amplifier
- broadband amplifier
- broadcasting amplifier
- buck-boost amplifier
- buffer amplifier
- bullet amplifier
- burst amplifier
- calibrated amplifier
- camera amplifier
- capacitor-coupled amplifier
- carrier amplifier
- cascade-coupled amplifier
- cascaded amplifier
- cathode-coupled amplifier
- cavity-type diode amplifier
- ceramic amplifier
- channel amplifier
- choke amplifier
- chopper-stabilized amplifier
- chroma-bandpass amplifier
- chrominance amplifier
- clamped amplifier
- class-A amplifier
- class-AB amplifier
- class-B amplifier
- class-C amplifier
- class-D amplifier
- class-E amplifier
- class-F amplifier
- clipper amplifier
- coaxial amplifier
- coherent-light amplifier
- coincidence amplifier
- cold-cathode amplifier
- color-burst amplifier
- common-collector amplifier
- common-drain amplifier
- common-emitter amplifier
- common-gate amplifier
- common-source amplifier
- compensated amplifier
- compressor amplifier
- conference amplifier
- continuous-signal amplifier
- controlled amplifier
- controlling amplifier
- convertor amplifier
- correcting-antenna amplifier
- coupling amplifier
- cross-field amplifier
- current amplifier
- dc amplifier
- dc power amplifier
- dc restoration amplifier
- deflection amplifier
- degenerate amplifier
- degenerative amplifier
- delay amplifier
- dielectric amplifier
- differential amplifier
- differentiating amplifier
- differentiation amplifier
- digital sound processor amplifier
- digital sound-field processor amplifier
- digitally-controlled amplifier
- diode amplifier
- direct resistance-coupled amplifier
- direct-communication amplifier
- distribution amplifier
- DMB-amplifier
- Doherty amplifier
- double-circuit amplifier
- double-stream amplifier
- double-tuned amplifier
- drift-compensated amplifier
- drift-corrected amplifier
- drift-free amplifier
- driver amplifier
- dual-operational amplifier
- dual-trace amplifier
- duct amplifier
- duplex amplifier
- earlike-response amplifier
- electric-organ amplifier
- electrometric amplifier
- electron-beam amplifier
- electronically-tunable amplifier
- electron-tube amplifier
- elementary amplifier
- end amplifier
- error amplifier
- error-signal amplifier
- extender amplifier
- fader amplifier
- fast-operating amplifier
- feedback amplifier
- feedforward amplifier
- ferrite amplifier
- ferromagnetic amplifier
- fiber-optic system amplifier
- field amplifier
- field-input amplifier
- filter amplifier
- final amplifier
- fixed-gain amplifier
- flat amplifier
- flat-staggered amplifier
- flip-flop amplifier
- follow-up amplifier
- forming amplifier
- forward-wave amplifier
- four-channel power amplifier
- four-stage amplifier
- frame amplifier
- frequency-selective amplifier
- functional amplifier
- gain-matched amplifier
- gain-stabilized amplifier
- galvanic amplifier
- G-amplifier
- gated amplifier
- generator amplifier
- grounded-anode amplifier
- grounded-base amplifier
- grounded-cathode amplifier
- grounded-collector amplifier
- grounded-drain amplifier
- grounded-emitter amplifier
- grounded-gate amplifier
- grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-plate amplifier
- group amplifier
- group reception amplifier
- group transmission amplifier
- guitar amplifier
- Gunn amplifier
- half-wave amplifier
- head amplifier
- heterodyne amplifier
- Hi-Fi amplifier
- high-current power amplifier
- high-frequency amplifier
- home theater amplifier
- horizontal amplifier
- IF amplifier
- image amplifier
- image-rejecting intermediate amplifier
- IMPATT amplifier
- inductance amplifier
- input amplifier
- instrumentation amplifier
- integrated amplifier
- integrating amplifier
- intensity amplifier
- intermediate-frequency amplifier
- intermediate-power amplifier
- interphone amplifier
- inverting amplifier
- isolating amplifier
- klystron amplifier
- laser amplifier
- launch amplifier
- light amplifier
- limiter amplifier
- limiting amplifier
- line amplifier
- line frequency amplifier
- line power amplifier
- line voltage amplifier
- linear amplifier
- lin-log amplifier
- listening amplifier
- lock-in amplifier
- locomotive receiver amplifier
- logarithmic amplifier
- loud-speaking announcement amplifier
- low-frequency amplifier
- low-noise amplifier
- low-power amplifier
- luminance amplifier
- magnetic amplifier
- magnetron amplifier
- main amplifier
- maser amplifier
- master oscillator amplifier
- matched amplifier
- matrix amplifier
- measuring amplifier
- microphone amplifier
- microstrip amplifier
- microwave amplifier
- mixing amplifier
- modulated amplifier
- monaural power amplifier
- monitoring amplifier
- monolithic amplifier
- multichannel amplifier
- multistage amplifier
- narrow-band amplifier
- narrow-gate amplifier
- n-channel amplifier
- negative resistance amplifier
- negatron amplifier
- noiseless amplifier
- noise-suppressing amplifier
- noncooled amplifier
- nondegenerate amplifier
- noninverting amplifier
- nonlinear amplifier
- note amplifier
- n-stage amplifier
- operating amplifier
- operation amplifier
- optical amplifier
- optoelectronic amplifier
- output amplifier
- overdriven amplifier
- packaged amplifier
- paging amplifier
- parallel amplifier
- paramagnetic amplifier
- parametric amplifier
- paraphase amplifier
- peaked amplifier
- personal tone amplifier
- phase sensor amplifier
- photocurrent amplifier
- pip amplifier
- plasma amplifier
- playback amplifier
- plug-in amplifier
- power amplifier
- precision amplifier
- printed-circuit amplifier
- processing amplifier
- program amplifier
- pulse-distribution amplifier
- push-pull electret amplifier
- push-pull magnetic amplifier
- quadrature amplifier
- quantum amplifier
- radio-frequency amplifier
- Raman amplifier
- R-amplifier
- RC-coupled amplifier
- reactance amplifier
- read amplifier
- reception amplifier
- reciprocal amplifier
- recording amplifier
- recuperative amplifier
- reflecting amplifier
- regenerative amplifier
- remote-tuned amplifier
- repeating amplifier
- reproducing amplifier
- resistance-capacitance amplifier
- resonance amplifier
- resonant amplifier
- reversed-feedback amplifier
- RF-amplifier
- rotary amplifier
- rotating amplifier
- running wave lamp amplifier
- saturated amplifier
- selective amplifier
- self-feedback amplifier
- sense amplifier
- separate amplifier
- series amplifier
- sharpener amplifier
- SHF-amplifier
- signal-shaping amplifier
- simplest amplifier
- simplex amplifier
- single-ended amplifier
- single-frequency amplifier
- single-section amplifier
- single-sideband amplifier
- single-sided amplifier
- single-stage amplifier
- single-step amplifier
- single-tuned amplifier
- slicer amplifier
- solid-state amplifier
- sound frequency amplifier
- source-follower amplifier
- speech amplifier
- square-low amplifier
- square-wave amplifier
- stabilized amplifier
- stable amplifier
- stagger-tuned amplifier
- stereo/mono power amplifier
- straight amplifier
- strip-line amplifier
- studio amplifier
- subscriber amplifier
- Suhl amplifier
- summing amplifier
- super-recuperative amplifier
- supersonic amplifier
- surface-acoustic-wave amplifier
- sweep amplifier
- tandem amplifier
- tapered amplifier
- telephone-repeater amplifier
- terminal amplifier
- TFT-amplifier
- threshold amplifier
- time-shared amplifier
- track-and-hold amplifier
- transceiving amplifier
- transferred-electron amplifier
- transformer amplifier
- transformer-coupled amplifier
- transimpedance amplifier
- transistor amplifier
- transmission-type amplifier
- transmitter amplifier
- traveling wave amplifier
- tuned amplifier
- tunnel diode amplifier
- TV-antenna amplifier
- two-channel playback amplifier
- two-step amplifier
- two-way amplifier
- ultralinear amplifier
- unloading amplifier
- untapered amplifier
- utility video amplifier
- vacuum-tube amplifier
- valve amplifier
- variable transmitter amplifier
- video amplifier
- video-frequency amplifier
- voltage amplifier
- voltage-controlled amplifier
- volume-limiting amplifier
- vortex amplifier
- wide-band amplifier
- writing amplifier
- X-amplifier
- X-axis amplifier
- Y-amplifier
- Y-axis amplifier
- zero-phase drift amplifierEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > amplifier
8 device
1) прибор; устройство; установка2) компонент; элемент4) фигура речи5) девиз; лозунг•- λ-device- λ-shaped negative-resistance device
- absolute pointing device
- absolute value device
- accumulation-mode charge-coupled device
- acoustic correlation device
- acoustic delay device
- acoustic imaging device
- acoustic-surface-wave device
- acoustic-surface-wave interaction charge-coupled device
- acoustic-volume-wave device
- acoustic-wave device
