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  • 1 bit

    бургија, ѓем, лоза (од бургија)
    делче, трошка, парченце, паричка
    бит (компјутерска мерка)
    (a bit of luck) малку среќа
    (a bit) малку, доста, прилично
    * * *
    n. 1. парче, парченце; a bit at a time or bit by bit постепен;
    2. (Am., colloq.) two bits 35 центи;
    3. (Br.) паричка; a threepenny bit три пенија;
    4. misc.; every bit as good исто толку добар; not a bit ни најмалку; he had a bit of luck имаше малку среќа; wait a bit чекај малку; every bit све (секое делче); a bit of advice еден совет; bit II n џем *to take the bit between one's teeth отарасување од контрола; *to champ at the bit да се биде нестрплив; bit III n глава (врв) на сврдел; bit IV n (C.) бит; bit V see bite
    n. парченце, мало количество;
    2. ситни пари; threepenny bit - паричка од три пени; short bit - паричка од десет центи; а bit - малку; bit by bit - малку по малку, постепено; not a bit - ни малку, воопшто не; to do one's bit - исполнува своја обврска; парче; острица; сврдло, длето bit by bit малку по малку

    English-Macedonian dictionary > bit

См. также в других словарях:

  • Two Bits — Título Two Bits Ficha técnica Dirección James Foley Guion Joseph Stefano Música …   Wikipedia Español

  • Two bits — is a in the United States for 25 cents. It dates from colonial days, when a common unit of currency was the Spanish milled dollar. As a way of making change, these dollars were often cut into eight pie slice shaped pieces, called bits. Hence, two …   Wikipedia

  • two bits — quarter, 1730, in ref. to the Mexican real, a large coin that was divided into eight bits (Cf. piece of eight; see PIECE (Cf. piece)); hence two bit (adj.) cheap, tawdry, first recorded 1929 …   Etymology dictionary

  • two bits — ☆ two bits n. [see TWO BIT] Informal twenty five cents …   English World dictionary

  • two bits — two′ bits′ n. Informal. sts 25 cents • Etymology: 1720–30, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • two bits — noun plural but singular or plural in construction 1. : the value of a quarter of a dollar shot craps for two bits a throw C.G.Norris 2. : something of small worth or importance an era that would make the achievements of the past look like two… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Two Bits — Infobox Film name = Two Bits image size = caption = Theatrical release poster director = James Foley producer = Arthur Cohn writer = Joseph Stefano narrator = Alec Baldwin starring = Jerry Barone Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Al Pacino Patrick… …   Wikipedia

  • two bits — {n.}, {slang} Twenty five cents; a quarter of a dollar. * /A haircut only cost two bits when Grandfather was young./ Compare: FOUR BITS, SIX BITS …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • two bits — {n.}, {slang} Twenty five cents; a quarter of a dollar. * /A haircut only cost two bits when Grandfather was young./ Compare: FOUR BITS, SIX BITS …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • two\ bits — noun slang twenty five cents; a quarter of a dollar. A haircut only cost two bits when Grandfather was young. Compare: four bits, six bits …   Словарь американских идиом

  • two-bits — n. twenty five cents; a quarter coin. □ Can I bum two bits for the phone? □ Here’s two bits for your piggy bank …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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