1 turn-off bias
запирающее напряжение смещения
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > turn-off bias
2 turn-off bias
3 turn-off bias
4 turn-off bias
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > turn-off bias
5 turn-off bias
Вычислительная техника: запирающее напряжение смещения -
6 turn-off bias
7 turn-off bias
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > turn-off bias
8 turn-off bias
9 bias
1) смещение || смещать2) напряжение смещения; ток смещения || подавать напряжение или ток смещения3) систематическая ошибка одного знака; систематическое отклонение•- clamp bias
- constant bias
- fixed base current bias
- fixed bias
- forward bias
- human bias
- magnetic bias
- marking bias
- ordering bias
- pulsed bias
- relocation bias
- reversed bias
- reverse bias
- spacing bias
- turn-off biasEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > bias
10 turn
1. n с. -х. оборот пласта2. n вращение; вращательное движение3. n авт. разворот4. n поворот, место поворота5. n изгиб6. n поворот; поворотный пункт; порог, конец7. n поворот; отклонение, отступлениеthe story has so many twists and turns that the reader becomes lost — в рассказе столько поворотов и отступлений, что читатель совершенно теряется
8. n изменение направления9. n смена, перемена курса10. n перемена, изменение11. n очередьin turn, by turns, turn and turn about — по очереди
laughing and crying in turn — то смеясь, то плача
he went hot and cold by turns — его бросало то в жар, то в холод
to take turns — делать по очереди; чередоваться, сменяться
my turn will come! — придёт и мой черёд!; я ещё своё возьму!; я ещё своего добьюсь!
12. n очередной номер программы, выход; сценка, интермедия13. n исполнитель номера14. n короткая прогулка, поездкаto take a turn, to go for a turn — пройтись
15. n короткий период деятельностиa turn of work — небольшая работа, немного работы
16. n особенность, характерная черта; склад17. n стиль, манера; интерпретация18. n способность; дар; жилка19. n строение, форма20. n построение21. n оборот22. n разг. приступ, припадок, вспышка23. n разг. потрясение, шок24. n разг. менструация25. n бирж. акт купли-продажи26. n бирж. прибыль от купли или продажи ценных бумаг27. n бирж. оборот капитала28. n бирж. разница между курсом покупателей и курсом продавцов29. n бирж. полигр. марашка30. n ж. -д. обходный путь31. n ж. -д. виток32. n ж. -д. муз. группеттоturn of the tide — заметное изменение к лучшему, перемена судьбы
turn of life — переходный период, климактерий
to a turn — точно; как нужно
at every turn — на каждом шагу; повсюду, постоянно; каждый раз
travelling through Europe we kept meeting Americans at every turn — путешествуя по Европе, мы на каждом шагу встречали американцев
33. v поворачиватьhe turned the knob and the door opened — он повернул ручку, и дверь открылась
turn round — оборачиваться; поворачиваться
turn aside — отклонять; поворачивать в сторону
34. v отворачивать, отводитьturn away — отворачивать; отклонять
35. v вращать36. v обёртывать, наматывать37. v вращаться38. v кружиться39. v переворачиватьto turn the leaves of a book — переворачивать страницы книги, листать книгу
40. v переворачиваться41. v опрокидывать; переворачивать вверх дном42. v выкладывать, выпускатьturn loose — отпускать; выпускать
43. v загибать; закручивать; отгибать44. v загибаться; закручиваться; отгибатьсяturn up — поднимать вверх; загибать
45. v направлятьсяnot to know which way to turn — не знать, куда идти
46. v поворачиватьсяit is time to turn now if we wish to get home in time for dinner — пора поворачивать назад, если мы хотим поспеть к обеду
47. v отклонять, менять направлениеto turn down — отклонять, отвергать
48. v отклоняться, менять направление49. v нацеливать, направлять50. v огибать, обходить51. v точить, обтачивать на токарном станке52. v поддаваться обработке на токарном станке, поддаваться токарной обработке53. v оттачивать, придавать завершённую форму54. v редк. менять; действоватьhis speech turned my thinking — то, что он сказал, заставило меня изменить свою точку зрения
55. v редк. изменяться, подвергаться изменению56. v редк. обращать в другую веруturn upon — обращаться; обратиться
does it serve your turn — это вам подходит; это вам годится
57. v редк. обращаться в другую веру, менять религиюto turn the room upside down — привести комнату в беспорядок, перевернуть всё в комнате
58. v редк. изменять, предавать59. v редк. редк. вызывать тошноту60. v редк. уст. иметь противоположный результатhow did the game turn out? — чем закончилась игра?, каков результат встречи?
