1 tumor-suppressor gene
ген-супрессор опухолей
Ген, осуществляющий контроль клеточного роста, повреждение функций которого может приводить к развитию ракового заболевания
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Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > tumor-suppressor gene
2 tumor-suppressor gene
ген-супрессор опухолейген, осуществляющий контроль клеточного роста, повреждение функций которого может приводить к развитию ракового заболеванияАнгло-русский словарь по биотехнологиям > tumor-suppressor gene
3 tumor suppressor gene
1) Медицина: подавляющий опухоль ген ген-подавитель опухоли2) Генетика: антионкоген, ген-супрессор опухоли (ген, нормальная функция которого связана с подавлением опухолевого роста), ген-супрессор опухолевого роста3) Цитогенетика: ген-онкосупрессор, опухолеподавляющий ген, противоопухолевый ген -
4 tumor suppressor gene
подавляющий опухоль ген, ген-подавитель опухоли -
5 tumor suppressor gene activity
Макаров: опухолеподавляющая активность генаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > tumor suppressor gene activity
1) Военный термин: The Surgeon General, Threat Steering Group, target signal generator, technical specialty group, technical subgroup, technology support group, tracking signal generator, transport support group, Tactical Services Gateway3) Математика: заканчивающаяся стохастическая игра (terminating stochastic game)4) Телекоммуникации: Telephone Security Group5) Сокращение: Target Set Group (radar uplink / downlink), Tri-Service Group6) Университет: Telecourse Study Guide7) Онкология: Tumor Suppressor Gene8) Биотехнология: Twin spot generator9) Фирменный знак: Technology Services Group, Turner Support Group10) Строительные материалы: ( Triplex Safety Glass) ламинированное безопасное стекло, триплекс (многослойное стекло с прослойкой из прозрачного полимерного материала)11) NYSE. Sabre Holdings Corporation
См. также в других словарях:
tumor suppressor gene — n any of a class of genes (as p53) that act in normal cells to inhibit unrestrained cell division and that when inactivated (as by mutation) place the cell at increased risk for malignant proliferation called also anti oncogene * * * a gene whose … Medical dictionary
Tumor suppressor gene — A tumor suppressor gene, or antioncogene is a gene that protects a cell from one step on the path to cancer. When this gene is mutated to cause a loss or reduction in its function, the cell can progress to cancer, usually in combination with… … Wikipedia
tumor suppressor gene — noun a suppressor gene that blocks unscheduled cell division • Hypernyms: ↑suppressor, ↑suppresser, ↑suppressor gene, ↑suppresser gene … Useful english dictionary
tumor suppressor gene — A type of gene (unit of heredity passed from parent to offspring) that helps control cell growth. Blocking the action of tumor suppressor genes may lead to cancer … English dictionary of cancer terms
tumor-suppressor gene — A gene that regulates cell growth. If such a gene becomes dysfunctional, and potentiating damage occurs to the cell, then uncontrolled growth and a cancer may result. See: p53 gene, oncogene … Glossary of Biotechnology
tumor suppressor gene — noun Date: 1985 any of a class of genes (as p53) that act in normal cells to inhibit unrestrained cell division and that when inactivated (as by mutation) place the cell at increased risk for malignant proliferation … New Collegiate Dictionary
suppressor gene — noun a gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene (especially of a mutant gene) • Syn: ↑suppressor, ↑suppresser, ↑suppresser gene • Hypernyms: ↑gene, ↑cistron, ↑factor • … Useful english dictionary
Von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor — The Von Hippel Lindau tumor suppressor protein is encoded by the VHL gene and when inactivated is associated with Von Hippel Lindau disease. PBB Summary section title = summary text = Von Hippel Lindau syndrome (VHL) is a dominantly inherited… … Wikipedia
ARF tumor suppressor — The ARF tumor suppressor is a protein that is transcribed from an alternate reading frame of the INK4a/ARF locus (CDKN2A).[1] ARF is induced in response to sustained mitogenic stimulation, such as aberrant growth signaling from MYC and Ras… … Wikipedia
Gene therapy — using an Adenovirus vector. A new gene is inserted into an adenovirull. If the treatment is successful, the new gene will make a functional protein. Gene therapy is the insertion, alteration, or removal of genes within an individual s cells and… … Wikipedia
suppressor — noun 1. someone who suppresses dictators are suppressors of free speech • Syn: ↑suppresser • Derivationally related forms: ↑suppress (for: ↑suppresser), ↑suppress … Useful english dictionary