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transportation costs

См. также в других словарях:

  • transportation — trans‧por‧ta‧tion [ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʆn ǁ spər ] noun [uncountable] 1. TRANSPORT the process or business of moving goods from one place to another by rail, air, ship etc: • Prices include transportation from London. 2. TRANSPORT …   Financial and business terms

  • transportation economics — Introduction  the study of the allocation of transportation resources in order to meet the needs of a society.       In a macroeconomic sense, transportation activities form a portion of a nation s total economic product and play a role in… …   Universalium

  • transportation — trans|por|ta|tion [ ,trænspər teıʃn ] noun uncount ** 1. ) the activity of moving people or things from one place to another, or the system used for doing this: rising transportation costs transportation of: He was convicted of the possession and …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • transportation */ — UK [ˌtrænspɔː(r)ˈteɪʃ(ə)n] / US [ˌtrænspərˈteɪʃ(ə)n] noun [uncountable] 1) the activity of moving people or things from one place to another, or the system used for doing this rising transportation costs transportation of: He was convicted of the …   English dictionary

  • Transportation in the United States — is facilitated by road, air, rail, and water networks. The vast majority of passenger travel occurs by automobile for shorter distances, and airplane for longer distances. In descending order, most cargoes travel by railroad, truck, pipeline, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in New York City — Info Owner Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, local governments, states Locale New York City and the surrounding region in New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation demand management — or Travel Demand Management (both TDM) is the application of strategies and policies to reduce automobile travel demand, or to redistribute this demand in space or in time. [Citation | last = Nelson | first = Donna C., Editor | year = 2000 |… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in Richmond, Virginia — and its immediate surroundings include land, sea and air modes. This article includes the independent city and portions of the contiguous counties of Henrico and Chesterfield. While almost all of Henrico County would be considered part of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation forecasting — is the process of estimating the number of vehicles or travelers that will use a specific transportation facility in the future. A forecast estimates, for instance, the number of vehicles on a planned freeway or bridge, the ridership on a railway …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in the People's Republic of China — has experienced major growth and expansion since 1949 and especially since the early 1980s. Airports, roads, and railway construction will provide a massive employment boost in China over the next decade.Rail, which is the primary mode of… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in Vancouver — has many of the features of modern cities worldwide and some interesting differences. Unlike many large metropolises, Vancouver has no freeways into or through the downtown area. A proposed freeway through the downtown was rejected in the 1960s… …   Wikipedia

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