Синонимический ряд:1. action (noun) action; deed; service2. alteration (noun) alteration; fluctuation3. angle (noun) angle; bow; flection; flexure; turning4. arc (noun) arc; curve; twist5. attack (noun) access; attack; fit; seizure; throe6. bend (noun) bend; deflection; double; shift; tack; yaw7. bent (noun) aptitude; bent; bias; disposition; inclination; leaning; partiality; penchant; predilection; predisposition; proclivity; proneness; propensity; squint; talent; tendency8. chance (noun) chance; opportunity; stint9. deviation (noun) change; deviation; variation; vicissitude10. drive (noun) drive; ride; spin11. gift (noun) aptness; bump; faculty; flair; genius; gift; head; knack; nose; set12. go (noun) bout; go; hitch; innings; spell; time; tour; trick; watch13. move (noun) adjustment; manoeuvre; move; movement14. need (noun) exigency; necessity; need; requirement15. reversal (noun) about-face; changeabout; inversion; reversal; reverse; reversement; reversion; right-about; right-about-face; turnabout; volte-face16. revolution (noun) circle; circuit; circulation; circumvolution; cycle; gyration; gyre; orbit; revolution; revolve; rotation; tour; twirl; wheel; whirl17. round (noun) crook; curvature; round18. trend (noun) direction; drift; trend19. walk (noun) constitutional; hike; ramble; saunter; stroll; walk20. become (verb) become; come; get; go; grow; refer; repair; resort to; run; wax21. bend (verb) angle; bend; curve; deflect; deviate; dodge; refract; swerve; veer22. break (verb) break; plough; turn over23. change (verb) alter; change; convert; metamorphose; modify; mutate; refashion; transfer; transform; transmute; turn into; vary24. circle (verb) circle; circumduct; gyrate; gyre; revolve; roll; rotate; twirl; wheel25. decay (verb) break down; corrupt; crumble; decay; decompose; deteriorate; disintegrate; molder; moulder; putrefy; putresce; rot; spoil; taint26. defect (verb) apostatize; defect; desert; rat; renounce; repudiate; tergiversate; tergiverse27. direct (verb) aim; cast; direct; head; incline; lay; level; point; present; set; train; zero in28. distract (verb) derange; distract; disturb; infatuate; infuriate29. dull (verb) blunt; disedge; dull; obtund30. give (verb) address; apply; buckle; concentrate; dedicate; devote; focus; give31. reverse (verb) invert; reverse; transpose32. sheer (verb) avert; divert; pivot; redirect; re-route; sheer; shift; swing; swivel; volte-face; wheel; whip33. upset (verb) disorder; unhinge; unsettle; upset34. wrench (verb) sprain; wrench -
11 запирающее напряжение смещения
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > запирающее напряжение смещения
12 current
1) (электрический) ток || токовый2) поток; течение || текущий; протекающий3) скорость потока; скорость течения4) течение; ход событий || текущий; относящийся к рассматриваемому моменту времени; современный6) общая тенденция; курс || общепринятый; общераспространённый•- acoustoelectric current
- action current
- active current
- alternating current
- anode current
- antenna current
- arc current
- armature current
- avalanche current
- average current
- back current
- balanced currents
- band-to-band current
- base current
- beam current
- bias current
- biasing current
- bidirectional current
- biphase current
- bleeder current
- blowing current
- branch current
- breakaway current
- breakaway starting current
- breakdown current
- breaking current
- breakover current
- bulk current
- carrier current
- catcher current
- cathode current
- cathode covering current
- cathode-ray current
- channel current
- charging current
- collector current
- collector cutoff current
- collector-junction current
- collector leakage current
- collector-saturation current
- complex current
- complex sinusoidal current
- conduction current
- conjugate complex current
- conjugate complex sinusoidal current
- constant current
- continuous current
- control current
- convection current
- conventional fusing current
- conventional nonfusing current
- critical current
- critical controlling current
- critical grid current
- crystal current
- cutoff current
- cyclic current
- damped current
- dark current
- decaying current
- demarcation current
- diacritical current
- dielectric current
- diffusion current
- digit current
- direct current
- discharge current
- displacement current
- double-injection current
- drain current
- drift current
- drop-away current
- drop-out current
- earth current
- echo current
- eddy currents
- edge leakage current
- effective current
- electric current
- electric induction current
- electrode current
- electrode dark current
- electrode inverse current
- electron current
- emission current
- emitter current
- equivalent input offset current
- equivalent noise current
- erasing current
- excess current
- excitation current
- exciting current
- exponential excess current
- external current
- extra current
- extraction current
- extraneous current
- faradic current
- fault current
- fault electrode current
- feedback current
- field-free emission current
- filament starting current
- filament surge current
- firing current
- flash current
- flection-point emission current
- fluctuating current
- focus current
- focusing current
- follow current
- forward current
- forward-bias current
- Foucault currents
- Frenkel-Poole current
- full-select current
- fusing current
- galvanic current
- gap current
- gas current
- gas ionization current
- gate current
- gate-body leakage current
- gate holding current
- gate nontrigger current
- gate trigger current
- gate turn-off current
- generation-recombination current
- grid current
- ground current
- gun current
- half-select current
- Hall current
- harmonic current
- heater current
- heater-cathode current
- heater-cathode insulation current
- heater starting current
- heater surge current
- heavy current
- high-frequency current
- high-tension current
- high-voltage direct current
- hold current
- holding current
- hole current
- hot-electron current
- hump current
- idle current
- idling current
- image current
- impurity diffusion current
- incident current
- induced current
- inflection-point emission current
- initial symmetrical short-circuit current
- initial-velocity current
- injection current
- input offset current
- interbase current
- intermittent current
- inverse current
- ion current
- ionic current
- ionization current
- irradiation saturation current
- Josephson tunnel current
- lagging current
- latching current
- leading current
- leakage current
- leakage tube current
- Leduc current
- light current
- limiting slider current
- load current
- local current
- locked-rotor current
- longitudinal current
- loop current
- magnetization current
- magnetizing current
- majority current
- majority-carrier current
- make-and-break current
- making current
- marker current
- marking current
- mesh current
- minority current
