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См. также в других словарях:

  • trihedral angle — noun : a polyhedral angle with three faces …   Useful english dictionary

  • Trihedral — Tri*he dral, a. [See {Trihedron}.] (Geom.) Having three sides or faces; thus, a trihedral angle is a solid angle bounded by three plane angles. [Written also {triedral}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trihedral — [trī hē′drəl] adj. [ TRI + HEDRAL] having three sides or faces [a trihedral angle] n. a figure formed by three lines, each in a different plane, that intersect at a point …   English World dictionary

  • trihedral — adjective Date: 1789 1. having three faces < trihedral angle > 2. of or relating to a trihedral angle • trihedral noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • trihedral — /truy hee dreuhl/, adj. Geom. 1. having, or formed by, three planes meeting in a point: a trihedral angle. n. 2. a trihedron. [1780 90; TRI + HEDRAL] * * * …   Universalium

  • trihedral — tri•he•dral [[t]traɪˈhi drəl[/t]] adj. 1) math. having, or formed by, three planes meeting in a point: a trihedral angle[/ex] 2) math. the figure determined by three planes meeting in a point • Etymology: 1780–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • trihedral — /traɪˈhidrəl/ (say truy heedruhl) adjective having, or formed by, three planes meeting in a point: a trihedral angle. {trihedr(on) + al1} …  

  • triedral — Trihedral Tri*he dral, a. [See {Trihedron}.] (Geom.) Having three sides or faces; thus, a trihedral angle is a solid angle bounded by three plane angles. [Written also {triedral}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trigonometry — trigonometric /trig euh neuh me trik/, trigonometrical, adj. trigonometrically, adv. /trig euh nom i tree/, n. the branch of mathematics that deals with the relations between the sides and angles of plane or spherical triangles, and the… …   Universalium

  • tri|he|dral — «try HEE druhl», adjective. Geometry. 1. having, or formed by, three planes meeting at a point: »a trihedral angle. 2. having, or formed by, three lateral planes: »a trihedral prism. ╂[< tri + Greek hédra seat, base + English al1] …   Useful english dictionary

  • distobuccopulpal — Relating to the point (trihedral) angle formed by the junction of a distal, buccal, and pulpal wall of a cavity. * * * dis·to·buc·co·pul·pal (dis″to buk″o pulґpəl) pertaining to or formed by the distal, buccal, and pulpal walls… …   Medical dictionary

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