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См. также в других словарях:

  • trichotillomania — 1905, from Fr. trichotillomanie (1889), from tricho , Mod.L. form of Gk. trikho , comb. form of thrix (gen. trikhos) “hair” + Gk. tillesthai “to pull out” + MANIA (Cf. mania) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Trichotillomania — DiseaseDisorder infobox Name = Trichotillomania ICD10 = ICD10|F|63|3|f|60 ICD9 = ICD9|312.39 eMedicineSubj = derm eMedicineTopic = 433 eMedicine mult = eMedicine2|ped|2298 DiseasesDB = 29681 MedlinePlus = 001517 |Trichotillomania (TTM), or trich… …   Wikipedia

  • trichotillomania — A compulsion to pull out one s own hair. [tricho + G. tillo, pull out, + mania, insanity] * * * tricho·til·lo·ma·nia .til ə mā nē ə n abnormal desire to pull out one s hair called also hairpulling tricho·til·lo·man·ic man ik adj * * * n …   Medical dictionary

  • trichotillomania — noun an irresistible urge to pull out your own hair • Hypernyms: ↑mania, ↑passion, ↑cacoethes * * * /trik euh til euh may nee euh/, n. Psychiatry. a compulsion to pull out one s hair. [1900 05; TRICHO + Gk tíll(ein) to pluck, pull out + O +… …   Useful english dictionary

  • trichotillomania — noun Etymology: New Latin, from trich + Greek tillein to pull, pluck + New Latin mania Date: circa 1903 an abnormal desire to pull out one s hair …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • trichotillomania — /trik euh til euh may nee euh/, n. Psychiatry. a compulsion to pull out one s hair. [1900 05; TRICHO + Gk tíll(ein) to pluck, pull out + O + MANIA] * * * …   Universalium

  • trichotillomania — noun a medical disorder in which the victim compulsively pulls his/her own hair out …   Wiktionary

  • trichotillomania — neurosis where patient pulls out own hair Manias and Obsessions …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • trichotillomania — n. irresistible desire to pull or pluck out one s own hair; neurosis where patient pulls out his/her own hair …   English contemporary dictionary

  • trichotillomania — trich·o·til·lo·ma·nia …   English syllables

  • trichotillomania — n. a pathologically strong impulse that causes a person to persistently rub or pull out his or her hair …   The new mediacal dictionary

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