- minority-carrier current
- Morton wave current
- nerve-action current
- net current
- noise current
- no-load current
- offset current
- off-state current
- one-carrier current
- one-particle current
- open-circuit current
- operating current
- oscillating current
- oscillatory current
- over current
- paired-electron current
- particle current
- peak inverse anode current
- peak plate current
- peak-point current
- peak-switching current
- peak-withstand current
- pedestal current
- periodic current
- persistent current
- phasor current
- photoelectric current
- photon-induced current
- pick-up current
- piezoelectric current
- pinch current
- pinch-off current
- plate current
- poloidal current
- post-arc current
- prebreakdown current
- preconduction current
- preionization current
- preoscillation current
- primary current
- probability current
- probe current
- prospective current
- pull-in current
- pulsating current
- push-pull currents
- push-push currents
- pyroelectric current
- quiescent current
- radiation-induced current
- radiation-induced thermally activated current
- rated current
- rated ac discharge current
- rated coil current
- rated contact current
- rated follow current
- reactive current
- read current
- read-out current
- recombination-generation current
- recording audio-frequency current
- recovery current
- rectified current
- reflected current
- regeneration current
- release current
- residual current
- residual stored current
- resistor-substrate leakage current
- return current
- reverse current
- reverse-bias current
- reverse blocking current
- reverse leakage current
- reverse recovery current
- reverse saturation current
- reversible absorption current
- RF current
- ringing current
- ripple current
- saturation current
- sawtooth current
- SCL current
- secondary current
- selection current
- short-circuit current
- short-circuit current per unit wavelength
- short-time withstand current
- signal output current
- simple harmonic current
- single-electron current
- single-injection current
- sinusoidal current
- skinned current
- sneak current
- source current
- space current
- space-charge-limited current
- spacing current
- spin-polarized current
- split-phase current
- sputtering current
- standing current
- starter transfer current
- starting current
- steady current
- steady short-circuit current
- steady-state current
- stray current
- subthreshold current
- surface current
- surge current
- surge electrode current
- sustaining current
- sweeping-out current
- switching current
- synaptic current
- take-off current
- target current
- telephone current
- telephone carrier current
- telluric current
- thermal current
- thermal-convection current
- thermally activated current
- thermionic current
- three-phase current
- threshold current
- toroidal current
- total current
- transfer current
- transient current
- transient-decay current
- tree-branch current
- tunnel current
- tunneling current
- turn-on base current
- turnover current
- two-carrier current
- undulating current
- undulatory current
- unidirectional current
- unit-step current
- vacancy current
- valley current
- valley-point current
- vector current
- video current
- video record current
- voltage saturation current
- voltaic current
- write current
- Zener current
- zero-field emission current
- zero-voltage current -
13 current
1) (электрический) ток || токовый2) поток; течение || текущий; протекающий3) скорость потока; скорость течения4) течение; ход событий || текущий; относящийся к рассматриваемому моменту времени; современный5) вчт. рабочий (напр. о файле); текущий (напр. о записи)6) общая тенденция; курс || общепринятый; общераспространённый•- acoustoelectric current
- action current
- active current
- alternating current
- anode current
- antenna current
- arc current
- armature current
- avalanche current
- average current
- back current
- balanced currents
- band-to-band current
- base current
- beam current
- bias current
- biasing current
- bidirectional current
- biphase current
- bleeder current
- blowing current
- branch current
- breakaway current
- breakaway starting current
- breakdown current
- breaking current
- breakover current
- bulk current
- carrier current
- catcher current
- cathode covering current
- cathode current
- cathode-ray current
- channel current
- charging current
- collector current
- collector cutoff current
- collector leakage current
- collector-junction current
- collector-saturation current
- complex current
- complex sinusoidal current
- conduction current
- conjugate complex current
- conjugate complex sinusoidal current
- constant current
- continuous current
- control current
- convection current
- conventional fusing current
- conventional nonfusing current
- critical controlling current
- critical current
- critical grid current
- crystal current
- cutoff current
- cyclic current
- damped current
- dark current
- decaying current
- demarcation current
- diacritical current
- dielectric current
- diffusion current
- digit current
- direct current
- discharge current
- displacement current
- double-injection current
- drain current
- drift current
- drop-away current
- drop-out current
- earth current
- echo current
- eddy currents
- edge leakage current
- effective current
- electric current
- electric induction current
- electrode current
- electrode dark current
- electrode inverse current
- electron current
- emission current
- emitter current
- equivalent input offset current
- equivalent noise current
- erasing current
- excess current
- excitation current
- exciting current
- exponential excess current
- external current
- extra current
- extraction current
- extraneous current
- faradic current
- fault current
- fault electrode current
- feedback current
- field-free emission current
- filament starting current
- filament surge current
- firing current
- flash current
- flection-point emission current
- fluctuating current
- focus current
- focusing current
- follow current
- forward current
- forward-bias current
- Foucault currents
- Frenkel-Poole current
- full-select current
- fusing current
- galvanic current
- gap current
- gas current
- gas ionization current
- gate current
- gate holding current
- gate nontrigger current
- gate trigger current
- gate turn-off current
- gate-body leakage current
- generation-recombination current
- grid current
- ground current
- gun current
- half-select current
- Hall current
- harmonic current
- heater current
- heater starting current
- heater surge current
- heater-cathode current
- heater-cathode insulation current
- heavy current
- high-frequency current
- high-tension current
- high-voltage direct current
- hold current
- holding current
- hole current
- hot-electron current
- hump current
- idle current
- idling current
- image current
- impurity diffusion current
