1 transatlantic aircraft
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > transatlantic aircraft
2 aircraft
воздушное судно [суда], атмосферный летательный аппарат [аппараты]; самолёт (ы) ; вертолёты); авиация; авиационный; см. тж. airplane, boostaircraft in the barrier — самолёт, задержанный аварийной (аэродромной) тормозной установкой
aircraft off the line — новый [только что построенный] ЛА
B through F aircraft — самолёты модификаций B, C, D, E и F
carrier(-based, -borne) aircraft — палубный ЛА; авианосная авиация
conventional takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт с обычными взлетом и посадкой (в отличие от укороченного или вертикального)
keep the aircraft (headed) straight — выдерживать направление полёта ЛА (при выполнении маневра); сохранять прямолинейный полет ЛА
keep the aircraft stalled — сохранять режим срыва [сваливания] самолёта, оставлять самолёт в режиме срыва [сваливания]
nearly wing borne aircraft — верт. ЛА в конце режима перехода к горизонтальному полёту
pull the aircraft off the deck — разг. отрывать ЛА от земли (при взлете)
put the aircraft nose-up — переводить [вводить] ЛА на кабрирование [в режим кабрирования]
put the aircraft through its paces — определять предельные возможности ЛА, «выжимать все из ЛА»
reduced takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт укороченного взлета и посадки (с укороченным разбегом и пробегом)
rocket(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ракетный ЛА, ЛА с ракетным двигателем
roll the aircraft into a bank — вводить ЛА в крен, накренять ЛА
rotate the aircraft into the climb — увеличивать угол тангажа ЛА для перехода к набору высоты, переводить ЛА в набор высоты
short takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт короткого взлета и посадки (с коротким разбегом и пробегом)
single vertical tail aircraft — ЛА с одинарным [центральным] вертикальным оперением
strategic(-mission, -purpose) aircraft — ЛА стратегического назначения; стратегический самолёт
take the aircraft throughout its entire envelope — пилотировать ЛА во всем диапазоне полётных режимов
trim the aircraft to fly hands-and-feet off — балансировать самолёт для полёта с брошенным управлением [с брошенными ручкой и педалями]
turbofan(-engined, -powered) aircraft — ЛА с турбовентиляторными двигателями, ЛА с ТРДД
turbojet(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ЛА с ТРД
undergraduate navigator training aircraft — учебно-тренировочный самолёт для повышенной лётной подготовки штурманов
water(-based, takeoff and landing) aircraft — гидросамолёт
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Trans Activation Of Transcription2) Биология: thyrosine aminotransferase, toxin-antitoxin3) Авиация: Total Air Temperature (температура воздушного потока)4) Военный термин: Target Area Tactics, Technologies And Tactics, tactical air transport, tactical airlift technology, tactical armament turret, target aircraft transmitter, technical acceptance team, technical assistance and training, technical assistance team, temporary ambulance train, to accompany troops, transcontinental air transport, turnaround time, two-axis tracking5) Техника: television awareness training, terramycin animal formula, thinned aperture telescope, trace acceptance tester, transatlantic cable, type-approval test6) Шутливое выражение: The Almighty Teen7) Финансы: оборачиваемость активов (Total Assets Turnover)8) Сокращение: Tactical Armament Turret (USA), Tatar, Training Advisory Team (UK), Turnaround-Time, Total Aircraft Time (Общее время налета самолета), Tactical Analysis Team, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Tatry/Poprad, Slovakia - Tatry/Poprad (Airport Code), Tattoo, Technical Assessment Team, Technology Applications Team, Teenage Travelers (Family Motor Coach Association), Teens Against Television, Termination Attempt Trigger, Terrorist Action Team, Test Analysis Table, Test Auto Test, Testing and Training (SW Development and QA Testing), Tetanus Antitoxin, Text Attribute Table, The Astonishing Tribe (Sweden), Theoretical Arrival Time, Thermally-Activated Time-Dependent (reliability model), Three Affiliated Tribes, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Time After Time (song), Time for Average Turnaround, Toshiba Authorized Technician, Totally Antisymmetric Tensor, Totally Awesome Trip (slang), Touraine Air Transport (airline), Tourism Authority of Thailand, Trans-Atlantic Telephone cable, Transgenic Arthropod Team, Transient Accommodations Tax, Transitional Automated Ticket (airlines), Transportation and Ammunition Tracking, Turbine Air Temperature, Turn Around Time, Tyrosine Aminotransferase, Tyumen Avia Trans9) Вычислительная техника: Theoretical Arrival Time (GCRA)10) Нефть: межремонтный срок службы (turnaround time), группа технической приёмки (technical acceptance team)11) Кардиология: Thrombin-antithrombin complex12) Иммунология: транс-действующий транскрипционный фактор (Trans-Activating Transcriptional regulation)13) СМИ: Truth About Tver14) Деловая лексика: время обработки заказа, turn-around time15) Полимеры: twist against twist16) Химическое оружие: toxic area training17) Авиационная медицина: target acquisition task, thematic apperception test18) Макаров: toxin-antitoxin, TA, trap-assisted tunneling19) Молекулярная биология: trans-activating transcriptional activator -
