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  • 1 TRUE

    naitë, nanwa (existing, actual), anwa (real, actual), sanda (firm, abiding). For "true" = "faithful", see FAITHFUL. –VT49:28, 30, ANA, STAN

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > TRUE

  • 2 ACTUAL

    anwa (real, true), nanwa (existing, true) –ANA, VT49:30

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ACTUAL

  • 3 ABIDE

    mar- (be settled of fixed) (fut. \#maruva is attested: maruvan "I will abide"); ABIDE BY himya- (cleave to, stick to, adhere); ABIDING sanda (Þ) (firm, true); LAW-ABIDING sanya (Þ) (regular, normal) (variant vorosanya with a prefixed element meaning "ever"). –UT:317/LotR:1003, KHIM/VT45:22, STAN/VT46:16

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ABIDE


    sav-. This verb is used = “believe (that statements, reports, traditions, etc. are) true, accept as fact” (VT49:27; the first person aorist savin is given). Not used with a person as object (in the sense of believing that this person tells the truth); with a noun, name or pronoun as object, sav- implies “I believe that he/she/it really exists/existed”. To “believe in” someone meaning “believe that (s)he tells the truth” can be paraphrased as (for instance) savin Elesarno quetië “I believe in Elessar’s words” (lit. speaking). –VT49:27-28

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BELIEVE

  • 5 DEBT

    \#rohta (attested in pl. form rohtar). Used in draft version of Tolkien's Quenya Lord's prayer, this word may refer to moral rather than financial "debt"; it may also cover "trespass". This is probably also true of variant words for "debt" occurring in other versions: \#lucassë, \#lucië, \#luhta (all are attested with the ending -mmar to express "our debts/trespasses"). –VT43:19

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DEBT

  • 6 EXIST

    ëa (translated “is” in CO; see BE), pa.t. engë, perfect engië or rarely éyë, future euva. EXISTING nanwa (actual, true) –VT39:6, 7, VT43:38, VT49:29, 30

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > EXIST

  • 7 FIRM

    tulca (strong, immovable, steadfast; Note: there is a homophone verb meaning "fix, set up, establish"), tulunca (steady), sanda (true, abiding), tanca (fixed, sure) –TULUK, LT1:270, STAN, TAK

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > FIRM


    Altariel (Altariell-; gen. Altariello is attested. Altariel is the form used in Noldorin Quenya, Galadriel's own mother-tongue; the Telerin form is Alatáriel [UT:266]. According to PM:347, the true Quenya equivalent of the Telerin form would have been Ñaltariel, but this form was apparently not used.) –Silm:433, RGEO:66

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > GALADRIEL

  • 9 REAL

    anwa (actual, true) –ANA2

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > REAL

  • 10 SIN

    (noun) \#úcarë (isolated from úcaremmar "our sins/trespasses"; SIN (verb) \#úcar- = "to sin, trespass" (pl. aorist úcarer, úcarir attested); SINNER \#úcarindo (variant \#ulcarindo, possibly an ephemeral form abandoned by Tolkien, which may also be true of the forms \#naicando, \#naico. All the words for "sinner" are attested with the pl. ending -r attached.) –VT43:19, 21, 22, 33