- incident current
- induced current
- inflection-point emission current
- initial symmetrical short-circuit current
- initial-velocity current
- injection current
- input offset current
- interbase current
- intermittent current
- inverse current
- ion current
- ionic current
- ionization current
- irradiation saturation current
- Josephson tunnel current
- lagging current
- latching current
- leading current
- leakage current
- leakage tube current
- Leduc current
- light current
- limiting slider current
- load current
- local current
- locked-rotor current
- longitudinal current
- loop current
- magnetization current
- magnetizing current
- majority current
- majority-carrier current
- make-and-break current
- making current
- marker current
- marking current
- mesh current
- minority current
- minority-carrier current
- Morton wave current
- nerve-action current
- net current
- noise current
- no-load current
- offset current
- off-state current
- one-carrier current
- one-particle current
- open-circuit current
- operating current
- oscillating current
- oscillatory current
- over current
- paired-electron current
- particle current
- peak inverse anode current
- peak plate current
- peak-point current
- peak-switching current
- peak-withstand current
- pedestal current
- periodic current
- persistent current
- phasor current
- photoelectric current
- photon-induced current
- pick-up current
- piezoelectric current
- pinch current
- pinch-off current
- plate current
- poloidal current
- post-arc current
- prebreakdown current
- preconduction current
- preionization current
- preoscillation current
- primary current
- probability current
- probe current
- prospective current
- pull-in current
- pulsating current
- push-pull currents
- push-push currents
- pyroelectric current
- quiescent current
- radiation-induced current
- radiation-induced thermally activated current
- rated ac discharge current
- rated coil current
- rated contact current
- rated current
- rated follow current
- reactive current
- read current
- read-out current
- recombination-generation current
- recording audio-frequency current
- recovery current
- rectified current
- reflected current
- regeneration current
- release current
- residual current
- residual stored current
- resistor-substrate leakage current
- return current
- reverse blocking current
- reverse current
- reverse leakage current
- reverse recovery current
- reverse saturation current
- reverse-bias current
- reversible absorption current
- RF current
- ringing current
- ripple current
- saturation current
- sawtooth current
- SCL current
- secondary current
- selection current
- short-circuit current per unit wavelength
- short-circuit current
- short-time withstand current
- signal output current
- simple harmonic current
- single-electron current
- single-injection current
- sinusoidal current
- skinned current
- sneak current
- source current
- space current
- space-charge-limited current
- spacing current
- spin-polarized current
- split-phase current
- sputtering current
- standing current
- starter transfer current
- starting current
- steady current
- steady short-circuit current
- steady-state current
- stray current
- subthreshold current
- surface current
- surge current
- surge electrode current
- sustaining current
- sweeping-out current
- switching current
- synaptic current
- take-off current
- target current
- telephone carrier current
- telephone current
- telluric current
- thermal current
- thermal-convection current
- thermally activated current
- thermionic current
- three-phase current
- threshold current
- toroidal current
- total current
- transfer current
- transient current
- transient-decay current
- tree-branch current
- tunnel current
- tunneling current
- turn-on base current
- turnover current
- two-carrier current
- undulating current
- undulatory current
- unidirectional current
- unit-step current
- vacancy current
- valley current
- valley-point current
- vector current
- video current
- video record current
- voltage saturation current
- voltaic current
- write current
- Zener current
- zero-field emission current
- zero-voltage currentThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > current
14 voltage
1) напряжение, разность потенциалов2) потенциал•- accelerating voltagevoltage across — напряжение на (напр. зажимах)
- acceleration voltage
- active voltage
- actuating voltage
- allowable voltage
- alternating voltage
- anode voltage
- anode breakdown voltage
- anode-cathode voltage
- anode-to-cathode voltage
- applied voltage
- arc voltage
- arc-drop voltage
- asymptotic breakdown voltage
- avalanche voltage
- avalanche breakdown voltage
- average voltage
- back voltage
- balanced voltages
- barrier voltage
- base voltage
- baseband voltage
- base-to-emitter voltage
- bath voltage
- bias voltage
- birefringence threshold voltage
- black-out voltage
- blanking voltage
- blocking voltage
- blue video voltage
- booster voltage
- branch voltage
- breakdown voltage
- breakover voltage
- bridge supply voltage
- bucking voltage
- built-in voltage
- bus voltage
- calibration voltage
- capacitor voltage
- catcher voltage
- cathode voltage
- cathode sheath voltage
- cathode storage-element equilibrium voltage
- cell voltage
- charge voltage
- circuit voltage
- clamp voltage
- clock voltage
- closed-circuit voltage
- coercive voltage
- collector voltage
- collector breakdown voltage
- collector storage-element equilibrium voltage
- collector-to-base voltage
- collector-to-emitter voltage
- color voltage
- commercial-frequency voltage
- common-mode voltage
- commutating voltage
- compensating voltage
- complex voltage
- compliance voltage
- composite controlling voltage
- computer voltage
- constant voltage
- contact voltage
- control voltage
- control-circuit voltage
- convergence voltage
- corona start voltage
- counter voltage
- crest voltage
- critical voltage
- critical anode voltage
- critical grid voltage
- crossover voltage
- current-resistance voltage
- cutoff voltage
- dc voltage
- decelerating voltage
- decomposition voltage
- deflecting voltage
- derivative voltage
- dielectric breakdown voltage
- differential-mode voltage
- dipole voltage
- dipole barrier voltage
- direct voltage
- discharge voltage
- disruptive discharge voltage
- domain voltage
- drain voltage
- driving voltage
- drop-away voltage
- drop-out voltage
- effective voltage
- electric voltage
- electrode voltage
- emitter voltage
- equilibrium voltage
- error voltage
- excess voltage
- excess domain voltage
- excitation voltage
- extinction voltage
- extinguishing voltage
- extra-high voltage
- Faraday voltage
- field voltage
- filament voltage
- final voltage
- firing voltage
- first breakdown voltage
- first crossover voltage
- flashback voltage
- flashover voltage
- flat-band voltage
- floating voltage
- fluctuation voltage