- acoustooptic device
- acoustoresistive device
- active device
- active medium propagation device
- adaptive device
- add-on device
- all-junction device
- aluminum-gate MOS device
- amorphous semiconductor memory device
- amorphous semiconductor switching device
- analog device
- answer device
- antihunt device
- anti-inrush device
- antijamming device
- anti-pumping device
- antisidetone device
- antistatic device
- antistrike device
- AO device
- arc-control device
- array device
- attached device
- attention device
- audible signal device
- audio device
- audio-response device
- augmentative device
- autocorrelation device
- automatic holding device
- automatic-alarm-signal keying device
- avalanche device
- avalanche-effect device
- backup device
- band-compression device
- beam-expanding device
- beam-lead device
- beam-manipulating device
- beam-narrowing device
- beam-transforming device
- bidirectional device
- bipolar device
- bistable device
- bistable optical device
- block device
- BlueTooth device
- bogey electron device
- bubble device
- bubble domain device
- bubble lattice storage device
- bubble memory device
- bucket-brigade charge-coupled device
- bucket-brigade device
- built-in pointing device
- bulk channel charge-coupled device
- bulk-acoustic-wave device
- bulk-charge-coupled device
- bulk-effect device
- bulk-property device
- bulk-type acoustooptic device
- bunching device
- buried channel charge-coupled device
- burst device
- bus-powered device
- callback port protection device
- calling device
- carrier-operated antinoise device
- cascade charge-coupled device
- cascaded thermoelectric device
- center-bonded device
- CFAR device
- character device
- charge-control device
- charge-coupled device
- charge-coupled imaging device
- charge-coupled line imaging device
- charge-coupled storage device
- charge-injection device
- charge-injection imaging device
- charge-transfer device
- charge-trapping device
- chip device
- chip-and-wire device
- clip-on pointing device
- clustered devices
- CMOS device
- coder device
- coherent electroluminescence device
- color imaging device
- COM device
- complex programmable logic device
- compound device
- computer output microfilm device
- conductively connected charge-coupled device
- constant false-alarm ratio device
- consumer device
- contiguous-disk bubble domain device
- controlled avalanche device
- controlled-surface device
- correlation device
- countermeasure devices
- coupling device
- cross-correlation device
- cross-field device
- cryogenic device
- current-access magnetic bubble device
- current-controlled device
- current-controlled differential-negative-resistance device
- current-controlled DNR device
- current-mode logic device
- current-operated device
- custom device
- data entry device
- data preparation device
- data recording device
- deception devices
- decision-making device
- decoding device
- dedicated device
- deformable-mirror device
- DEFT device
- delay device
- dense device
- depletion-mode device
- detecting device
- DI device
- dielectric isolation device
- diffused device
- digit delay device
- digital device
- digital micromirror device
- diode-array imaging device
- direct electronic Fourier transform device
- direct-access storage device
- direct-view device
- direct-viewing device
- discrete device
- disk device
- display device
- distributed diode device
- distributed interaction device
- division device
- D-MOS device
- domain propagation device
- domain-tip device
- double-negative-resistance-device
- double-quantum stimulated-emission device
- dynamically configurable device
- eavesdropping device
- E-beam fabricated device
- EBS device
- edge-bonded device
- EL device
- elastooptic device
- electrically programmable logic device
- electroluminescence device
- electromagnetic device
- electron device
- electron-beam semiconductor device
- electronic device
- electronic imaging device
- electron-optical device
- electrooptical device
- elementary MOS device
- embedded device
- encoding device
- end device
- energy conversion device
- enhancement-mode device
- epiplanar device
- epitaxial-device
- error-sensing device
- exchange-coupled thin-film memory device
- external control device
- false-echo devices
- Faraday-rotation device
- fast-discharge device
- ferrite device
- ferroelectric device
- FET device
- fiber-laser device
- field-access memory device
- field-effect device
- field-effect transistor device
- field-emission device
- field-programmable interconnect device
- file device
- file-protection device
- fixed tap-weight bucket-brigade device
- floating-gate device
- fluidic-device
- follow-up device
- four-layer device
- four-terminal device
- Frame Relay access device
- free-electron device
- freestanding pointing device
- FS device
- full-speed device
- functional device
- galvanomagnetic device
- galvanomagnetic semiconductor device
- gate-array device
- graphic input device
- graphic output device
- gripping device
- groove locating device
- guided-wave acoustooptic device
- guided-wave AO Bragg device
- Gunn device
- Gunn-effect device
- gyromagnetic device
- Hall device
- Hall-effect device
- harbor echo ranging and listening device
- head-cleaning device
- heteroepitaxial device
- heterojunction device
- high-technology device
- high-threshold device
- homing device
- hot-electron device
- human interface device
- hybrid ferromagnet-semiconductor device
- hybrid integrated-circuit device
- hybrid-type device
- I/O device
- identification device
- image-storage device
- imaging device
- implanted device
- incidental radiation device
- industrial data collection device
- infrared charge-coupled device
- input device
- input-output device
- insulated-gate device
- integrated electron device
- integrated injection device
- integrated optic device
- integrating device
- interface device
- interlocking device
- ion-implantation device
- ion-implanted bubble device
- ion-injection electrostatic plasma confinement device
- jelly-bean device
- Josephson device
- Josephson-effect device
- junction device
- junction-gate device
- keying device
- known-good device
- large-area p-n junction device
- laser annealing device
- laser device
- laser welding device
- laser-beam machining device
- leaded device
- leadless device
- left ventricular assist device
- light-detecting device
- light-emitting device
- linear beam device
- linear imaging device
- locked dynamically configurable device
- logic device
- long-channel device
- low-speed device
- low-threshold device
- LS device
- magnetic bubble device
- magnetic detecting device
- magnetic device
- magnetic flux quantum device
- magnetic tunnel junction memory device
- magnetic-wave device
- magnetoelastic-wave device
- magnetoelectronic device
- magnetooptic bubble-domain device
- magnetostatic-wave device
- magnetostrictive device
- magnetotunneling device
- majority-carrier device
- make-and-break device
- manipulating device
- marginal device
- maser device
- matching device
- measurement device
- mechanical switching device
- memory device
- MEMS device
- MEMS-based device
- metal-gate device
- metal-insulator-metal device
- metal-insulator-piezoelectric semiconductor device
- metal-oxide-silicon device
- metal-semiconductor device
- microcomputer device
- microdiscrete device
- microelectromechanical system device
- microelectromechanical system-based device
- microelectronic device
- microfluidic device
- MIDI device
- minority-carrier device
- MIPS device
- MIS device
- MNOS device
- molecule-sized device
- MOS color imaging device
- MOS device
- MOS memory device
- MSW device
- M-type device
- multiaperture device
- multijunction device
- multilayered memory device
- multilevel storage device
- multiple-tap bucket-brigade device
- multiple-unit semiconductor device
- multiport device
- multistable device
- multiterminal device
- n-channel device
- negation device
- negative-resistance device
- night viewing device
- n-n heterojunction device
- noise-rejection device
- nonburst device
- noninverting parametric device
- nonreciprocal field-displacement device
- n-p-n device
- n-terminal device
- one-port device
- open-collector device
- optically coupled device
- optically pumped device
- optoelectronic device
- O-type device
- output device
- overlay device
- oxide-passivated device
- P&P device
- parallel device
- parametric device
- passivated device
- passive device
- pattern recognition device
- p-channel device
- p-channel MOS device
- periodic permanent magnet focusing device
- persistent current device
- persistent-image device
- personal communication device
