1 turbulent exchange
2 turbulent exchange
Экология: турбулентное перемешивание -
3 turbulent exchange
Англо-русский гидрогеологический словарь > turbulent exchange
4 turbulent exchange evaporation formula
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > turbulent exchange evaporation formula
5 exchange
6 turbulent heat exchange
1) Техника: теплообмен в турбулентном потоке, турбулентный теплообмен2) Общая лексика: турбулентный тепловой обменУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > turbulent heat exchange
7 turbulent mass exchange
Макаров: турбулентный массообменУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > turbulent mass exchange
8 turbulent heat exchange
Англо-русский гидрогеологический словарь > turbulent heat exchange
9 turbulent heat exchange
10 turbulent heat exchange
English-russian dictionary of physics > turbulent heat exchange
11 turbulent heat exchange
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > turbulent heat exchange
12 market
13 energy
absorbed radiation energy
absorbed-in-compression energy
absorbed-in-fracture energy
acoustic energy
activation energy of friction
activation energy
active energy
adhesive binding energy
allowed energy
alternative energy
atomic energy
average photon energy
band-gap energy
base-load energy
base energy
binding energy
biomass energy
bonding energy
bond energy
boundary energy
braking energy
break-up energy
brittle fracture energy
brittle shelf energy
buoyancy energy
bus-bar energy
capillary energy
charge energy
Charpy impact energy
Charpy V-notch shelf energy
Charpy V-notch energy
chemical energy
clean energy
cohesive binding energy
cohesive bonding energy
cohesive energy
comfort energy
conduction band energy
Coulomb energy
crack closure energy
crack energy
crude energy
cutoff energy
decay energy
derived energy
discharge energy
disintegration energy
dissociation energy
distortion strain energy
distortion energy
ductile fracture energy
elastic strain energy
elastic energy
electric energy
electric field energy
electrical potential energy
electrochemical free energy
electrokinetic energy
electrolytic dissociation energy
electromagnetic energy
electron energy
electrostatic energy
embrittling energy
epithermal energy
excess energy
exchange energy
excitation energy
exhaust energy
field energy
firm energy
fission energy
fracture energy
free energy
free surface energy
frictional energy
fusion energy
fusion plasma energy
gap energy
generating station auxiliary energy
generating station net output energy
geokinetic energy
geothermal energy
grain-boundary energy
heat energy
Helmholtz free energy
Helmholtz energy
hole-electron energy
hydration energy
hydraulic energy
hysteresis energy
impurity ionization energy
incident energy
incident solar energy
input energy
instantaneous strain energy
interaction energy
interface energy
interfacial energy
internal energy
ionization energy
kinetic energy
kink energy
latent energy
lattice energy
light energy
low-grade energy
luminous energy
magnetic energy
magnetic fusion energy
mechanical energy
misfit energy
motional energy
net energy
noise energy
nonfirm energy
nuclear energy
off-peak energy
on-peak energy
optical energy
particle energy
pattern energy
peak energy
peel energy
photon energy
plastic strain energy
plastic energy
portable energy
potential energy
pressure energy
primary energy
prompt gamma energy
pulse energy
pumping energy
quantum energy
radiant energy
radiant pulse energy
reactive energy
refuse-to-gas energy
released energy
reservoir energy
resilience energy
resonance-absorption energy
rest energy
run-of-river energy
seasonal storage energy
secondary energy
separation energy
sideband energy
soft energy
solar energy
sound energy
specific energy
spike leakage energy
stacking fault energy
stored energy
strain energy
stream energy
sun energy
surface energy
thermal energy
thermoelectric energy
threshold energy
tidal energy
transient energy
translational energy
turbulent energy
turbulent kinetic energy
upper shelf energy
up-the-ladder energy
wake energy
waste energy
zero-point energy -
14 medium
1. сущ.