- flyback voltage
- focusing voltage
- formation voltage
- forming voltage
- forward voltage
- forward breakover voltage
- forward gate voltage
- fuel-cell voltage
- gate voltage
- gate nontrigger voltage
- gate trigger voltage
- gate turn-off voltage
- generated voltage
- gradient-established storage-element equilibrium voltage
- green-video voltage
- grid voltage
- half-wave voltage
- Hall voltage
- heater voltage
- high voltage
- high-level voltage
- holding voltage
- ignition voltage
- impressed voltage
- induced voltage
- inflection-point voltage
- initial voltage
- initial inverse voltage
- injected voltage
- in-phase voltage
- input voltage
- input error voltage
- interference voltage
- internal correction voltage
- inverse voltage
- ionization voltage
- junction voltage
- keep-alive voltage
- kickback voltage
- line voltage
- link voltage
- load voltage
- logical-threshold voltage
- low-level voltage
- magnetron critical voltage
- mains voltage
- maintaining voltage
- mask voltage
- minimum off-state voltage
- neutralizing voltage
- node voltage
- node-to-datum voltage
- noise voltage
- no-load voltage
- nominal voltage
- offset voltage
- off-load voltage
- off-state voltage
- on-load voltage
- on-state voltage
- open-circuit voltage
- operating voltage
- oscillating voltage
- out-of-balance voltages
- out-of-phase voltage
- output voltage
- output offset voltage
- pace voltage
- peak voltage
- peak inverse voltage
- peak-point voltage
- peak reverse voltage
- peak-to-peak voltage
- periodic voltage
- permissible voltage
- phase voltage
- photoelectric voltage
- pickup voltage
- pinch-off voltage
- plate voltage
- polarizing voltage
- poling voltage
- primary voltage
- principal voltage
- projected peak-point voltage
- psophometric voltage
- pull-in voltage
- pulsating voltage
- pump voltage
- punch-through voltage
- puncture voltage
- push-pull voltages
- push-push -voltages
- rail voltage
- rated voltage
- rated impulse withstand voltage
- reactive voltage
- rectified voltage
- rectifier-load voltage
- red video voltage
- reference voltage
- reflector voltage
- reignition voltage
- residual voltage
- resistance voltage
- resonance voltage
- reverse voltage
- reverse-bias voltage
- reverse-bias breakdown voltage
- ripple voltage
- root-mean-square voltage
- saturation voltage
- sawtooth voltage
- scanning voltage
- screen-grid voltage
- secondary voltage
- secondary-emission crossover voltage
- second-crossover voltage
- self-breakdown voltage
- self-firing voltage
- self-induction voltage
- shot-noise voltage
- signal voltage
- single-ended input voltage
- single-ended output voltage
- sinusoidal voltage
- source voltage
- square-wave voltage
- stabilized voltage
- staircase voltage
- starter breakdown voltage
- starting voltage
- step voltage
- storage-element equilibrium voltage
- supply voltage
- surge voltage
- sweep voltage
- swing voltage
- switching voltage
- synchronousvoltage
- tank voltage
- target voltage
- temperature voltage
- thermocouple voltage
- thermoelectric voltage
- threshold voltage
- time-base voltage
- touch voltage
- tree-branch voltage
- tunnel breakdown voltage
- ultrahigh voltage
- unit step voltage
- valley voltage
- variable voltage
- working voltage
- Zener voltage -
15 voltage
1) напряжение
2) вольтаж
3) вольтовой
4) разность потенциалов
5) электродвижущая сила
– accelerating voltage
– airborne voltage
– alternating voltage
– apply voltage
– beam voltage
– bias voltage
– blanking voltage
– boost voltage
– break-down voltage
– breakaway voltage
– breakdown voltage
– breaking voltage
– change of voltage
– charging voltage
– clock voltage
– common-mode voltage
– constant voltage
– control voltage
– cut-h-off voltage
– cut-off voltage
– cut-on voltage
– decelerating voltage
– deflection voltage
– diffusion voltage
– direct voltage
– electrode voltage
– erase voltage
– error voltage
– excess voltage
– excitation voltage
– filament voltage
– final voltage
– floating voltage
– focusing voltage
– forming voltage
– forward voltage
– g m s voltage
– generator voltage
– high voltage
– input voltage
– kickback voltage
– kill voltage
– load voltage
– noise voltage
– open-circuit voltage
– output voltage
– pace voltage
– peak voltage
– phase voltage
– plate voltage
– pre-burn voltage
– primary voltage
– pump voltage
– punch-through voltage
– r m s voltage
– rated voltage
– reactive voltage
– rectified voltage
– reference voltage
– regulate a voltage
– repeller voltage
– reverse voltage
– saturation voltage
– sawtooth voltage
– scanning voltage
– signal voltage
– sparking voltage
– stabilizing voltage
– step up voltage
– supply voltage
– supply-line voltage
– surge voltage
– sweep voltage
– switching voltage
– sync voltage
– test voltage
– threshold voltage
– timing voltage
– turnover voltage
– uniaxial voltage
– valley voltage
– voltage amplification
– voltage amplifier
– voltage characteristic
– voltage deviator
– voltage digitizer
– voltage divider
– voltage drop
– voltage failure
– voltage feed
– voltage feedback
– voltage limiter
– voltage multiplier
– voltage overload
– voltage recovery
– voltage regulation
– voltage regulator
– voltage resonance
– voltage source
– voltage stabilization
– voltage stabilizer
– voltage surge
– voltage test
– voltage to earth
– voltage transformer
– voltage triangle
– voltage waveform
automatic voltage control — регулирование напряжения автоматическое
automatic voltage regulator — регулятор напряжения автоматический
carbonpile voltage regulator — угольный регулятор напряжения
output rest voltage — выходное остаточное напряжение оптопары
output reverse voltage — обратное выходное напряжение оптопары
pulse voltage generator — <electr.> генератор импульсных напряжений
saw-tooth voltage generator — генератор пилообразного напряжения
transformer steps up voltage — трансформатор повышает напряжение
voltage dropping resistor — <electr.> сопротивление гасящее
voltage regulator tube — < radio> лампа стабилизатора
voltage tunable magnetron — магнетрон настраиваемый напряжением
16 current
1) течение; поток4) вчт. текущая запись•-
absorption current
- ac anode current -
action current
active current
actuating current
admissible continuous current
air current
alongshore current
alternate current
anode current
arbitrary noise current
arc current
arc-back current
arcing ground fault current
armature current
ascending current
audio-frequency current
avalanche current
back current
back short circuit current
backward current
barogradient current
base current
beam current
bearing currents
beating current
beat current
biasing current
bias current
biphase current
bleeder current
blind current
blowing current
body current
bottom current
boundary current
braking current
branch current
break induced current
breakaway starting current
breakdown current
breaking current
bucking current
bulk current
bypass current
capacitance current