- photoconducting device
- photoelectric device
- photoemissive device
- photosensitive device
- photovoltaic device
- picking device
- piezoelectric device
- piezomagnetic device
- planar device
- planar-doped barrier device
- plasma device
- plasma-coupled semiconductor device
- plotting device
- plug-and-play device
- plug-in device
- PMOS device
- p-n junction device
- PnP device
- p-n-p device
- p-n-p-n device
- point-contact superconducting device
- pointing device
- polysilicon charge-coupled device
- port protection device
- p-p heterojunction device
- PPM focusing device
- programmable device
- programmable logic device
- protective device
- punch-through device
- pyroelectric thermal imaging device
- quantum-dot resonant tunneling device
- quasioptical device
- quenched domain mode device
- radiation-measuring device
- random-access device
- rapid single flux quantum device
- readout device
- reciprocal device
- recognition device
- rectifying device
- regulating device
- relative pointing device
- restricted radiation device
- reverberation device
- ringing device
- robot control device
- rotating-field bubble device
- rotating-field bubble domain device
- RSFQ device
- safety device
- SAW device
- Schottky barrier semiconductor device
- Schottky device
- Schottky-barrier-gate Gunn-effect digital device
- SCSI device
- security device
- self-powered device
- self-reacting device
- self-synchronous device
- semiconductor device
- semiconductor switching device
- semiconductor-magnetic device
- sensing device
- serial device
- shallow-base device
- short-channel device
- short-circuit-stable device
- silicon imaging device
- silicon-gate MOS memory device
- silicon-on-insulating substrate device
- single-junction device
- single-tap bucket-brigade device
- single-unit semiconductor device
- slot device
- snap-on pointing device
- solid-state device
- SOS device
- sound-absorbing device
- spark-quenching device
- speech recognition device
- spin-wave device
- square-law device
- starting device
- static discharge device
- storage device
- storage display device
- storage-charge device
- stream device
- stream-oriented device
- stroke input device
- superconducting device
- superconducting quantum device
- superconducting quantum interference device
- surface acoustic-wave device
- surface charge-transfer device
- surface mount device
- surface-controlled device
- switching device
- symbolic device
- tape device
- tape-moving device
- TE device
- tensoelectric device
- terminal device
- thermoelectric cooling device
- thermoelectric device
- thermoelectric heating device
- thick-film device
- thin-film device
- Tokamak device
- transferred-electron device
- transferred-electron microwave device
- transit-time device
- traveling magnetic domain memory device
- traveling-wave Gunn effect device
- trip-free mechanical switching device
- tse device
- tube device
- tunnel device
- tunnel emission device
- twisted nematic device
- two-junction bipolar device
- two-port device
- two-terminal device
- ULA device
- uncommitted logic array device
- unidirectional device
- unilateral device
- unpacked device
- vacuum tunnel device
- variable grating mode device
- variable inductance cryogenic device
- vertical junction device
- VGM device
- V-groove MOS device
- virtual device
- visual signal device
- VMOS device
- V-MOS device
- voice-operated device
- voice-operated gain-adjusting device
- voltage-controlled device
- voltage-controlled differential-negative-resistance device
- voltage-controlled DNR device
- voltage-operated device
- wafer printing device
- wireless device
- X-ray detecting device
- YIG deviceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > device
9 communication
1) связь, система связи; средства связи2) передача•- administrative-economic communication
- advanced shipboard communication
- aerial communication
- aeronautical communications
- air steward-to-air steward telephone communication
- airborne SHF-communication
- airborne-to-Earth communication
- aircraft communication
- air-to-air communication
- air-to-air voice communication
- air-to-ground electric communication
- Airways and Air communications
- all-mine telephone communication
- analog tropospheric communication
- analog-to-digital communication
- annunciating communication
- antenna communication
- asynchronous communication
- audio-conference communication
- audio-visual communication
- auroral long-distance communication
- automatic trunk communication
- auxiliary communication
- babyphone communication
- basic communication
- bathysphere-to-carrier-ship communication
- bidirectional communication
- binary-synchronous communication
- boat emergency communications
- both-way simultaneous communication
- branch telephone communication
- broadcast communication
- carrier-current communication
- car-to-car communication
- coastal center-to-coastal center communication
- code-independent data communication
- coherent-light communication
- combine wall communication
- command-telephone communication
- common-service communication
- common-using telegraph communication
- common-using telephone communication
- component triaxial communication
- computerized communication
- computer-to-computer communication
- conductor-to-departure responsible communication
- conference communication
- confidential special radio communication
- contact network communication
- contactless HF-communication
- contingency communication
- continuous communication
- control communication
- data communication
- data-transmission communication
- departmental engineering communication
- departmental telegraph communication
- digital communication
- digital-speech communication
- direct communication
- direct-pair communication
- direct-telephone communication
- disaster communication
- dispatch communication
- display communication
- distress communication
- district-by-district communication
- diversity communication
- diver-to-diver communication
- diving-service communication
- document electric communication
- documental conference communication
- duplex communication
- duplex radiotelephone communication
- Earth-to-airborne communication
- Earth-to-satellite communication
- Earth-to-space-to-Earth communication
- either-way communication
- electrical communication
- electromagnetic communication
- electronic communication
- emergency communication
- emergency ship radio communication
- enciphered-facsimile communication
- engineering station communication
- engineering-telephone communication
- everyone-to-everyone communication
- face communication
- fast-acting telephone communication
- fire-place communication
- fixed aeronautical communication
- fixed-electric communication
- fleet communication
- frequency-hop communication
- gateway-to-gateway communication
- ground-line communication
- group engineering communication
- half-duplex communication
- harmonic communication
- H-carrier communication
- HF-communication
- high-speed mobile communication
- house-car communication
- hydroacoustic communication
- incoming communication
- inductive mines communication
- industrial communication
- industrial-automatic communication
- industrial-engineering communication
- in-plant communication
- interaction communication
- interpaging communication
- interstation communication
- interstellar communication
- intersystem communication
- intraairplane telephone communication
- intrabasin selector communication
- intrabasin telegraph communication
- intrabasin telephone communication
- intrairport communication
- intraship communication
- intratrain telephone communication
- irregular communication
- isochronous communication
- land mobile communication
- land-to-space communication
- letter-printing communication
- lighting wire communication
- line communication
- line-path communication
- line-track telephone communication
- littoral radiotelephone communication
- local common service communication
- local engineering communication
- local telephone communication
- long-haul communication
- long-haul fiber-optical communication
- long-haul telephone communication
- loud-speaking communication
- main conference communication
- main engineering communication
- main radio communication
- manoeuvre radio communication
- man-to-machine communication
- marine communication
- marine facsimile communication
- meteor-burst communication
- meteoric-ionospheric communication
- microwave communication
- militarized guard communication
- mobile aeronautical communication
- mobile communication
- moon-bounce communication
- moorage-by-moorage communication