1) а) способ, средство I consider your journal one of the best possible mediums for such an article. ≈ На мой взгляд, ваш журнал - одна из лучших возможностей опубликовать такую статью. medium of circulation ≈ деньги, средство обращения - mass media б) поддержка, посредничество Syn: intermediation, instrumentality
2) середина, промежуточная ступень, промежуточная стадия Poesy between the best and worst no medium knows. (Byron) ≈ В поэзии нет какой-либо промежуточной стадии между хорошей поэзией и плохой поэзией. happy medium ≈ золотая середина
3) а) среда (вещество, в котором существует что-л.) б) перен. окружение, окружающая реальность;
обстановка, условия( жизни) social medium ≈ социальная среда the gradual adaptation of the race to its medium ≈ постепенная адаптация народности к среде обитания
4) а) живоп. растворитель( краски) б) фото лак, используемый при ретушировании в) техника живописи (в зависимости от того, чем пишет художник ≈ темперой, маслом, акварелью и т.д.)
5) театр. специальный экран, придающий какую-либо окраску попадающим на него от источника световым лучам
6) а) агент, посредник;
примиритель This man is our only safe medium. ≈ Этот человек - наш единственный безопасный агент. б) медиум( в спиритизме)
7) разг. а) представитель среднего класса, средних слоев населения б) солдат с экипировкой средней тяжести
8) редк. товары из хлопчатобумажной ткани
2. прил.
1) средний;
промежуточный medium and large proprietors ≈ средние и крупные землевладельцы medium wave ≈ волна средней длины (от 100 до 800 метров) Syn: intermediate, intervening
2) умеренный Syn: moderate, temperate
3) а) воен. среднекалиберный б) среднего размера (о формате бумаги) средство;
способ, путь - advertising *, a * for advertising средство рекламирования - circulating *, a * of circulating обращающиеся деньги;
средство обращения;
монета в обращении - a * of exchange средство международных расчетов;
средство обмена - radio is a * of communication радио - это средство связи - theatre, films, television are all media forming public opinion театр, кино и телевидение являются средствами формирования общественного мнения - by /through/ the * of smth. через посредство чего-л., посредством чего-л. - through the * of the press посредством печати, через печать - by this * этим /таким/ путем /способом/ материал( используемый в искусстве) - the sculptor's favorite * is marble любимый материал этого скульптора - мрамор, этот скульптор любит работать в мраморе - this artist's * is watercolors этот художник работает /пишет, рисует/ акварелью средство выражения - artist's * средство выражения художника - poetry is his * он выражает свои мысли средствами поэзии;
поэзия является для него средством самовыражения - he writes stories but the theatre is his favorite * он пишет рассказы, но его любимой формой являются пьесы (физическое) среда - continuous * (физическое) сплошная среда - reflecting * отражающая среда - culture * (бактериология) питательная среда( окружающая) среда, обстановка, условия (жизни) - water is the natural * for fish вода является естественной средой для рыбы - social * общественно-бытовая среда носитель информации (бумага, магнитная лента и т. п.) середина;
промежуточная ступень - the happy * золотая середина - to strike the happy * найти золотую середину - to stick to the happy * держаться золотой середины агент, посредник посредничество - sold through the * of (коммерческое) продано через посредство медиум (у спиритов) растворитель (краски) (полиграфия) формат бумаги 23 на 18 д. или 22 на 17 д. (логика) средняя посылка( силлогизма) средний, промежуточный - of * height среднего роста - * hard среднетвердый, средней твердости - * energy( физическое) средняя энергия - * nucleus( физическое) ядро со средним значением массы - * frequency (радиотехника) средняя частота - * wavelength, * waves( радиотехника) средние волны - * altitude средняя высота полета - * atom bomb( военное) атомная бомба средней мощности - * bomber( военное) средний бомбардировщик - * clouds (метеорология) облака среднего яруса - * shot (кинематографический) средний план - * long shot( кинематографический) среднеобщий план - * close-up( кинематографический) среднекрупный /"итальянский"/ план - * entry описание средней полноты (в каталоге) умеренный (военное) среднекалиберный - * artillery артиллерия среднего калибра advertising ~ носитель рекламы advertising ~ средство рекламы blank ~ вчт. незаполненный носитель blank ~ вчт. пустой носитель data ~ вчт. носитель данных data ~ вчт. среда для записи данных empty ~ вчт. незаполненный носитель empty ~ вчт. пустой носитель ~ середина, промежуточная ступень;