capacitive current
capacity current
carrier current
cathode current
channel current
charging current
circulating current
circumpolar current
collector current
complex sinusoidal current
complex current
conduction current
conjugate complex sinusoidal current
conjugate complex current
constant current
consumption current
continuous current
continuous traction current
control current
convection current
core-loss current
creeping current
critical current
cross current
crystal current
current of realm
current of run-unit
current of set
cutoff current
damped alternating current
damped current
dark current
deep-water current
deep current
delta currents
density current
descending current
design current
dielectric absorption current
dielectric current
diffusion current
direct current
direct-axis current
discharge current
discontinuous current
displacement current
downward current
drift current
drive current
drop-away current
earth current
earth fault current
eddy currents
effective current
electric current
electrode current
electrolysis current
electron current
electron-beam induced current
emission current
emitter current
equalizing current
equivalent input noise current
excess current
exchange current
excitation current
external current
extra current
extraction current
extraneous current
feedback current
field current
filament current
firing current
flood current
fluctuating current
focusing-coil current
focus current
fold back current
follow current
forced alternating current
forced current
foreign currents
forward current
Foucault currents
free alternating current
free current
full-load current
fusing current
galvanic current
gas current
gate current
gate nontrigger current
gate trigger current
gate turnoff current
generation-recombination current
gradient current
grib current
ground current
ground-return current
harmonic current
heat current
heater current
high-frequency current
high-level input current
high-level output current
holding current
hold current
hold-on current
hole current
idle current
image current
impressed current
incident current
induced current
initial current
injection current
inphase current
input current
input leakage current
input offset current
inrush current
inshore current
instantaneous carrying current
instantaneous current
insulation current
interference current
intermittent current
inverse current
ion production current
ionic current
ion current
ionization current
irradiation-saturation current
lagging current
latching current
leading current
leakage current
let-go current
light current
lightning current
line charging current
linear current
load current
locked-rotor current
loop current
loss current
low-level input current
low-level output current
magnetization current
majority-carrier current
majority current
make induced current
make-and-brake current
making current
maximum power current
minority-carrier current
minority current
motor inrush current
nearshore current
near-surface current
net current
neutral current
neutron current
neutron diffusion current
noise current
no-load current
nonsinusoidal current
nontrigger current
offset current
offshore current
off-state current
on-state current
open-circuit current
operating current
output current
overload current
parasitic current
peak arc current
peak current
peak switching current
peak withstand current
peak-point current
peak-to-peak current
perception current
periodic current
persistent current
phase current
phase-fault current
phasor current
photo-electric current
photo current
photo-generated current
photo-induced current
pickup current
piezoelectric current
pinch current
plasma current
polarization current
polyphase current
postarc current
power current
power follow current
prebreakdown current
preconduction current
primary current
principal current
probe current
pull-in current
pulsating current
pulse current
pyroelectric current
quadrature-axis current
quiescent current
rated current
rated temperature-rise current
reactive current
read current
recombination current
rectified current
reflected current
regulated current
relative short-circuit current
release current
residual current
rest current
return current
reverse current
reverse-biased current
reverse-induced current
RF current
ringing current
rip current
ripple current
root-mean-square current
running current
rupturing current
saturated drain current
saturation current
saw-tooth current
secondary current
secondary-electron emission current
shaft currents
sheath current
shelf current
shield current
shock current
short-circuit current
short-noise current
short-time thermal current
short-time withstand current
sine-wave current
single-phase current
sinusoidal current
slope current
sneak current
spindle-motor current
split current
stalled-motor current
standby current
standing current
star currents
starter current
steady leakage current
steady surface current
steady volume current
steady-state current
stray current
stroke current
subsurface current
subsynchronous frequency current
subsynchronous current
subtransient armature current
superconduction current
superimposed current
supply current
surface current
surface-leakage current
surge current
suspension current
sustained current
sustaining current
switched current
switching current
symmetrical alternate current
synchronizing current
telluric current
test current
thermal current
thermal noise current
thermionic current
thermostimulated current
three-phase current
threshold current
through current
tidal current
tolerance current
traction current
traffic current
transfer current
transient current
transient-decay current
transmission-line current
trigger current
turbidity current
turnoff current
turn-on current
two-phase current
undulating current
unidirectional current
unsymmetrical currents
upward current
valley point current
variable current
vector current
virtual current
voice-frequency current
voltaic current
wattful current
wattless current
welding current
whirling currents
wind current
withdrawal current
working current
work current
Zener current
zero-sequence current -
17 voltage
1) напряжение, разность потенциалов2) потенциал3) электродвижущая сила, эдс•voltage across smth — напряжение на чем-л.;voltage applied to smth — напряжение, приложенное к чему-л.;voltage between phases — междуфазное [линейное\] напряжение;voltage to earth [to ground\] — напряжение относительно земли;to handle voltage — выдерживать напряжение;-
ac voltage
accelerating voltage
active component voltage
active voltage
actuating voltage
adjusting voltage
aging voltage
allowable voltage
alternating voltage
alternator field voltage
anode voltage
applied voltage
arc voltage
arc-drop voltage
arcing voltage
arc-stream voltage
average voltage
back voltage
background ionization voltage
backward voltage
balanced voltage
balancing voltage
bandgap voltage
barrier voltage
bar-to-bar voltage
base voltage
battery voltage
bias voltage