- movable communication
- MT administration-to-road communication
- multicast communication
- multichannel communication
- multimedia communication
- multiple channel class A communication
- multiple channel class B communication
- multiple channel class C communication
- multiple channel system radio communication
- multipoint communication
- navigating-service communication
- n-way communication
- office communication
- operative communication
- operative-dispatch communication
- operative-managing communication
- operative-repairing communication
- operator-to-train mobile communication
- oral communication
- outgoing communication
- packet communication
- passband data communication
- passenger-to-locomotive driver communication
- passenger-to-policemen communication
- phase-locked communication
- phototelegraph communication
- pilot-to-steward telephone communication
- plane-to-plane communication
- platform announcing communication
- platform radio communication
- platform-to-train mobile communication
- point-to-point communication
- power dispatch communication
- power line communication
- private bypass communication
- private-branch communication
- private-branch industrial communication
- pulse communication
- radial communication
- radial-aerial USB-communication
- radio link communication
- radio relay communication
- radio searching communication
- radiotelephone communication
- railway telephone communication
- real-time communication
- recording communication
- regional communication
- regular communication
- remote reference communication
- road communication
- road engineering communication
- road managing communication
- road power dispatch communication
- road service dispatch communication
- road servicing communication
- road telegraph communication
- rural communication
- safety communication
- satellite marine communication
- satellite-to-Earth communication
- satellite-to-satellite communication
- SB communication
- secure communication
- selector communication
- service communication
- service dispatch communication
- service section communication
- SHF-wave communication
- ship coastal facsimile communication
- ship-driver-to-ship-driver communication
- ship-radio communication
- ship-telephone communication
- ship-to-ship communication
- ship-to-spacecraft communication
- ship-to-submarine communication
- shore-to-ship communication
- short-band communication
- simplex communication
- simplex single-frequency communication
- simplex stripping communication
- simplex two-frequency communication
- single-channel communication
- single-frequency radio communication
- single-hop communication
- single-side loudspeaking communication
- sky-wave communication
- slope telephone communication
- sonic communication
- space communication
- space laser communication
- spacecraft-to-subscriber communication
- space-to-space communication
- special communication
- speech communication
- static-wire communication
- station communication
- station inductive communication
- station mobile communication
- station-by-station telephone communication
- station-radio communication
- steering cab-to-captain's cab communication
- steering cab-to-power dispatchboard communication
- steering cab-to-tiller compartment communication
- submarine laser communication
- submarine sound communication
- submarine TV-communication
- submarine-to-satellite communication
- submarine-to-submarine communication
- subscriber-to-workgroup communication
- switch point communication
- synchronous communication
- telegraphic communication
- telegraphic-telephone radio communication
- telephonist-to-diver communication
- telex communication
- ticket-dispatch communication
- time-bill communication
- train dispatch communication
- train inductive communication
- train radio communication
- train radiotelephone communication
- train radiowire telephone communication
- train-interstation communication
- train-master-to-station-master assistant communication
- train-master-to-train team communication
- train-to-movable object communication
- train-to-train radio communication
- transport police communication
- tropospheric communication
- tropospheric-scutter communication
- trunk communication
- tunnel train radio communication
- twilight scutter communication
- two-frequency radio communication
- two-side loudspeaking communication
- two-way alternative communication
- two-way simultaneous communication
- ultrasonic communication
- ultraviolet communication
- underground communication
- undersea optical communication
- underwater communication
- unwired earth current communication
- USB-communication
- variable frequency sync communication
- vehicle-to-vehicle communication
- videoconference communication
- videotelephone communication
- voice communication
- wagon-to-wagon mobile communication
- wall communication
- waterside communications
- waterside USB-communication
- wave conducting communication
- wire port communication
- wire radio communication
- wire telephone communication
- workgroup-to-workgroup communication
- world-wide telephone communicationEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > communication
10 recording
= rec1) записьа) процесс записи, отображение и фиксация информативных сигналов на носителе данных или в запоминающей средеб) результат записи, отображённая и зафиксированная на носителе данных или в запоминающей среде информацияв) акт записи, совокупность действий исполнителей и технического персонала студии в процессе записи3) грампластинка; магнитная лента ( с записью); аудио- или видеокассета ( с записью); аудио- или видеодиск ( с записью)4) регистрация5) зависимость или кривая, полученная с помощью самописца6) учёт•- ablative recording
- AC bias recording
- advanced digital recording
- alloy formation recording
- analog recording
- audio recording
- azimuthal recording
- azo dye facsimile recording
- black recording
- boot recording
- bubble formation recording
- carbon-pressure recording
- CD-4 disk recording
- CD-4 system disk recording
- color change recording
- compensation-point recording
- compensation-point thermomagnetic recording
- constant-amplitude recording
- constant-velocity recording
- Curie-point recording
- Curie-point thermomagnetic recording
- digital recording
- digital disk recording
- digital sound recording
- direct recording
- discrete recording
- disk recording
- dual-track recording
- dye polymer recording
- easy auto CD recording
- electrochemical recording
- electrographic recording
- electrolytic recording
- electromechanical recording
- electron-beam recording
- electrostatic recording
- electrothermal recording
- embossed-groove recording
- facsimile recording
- fan-beam recording
- FM recording
- four-channel disk recording
- four-track recording
- frequency-modulation recording
- frost recording
- full-track recording
- group-coded recording
- half-track recording
- helical recording
- helical scan recording
- high-density digital recording
- hill-and-dale recording
- holographic recording
- ID-less recording
- ink-vapor recording
- instantaneous recording
- kinescope recording
- lacquer recording
- lateral recording
- line-scan recording
- logical recording
- longitudinal recording
- longitudinal video recording
- magnetic recording
- magnetooptical recording
- magnetostatic recording
- mail exchange recording
- master recording
- master boot recording
- matrix recording
- mechanical recording
- microwave hologram recording
- mist recording
- mono recording
- multitrack recording
- MX recording
- nature recording
- near-field recording
- nonreturn-to-zero recording
- optical recording
- outdoor recording
- perpendicular recording
- phase change recording
- phase-encoded recording
- phase transition recording
- photographic recording
- photosensitive recording
- physical recording
- polarized recording
- pulse recording
- quadraphonic recording
- quadruplex recording
- quarter-track recording
- reference recording
- return-to-zero recording
- segment recording
- sine-wave recording
- sound recording
- sound-on-film recording
- sound-on-sound recording
- source recording
- stereo recording
- stereodisk recording
- strip-chart recording
- television film recording
- texture change recording
- thermal recording
- thermomagnetic recording
- thermoplastic recording
- transverse recording
- two-head recording
- two-track recording
- vertical recording
- vertical-lateral recording
- video recording
- video tape recording
- voice operated recording
- white recording
- wire recording
- xerographic recording
- zoned recording
- zoned bit recording -
11 recording