happy medium золотая середина medium агент, посредник ~ агент ~ медиум (у спиритов) ~ вчт. носитель ~ носитель информации ~ обстановка, условия (жизни) ~ обстановка ~ посредник ~ посредничество ~ промежуточная ступень ~ промежуточный ~ жив. растворитель (краски) ~ середина, промежуточная ступень;
happy medium золотая середина ~ середина, промежуточная ступень ~ способ ~ физ. среда ~ вчт. среда ~ среда ~ среднее число ~ воен. среднекалиберный ~ среднекалиберный ~ средний;
medium wave радио волна средней длины (от 100 до 800 метров) ~ средний ~ (pl s, dia) средство, способ;
medium of circulation деньги, средство обращения ~ средство, способ ~ средство ~ умеренный ~ умеренный ~ условия жизни ~ полигр. формат бумаги ~ (pl s, dia) средство, способ;
medium of circulation деньги, средство обращения ~ of exchange средство расчетов ~ of payment средство платежа ~ средний;
medium wave радио волна средней длины (от 100 до 800 метров) presentation ~ вчт. способ представления информации program ~ вчт. программоноситель storage ~ вчт. носитель данных through (или by) the ~ of... через посредство..;
mass media (of communication) средства массовой информации( печать, радио, телевидение, кино, реклама) transport ~ транспортное средство turbulent ~ турбулентная среда -
15 ocean-air interface
граница между воздухом и поверхностью океана
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
ocean-air interface
The sea and the atmosphere are fluids in contact with one another, but in different energy states - the liquid and the gaseous. The free surface boundary between them inhibits, but by no means totally prevents, exchange of mass and energy between the two. Almost all interchanges across this boundary occur most effectively when turbulent conditions prevail. A roughened sea surface, large differences in properties between the water and the air, or an unstable air column that facilitates the transport of air volumes from sea surface to high in the atmosphere. Both heat and water (vapor) tend to migrate across the boundary in the direction from sea to air. Heat is exchanged by three processes: radiation, conduction, and evaporation. The largest net exchange is through evaporation, the process of transferring water from sea to air by vaporization of the water. (Source: PARCOR)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > ocean-air interface
16 zone
2) диапазон3) матем. шаровой пояс4) интервал ( ствола скважины)6) зонировать•-
abnormally pressured zone
abutment zone
acceptance zone
accumulation zone
active combustion zone
active zone
adhesion zone
aerodrome controlled zone
affected zone
allowable zone
anacoustic zone
annealing zone
annual zone
approach zone
arc zone
arid zone
auroral zone
backflow zone
backwater zone
bisignal zone
blanking zone
blind zone
boundary zone of capillary
brittle zone
broadcasting zone
buffer zone
burning zone
catabolic zone
channel-hole zone
chill zone
chromatographic zone
cold zone
columnar zone
combustion zone
commutation zone
compression zone
compressive stress zone
conjugate zone
conservation zone
constraint zone
contact zone
control zone
controlled combustion zone
cooling zone
core boiling zone
core zone
crack-tip plastic zone
crooked hole zone
danger zone
dead zone
density transition zone
deposited-metal zone
diffused zone
dig-in zone
disengaging zone
display zone
doped zone
drift zone
ecological zone
emergency planning zones
entry zone
equalizing zone
equiaxed zone
equiphase zone
evaporation zone
far-field zone
far zone
fast cooling zone
feeding zone
filling zone
fining zone
firing zone
