1 twiddle
'twidl(to twist (something) round and round: He twiddled the knob on the radio.) (hacer) girartr['twɪdəl]1 dar vueltas a, girar1 juguetear ( with, con)1 vuelta\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto twiddle one's thumbs figurative use estar mano sobre manov.• jugar con v.• revolver ociosamente v.n.• vuelta ligera s.f.'twɪdḷ
transitive verb (hacer*) girar
vi['twɪdl]1.N vuelta f (ligera)2.- twiddle one's thumbs3.VI dar vueltas* * *['twɪdḷ]
transitive verb (hacer*) girar
vi -
2 twiddle
s.movimiento giratorio, vuelta.v.1 hacer girar, juguetear con.2 dar vueltas.3 hacer pequeños cambios de ajuste en.(pt & pp twiddled) -
3 twiddle one's thumbs
4 twiddle with
v.juguetear con, jugar con. -
5 to twiddle one's thumbs
figurative use estar mano sobre manoestar de brazos cruzados, estar mano sobre mano, estar sin hacer nada -
6 thumb
1. noun1) (the short thick finger of the hand, set at a different angle from the other four.) pulgar2) (the part of a glove or mitten covering this finger.) pulgar
2. verb((often with through) to turn over (the pages of a book) with the thumb or fingers: She was thumbing through the dictionary.) hojear; manosear- thumbprint
- thumbs-up
- thumbtack
- under someone's thumb
thumb n dedo pulgartr[ɵʌm]1 pulgar nombre masculino1 hacer autostop\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be all thumbs ser un manazas, ser torpeto be under somebody's thumb estar dominado,-a por alguiento get the thumbs up ser aprobado,-a, recibir la aprobaciónto get the thumbs down ser rechazado,-ato give something the thumbs up aprobar algoto give something the thumbs down rechazar algoto have somebody under one's thumb tener a alguien en el bolsilloto stick out like a sore thumb saltar a la vistato thumb a ride / thumb a lift hacer autostopthumb ['ɵʌm] vt: hojear (con el pulgar)thumb n: pulgar m, dedo m pulgarn.• pulgar (Dedo) s.m.v.• hojear v.
I θʌmnoun pulgar m, dedo m gordo (fam)to be all thumbs o (BrE also) all fingers and thumbs: I'm all thumbs today hoy estoy muy torpe con las manos; to be under somebody's thumb estar* dominado por alguien; to get the thumbs down/up from somebody ser* rechazado por alguien/recibir la aprobación de alguien; to give the thumbs up/down to something aprobar*/rechazar* algo; to stick out like a sore thumb \<\<building/person/object\>\> desentonar terriblemente, no pegar* ni con cola (fam); to twiddle one's thumbs — estar* sin hacer nada, estar* perdiendo el tiempo; green I 1)
a)I thumbed a lift o (AmE also) a ride home — me fui a casa a dedo (fam), me fui a casa de aventón (Col, Méx)
b) \<\<book\>\> hojearPhrasal Verbs:[θʌm]1.N pulgar mto be all thumbs —
- twiddle one's thumbs- be under sb's thumbrule 1., 2)the voters have given him the thumbs up/down — el electorado votó a favor de/en contra de él
2. VT1) [+ book] manosear2)to thumb a lift or a ride — hacer autostop, hacer dedo, pedir aventón (LAm)
3)to thumb one's nose at sth/sb — (lit) hacer burla a algo/algn (agitando la mano con el pulgar sobre la nariz) ; (fig) burlarse de algo/algn
3.VIto thumb through a book/magazine — hojear un libro/una revista
4.CPDthumb index N — índice m recortado
* * *
I [θʌm]noun pulgar m, dedo m gordo (fam)to be all thumbs o (BrE also) all fingers and thumbs: I'm all thumbs today hoy estoy muy torpe con las manos; to be under somebody's thumb estar* dominado por alguien; to get the thumbs down/up from somebody ser* rechazado por alguien/recibir la aprobación de alguien; to give the thumbs up/down to something aprobar*/rechazar* algo; to stick out like a sore thumb \<\<building/person/object\>\> desentonar terriblemente, no pegar* ni con cola (fam); to twiddle one's thumbs — estar* sin hacer nada, estar* perdiendo el tiempo; green I 1)
a)I thumbed a lift o (AmE also) a ride home — me fui a casa a dedo (fam), me fui a casa de aventón (Col, Méx)
b) \<\<book\>\> hojearPhrasal Verbs: -
7 girar