4 Tat
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Trans Activation Of Transcription2) Биология: thyrosine aminotransferase, toxin-antitoxin3) Авиация: Total Air Temperature (температура воздушного потока)4) Военный термин: Target Area Tactics, Technologies And Tactics, tactical air transport, tactical airlift technology, tactical armament turret, target aircraft transmitter, technical acceptance team, technical assistance and training, technical assistance team, temporary ambulance train, to accompany troops, transcontinental air transport, turnaround time, two-axis tracking5) Техника: television awareness training, terramycin animal formula, thinned aperture telescope, trace acceptance tester, transatlantic cable, type-approval test6) Шутливое выражение: The Almighty Teen7) Финансы: оборачиваемость активов (Total Assets Turnover)8) Сокращение: Tactical Armament Turret (USA), Tatar, Training Advisory Team (UK), Turnaround-Time, Total Aircraft Time (Общее время налета самолета), Tactical Analysis Team, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Tatry/Poprad, Slovakia - Tatry/Poprad (Airport Code), Tattoo, Technical Assessment Team, Technology Applications Team, Teenage Travelers (Family Motor Coach Association), Teens Against Television, Termination Attempt Trigger, Terrorist Action Team, Test Analysis Table, Test Auto Test, Testing and Training (SW Development and QA Testing), Tetanus Antitoxin, Text Attribute Table, The Astonishing Tribe (Sweden), Theoretical Arrival Time, Thermally-Activated Time-Dependent (reliability model), Three Affiliated Tribes, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Time After Time (song), Time for Average Turnaround, Toshiba Authorized Technician, Totally Antisymmetric Tensor, Totally Awesome Trip (slang), Touraine Air Transport (airline), Tourism Authority of Thailand, Trans-Atlantic Telephone cable, Transgenic Arthropod Team, Transient Accommodations Tax, Transitional Automated Ticket (airlines), Transportation and Ammunition Tracking, Turbine Air Temperature, Turn Around Time, Tyrosine Aminotransferase, Tyumen Avia Trans9) Вычислительная техника: Theoretical Arrival Time (GCRA)10) Нефть: межремонтный срок службы (turnaround time), группа технической приёмки (technical acceptance team)11) Кардиология: Thrombin-antithrombin complex12) Иммунология: транс-действующий транскрипционный фактор (Trans-Activating Transcriptional regulation)13) СМИ: Truth About Tver14) Деловая лексика: время обработки заказа, turn-around time15) Полимеры: twist against twist16) Химическое оружие: toxic area training17) Авиационная медицина: target acquisition task, thematic apperception test18) Макаров: toxin-antitoxin, TA, trap-assisted tunneling19) Молекулярная биология: trans-activating transcriptional activator -
5 tat
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Trans Activation Of Transcription2) Биология: thyrosine aminotransferase, toxin-antitoxin3) Авиация: Total Air Temperature (температура воздушного потока)4) Военный термин: Target Area Tactics, Technologies And Tactics, tactical air transport, tactical airlift technology, tactical armament turret, target aircraft transmitter, technical acceptance team, technical assistance and training, technical assistance team, temporary ambulance train, to accompany troops, transcontinental air transport, turnaround time, two-axis tracking5) Техника: television awareness training, terramycin animal formula, thinned aperture telescope, trace acceptance tester, transatlantic cable, type-approval test6) Шутливое выражение: The Almighty Teen7) Финансы: оборачиваемость активов (Total Assets Turnover)8) Сокращение: Tactical Armament Turret (USA), Tatar, Training Advisory Team (UK), Turnaround-Time, Total Aircraft Time (Общее время налета самолета), Tactical Analysis Team, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Tatry/Poprad, Slovakia - Tatry/Poprad (Airport Code), Tattoo, Technical Assessment Team, Technology Applications Team, Teenage Travelers (Family Motor Coach Association), Teens Against Television, Termination Attempt Trigger, Terrorist Action Team, Test Analysis Table, Test Auto