floating zone
float zone
flooding zone
flood zone
flushed zone
fluxed zone
forbidden zone
fractured zone
fracture zone
Fraunhofer zone
free zone
Freshel zone
frontal zone
frost zone
furnace zone
fusion zone
gas cutoff zone
gas-bearing zone
glass-forming zone
glide zone
grain-refined zone
hardened zone
hearth soaking zone
heat-affected zone
heat-control zone
heat-exchange zone
high-pressure zone
high-sanitary restriction zone
hot zone
humid zone
hunting zone
induction zone
inert zone
injected zone
interlocked zone
intertidal zone
intrinsic zone
invaded zone
knocking zone
life zone
littoral zone
lock-in zone
lost circulation zone
low-pressure zone
low-temperature carbonization zone
mass-transfer zone
maturing zone
measuring zone
melting zone
metal batch zone
molten zone
native zone
near-field zone
near zone
near-shore zone
neutral zone
numbering zone
offshore zone
oil-bearing zone
oligosaprobic zone
operating zone
ore zone
outer zone
overpressured zone
overwash zone
oxidation zone
perforated zone
photic zone
phreatic zone
pickling zone
points zone
preheating zone
preheat zone
pressure zone
producing zone
protection zone
quiet zone
radiant heat zone
radiation zone
reaction zone
recirculation mixing zone
reducing zone
refined zone
refining zone
refrigerated zone
regenerative zone
rejection zone
ridged-ice zone
rim zone
rinsing zone
ruptured zone
safety zone
search zone
secondary cooling zone
seismic zone
semiarid zone
servicing zone
settling zone
shadow zone
shunting zone
silent zone
skin zone
skip zone
sliding zone
slip zone
soaking zone
softening zone
soil-water zone
space-charge zone
sparkless commutation zone
spherical zone
splash zone
spray zone
stagnant zone
stick zone
suction zone
surf zone
switching zone
tar-bonded zone
tensile stress zone
tension zone
thermal buffer zone
thermal mixing zone
thief zone
tidal zone
time zone
time/current zone
tool zone
transition zone
troublesome zone
trouble zone
twilight zone
unaffected zone
uncertainty zone
uncontaminated zone
vapor zone
wall turbulent zone
water zone
water-bearing zone
wave zone
wearing zone
weathering zone
well bottom zone
well influence zone
wet zone
working zone
workpiece zone
zero signal zone
zone of maximum heat release
zone of protection
zone of silence
zone of slippage on the delivery side
zone of suspended water
zone of vision -
17 coefficient
— Darcy-Weisbach resistance coefficient -
18 plasma
1) плазма2) положительный столб ( тлеющего разряда), положительное тлеющее свечение•- activated plasma
- afterglow plasma
- alternating-current plasma
- anode plasma
- arc plasma
- arc-discharge plasma
- avalanche plasma
- background plasma
- bounded plasma
- cathode plasma
- cathode-spot plasma
- charge-exchange plasma
- cold plasma
- collapsing plasma
- collisionless plasma
- confined plasma
- constant-pressure plasma
- cosmic plasma
- Coulomb plasma
- counterstreaming plasma
- current-carrying plasma
- current-free plasma
- dense plasma
- diffused plasma
- diffusing plasma
- dilute plasma
- discharge plasma
- disturbed plasma
- drifting plasma
- electrodeless plasma
- electron plasma
- electron-hole plasma
- electron-ion plasma
- electron-positron plasma
- electron-proton plasma
- energetic plasma
- equilibrium plasma
- equipotential plasma
- exosphere plasma
- exploded-wire plasma
- exploding-wire plasma
- extraterrestial plasma
- free plasma
- free-carrier plasma
- fully ionized plasma
- fusion plasma
- gas plasma
- gas-discharge plasma
- gyroelectric plasma
- gyromagnetic plasma
- gyrotropic plasma
- helically rotating plasma
- high-beta plasma
- high-density plasma
- high-energy plasma
- high-frequency plasma
- high-temperature plasma
- hot plasma
- hot-electron cold-ion plasma
- hot-ion plasma
- hydrogen plasma
- impact-ionized plasma
- injected plasma
- interplanetary plasma
- interstellar plasma
- ion plasma
- ion-dominated plasma
- ion-electron plasma
- ion-ion plasma
- ionospheric plasma
- isothermal plasma
- isotropic plasma
- laminar plasma
- laser-heated plasma
- laser-induced plasma
- laser-induced plasma created above surface
- laser-irradiated plasma