1) записьа) процесс записи, отображение и фиксация информативных сигналов на носителе данных или в запоминающей средеб) результат записи, отображённая и зафиксированная на носителе данных или в запоминающей среде информацияв) акт записи, совокупность действий исполнителей и технического персонала студии в процессе записи3) грампластинка; магнитная лента ( с записью); аудио- или видеокассета ( с записью); аудио- или видеодиск ( с записью)4) регистрация5) зависимость или кривая, полученная с помощью самописца6) учёт•- AC bias recording
- advanced digital recording
- alloy formation recording
- analog recording
- audio recording
- azimuthal recording
- azo dye facsimile recording
- black recording
- boot recording
- bubble formation recording
- carbon-pressure recording
- CD-4 disk recording
- CD-4 system disk recording
- color change recording
- compensation-point recording
- compensation-point thermomagnetic recording
- constant-amplitude recording
- constant-velocity recording
- Curie-point recording
- Curie-point thermomagnetic recording
- digital disk recording
- digital recording
- digital sound recording
- direct recording
- discrete recording
- disk recording
- dual-track recording
- dye polymer recording
- easy auto CD recording
- electrochemical recording
- electrographic recording
- electrolytic recording
- electromechanical recording
- electron-beam recording
- electrostatic recording
- electrothermal recording
- embossed-groove recording
- facsimile recording
- fan-beam recording
- FM recording
- four-channel disk recording
- four-track recording
- frequency-modulation recording
- frost recording
- full-track recording
- group-coded recording
- half-track recording
- helical recording
- helical scan recording
- high-density digital recording
- hill-and-dale recording
- holographic recording
- ID-less recording
- ink-vapor recording
- instantaneous recording
- kinescope recording
- lacquer recording
- lateral recording
- line-scan recording
- logical recording
- longitudinal recording
- longitudinal video recording
- magnetic recording
- magnetooptical recording
- magnetostatic recording
- mail exchange recording
- master boot recording
- master recording
- matrix recording
- mechanical recording
- microwave hologram recording
- mist recording
- mono recording
- multitrack recording
- MX recording
- nature recording
- near-field recording
- nonreturn-to-zero recording
- optical recording
- outdoor recording
- perpendicular recording
- phase change recording
- phase transition recording
- phase-encoded recording
- photographic recording
- photosensitive recording
- physical recording
- polarized recording
- pulse recording
- quadraphonic recording
- quadruplex recording
- quarter-track recording
- recording of sound
- reference recording
- return-to-zero recording
- segment recording
- sine-wave recording
- sound recording
- sound-on-film recording
- sound-on-sound recording
- source recording
- stereo recording
- stereodisk recording
- strip-chart recording
- television film recording
- texture change recording
- thermal recording
- thermomagnetic recording
- thermoplastic recording
- transverse recording
- two-head recording
- two-track recording
- vertical recording
- vertical-lateral recording
- video recording
- video tape recording
- voice operated recording
- white recording
- wire recording
- xerographic recording
- zoned bit recording
- zoned recordingThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > recording
12 equipment
1) оборудование; аппаратура2) оснащение3) устройство•- active equipment
- airborne-electrooptical equipment
- amplifying equipment
- amplitude-modulation equipment
- analog-facsimile equipment
- audio equipment
- audio-visual equipment
- automatic-answerback equipment
- automatic-switching equipment
- auxiliary audio equipment
- backup equipment
- built-in equipment
- cable-input equipment
- calling equipment
- channel-dividing equipment
- channel-multiplexing equipment
- ciphony equipment
- command-data equipment
- communication security equipment
- COMSEC equipment
- conference communication equipment
- container-point communication equipment
- control-signaling equipment
- cross equipment
- customer-premises equipment
- data-circuit terminating equipment
- data-communication equipment
- data-compression equipment
- data-processing equipment
- data-terminal equipment
- data-transcription equipment
- data-transmission equipment
- dialing equipment
- dial-switching equipment
- digital-facsimile equipment
- digital-intercontinental conversion equipment
- domestic radioelectronic equipment
- duplex telegraph exchange equipment
- duplex universal trunking equipment
- emergency automation equipment
- explosion-proof equipment
- facsimile-telegraph equipment
- field equipment
- FIP equipment
- floor equipment
- grandfathered-terminal equipment
- ground communication equipment
- hoister-to-cage communication equipment
- hydroacoustical equipment
- image pick-up equipment
- inductive communication equipment
- industrial RF-equipment
- information technology equipment
- in-plant equipment
- input/output equipment
- input-and-monitoring equipment
- interface equipment
- intermediate conversion equipment
- ISDN-compatible equipment
- letter-printing fidelity increasing equipment
- limited-protection voice equipment
- line path equipment
- loudspeaking fireproof communication equipment
- magnetic-drum receiving equipment
- marine radiocommunication equipment
- medical electric equipment
- medical RF-equipment
- mine's exchange equipment
- movable HF-communication equipment
- network termination equipment
- new-customer premises equipment
- nonstationary equipment
- operative communication equipment
- photofacsimile equipment
- portable equipment
- protection equipment
- radioelectronic aircraft equipment
- radioelectronic satellite equipment
- radiopoint equipment
- radiotelegraph equipment
- railway-crossing communication equipment
- remote announcement equipment
- remote control equipment
- repeating equipment
- scientific RF-equipment
- security equipment
- selective communication equipment
- selective digital call equipment
- service equipment
- service-channel equipment
- signal-equalizing equipment
- signal-generating equipment
- signal-processing equipment
- sound transmission equipment
- spark-safe digital communication equipment
- stand-alone radiotelephone system equipment
- standard channel derivation equipment
- start-stop synchronous equipment
- station equipment
- studio equipment
- submarine communication equipment
- subscriber equipment
- switching equipment
- telecine equipment
- telecontrol equipment
- telegraph equipment equipment
- telemechanic equipment
- telemonitoring equipment
- terminal equipment
- testing-measuring equipment
- thirty-channel digital equipment
- through-group equipment
- through-supergroup equipment
- tone-telegraphing equipment
- transmission equipment
- TRI-TAC equipment
- trunking equipment
- USB-communication marine equipment
- USB-communication water transport equipment
- VHF radiotelephone two-way equipment
- video equipment
- wire diving communication equipment
- wireless diving communication equipmentEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > equipment
13 unit
1) компонент; блок; модуль2) единица•- accumulator unit
- actuating unit
- addressing unit
- analog processing unit
- analytic unit
- answerback unit
- answering unit
- antitheft unit
- astronomical unit
- attached unit
- audio response unit
- auto setup unit
- automatic calling unit
- automatic control unit
- automatic network unit
- automatic-dialing unit
- auxiliary memory unit
- auxiliary servicing unit
- bad unit
- balancing unit
- base unit
- basic transmission unit
- bistable unit
- break-contact unit
- built-in heat protecting unit
- burglar-alarm unit
- calibration unit
- calling devices unit
- calling unit
- camera select unit
- camera-channel unit
- camera-control unit
- capacitor unit
- channel service unit
- charging unit
- clocking unit
- command network unit
- command protocol data unit
- communication control unit
- converter unit
- crosstalk unit
- data interface unit
- data transit unit
- data-handling unit
- dc control unit
- decoupling unit
- delay unit
- device control unit
- dial-backup unit
- dialing unit
- digital processing unit
- electronic control unit
- electronic relay unit
- electrostatic units
- exchange-line unit
- exchange-supply unit
- expedited-data unit
- fast-operating unit
- fast-operation unit
- feeding unit
- file-storage unit
- filter unit
- flyaway unit
- frequency conversion unit
- frequency lock-in unit
- frequency selection unit