bidirectional voltage
black-out voltage
blanking voltage
blocking voltage
branch voltage
breakdown voltage
breakover voltage
bridge supply voltage
bucking voltage
built-in voltage
burning voltage
burnout voltage
bus voltage
calibration voltage
capacitor voltage
carrier voltage
category voltage
catenary voltage
cathode voltage
ceiling voltage
cell voltage
charge voltage
circuit voltage
clamp voltage
clock voltage
closed-circuit voltage
commercial-frequency voltage
commercial-frequency withstand voltage
common-mode voltage
commutating voltage
commutator voltage
compensating voltage
complex voltage
component voltage
constant voltage
contact voltage
control voltage
convergence voltage
corona voltage
corona-onset voltage
counter voltage
crest voltage
critical corona voltage
critical visual corona voltage
critical voltage
current-noise voltage
current-resistance voltage
cutoff voltage
cycling voltage
dc recovery voltage
dc voltage
decelerating voltage
decomposition voltage
deflecting voltage
delta voltage
design voltage
dielectric breakdown voltage
direct voltage
direct-axis component voltage behind transient reactance
direct-axis subtransient internal voltage
direct-axis subtransient voltage
direct-axis synchronous internal voltage
direct-axis synchronous voltage
direct-axis transient internal voltage
direct-axis transient voltage
discharge extinction voltage
discharge inception voltage
discharge ionization voltage
discharge voltage
disruptive discharge voltage
disruptive voltage
dissymmetrical voltage
disturbance voltage
driving voltage
drop-away voltage
dry withstand voltage
effective voltage
electric cell voltage
electrode voltage
end voltage
end-point voltage
equilibrium voltage
equivalent input noise voltage
error voltage
excess voltage
excitation voltage
exciter voltage
extinction voltage
extinguishing voltage
extrahigh voltage
Faraday voltage
fatal voltage
feedback voltage
field voltage
filament voltage
final acceleration voltage
final voltage
fire-back voltage
firing voltage
flash test voltage
flashover voltage
floating voltage
flyback voltage
focusing voltage
focus voltage
formation voltage
forward voltage
gas-discharge maintaining voltage
gate nontrigger voltage
gate trigger voltage
gate turn-off voltage
gate voltage
gating voltage
generated voltage
generator voltage
glow-discharge sustaining voltage
grid driving voltage
ground voltage
Hall voltage
heater voltage
high voltage
high-level voltage
ignition voltage
impedance voltage
impressed voltage
impulse testing voltage
impulse voltage
impulse withstand voltage
induced body voltage
induced voltage
inductance voltage
initial ionization voltage
initial voltage
injected voltage
in-phase voltage
input voltage
instantaneous voltage
interference voltage
internal voltage
inverse voltage
ionizing voltage
junction voltage
keep-alive voltage
lagging voltage
leading voltage
leakage reactance voltage
leakage voltage
lightning impulse flashover voltage
lightning impulse voltage
lightning impulse withstanding voltage
lightning induced voltage
limit voltage
limiting voltage
line voltage
linearity trim voltage
line-to-earth voltage
line-to-line voltage
loading voltage
load voltage
locked rotor voltage
locking voltage
logic threshold voltage
low voltage
low-level voltage
mains voltage
maintaining voltage
maximum operating voltage
maximum-power-point voltage
medium voltage
modulation voltage
negative phase-sequence voltage
negative sequence voltage
net voltage
neutral-to-ground voltage
nodal voltage
noise voltage
no-load field voltage
no-load voltage
nominal excitation ceiling voltage
nominal voltage
normal voltage
off-load voltage
offset voltage
off-standard voltage
off-state voltage
one-minute test voltage
one-minute withstand voltage
on-load voltage
on-state voltage
open-circuit secondary voltage
open-circuit voltage
operate voltage
operating supply voltage
operating voltage
out-of-phase voltage
output voltage
pace voltage
partial discharge extinction voltage
partial discharge inception voltage
peak arc voltage
peak reverse voltage
peak voltage
peak-point voltage
peak-to-peak ripple voltage
peak-to-peak voltage
per unit voltage
periodic voltage
permissible voltage
phase voltage
phase-to-ground voltage
phase-to-phase voltage
pickup voltage
pinch-off voltage
plate voltage
polarization voltage
positive-phase-sequence voltage
positive-sequence voltage
power-frequency voltage
preset voltage
presparkover voltage
primary voltage
probe voltage
protection voltage
psophometric voltage
pull-in voltage
pull-out voltage
pulsating voltage
pulse breakdown voltage
pulse noise voltage
punch-through voltage
puncture voltage
quadrature-axis component voltage behind transient reactance
quadrature-axis subtransient internal voltage
quadrature-axis subtransient voltage
quadrature-axis synchronous internal voltage
quadrature-axis synchronous voltage
quadrature-axis transient internal voltage
quadrature-axis transient voltage
quiescent input voltage
quiescent output voltage
radio interference voltage
rated impulse withstand voltage
rated temperature-rise voltage
rated voltage
reach-through voltage
reactance voltage
receiver voltage
receiving-end voltage
recovery voltage
rectified voltage
reduced voltage
reference voltage
reignition voltage
release voltage
repetitive voltage
residual voltage
resistance voltage
resonance voltage
response voltage
restoring voltage
restraining voltage
restriking voltage
reverse voltage
ring voltage
ring-to-ring voltage
ripple voltage
root-mean-square voltage
running voltage
safety extralow voltage
saturation voltage
sawtooth voltage
secondary voltage
self-induction voltage
sending-end voltage
sense voltage
service voltage
shift voltage
shock voltage
short-circuit voltage
shorting voltage
shot-noise voltage
signal voltage
sine-curve voltage
sine voltage
sine-wave voltage
sinusoidal voltage
slip-ring voltage
smoothed dc voltage
source voltage
spark-gap breakdown voltage
sparking voltage
sparkover voltage
speed-induced voltage
speed voltage
spot cutoff voltage
square-wave voltage
stabilized voltage
standard voltage
star voltage
starting voltage
static breakdown voltage
station auxiliaries voltage
steady-state voltage
step voltage
stray voltage
striking voltage
subtransient internal voltage
subtransient voltage
superimposed voltage
supply voltage
supply-line voltage
surge voltage
sustaining voltage
sweep voltage
swing voltage
switching surge voltage
switching voltage
symmetrical voltage
synchronous generator internal voltage
synchronous generator voltage
system voltage
tank voltage
tapping voltage
temperature voltage
terminal voltage
testing voltage
test voltage
thermal noise voltage
thermocouple voltage
thermoelectric voltage
threshold voltage
tooth voltage
touch voltage
transient internal voltage
transient recovery voltage
transient voltage
transmission-line voltage
trigger voltage
tuning voltage
turnoff voltage
ultor voltage
ultrahigh voltage
