1 transportable computer
транспортируемый (переносной) компьютер
Имеет характеристики настольного компьютера, полиблочную открытую компоновку для свободного размещения отдельных блоков на рабочей поверхности. Распространенный вид портативных компьютеров на начальном этапе их развития.
[Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо-русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > transportable computer
2 transportable computer
1) Кино: портативный компьютер2) Вычислительная техника: транспортируемый компьютерУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > transportable computer
3 transportable computer
4 transportable computer
5 transportable computer
English-Russian information technology > transportable computer
6 fuel up the computer
"заправлять" компьютер -
7 on-board computer
fuel up the computer — "заправлять" компьютер
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > on-board computer
8 trip computer
fuel up the computer — "заправлять" компьютер
9 dec computer
fuel up the computer — "заправлять" компьютер
10 TCU
1) Медицина: Transitional Care Unit2) Военный термин: Transportable Computer Unit, tactical control unit, teletype communications unit, terminal control unit, test computer unit, test control unit, transportation, communications, and utilities, БУТС (Telephone Control Unit - блок управления телефонной связью)3) Техника: traction control unit4) Шутливое выражение: Technical Charitable University, Texas Chainsaw University, Texas Criminal University5) Биржевой термин: Three Camming Unit6) Телекоммуникации: Trunk Coupling Unit, Telecommunications Control Unit (SNA)7) Сокращение: Tactical Communications System, Tactical Computer Unit, Thermal Control Unit, Thermal Cueing Unit, Tracking & Communication Unit (UAV), Tracking Control Unit8) Университет: Texas Christian University9) Вычислительная техника: Timing Control Unit, tape control unit10) Транспорт: Transportation Control Unit11) Сетевые технологии: telecommunication control unit, блок управления обменом сообщениями, мультиплексор передачи данных, устройство связи с магистралью12) Автоматика: transmission control unit13) Нефть и газ: thermal cracking unit14) Профсоюзы: Travis Credit Union -
11 tcu
1) Медицина: Transitional Care Unit2) Военный термин: Transportable Computer Unit, tactical control unit, teletype communications unit, terminal control unit, test computer unit, test control unit, transportation, communications, and utilities, БУТС (Telephone Control Unit - блок управления телефонной связью)3) Техника: traction control unit4) Шутливое выражение: Technical Charitable University, Texas Chainsaw University, Texas Criminal University5) Биржевой термин: Three Camming Unit6) Телекоммуникации: Trunk Coupling Unit, Telecommunications Control Unit (SNA)7) Сокращение: Tactical Communications System, Tactical Computer Unit, Thermal Control Unit, Thermal Cueing Unit, Tracking & Communication Unit (UAV), Tracking Control Unit8) Университет: Texas Christian University9) Вычислительная техника: Timing Control Unit, tape control unit10) Транспорт: Transportation Control Unit11) Сетевые технологии: telecommunication control unit, блок управления обменом сообщениями, мультиплексор передачи данных, устройство связи с магистралью12) Автоматика: transmission control unit13) Нефть и газ: thermal cracking unit14) Профсоюзы: Travis Credit Union -
1) Общая лексика: Центр анализа стратегий и технологий, Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies2) Военный термин: Canadian Air/Sea Transport Group, Canadian Amphibious Search Team, Canadian air-sea transportable, Catalogue of Approved Scientific and Technical Intelligence Tasks, Center for Application of Science and Technology, Computer Assisted Satellite Track, Computer Assisted Supervision Team, Computer-Assisted Self Training, close air support training, common access security terminal, computer-assisted scanning techniques, computerized automatic system tester3) Религия: Christian Actors Sharing Truth4) Сокращение: Canadian Air-Sea Transportable Brigade, Combined Arms Staff Trainer, Computer Assisted Scheme Training, Computer Assisted Supervision of Transmission, Computer-Aided Search Technique, Capillary Action Shaping Technique, Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares cipher5) Университет: Campus Auxiliary Safety Team, Center For Applied Sciences Technology, Computer Assisted Statistics Teaching, Cooperative Application Of Science And