- laser-produced plasma
- linearly graded plasma
- longitudinally magnetized plasma
- Lorentz plasma
- low-beta plasma
- low-density plasma
- low-pressure plasma
- low-temperature plasma
- luminescent plasma
- luminous plasma
- magnetically confined plasma
- magnetized plasma
- magnetoactive plasma
- magnetoionic plasma
- magnetospheric plasma
- microwave plasma
- microwave-discharge plasma
- microwave-heated plasma
- monochromatic-electron plasma
- monocomponent plasma
- multicomponent plasma
- multipactoring plasma
- near-Earth plasma
- neutral plasma
- neutron-producing plasma
- nondegenerate plasma
- nonequilibrium plasma
- nonisothermal plasma
- nonneutral plasma
- nonrelativistic plasma
- one-carrier plasma
- one-fluid plasma
- opaque plasma
- optically excited plasma
- overdense plasma
- partially ionized plasma
- planar stratified plasma
- polycomponent plasma
- preionized plasma
- quasi-equilibrium plasma
- quasi-neutral plasma
- quiescent plasma
- radiating plasma
- radiation-produced plasma
- rarefied plasma
- recombining plasma
- reentry plasma
- residual plasma
- resistive plasma
- resonant plasma
- secondary plasma
- self-confined plasma
- self-generated plasma
- self-induced plasma
- self-pinched plasma
- self-sustaining plasma
- semiconductor plasma
- shock heated plasma
- shock-tube plasma
- solar plasma
- solar-wind plasma
- solid-state plasma
- stable plasma
- stationary plasma
- steady-state plasma
- streamer plasma
- stripped plasma
- supercooled plasma
- thermal plasma
- thermodynamically equilibrium plasma
- thermonuclear plasma
- theta-pinch plasma
- toroidal plasma
- toroidal octupole plasma
- toroidal quadrupole plasma
- transient plasma
- trapped plasma
- turbulent plasma
- two-carrier plasma
- uncompensated plasma
- undisturbed plasma
- unmagnetized plasma
- unstable plasma
- warm plasma
- weakly ionized plasma
- well-ionized plasma
- θ-pinch plasma -
19 plasma
1) плазма2) положительный столб ( тлеющего разряда), положительное тлеющее свечение•- accelerating plasma
- activated plasma
- afterglow plasma
- alternating-current plasma
- anode plasma
- arc plasma
- arc-discharge plasma
- avalanche plasma
- background plasma
- bounded plasma
- cathode plasma
- cathode-spot plasma
- charge-exchange plasma
- cold plasma
- collapsing plasma
- collisionless plasma
- confined plasma
- constant-pressure plasma
- cosmic plasma
- Coulomb plasma
- counterstreaming plasma
- current-carrying plasma
- current-free plasma
- dense plasma
- diffused plasma
- diffusing plasma
- dilute plasma
- discharge plasma
- disturbed plasma
- drifting plasma
- electrodeless plasma
- electron plasma
- electron-hole plasma
- electron-ion plasma
- electron-positron plasma
- electron-proton plasma
- energetic plasma
- equilibrium plasma
- equipotential plasma
- exosphere plasma
- exploded-wire plasma
- exploding-wire plasma
- extraterrestial plasma
- free plasma
- free-carrier plasma
- fully ionized plasma
- fusion plasma
- gas plasma
- gas-discharge plasma
- gyroelectric plasma
- gyromagnetic plasma
- gyrotropic plasma
- helically rotating plasma
- high-beta plasma
- high-density plasma
- high-energy plasma
- high-frequency plasma
- high-temperature plasma
- hot plasma
- hot-electron cold-ion plasma
- hot-ion plasma
- hydrogen plasma
- impact-ionized plasma
- injected plasma
- interplanetary plasma
- interstellar plasma
- ion plasma
- ion-dominated plasma
- ion-electron plasma
- ion-ion plasma
- ionospheric plasma
- isothermal plasma
- isotropic plasma
- laminar plasma
- laser-heated plasma
- laser-induced plasma created above surface
- laser-induced plasma
- laser-irradiated plasma
- laser-produced plasma
- linearly graded plasma
- longitudinally magnetized plasma
- Lorentz plasma
- low-beta plasma
- low-density plasma
- low-pressure plasma
- low-temperature plasma
- luminescent plasma
- luminous plasma
- magnetically confined plasma
- magnetized plasma
- magnetoactive plasma
- magnetoionic plasma
- magnetospheric plasma
- microwave plasma
- microwave-discharge plasma
- microwave-heated plasma
- monochromatic-electron plasma
- monocomponent plasma