- Gaussian units
- generator unit
- heat-control unit
- incoming local unit
- incoming toll unit
- incoming-line unit
- independent supply unit
- independent synchronizing unit
- indicator unit
- information unit
- input unit
- integrator unit
- internal unit
- internetworking unit
- junction line unit
- key-telephone unit
- lighting load monitoring unit
- line-connection unit
- lobe-attaching unit
- local unit
- locomotive radio components supply unit
- lone-signal unit
- loudness unit
- magnetic-tape unit
- main control unit
- main fax unit
- main memory unit
- mains synchronizing unit
- matching unit
- media interface unit
- medium attachment unit
- memory unit
- message recording unit
- microprocessor unit
- mine communication supply unit
- modular unit
- motor amplifier unit
- multipath unit
- multiprocessor unit
- multisection switching unit
- network terminating unit
- N-unit
- office interface unit
- off-line unit
- on-door speakers unit
- operational unit
- outgoing line unit
- output unit
- pan/tilt unit
- peripheral unit
- phase-shifting unit
- phasing unit
- power supply unit
- power unit
- printing unit
- processing unit
- program unit
- programming unit
- quad-on-line unit
- quartz crystal unit
- quick-disconnect control unit
- radio frequency unit
- radio station unit
- rectifier unit
- reference generator unit
- regeneration unit
- registrating unit
- relay testing unit
- relay unit
- remote control unit
- remote display unit
- remote subscriber unit
- replacement unit
- request unit
- resistor unit
- retransmission unit
- RF unit
- selective-gain unit
- self-contained unit
- sensing unit
- shared unit
- shared-control unit
- signal processing unit
- six-wire switching unit
- smooth-closing unit
- sound repetitor protection unit
- spark protecting unit
- stabilizator unit
- still picture unit
- storage unit
- studio devices unit
- sub unit
- subscriber's unit
- subundercarrier unit
- supply unit
- switch point operative communication unit
- switching unit
- synchronization signal unit
- system memory unit
- system unit
- tape unit
- telecine unit
- telecontrol unit
- telephone-control unit
- telephone-modulator unit
- teleprompter unit
- temperature-sending unit
- terminal retransmissions unit
- terminal unit
- terrestrial telemechanics unit
- three-wire switching unit
- time-base unit
- traffic unit
- transfer unit
- transit communication unit
- transmissive unit
- transmitting antenna unit
- tributary unit
- two-section switching unit
- undercarrier unit
- underground telemechanics unit
- unit of power
- vibrator unit
- video request unit
- video-out unit
- voice message control unit
- voice recognition unit
- voicememory unit
- writing unitEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > unit
14 battery
батарея; артиллерия ( корабельная) ; канонада; артиллерийский обстрел; боевое положение ( орудия) ; аккумуляторная батарея; группа [категория] тестовbattery, left — поорудийная стрельба батареи слева направо
battery, right — поорудийная стрельба батареи справа налево
— antiaircraft missile battery— antiaircraft rocket battery— AT artillery battery— field artillery battery— heavy artillery battery -
15 separation
1) отделение; выделение; разделение; сепарирование, сепарация2) сортирование, сортировка; классификация4) просеивание; отсеивание5) резин. отслаивание; расслоение6) горн. обогащение7) возд. эшелонирование ( полётов)8) цветоделение10) эл., электрон. разнесение, разнос11) переходное затухание между каналами ( в стерео- и квадрафонии)12) интервал, расстояние•separation by length — сортировка по длине;separation by mass — сортировка по массе;-
air separation
altitude separation
angular separation
anode-to-cathode separation
associated gas separation
baffle separation
bead separation
bed separation
bidimensional separation
black-and-white separation
blank separation
carrier separation
cathode separation
centrifugal separation
channel separation
chemical separation
chromatographic separation
close-cut separation
coal-water separation
coarse separation
cold oil separation
color separation
composite separation
condensate separation
contact gas separation
contact separation
continuous separation
continuous tone separation
convective separation
cord separation
cryogenic separation
data separation
dense-media separation
die separation
dielectrophoretic separation
differential gas separation
differential separation
diffusion separation
direct color separation
double separation
droplet separation
dry separation
dust separation
electric corona separation
electric separation
electrochemical separation
electrode separation
electrolytic separation
electromagnetic separation
electroosmotic separation
electrophoretic separation
electrostatic separation
extraction separation
fine separation
fire separation
flash gas separation
flash separation
flow separation
foam separation
frequency separation
friction separation
full flow separation
gas-oil separation
grade separation
gradient separation
gravity separation
half-tone separation
half-wavelength separation
head-and-web separation
heavy-media separation
high-gradient magnetic separation
high-intensity magnetic separation
hydraulic separation
ion-exchange separation
isocratic separation
isotope separation
lap separation
lateral separation
level separation
local separation
longitudinal separation
magnetic separation
membrane separation
mode separation
multiple separation
nappe separation
network separation
nonradar separation
oil separation
paint separation
partial flow separation
phase separation
physical separation
ply separation
pneumatic separation
polarization separation
pole separation
power-system separation
preparative-scale separation
preparative separation
pulse separation
pulse-interference separation
radar separation
separation of circuit
separation of groundwater flow
separation of hydrograph components
sharp separation
sink-float separation
site separation
size separation
sound-to-picture separation
spatial separation
specific gravity separation
steam separation
streamflow separation
synchronization pulse separation
synchronization separation
thermal oil separation
tone separation
train separation
tread separation
tricolor separation
two-dimensional separation
unidimensional separation
vacuum oil separation
valve linkage separation
vertical separation
voltage separation
wafer separation
waveform separation
wavelength separation
wet separation -
16 pass
1. I1) see people (a procession, a motorcade, the marching soldiers, etc.) pass видеть, как проходят люди и т.д.; the road is too narrow for two cars to pass дорога слишком узка, и две машины по ней не разъедутся; let me pass пропустите меня; will you kindly allow me to pass разрешите /дайте/ мне, пожалуйста, пройти; I heard someone passing я слышал, как кто-то прошел мимо2) let the remark (the words, the insult, etc.) pass не придавать значения замечанию и т.д., пропускать замечание мимо ушей; I don't like it, but I'll let it pass мне это не нравится, но я не стану обращать внимания /буду смотреть [на это] сквозь пальцы/; he should not have said it, but let it pass ему бы не следовало этого говорить, но бог с ним; we can't let that pass мы не можем этого допустить3) time (a fortnight, the day, etc.) passed время и т.д. прошло; а week passed миновала неделя; in the garden I don't notice time passing работая в саду, я не замечаю, как идет время4) all things pass нет ничего вечного; kingdoms and nations pass королевства и народы становятся историей; customs pass обычаи уходят в прошлое; the pain (his anger, the passion, etc.) has passed боль и т.д. прошла /утихла/; the crisis has passed кризис миновал5) the bill (this measure, the proposition, etc.) will pass этот законопроект и т.д. пройдет /будет принят/; they new tax bill passed and became a law новый проект закона о налогах был утвержден и вступил в силу6) it is not very good, but it will pass это не очень хорошо [сделано], но сойдет7) of the twenty who took the exam only twelve passed из двадцата сдававших выдержали экзамен только двенадцать8) strange things came to pass произошли /случились/ странные вещи; did you see what was passing? вы видели, что происходило /делалось/?9) I had very poor cards and decided to pass у меня были очень плохие карты, и я решил пасовать2. II1) pass in some manner pass quickly (slowly, noisily, etc.) быстро и т.д. проходить или проезжать мимо; pass first (last) проходить первым (последним); pass somewhere pass to and fro двигаться /ходить/ взад и вперед; pass in and out входить и выходить; pass ahead проходить /двигаться/ вперед; pass on продвигаться дальше /вперед/, не останавливаясь2) pass in some manner years (days, hours, etc.) pass quickly [by] годы и т.