1 turnover rate
turnover rate 1. GEN Umsatzhäufigkeit f, Umsatzquote f; 2. FIN Umschlagsgeschwindigkeit f (synonymous: rate of turnover)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > turnover rate
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turnover rate -
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4 turnover rate
1) фин. = turnover ratio 1), 2),2) эк. тр. коэффициент текучести кадров (отношение количества уволившихся или принятых работников к средней за период численности работников)Syn:See:
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коэффициент оборота: 1) отношение объема сделок с конкретным видом акций в течение года к общей сумме таких акций в обращении; 2) показатель активности операций взаимного инвестиционного фонда, указываемый в проспекте; чем больше операций, тем больше расходы на оплату услугу брокеров. -
5 turnover rate
volume flow rate — объёмная скорость потока; объёмный расход
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > turnover rate
6 turnover rate
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > turnover rate
7 turnover rate
коэффициент оборачиваемости (отношение объема сделок с конкретным видом акций в течение года к общей сумме акций в обращении)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > turnover rate
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11 Turnover rate
Медицина: скорость циркуляции -
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Медицина: скорость циркуляции -
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1) Trav. taux de rotation [du personnel/des effectifs, p. ex.]2) Transp. taux de roulement [des camions]English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > turnover rate
17 turnover rate
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > turnover rate
18 turnover rate
• fluktuacija; izmenljivost; promenljivost -
19 turnover rate
• reaktionipeus• muuttumisnopeus -
20 turnover rate
taux m de rotation
См. также в других словарях:
turnover rate — noun the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average number of workers • Syn: ↑employee turnover, ↑turnover • Hypernyms: ↑ratio … Useful english dictionary
turnover rate — Measures trading activity during a particular period. portfolios with high turnover rates incur higher transaction costs and are more likely to distribute capital gains, which are taxable to nonretirement accounts. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
creditor turnover rate — ˌcreditor ˈturnover rate noun [countable usually singular] ACCOUNTING ECONOMICS COMMERCE the amount a company owes its suppliers at any one time as a percentage of the total amount it buys from suppliers during a year. The credit turnover rate… … Financial and business terms
turnover — or turns Terms used to describe the number of operating cycles in a defined period of time or the length of each specific operating cycle. Typical turnover cycles are: the rate at which accounts receivable converts to cash, the rate at which… … Financial and business terms
labour turnover rate — The ratio, usually expressed as a percentage, of the number of employees leaving an organization or industry in a stated period to the average number of employees working in that organization or industry during the period. An important… … Big dictionary of business and management
rate of turnover — turnover ratio The frequency, expressed in annual terms, with which some part of the assets of an organization is turned over (i. e. replaced by others of the same class). In order to calculate how frequently stock is turned over, the total sales … Big dictionary of business and management
Portfolio turnover rate — For an investment company, an annualized rate found by dividing the lesser of purchases and sales by the average of portfolio assets. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
portfolio turnover rate — For an investment company, an annualized rate found by dividing the lesser of purchases and sales by the average of portfolio assets. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Turnover — Mutual Funds: A measure of trading activity during the previous year, expressed as a percentage of the average total assets of the fund. A turnover ratio of 25% means that the value of trades represented one fourth of the assets of the fund.… … Financial and business terms
Turnover (employment) — See turnover for other uses of the term. Turnover, in a human resources context refers to the characteristic of a given company or industry, relative to rate at which an employer gains and loses staff.If an employer is said to have a high… … Wikipedia
turnover — 1) The total sales figure of an organization for a stated period. Turnover is defined in the UK Companies Act (1985) as the total revenue of an organization derived from the provision of goods and services, less trade discounts, VAT, and any… … Big dictionary of business and management