- multicomponent plasma
- multipactoring plasma
- near-Earth plasma
- neutral plasma
- neutron-producing plasma
- nondegenerate plasma
- nonequilibrium plasma
- nonisothermal plasma
- nonneutral plasma
- nonrelativistic plasma
- one-carrier plasma
- one-fluid plasma
- opaque plasma
- optically excited plasma
- overdense plasma
- partially ionized plasma
- planar stratified plasma
- polycomponent plasma
- preionized plasma
- quasi-equilibrium plasma
- quasi-neutral plasma
- quiescent plasma
- radiating plasma
- radiation-produced plasma
- rarefied plasma
- recombining plasma
- reentry plasma
- residual plasma
- resistive plasma
- resonant plasma
- secondary plasma
- self-confined plasma
- self-generated plasma
- self-induced plasma
- self-pinched plasma
- self-sustaining plasma
- semiconductor plasma
- shock heated plasma
- shock-tube plasma
- solar plasma
- solar-wind plasma
- solid-state plasma
- stable plasma
- stationary plasma
- steady-state plasma
- streamer plasma
- stripped plasma
- supercooled plasma
- thermal plasma
- thermodynamically equilibrium plasma
- thermonuclear plasma
- theta-pinch plasma
- toroidal octupole plasma
- toroidal plasma
- toroidal quadrupole plasma
- transient plasma
- trapped plasma
- turbulent plasma
- two-carrier plasma
- uncompensated plasma
- undisturbed plasma
- unmagnetized plasma
- unstable plasma
- warm plasma
- weakly ionized plasma
- well-ionized plasmaThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > plasma
20 convection
1) конвекция; конвекционный ток; конвекционное течение воздуха2) конвективный•- downward convection of air - eddy convection - exchange convections - floor convection - forced convection - thermal convection - turbulent convection - upward convection of air* * *конвекция- forced convection
- free convection
- natural convection
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission — Infobox Government agency agency name = U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission nativename = SEC seal width = 140px seal caption = formed = June 6, 1934 jurisdiction = Federal government of the United States headquarters = Washington, D.C.… … Wikipedia
Flux footprint — (aka atmospheric flux footprint, footprint) is an upwind area where the atmospheric flux measured by an instrument is generated. Specifically, the term flux footprint describes an upwind area “seen” by the instruments measuring vertical turbulent … Wikipedia
ionosphere and magnetosphere — ▪ atmospheric science Introduction regions of Earth s (Earth) atmosphere in which the number of electrically charged particles ions (ion) and electrons (electron) are large enough to affect the propagation of radio waves (electromagnetic… … Universalium
в’язкості турбулентної динамічний коефіцієнт — динамический коэффициент турбулентной (виртуальной) вязкости турбулентного обмена eddy viscosity (virtual viscosity) dynamic coefficient [or coefficient of turbulent exchange] *dynamischer Faktor der Turbulenzviskosität – 1) відношення… … Гірничий енциклопедичний словник
або коефіцієнт турбулентного обміну — динамический коэффициент турбулентной (виртуальной) вязкости турбулентного обмена eddy viscosity (virtual viscosity) dynamic coefficient [or coefficient of turbulent exchange] *dynamischer Faktor der Turbulenzviskosität – 1) відношення… … Гірничий енциклопедичний словник
в’язкості турбулентної (турбулентного обміну) кінематичний коефіцієнт — кинематический коэффициент турбулентной вязкости (или турбулентного обмена) eddy viscosity kinematic coefficient [or turbulent exchange] *kinematischer Faktor der Turbulenzviskosität – відношення динамічного коефіцієнта турбулентної в’язкості μт… … Гірничий енциклопедичний словник
кінематичний коефіцієнт турбулентної в’язкості — кинематический коэффициент турбулентной вязкости (или турбулентного обмена) eddy viscosity kinematic coefficient [or turbulent exchange] *kinematischer Faktor der Turbulenzviskosität – відношення динамічного коефіцієнта турбулентної в’язкості μт… … Гірничий енциклопедичний словник
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… … Universalium