Technology6) Электроника: Current Audio Signal Transmission, Custom Array Synthesis Technology7) Вычислительная техника: Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares (Verschluesselung), computer-aided software testing8) Нефть: автоматизированная установка для испытаний системы (computerized automatic system tester), автоматизированная установка для тестирования системы9) Иммунология: competitive antigen spot test10) Космонавтика: Chinese Academy of Space Technology11) Фирменный знак: Canadian Atlantic Sea Transport12) Экология: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology13) Образование: Children's Acting School And Theater, Choral Arts Society Teens, Community And School Together, Computer Aided Self Teaching, Computer Aids For Students And Teachers14) Программирование: аббревиатура от Computer Aided Software Testing (Автоматизация тестирования программного обеспечения)15) Автоматика: computer-aided storage and transportation16) Океанография: China Association for Science and Technology17) Общественная организация: Children's Aid Society of Toronto -
13 Cast
1) Общая лексика: Центр анализа стратегий и технологий, Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies2) Военный термин: Canadian Air/Sea Transport Group, Canadian Amphibious Search Team, Canadian air-sea transportable, Catalogue of Approved Scientific and Technical Intelligence Tasks, Center for Application of Science and Technology, Computer Assisted Satellite Track, Computer Assisted Supervision Team, Computer-Assisted Self Training, close air support training, common access security terminal, computer-assisted scanning techniques, computerized automatic system tester3) Религия: Christian Actors Sharing Truth4) Сокращение: Canadian Air-Sea Transportable Brigade, Combined Arms Staff Trainer, Computer Assisted Scheme Training, Computer Assisted Supervision of Transmission, Computer-Aided Search Technique, Capillary Action Shaping Technique, Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares cipher5) Университет: Campus Auxiliary Safety Team, Center For Applied Sciences Technology, Computer Assisted Statistics Teaching, Cooperative Application Of Science And Technology6) Электроника: Current Audio Signal Transmission, Custom Array Synthesis Technology7) Вычислительная техника: Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares (Verschluesselung), computer-aided software testing8) Нефть: автоматизированная установка для испытаний системы (computerized automatic system tester), автоматизированная установка для тестирования системы9) Иммунология: competitive antigen spot test10) Космонавтика: Chinese Academy of Space Technology11) Фирменный знак: Canadian Atlantic Sea Transport12) Экология: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology13) Образование: Children's Acting School And Theater, Choral Arts Society Teens, Community And School Together, Computer Aided Self Teaching, Computer Aids For Students And Teachers14) Программирование: аббревиатура от Computer Aided Software Testing (Автоматизация тестирования программного обеспечения)15) Автоматика: computer-aided storage and transportation16) Океанография: China Association for Science and Technology17) Общественная организация: Children's Aid Society of Toronto -
14 cast
1) Общая лексика: Центр анализа стратегий и технологий, Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies2) Военный термин: Canadian Air/Sea Transport Group, Canadian Amphibious Search Team, Canadian air-sea transportable, Catalogue of Approved Scientific and Technical Intelligence Tasks, Center for Application of Science and Technology, Computer Assisted Satellite Track, Computer Assisted Supervision Team, Computer-Assisted Self Training, close air support training, common access security terminal, computer-assisted scanning techniques, computerized automatic system tester3) Религия: Christian Actors Sharing Truth4) Сокращение: Canadian Air-Sea Transportable Brigade, Combined Arms Staff Trainer, Computer Assisted Scheme Training, Computer Assisted Supervision of Transmission, Computer-Aided Search Technique, Capillary Action Shaping Technique, Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares cipher5) Университет: Campus Auxiliary Safety Team, Center For Applied Sciences Technology, Computer Assisted Statistics Teaching, Cooperative Application Of Science And Technology6) Электроника: Current Audio Signal Transmission, Custom Array Synthesis Technology7) Вычислительная