girar ( conjugate girar) verbo intransitivo 1 [ disco] to revolve, go around; [ trompo] to spin; girar alrededor de algo/algn to revolve around sth/sb 2 (torcer, desviarse) to turn; verbo transitivo 1 ‹manivela/volante› to turn 2 (Com, Fin) ‹cheque/letra de cambio› to draw
I verbo intransitivo
1 (unas aspas, un trompo, etc) to spin
2 (torcer, cambiar de dirección) girar a la derecha/izquierda, to turn right/left
3 (tratar) to revolve: la conversación giró en torno al tiempo, the conversation revolved around the weather
II verbo transitivo
1 (la cabeza, llave) to turn
2 Fin (dinero) to send by giro (una letra de cambio) to draw ' girar' also found in these entries: Spanish: A - doblar - redonda - redondo - torcer - virar - volverse - descubierto - volver English: bear - gyrate - orbit - pivot - revolve - rotate - spin - swing - swivel - turn - turn round - twirl - twist - twist round - veer - wheel - whirl - center - draw - hinge - left - pirouette - right - swirl - twiddle - wind -
8 juguetear
juguetear ( conjugate juguetear) verbo intransitivo to play
juguetear verbo intransitivo to play, frolic: había dos gatitos jugueteando en le jardín, there were two kittens frolicking in the garden ' juguetear' also found in these entries: Spanish: retozar English: fiddle - fiddle about with - play around - rollick - tinker - toy with - twiddle - play - toy
См. также в других словарях:
Twiddle — Twid dle, v. t. [Probably of imitative origin. Cf. {Tweedle}.] To touch lightly, or play with; to tweedle; to twirl; as, to twiddle one s thumbs; to twiddle a watch key. [Written also twidle.] Thackeray. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
twiddle — ► VERB ▪ play or fiddle with (something) in a purposeless or nervous way. ► NOUN 1) an act of twiddling. 2) a rapid or intricate series of musical notes. ● twiddle one s thumbs Cf. ↑twiddle one s thumbs … English terms dictionary
twiddle — (v.) 1540s, to trifle, of unknown origin; of the fingers, first recorded 1670s. Figurative phrase twiddle one s thumbs have nothing to do is recorded from 1846; to twirl one s thumbs in the same sense is recorded from 1816. Related: Twiddled;… … Etymology dictionary
twiddle — [twid′ l] vt. twiddled, twiddling [prob. < TW(IST) or TW(IRL) + (D)IDDLE] to twirl or play with lightly or idly vi. 1. to toy or trifle with some object 2. to be busy about trifles 3 … English World dictionary
Twiddle — Twid dle, v. i. To play with anything; hence, to be busy about trifles. Halliwell. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Twiddle — Twid dle, n. 1. A slight twist with the fingers. [1913 Webster] 2. A pimple. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
twiddle — UK [ˈtwɪd(ə)l] / US verb Word forms twiddle : present tense I/you/we/they twiddle he/she/it twiddles present participle twiddling past tense twiddled past participle twiddled 1) [intransitive/transitive] to twist or turn something in a bored or… … English dictionary
Twiddle — To twiddle means to touch lightly or play with. In computing, it refers to: * Making small or insignificant changes to source code, often without much understanding * Bit twiddling , or bit manipulation, algorithmically manipulating bits * The… … Wikipedia
twiddle — twid|dle [ˈtwıdl] v [I and T] [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Probably copying the action] 1.) twiddle your thumbs informal to do nothing while you are waiting for something to happen ▪ Let s go there s no point in sitting here twiddling our thumbs.… … Dictionary of contemporary English
twiddle — 1 verb (T) 1 also twiddle with to move or turn something around with your fingers many times, especially because you are bored 2 twiddle your thumbs informal a) to do nothing while you are waiting for something to happen b) to join your fingers… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
twiddle — twid|dle [ twıdl ] verb 1. ) transitive to turn a switch on a piece of equipment or a machine: He twiddled the radio dial until he found a news program. 2. ) intransitive or transitive to twist or turn something in a bored or nervous way: She… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English