unbalanced voltage
unidirectional voltage
upper voltage
variable voltage
welding voltage
welding-arc voltage
wet switching surge withstand voltage
wet withstand voltage
withstanding voltage
withstand voltage
working voltage
zener voltage
zero-phase-sequence voltage
zero-sequence voltage -
18 rectifier
1) выпрямитель
2) выпрямительный
3) выпрямляющее устройство
4) ректификатор
5) вентиль
6) газоотделитель
– alloyed rectifier
– avalanche rectifier
– averaging rectifier
– barrier-layer rectifier
– bias rectifier
– center-tap rectifier
– chemotronic rectifier
– cold-cathode rectifier
– controlled rectifier
– copper-oxide rectifier
– diode rectifier
– direction rectifier
– dry rectifier
– dry-disk rectifier
– electrolytic rectifier
– feedback-regulated rectifier
– full-wave rectifier
– gas-discharge rectifier
– germanium rectifier
– glow-discharge rectifier
– Gratz rectifier
– half-wave rectifier
– heavy-duty rectifier
– linear rectifier
– magnetic rectifier
– mechanical rectifier
– mercury-arc rectifier
– metal rectifier
– metal-oxide rectifier
– monitoring rectifier
– p-n-junction rectifier
– phase-sensitive rectifier
– plate-supply rectifier
– power rectifier
– pulsed rectifier
– rectifier ammeter
– rectifier diode
– rectifier drive
– rectifier instrument
– rectifier valve
– rectifier voltmeter
– reed-type rectifier
– regulated rectifier
– semiconductor rectifier
– silicon rectifier
– single-phase rectifier
– superconductor rectifier
– tank rectifier
– thermionic rectifier
– thin-film rectifier
– three-phase rectifier
– thyratron rectifier
– thyristor rectifier
– titanium-dioxide rectifier
– track rectifier
– vibrating rectifier
– voltage-doubler rectifier
– voltage-quadrupler rectifier
copper oxide rectifier — выпрямитель купроксный, выпрямитель меднозакисный
glass-bulb mercury-arc rectifier — стеклянный ртутный вентиль
high-voltage rectifier kenotron — выпрямительный высоковольтный кенотрон
mercury-arc grid-controlled rectifier — < radio> мутатор
semiconductor rectifier assembly — выпрямительный полупроводниковый блок
semiconductor rectifier diode — выпрямительный полупроводниковый диод
semiconductor rectifier stack — выпрямительный полупроводниковый столб
silicon controled rectifier — тиристор не проводящий в обратном направлении, несимметричный тиристор
silicon controlled rectifier — управляемый кремниевый вентиль
single-anode rectifier tube — одноанодная выпрямительная лампа
surface contact rectifier — вентиль с поверхностным контактом
tantalum electrolytic rectifier — танталовый электролитический вентил
19 warp
1. n искривление, деформация; короблениеtwist warp — крученая основа; винтообразное коробление
2. n извращённость; отклонение; уклон3. n текст. основаwarp and woof — база, основа
4. n мор. верповальный трос или перлинь5. n геол. отложение наносного ила, аллювий6. n с. -х. выкидыш7. v коробиться, деформироваться, искривляться8. v коробить, деформировать, искривлять9. v извращать, искажать; фальсифицировать; портить, уродовать10. v поэт. пронестись по воздуху11. v редк. ползти; ходить на четвереньках12. v отвлечь; совратить13. v мор. верповаться14. v текст. сновать15. v с. -х. удобрять илом; затоплять с целью удобрения илом, аллювием16. v с. -х. выкидывать, абортироватьсвязывать; сплетать
17. v забивать илом, аллювием18. v забиваться илом, аллювиемСинонимический ряд:1. bend (noun) bend; bias; distortion; twist2. bias (verb) bias; prejudice; prepossess3. debase (verb) animalize; bastardize; bestialize; brutalize; canker; corrupt; debase; debauch; demoralise; demoralize; deprave; poison; rot; stain; vitiate4. distort (verb) deviate; distort; swerve5. misrepresent (verb) belie; color; colour; confuse; falsify; garble; load; miscolor; misrepresent; misstate; pervert; wrench; wrest6. twist (verb) bend; contort; deform; misshape; spring; torture; turn; twist; windАнтонимический ряд:clarify; purify; straighten -
20 slip
скольжение имя существительное:проскальзывание (slip, slipping)глагол:проскользнуть (slip, slide)поскользнуться (slip, slide)буксовать (slip, skid)проскакивать (slip, race past)выскальзывать (slip, sneak out)делать ошибку (slip, step off)
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Gate turn-off thyristor — For other uses of the word, see GTO (disambiguation). GTO thyristor symbol A gate turn off thyristor (GTO) is a special type of thyristor, a high power semiconductor device. GTOs, as opposed to normal thyristors, are fully controllable switches… … Wikipedia
turn — Synonyms and related words: Charybdis, Platonic form, Platonic idea, S curve, a thing for, aberrancy, aberration, about ship, about face, access, acciaccatura, accommodation, accomplished fact, accomplishment, achievement, act, act of grace, act… … Moby Thesaurus
turn — turnable, adj. /terrn/, v.t. 1. to cause to move around on an axis or about a center; rotate: to turn a wheel. 2. to cause to move around or partly around, as for the purpose of opening, closing, or tightening: to turn a key; to turn the cap of a … Universalium
turn — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. rotation, revolution; twirl, twist; deflection, diversion; coil, convulsion; change; crisis; aptitude, ability, skill; act, skit; spell, shift, tour, trick. v. revolve, rotate, pivot; reel; rebel,… … English dictionary for students
turn — [n1] revolution, curving about face, angle, bend, bias, bow, branch, change, changeabout, circle, circuit, circulation, circumvolution, corner, curve, cycle, departure, detour, deviation, direction, drift, flection, flexure, fork, gyration, gyre … New thesaurus
turn — vb 1 Turn, revolve, rotate, gyrate, circle, spin, twirl, whirl, wheel, eddy, swirl, pirouette can all mean to go or move or cause to go or move in a circle. Turn is a general rather colorless word implying movement in circle after circle or in a… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
turn — v 1. rotate, spin, revolve, Archaic. trundle; swivel, pivot, wheel, caracole; roll, rev, twirl, twiddle, crank; reel, circumvolve, circumrotate, gyre; gyrate, circle, whirl, circumduct; swirl, eddy, circulate, move in circles, go round; (of the… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
bias — Synonyms and related words: a thing for, aberrancy, aberration, across, affect, affinity, angle, angle off, animus, aptitude, aptness, aslant, aslope, athwart, atilt, bag, bear off, bend, bend to, bendwise, bent, bevel, beveled, biased, biaswise … Moby Thesaurus
Media bias — Part of a series on Censorship By media … Wikipedia
Media bias in the United States — Journalism News · Writing style Ethics · Objectivity Values · … Wikipedia
bear off — Synonyms and related words: about ship, angle, angle off, avert, back and fill, bear away, bear to starboard, beat, beat about, bend, bias, box off, branch off, break, bring about, bring round, cant, cant round, cast, cast about, change course,… … Moby Thesaurus