техника: Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares (Verschluesselung), computer-aided software testing8) Нефть: автоматизированная установка для испытаний системы (computerized automatic system tester), автоматизированная установка для тестирования системы9) Иммунология: competitive antigen spot test10) Космонавтика: Chinese Academy of Space Technology11) Фирменный знак: Canadian Atlantic Sea Transport12) Экология: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology13) Образование: Children's Acting School And Theater, Choral Arts Society Teens, Community And School Together, Computer Aided Self Teaching, Computer Aids For Students And Teachers14) Программирование: аббревиатура от Computer Aided Software Testing (Автоматизация тестирования программного обеспечения)15) Автоматика: computer-aided storage and transportation16) Океанография: China Association for Science and Technology17) Общественная организация: Children's Aid Society of Toronto -
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Time Released Arginine And Creatine2) Спорт: Team Racing Auto Circuit3) Военный термин: TRADOC Analysis Center, TRADOC Analysis Command, Technical Resources Allocation Council, Time Remaining Air Computer, target research analysis center, thermal radiation attenuating cloud, transfer authentication code, transportable air traffic control, transportable air traffic control TRA, technical requirements analysis5) Сельское хозяйство: Tractor Risk Abatement And Control6) Религия: Teens Redeemed And Called, Temple Review And Counsel, Tradition Religion Aspiration And Culture, Tradition Religion Aspiration Culture7) Юридический термин: Targeting Raleigh Armed Criminals, To Reach And Connect8) Бухгалтерия: Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse9) Биржевой термин: Total Return Aimed Composite10) Телекоммуникации: Totally Reconfigurable Analog Circuit11) Сокращение: Tactical Radar Correlator, Technological Research of Advanced Concepts, Telescopic Rotor Aircraft, Total Radiation Aperture Control12) Университет: Technology Recreation And Art Center, Transport Research Activities Centre13) Фирменный знак: Toyota Rent A Car14) СМИ: Text Reckoning And Compiling15) Деловая лексика: Terminal Rental Adjustment Clause16) Образование: Teacher Resource And Activity Center17) НАСДАК: Track Data Corporation -
16 TSC
1) Компьютерная техника: Telecom Signaling Card3) Военный термин: TROJAN Switching Center, Tactical Support Company, Top Secret Club, Top Secret Control, Troop Support Command, tactical satellite communications, tactical support center, target selection confusion, technical subcommittee, terminal service company, test steering committee, test support controller, total system control, training support center4) Техника: target signature classification, telephone signaling converter, television scan converter, test set computer, thermally stimulated conductivity, time sharing control task, total soluble cations, totally self-checking system, transportable communications system, twisted smectic c-phase5) Сельское хозяйство: Tractor Sales Corporation6) Религия: Texas Soul Clinic7) Юридический термин: sign a contract8) Бухгалтерия: True Stranded Costs9) Астрономия: Thermally Stimulated Currents10) Металлургия: thin slab caster11) Телекоммуникации: Test System Controller12) Сокращение: Tactical Support Centre, Technical Support Center, Theater Surface Combatant, Total Ship Computer (system), Total Ship Computing, Transport Support Command, Triple Store Carrier, термоструктурные композиты (Thermostructural Composites)13) Университет: Taggart Student Center14) Физиология: Thermal Shock Chamber, Triage Station Controller, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex15) Вычислительная техника: Triton System Component, Triton System Controller, transmitter start code, Time Stamp Counter (Intel), Triton System Controller (Intel, Triton, IC)16) Транспорт: Transportable Storage Canister, Two Stroke Cycle17) Фирменный знак: The Service Center, The Service Company, Tractor Supply Company18) СМИ: The Space Channel19) Деловая лексика: Time Stamp Counter20) Производство: total annual stocking cost21) Полимеры: thermal stress cracking, total solids concentration22) Океанография: Transportation Systems Center23) Расширение файла: Time Sharing Control24) Нефть и газ: ТПК - Технический подкомитет (Technical subcommittee)25) Электротехника: thermally stimulated current, thyristor switched capacitors26) Майкрософт: счётчик метки времени27) AMEX. Stephan Company -