д. быстро летят; pass at some time the time for action had already passed время действовать уже прошло; weeks have passed since then с тех пор прошло много недель3) pass in some time the pain (his anger, the passion, her charm, etc.) will soon (gradually, etc.) pass боль и т.д. скоро и т.д. пройдет /исчезнет/3. III1) pass smth. pass the post office (smb.'s house, the gates, a station, a big truck, the place where it happened, etc.) проходить или проезжать мимо почты и т.д.; pass an ocean (a desert, a frontier, etc.) пересекать океан и т.д.; pass a river переправляться через реку; pass a bridge переходить или переезжать мост; pass the mountains (a range of hills, etc.) перевалить через горы и т.д.; the ship passed the channel пароход миновал канал; we passed our turning мы проехали наш поворот; we passed their car мы обогнали их машину2) pass smth. not a word (no sound, no complaint, etc.) passed her lips она не проронила ни слова и т.д.; no food has passed her lips у нее и крошки во рту не было3) pass smb. pass the visitors (the delegation, the children, etc.) пропускать посетителей и т.д.4) pass smth. pass these pages (this chapter, the preface, this paragraph, etc.) пропускать /опускать/ эти страницы и т.д.5) pass smth. pass the salt (the butter, the bread, the mustard, etc.) передавать соль и т.д.; pass bad money распространять фальшивые деньги и т.д.; pass a forged note (a worthless check, etc.) всучить фальшивый /поддельный/ вексель и т.д.; pass the ball передавать /пасовать/ или отбивать мяч || pass the chair сложить с себя обязанности председателя; pass the word передавать приказание6) pass smth. pass a quiet night (the worst day of his life, etc.) провести спокойную ночь и т.д.; pass the time проводить время7) pass smth. pass a bill (a law, a scheme of arrangement, a resolution, etc.) принять законопроект и т.д.; the new law passed the city council новый закон утвержден /принят/ городским советом8) pass smth. pass a test (a written examination, Latin, a subject, etc.) выдерживать [проверочные] испытания и т.д.9) pass smb. pass a student пропустить студента (на экзамене); поставить зачет студенту; принять экзамен у студента; pass a group of applicants признать группу претендентов годной; pass a candidate утвердить кандидатуру; I am passing the whole class я ставлю зачет всему классу; the board of censors passed the play (the film, etc.) цензура пропустила эту пьесу и т.д.; pass the censor (the customs, etc.) проходить цензуру и т.д.; he passed his medical coll. он прошел медицинский осмотр10) pass smth. pass smb.'s understanding /smb.'s comprehension/ быть выше чьего-л. понимания; pass all bounds переходить все границы, не знать меры /границ/; his strange story passed belief в странную историю, рассказанную им, невозможно было поверить; the splendour of the palace passed anything before or since великолепие дворца затмило все виденное и дотоле и потом4. IV1) pass smth., smb. at some time pass the bank (the office, etc.) every day ежедневно проходить мимо банка и т.д.; have we passed the station yet? мы уже проехали станцию?; pass smb. just now только что встретить или пройти мимо кого-л.; pass smth. in some manner pass the dangerous section of the road successfully благополучно миновать опасный участок дороги2) pass smb. somewhere pass smb. in впускать кого-л.; pass smb. out выпускать кого-л.3) pass smth. somewhere pass a year abroad (the day at home, etc.) провести год за границей и т.д.; pass smth. in some manner pass a few hours profitably с пользой провести несколько часик; how shall we pass the time (the evening, etc.)? как нам провести /скоротать/ время и т.д.?4) pass smth. in some manner pass a resolution unanimously единогласно принять резолюцию; pass a bill (a law, etc.) on the second vote принять закон и т.д. при повторном голосовании5. Vpass smb. smth. pass him the salt (your neighbour this book, me the water, her the letter, etc.) передайте ему соль и т.д.6. VIIIpass smth. doing smth. pass most of his time (days, many hours, etc.) fishing (painting, talking, etc.) проводить большую часть времени и т.д. за рыбной ловлей и т.д.7. Xpass in some state usually in the negative his remark (the fact, etc.) passed unnoticed /unobserved/ (unmentioned, etc.) его замечание и т.д. осталось незамеченным и т.д.8. XI1) be passed somewhere all the people were passed over the river всех [людей] переправили через реку; the old coin was passed around the room for everyone to see старинная монета обошла всех в комнате, и все могли ее рассмотреть2) be passed by smb. the play (the film, etc.) was passed by the censor пьеса и т.д. прошла цензуру; be passed as smth. he passed as A on his physical examination при медицинском освидетельствовании он получил группу А9. XVI1) pass by (between, across, over, under, etc.) smth., smb. pass by the door (by the shop, by me, etc.) проходить мимо двери и т.д.; pass between smb., smth. проходить между кем-л., чем-л.; the road passes near the lake дорога проходит недалеко от озера; he passed into the room он прошел в комнату; the poison has passed into his system яд проник в [его] организм; pass across the street (across the bridge, across the field, etc.) переходить /пересекать/ улицу и т.д.; pass along the street (along the beach, etc.) идти /проходить/ по улице и т.д.; the current is passing along the wire ток проходит /идет/ по проводам; pass over an obstacle /over a hurdle/ брать препятствие; the cloud passed over the river туча прошла над рекой; pass under the arch of a bridge (under the building, under the river, etc.) проходить под сводом моста и т.д.; pass through all Europe (through the whole country, through a village, through the garden, through the canal, etc.) проходить через всю Европу и т.д.; а line passes through a given point линия проходит через данную точку; we were passing through the forest мы проезжали через лес, мы ехали лесом; pass out of /beyond, from/ smth. pass out of (beyond the bounds of) sight /from smb.'s view/ скрыться из виду, оказаться вне пределов /за пределами/ видимости; pass out of (beyond the bounds of) hearing выйти за пределы /оказаться за пределами/ слышимости; pass beyond the bounds of gravity выйти за пределы /оказаться вне пределов/ земного притяжения, преодолеть земное притяжение; he passed beyond the bounds of law закон на него более не распространялся; pass from smb. to smb. pass from person to person (from one boy to another, etc.) переходить от человека к человеку и т.д.; the letter passed from one to another until everyone had read it письмо переходило из рук в руки, пока все не прочли его; pass from smth. to smth. pass from one place to another (from one subject to another, etc.) переходить с места на место и т.д.; pass from house to house (from hand to hand, etc.) переходить из дома в дом и т.д.; pass from mouth to mouth переходить из уст в уста; pass between smb. many letters passed between them они написали друг другу множество писем, они обменялись многочисленными посланиями2) pass across (over, etc.) smth. a blush passed across her face у нее вспыхнуло лицо; а change passed over his face у него изменилось выражение лица; а smile passed over her lips на ее лице промелькнула улыбка; an idea /а thought/ passed through my mind у меня в голове промелькнула мысль3) pass over smth. pass over smb.'s rudeness (over smb.'s conduct, over smb.'s offence, over smb.'s neglect, etc.) спускать кому-л. грубость и т.д.; pass over smb.'s faults закрывать глаза на чьи-л. недостатки; my advice passed entirely over his head он пропустил мимо ушей мой совет, не обратил никакого внимания на мой совет; he passed over the details он опустил подробности, он пренебрег подробностями; just pass over the first part of his letter опустите /пропустите, не читайте/ начало его письма4) pass to smb., smth. pass to his heir (to a member of the same family, to other hands, to his children, etc.) переходить [во владение] к его наследнику и т.д.; pass from smb. to smb. the title to the house passed from father to son право на владение домом /на дом/ перешло от отца к сыну; pass to smth. pass ing to the next point /item/ переходя к следующему вопросу; pass into (out of) smth. pass into smb.'s hands (into smb.'s possession, etc.) переходить в чьи-л. руки и т.д.; he didn't want the estate to pass out of his hands он не хотел, чтобы имение перешло в другие руки5) pass into (out of /from/) smth. pass into steam (into liquid, etc.) переходить /превращаться/ в пар и т.д.; pass into law (into an axiom, etc.) становиться законом и т.