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > SIN

  • 11 THEIR

    may be expressed as the ending -lta (also -ltya) added to nouns (VT49:16), e.g. *aldalta or *aldaltya = “their tree”. – In some sources, Tolkien instead gives the ending as -nta (nassentar pl. “their true-being[s]”, PE17:174) or -ntya (called an “archaic” form in VT49:17), just as he hesitated between -ltë and -ntë as the ending for “they” (VT49:17; see THEY). In “colloquial Quenya”, the ending -rya could also be used for the plural pronoun “their” (símaryassen “in their imaginations”, VT49:16), because it was felt to contain the plural ending -r, but in “correct” written Quenya -rya was rather the ending for “his, her, its” (VT49:17). – According to VT49:17, the vowel -i- is inserted before the ending -lta/-ltya or -nta/-ntya when it is added to a stem ending in a consonant (but the evidence concerning connecting vowels before pronominal endings is rather diverse). – All these words for “their” are plural; the ending for dual “their” (describing something owned by two persons) is given in VT49:16 as -sta, but this clashes with a similar ending belonging to the second rather than the third person. The corresponding ending for “they” was (according to VT49:51) changed from -stë to -ttë, seemingly implying *-tta as the ending for dual “their”: hence e.g. *aldatta, “the tree of the two of them”. – No independent words for “their, theirs” are attested. Analogy may point to *tenya (plural) and *túnya or *tunya (dual), based on (attested) ten and (unattested) *tún as the dative forms of the pronouns te, tú “they” (plural and dual, repectively). Compare such attested forms as ninya “my” and menya “our” vs. the dative pronouns nin “for me”, men “for us”.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > THEIR

  • 12 THORN

    necel, in earlier material also nassë (spike), though the latter word also means “person” or “true-being” or even “(s)he is”, leaving necel a less ambiguous alternative. –PE17:55, NAS

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > THORN

См. также в других словарях:

  • true — vb., r, de, t …   Dansk ordbog

  • True — (tr[udd]), a. [Compar. {Truer} (tr[udd] [ e]r); superl. {Truest}.] [OE. trewe, AS. tre[ o]we faithful, true, from tre[ o]w fidelity, faith, troth; akin to OFries. triuwe, adj., treuwa, n., OS. triuwi, adj., trewa, n., D. trouw, adj. & n., G. treu …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • True — is the adjectival form of the word truth. True may also refer to:In business: *True Corporation, a Thai communications group whose subsidiaries include True Internet, True Move and True Visions In music: *True (Spandau Ballet album) *True… …   Wikipedia

  • true — [tro͞o] adj. truer, truest [ME treue < OE treowe < treow, faith, akin to Ger treu < IE * drew , var. of base * deru > TREE: basic sense “firm (as a tree)”] 1. faithful; loyal; constant 2. reliable; certain [a true indication] 3. in… …   English World dictionary

  • true — ► ADJECTIVE (truer, truest) 1) in accordance with fact or reality. 2) rightly or strictly so called; genuine: true love. 3) real or actual. 4) accurate and exact. 5) (of a note) exactly in tune. 6) co …   English terms dictionary

  • true — I (authentic) adjective according to the facts, accurate, actual, as represented, authenticated, certain, correct, creditable, dependable, exact, factual, fidelis, fidus, founded on fact, genuine, honest, legitimate, literal, not false, not… …   Law dictionary

  • true — [truː] adjective used to describe the actual amount of something, when extra hidden amounts are added to or taken from it: • The APR is the annual percentage rate of the total charge for credit or the true cost of borrowing. * * * true UK US… …   Financial and business terms

  • True — (englisch für wahr, zutreffend) bezeichnet eine Aussage, siehe Aussagenlogik true (Unix), ein Kommandozeilenprogramm unter Unix True (Kurzfilm), einen Kurzfilm aus dem Jahr 2004 des Regisseurs Tom Tykwer Frederick William True (1858–1914), ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • true — (adj.) O.E. triewe (W.Saxon), treowe (Mercian) faithful, trustworthy, from P.Gmc. *trewwjaz having or characterized by good faith (Cf. O.Fris. triuwi, Du. getrouw, O.H.G. gatriuwu, Ger. treu, O.N. tryggr, Goth. triggws faithful, trusty ), perhaps …   Etymology dictionary

  • true — true; true·ness; un·true; true·heart·ed·ness; un·true·ness; …   English syllables

  • True — (в переводе с английского «истинное») консольная команда UNIX совместимых операционных систем, единственное действие которой возвратить значение 0, рассматриваемое командной оболочкой UNIX как логическое значение «истина». Команда используется… …   Википедия

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