17 Tsc
1) Компьютерная техника: Telecom Signaling Card3) Военный термин: TROJAN Switching Center, Tactical Support Company, Top Secret Club, Top Secret Control, Troop Support Command, tactical satellite communications, tactical support center, target selection confusion, technical subcommittee, terminal service company, test steering committee, test support controller, total system control, training support center4) Техника: target signature classification, telephone signaling converter, television scan converter, test set computer, thermally stimulated conductivity, time sharing control task, total soluble cations, totally self-checking system, transportable communications system, twisted smectic c-phase5) Сельское хозяйство: Tractor Sales Corporation6) Религия: Texas Soul Clinic7) Юридический термин: sign a contract8) Бухгалтерия: True Stranded Costs9) Астрономия: Thermally Stimulated Currents10) Металлургия: thin slab caster11) Телекоммуникации: Test System Controller12) Сокращение: Tactical Support Centre, Technical Support Center, Theater Surface Combatant, Total Ship Computer (system), Total Ship Computing, Transport Support Command, Triple Store Carrier, термоструктурные композиты (Thermostructural Composites)13) Университет: Taggart Student Center14) Физиология: Thermal Shock Chamber, Triage Station Controller, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex15) Вычислительная техника: Triton System Component, Triton System Controller, transmitter start code, Time Stamp Counter (Intel), Triton System Controller (Intel, Triton, IC)16) Транспорт: Transportable Storage Canister, Two Stroke Cycle17) Фирменный знак: The Service Center, The Service Company, Tractor Supply Company18) СМИ: The Space Channel19) Деловая лексика: Time Stamp Counter20) Производство: total annual stocking cost21) Полимеры: thermal stress cracking, total solids concentration22) Океанография: Transportation Systems Center23) Расширение файла: Time Sharing Control24) Нефть и газ: ТПК - Технический подкомитет (Technical subcommittee)25) Электротехника: thermally stimulated current, thyristor switched capacitors26) Майкрософт: счётчик метки времени27) AMEX. Stephan Company -
18 trac
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Time Released Arginine And Creatine2) Спорт: Team Racing Auto Circuit3) Военный термин: TRADOC Analysis Center, TRADOC Analysis Command, Technical Resources Allocation Council, Time Remaining Air Computer, target research analysis center, thermal radiation attenuating cloud, transfer authentication code, transportable air traffic control, transportable air traffic control TRA, technical requirements analysis5) Сельское хозяйство: Tractor Risk Abatement And Control6) Религия: Teens Redeemed And Called, Temple Review And Counsel, Tradition Religion Aspiration And Culture, Tradition Religion Aspiration Culture7) Юридический термин: Targeting Raleigh Armed Criminals, To Reach And Connect8) Бухгалтерия: Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse9) Биржевой термин: Total Return Aimed Composite10) Телекоммуникации: Totally Reconfigurable Analog Circuit11) Сокращение: Tactical Radar Correlator, Technological Research of Advanced Concepts, Telescopic Rotor Aircraft, Total Radiation Aperture Control12) Университет: Technology Recreation And Art Center, Transport Research Activities Centre13) Фирменный знак: Toyota Rent A Car14) СМИ: Text Reckoning And Compiling15) Деловая лексика: Terminal Rental Adjustment Clause16) Образование: Teacher Resource And Activity Center17) НАСДАК: Track Data Corporation -
19 tsc
1) Компьютерная техника: Telecom Signaling Card3) Военный термин: TROJAN Switching Center, Tactical Support Company, Top Secret Club, Top Secret Control, Troop Support Command, tactical satellite communications, tactical support center, target selection confusion, technical subcommittee, terminal service company, test steering committee, test support controller, total system control, training support center4) Техника: target signature classification, telephone signaling converter, television scan converter, test set computer, thermally stimulated conductivity, time sharing control task, total soluble cations, totally self-checking system, transportable communications system, twisted smectic c-phase5) Сельское хозяйство: Tractor Sales Corporation6) Религия: Texas Soul Clinic7) Юридический термин: sign a contract8) Бухгалтерия: True Stranded