д.; pass into history становиться достоянием истории; pass into a proverb становиться поговоркой, превращаться в поговорку; days passed into weeks дни складывались в недели; pass into nothingness превращаться в ничто, исчезать; pass into general use (into circulation, into a new phase, etc.) переходить в общее пользование и т.д.; pass into disuse выйти из употребления; pass into silence замолчать, смолкнуть; pass into oblivion быть преданным забвению, кануть в вечность; pass out of fashion /out of style/ (out of current use, etc.) выйти из моды и т.д.; pass out of existence прекратить существование; the book passed out of print весь тираж книги распродан /разошелся/; pass from /out of/ memory /from smb.'s mind/ (по)забыться, улетучиться из памяти; pass from one state to another переходить из одного состояния в другое; pass from smth., to smth. pass from words to blows (from thought to action, from rage to despair, etc.) переходить от брани к драке и т.д.; pass from triumph to triumph идти от триумфа и триумфу: the weather passed suddenly from cold to hot холод неожиданно сменился жарой6) pass through smth. pass through many trials (through hard times, through a terrible experience, through many changes, through various adventures, etc.) пережить много испытаний и т.д., пройти через многочисленные испытания и т.д., we have passed through Ibis crisis мы пережили этот кризис; this book has passed through many editions эта книга выдержала много изданий7) pass in smth. pass in an examination выдержать /сдать/ экзамен; he didn't pass in geography он не сдал географию; pass without smth. he passed without a hitch он прошел гладко /без сучка без задоринки/ (на экзамене)8) pass between smb. nothing passed between them между ними ничего не произошло; sharp words passed between them между ними произошла ссора, они поссорились /поругались/9) pass for smb., smth. pass for a great scholar (for a learned man. for a liberal, for a hero, for a rich man, etc.) считаться /слыть/ большим ученым и т.д.; they could have passed for sisters их можно было принять за сестер; it might pass for silk это может сойти за шелк; it passes for slang это считается жаргоном; pass under the пате of... pass under the name of Black быть известным под фамилией Блэк10) pass (up)on smb., smth. pass on each contestant оценить каждого участника состязания, дать оценку каждому участнику состязания; pass on the authenticity of the drawing вынести суждение /высказать мнение/ по поводу того, является ли рисунок подлинником; the court dismissed the case without passing upon it суд отклонил иск без разбирательства дела10. XX1pass as smth. pass as an ancient relic (as relics from Pompeii, as an authentic text, as a first edition, etc.) сойти за древнюю реликвию и т.д.11. XXI11) pass smb., smth. in (on, etc.) smth. pass the man in the street (each other on the road, the girl on the stairs, a village on one's way, etc.) пройти мимо этого человека на улице и т.д.2) pass smth. across (over, around, etc.) smth. pass one's hand across one's forehead (across one's eyes, etc.) провести рукой по лбу и т.д., pass a sponge over the blackboard (a cloth over the table, etc.) провести губкой по доске и т.д., стереть губкой с доски и т.д.; pass a rope around /about/ the waist for support обвязаться веревкой для страховки; pass a rope round the barrel (round the box, etc.) обвязать бочку и т.д. веревкой; pass a rope round smb.'s neck накинуть петлю на чью-л. шею || pass one's eye over smth. взглянуть на что-л.; will you, please, pass your eye over this note? взгляните, пожалуйста, на эту записку; pass smth. through smth. pass a rope through a hole (a string through a ring, etc.) пропустить /протянуть/ канат через отверстие и т.д.; pass a thread through a needle вдеть нитку в иголку; pass smth. through a fine sieve просеять что-л. через тонкое сито; pass smth. between smth. pass one's hand between the bars просунуть руку через решетку3) pass smb. through smth. we'll pass them through this gate мы их пропустим в эти ворота; they passed me through the customs меня подвергли таможенному досмотру4) pass smth. to smb. pass a glass (the mustard, the salt, etc.) to your neighbour (to me, etc.) передавать стакан и т.д. соседу и т.д.; pass smth. (a)round (over, etc.) smth. pass the pie (the bottle, the tea, etc.) (a)round the table обносить всех сидящих за столом пирогом и т.д.; he passed her letter over my head он передал ее письмо у меня над головой; pass smth. from smth. pass a book from the shelf подать книгу с полки; pass a ring from hand to hand передавать кольцо из рук в руки; pass with. out of smth. pass a suitcase out of a window передать чемодан через окне; pass smth. over smth. pass rumours (gossip, the news, etc.) all over the village распространять /разносить/слухи и т.д. по всей деревне5) pass time in some place pass the winter in the south проводить зиму на Юге; pass time in smth. pass one's time in idleness жить в безделье /в праздности/; pass time with smb. pass a week (a few days, etc.) with the children (with him, etc.) провести неделю и т.д. с детьми и т.д.6) pass smth. through smth. pass a resolution (a measure, a bill, etc.) through a committee (through Senate, etc.) провести резолюцию и т.д. через комитет и т.д.7) pass smth. on smb. pass sentence /judgement/ on a criminal (on guilty persons, etc.) выносить приговор преступнику и т.д.; pass smth. on smth. pass criticism /remarks/ on smb.'s paper делать критические замечания по чьей-л. работе; I can't pass an opinion on your work without seeing it я не видел вашей работы и не могу высказать мнения о ней12. XXII1) pass smth., smb. without doing smth. pass the town (the place, the spot, etc.) without stopping проехать через город и не остановиться /не задержаться/ [в нем]; pass her without noticing (without looking, etc.) пройти мимо нее, не обратив [на нее] внимания и т.д.; pass him without smiling пройти мимо него без улыбки; pass them without saying "hello" пройти мимо них, не поздоровавшись2) pass smth. in doing smth. pass one's time in reading (in painting, etc.) проводить время за чтением и т.д.13. XXIV2the doctor passed him as fit врач признал его годным14. XXIV3pass smth. as being of some quality pass accounts as correct признать счета правильными
См. также в других словарях:
Game Boy Sound System — The Game Boy Sound System (or GBS) for the Game Boy is akin to the sound system of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), the difference being that GBS has a higher pitch than NES sound format. The GBS has two pulse waves, a voluntary channel… … Wikipedia
DTS (sound system) — For other uses, see DTS (disambiguation). DTS, Inc. Type Public Traded as NASDAQ: DTSI … Wikipedia
Sound-in-Syncs — is a method of multiplexing sound and video signals into a channel designed to carry video, in which data representing the sound is inserted into the line synchronising pulse of an analogue TV waveform. This is used on point to point links within … Wikipedia
Sound card — A Sound Blaster Live! Value card, a typical (circa 2000) PCI sound card. Connects to Motherboard via one of: PCI ISA USB IEEE 139 … Wikipedia
Sound recording and reproduction — Sound recorder redirects here. For the audio recording program computer software, see Sound Recorder (Windows). Sound recording and reproduction is an electrical or mechanical inscription and re creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice,… … Wikipedia
Sound Blaster X-Fi — XtremeGamer Fatal1ty Pro Sound Blaster X Fi is a lineup of sound cards in Creative Labs Sound Blaster series. Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Sound Blaster Live! — is a sound card from Creative Technology. It is a PCI add on board for PCs.Overview Sound Blaster Live! (August 1998) saw the introduction of the EMU10K1 processor, a 2.44 million transistor DSP capable of 1000 MIPS for audio processing. The… … Wikipedia
Sound reinforcement system — A sound reinforcement system is an arrangement of microphones, electronic signal processors, amplifiers, and loudspeakers that makes live or pre recorded sounds usually music or speech louder, or that distributes the sound to a larger or more… … Wikipedia
Sound Blaster — The Sound Blaster logo The Sound Blaster family of sound cards was the de facto standard for consumer audio on the IBM PC compatible system platform, until the widespread transition to Microsoft Windows 95, which standardized the programming… … Wikipedia
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sound recording — Introduction transcription of vibrations in air that are perceptible as sound onto a storage medium, such as a phonograph disc. In sound reproduction the process is reversed so that the variations stored on the medium are converted back… … Universalium