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См. также в других словарях:

  • Tree — /tree/, n. Sir Herbert Beerbohm /bear bohm/, (Herbert Beerbohm), 1853 1917, English actor and theater manager; brother of Max Beerbohm. * * * I Woody perennial plant. Most trees have a single self supporting trunk containing woody tissues, and in …   Universalium

  • Tree stand — Tree stands give an edge to hunters who use them. Many people also know tree stands as deer stands. Tree stands are becoming more popular with advances in technology. TypesHunters use three different types of tree stands. A fourth type of stand… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree bog — A Treebog is a form of compost toilet which has willows, nettles and other nutrient hungry plants planted around it. The faeces are held in a chamber open to the air which allows it to decompose rapidly, feeding the trees around it. Unlike a… …   Wikipedia

  • tree — treelike, adj. /tree/, n., v., treed, treeing. n. 1. a plant having a permanently woody main stem or trunk, ordinarily growing to a considerable height, and usually developing branches at some distance from the ground. 2. any of various shrubs,… …   Universalium

  • waste not, want not — Want is variously used in the senses ‘lack’ and ‘desire’. Another proverb making the connection between waste and want is wilful waste makes woeful want. 1772 WESLEY Letter 10 Aug. (1931) V. 334 He will waste nothing; but he must want nothing.… …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • Waste paper — Paper Pa per (p[=a] p[ e]r), n. [F. papier, fr. L. papyrus papyrus, from which the Egyptians made a kind of paper, Gr. pa pyros. Cf. {Papyrus}.] 1. A substance in the form of thin sheets or leaves intended to be written or printed on, or to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Aiel Waste — In the fictional world of Robert Jordan s The Wheel of Time , the Aiel Waste is an almost waterless desert that had no inhabited cities until Rand al Thor opened Rhuidean to all. The Aiel also call the Waste the Three Fold Land.The Aiel Waste is… …   Wikipedia

  • Hashed array tree — In computer science, a hashed array tree (HAT) is a dynamic array algorithm invented by Edward Sitarski in 1996. Citation | title=HATs: Hashed array trees | contribution=Algorithm Alley | journal=Dr. Dobb s Journal | date=September 1996 |… …   Wikipedia

  • Construction waste — Polyurethane insulator material marked for removal of the construction site (of a residential building). This material is quite wasteful and alternatives as compressed straw could be better used instead. Construction waste consists of unwanted… …   Wikipedia

  • Construction and demolition waste — (C D waste) consists of unwanted material produced directly or incidentally by the construction or demolition industries. [ [http://www.wastenot.ie/pport/web/Classification/2/5.13.1?did=597726202 pageUrl=/Classification/2/5.7 Waste not Ireland] ] …   Wikipedia

  • B-tree — In computer science, a B tree is a tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic amortized time. It is most commonly used in databases and filesystems. In B trees, internal (non leaf)… …   Wikipedia

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