Costs9) Астрономия: Thermally Stimulated Currents10) Металлургия: thin slab caster11) Телекоммуникации: Test System Controller12) Сокращение: Tactical Support Centre, Technical Support Center, Theater Surface Combatant, Total Ship Computer (system), Total Ship Computing, Transport Support Command, Triple Store Carrier, термоструктурные композиты (Thermostructural Composites)13) Университет: Taggart Student Center14) Физиология: Thermal Shock Chamber, Triage Station Controller, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex15) Вычислительная техника: Triton System Component, Triton System Controller, transmitter start code, Time Stamp Counter (Intel), Triton System Controller (Intel, Triton, IC)16) Транспорт: Transportable Storage Canister, Two Stroke Cycle17) Фирменный знак: The Service Center, The Service Company, Tractor Supply Company18) СМИ: The Space Channel19) Деловая лексика: Time Stamp Counter20) Производство: total annual stocking cost21) Полимеры: thermal stress cracking, total solids concentration22) Океанография: Transportation Systems Center23) Расширение файла: Time Sharing Control24) Нефть и газ: ТПК - Технический подкомитет (Technical subcommittee)25) Электротехника: thermally stimulated current, thyristor switched capacitors26) Майкрософт: счётчик метки времени27) AMEX. Stephan Company -
1) Военный термин: ASAP Technical Advisory Committee, Air Transport Advisory Council, Army Tank-Automotive Center, Army Tank-Automotive Command, air transportable acoustic communications, air-to-air combat, airborne two-way acoustic communications2) Техника: air transportable acoustic communications buoy, airborne two-way acoustic communications buoy3) Сокращение: Advanced Tank Cannon system (US Army), Air-Transportable Acoustic Communications buoy, All-Terrain All Climate, All-Terrain Amphibious Carrier, Applied Technology Advanced Computer4) Разведка: Anti-Terrorist Alert Center5) НАСДАК: Aftermarket Technology Corporation
См. также в других словарях:
transportable Computer — transportable Computer, Sammelbezeichnung für Mobilcomputer und Portables, manchmal auch für Handhelds … Universal-Lexikon
portable computer — noun a microcomputer powered by batteries with an integral display screen and integral input device (such as a keyboard) that can be used on the move Syn: portable See Also: laptop, laptop computer, notebook, notebook computer, subnotebook,… … Wiktionary
Maus (Computer) — Drei Tasten Maus mit Mausrad Die Maus ist eines der wichtigsten Eingabegeräte (Befehlsgeber) bei modernen Computern. Die Entwicklung grafischer Benutzeroberflächen hat die Computermaus zu einem heute praktisch an jedem PC verfügbaren… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Personal computer — This article is about personal computers in general. For computers generally referred to as PCs , see IBM PC compatible. For hardware components dealing with personal computers, see Personal computer hardware. Personal computer An illustration of … Wikipedia
Apple Computer — Apple Inc. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Apple (homonymie). Apple Inc. Logo d Apple Inc … Wikipédia en Français
Apple Computer Incorporated — Apple Inc. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Apple (homonymie). Apple Inc. Logo d Apple Inc … Wikipédia en Français
Apple computer — Apple Inc. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Apple (homonymie). Apple Inc. Logo d Apple Inc … Wikipédia en Français
Actrix (computer) — The Actrix computer, released in 1984 by Actrix Computer Corporation, was a Zilog Z80 based transportable personal computer running CP/M 80 V2.2. Its predecessor was the Access Computer computer by Access Matrix Computer Corporation.… … Wikipedia
Sord Computer Corporation — fue una empresa de productos electrónicos japonesa, fundada en 1970 por el emprendedor Takayoshi Shiina.[1] [2] Contenido 1 Historia … Wikipedia Español
Small Form Factor — Mini ITX Platine im Vergleich zu anderen Mainboardgrößen. Small form factor (SFF) ist eine Bezeichnung für Computer, die in Gehäusen betrieben werden, die kleiner als gewöhnliche Computergehäuse sind. Obwohl der Bezeichnung keine genaue… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Xerox NoteTaker — The Xerox NoteTaker was perhaps the first portable computer. It was developed at Xerox PARC in Palo Alto, California, in 1976. Although it did not enter production, and only around ten prototypes were built, it strongly influenced the design of… … Wikipedia