Test, Testing and Training (SW Development and QA Testing), Tetanus Antitoxin, Text Attribute Table, The Astonishing Tribe (Sweden), Theoretical Arrival Time, Thermally-Activated Time-Dependent (reliability model), Three Affiliated Tribes, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Time After Time (song), Time for Average Turnaround, Toshiba Authorized Technician, Totally Antisymmetric Tensor, Totally Awesome Trip (slang), Touraine Air Transport (airline), Tourism Authority of Thailand, Trans-Atlantic Telephone cable, Transgenic Arthropod Team, Transient Accommodations Tax, Transitional Automated Ticket (airlines), Transportation and Ammunition Tracking, Turbine Air Temperature, Turn Around Time, Tyrosine Aminotransferase, Tyumen Avia Trans9) Вычислительная техника: Theoretical Arrival Time (GCRA)10) Нефть: межремонтный срок службы (turnaround time), группа технической приёмки (technical acceptance team)11) Кардиология: Thrombin-antithrombin complex12) Иммунология: транс-действующий транскрипционный фактор (Trans-Activating Transcriptional regulation)13) СМИ: Truth About Tver14) Деловая лексика: время обработки заказа, turn-around time15) Полимеры: twist against twist16) Химическое оружие: toxic area training17) Авиационная медицина: target acquisition task, thematic apperception test18) Макаров: toxin-antitoxin, TA, trap-assisted tunneling19) Молекулярная биология: trans-activating transcriptional activator -
1) Общая лексика: Центр временного размещения( для беженцев, мигрантов) (Temporary accommodation centre)3) Медицина: thoracic aortic calcification4) Спорт: Total Allowed Catches, Triple A Chicago5) Военный термин: Tactical Access Controller, Tactical Command Post, Team Aerial Combat, Technical Advisory Committee, Technology Assessment Center, Terminal Access Control, Test Advisory Committee, Theater Airlift Command, Total Aerial Combat, Total Amount of Codes, Total Area Coverage, Transportation Account Code, Tri-Service Tactical Digital Communication System, tactical CP, tactical air control, tactical air controller, tactical airlift center, tactical assignment console, tactical coordinator, tank tire control, target acquisition center, target acquisition console, technical applications center, technical area coordinator, telemetry and control, terminal area control, theater Army communications, tracking accuracy control, training aids center, training alarm controller, trouble analysis chart, type of activity code, Terrain Analysis Center (U.S. Army)6) Техника: TELENET access controller, teletext data acquisition and control module, television advisory committee, time-to-amplitude converter, transformer analog computer, translator, assembler, computer7) Сельское хозяйство: Total Available Carbohydrate8) Строительство: thick asbestos-cement9) Математика: Triangle Array Cross10) Бухгалтерия: Total Average Cost11) Фармакология: Technical Auditing Committee12) Автомобильный термин: throttle actuator control, thermostatic air cleaner (GM)13) Астрономия: The Astronomy Connection14) Ветеринария: Tiger Authentication Committee15) Грубое выражение: Took A Crap16) Телекоммуникации: Terminal Access Circuit17) Сокращение: Tactical Advanced Computer, Tactical Air Command, Tactical Airlift Command (Now defunct (USA)), Technical Activities Committee, Threat Adaptive Countermeasures, Trade Agreement Committee, Training And Awareness Conference, Trapped Air Cushion, Terminal Access Controller (replaced TIP; ARPANET/MILNET)18) Университет: Teach Advise And Counsel, Thomas Aquinas College19) Электроника: Telemetry and Command, Time Amplitude Converter, Time To Amplitude Converter, Transparent Audio Compression20) Вычислительная техника: token access controller, transistorized automatic control, Terminal Access Controller (ARPANET/MILNET, replaced TIP), Technical Assistance Center (Cisco), Type Approval Code (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems), Technology Access Center (Rogue-Wave), Tactical Air Command (see)21) Токсикология: ОДК, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимое количество22) Транспорт: This Ain't Controls, Transport Accident Commission23) Воздухоплавание: Tacan, Terminal Control Area24) Фирменный знак: The Adventure Company, The Angel Company, The Art Corner, Trustee Assistance Corporation25) Экология: ТКК, технический консультативный комитет26) СМИ: Title Author Call27) Деловая лексика: Tenants Are Customers, Time Activity Curve, Total Activity Cycle, общий размер рыболовных квот (total allowed catches)28) Образование: Teach Assess And Counsel, Teens Against Chemicals29) Сетевые технологии: Terminal Access Controller, Totally Accurate Controller, Type Of Address Code, technical assistance center, контроллер доступа к терминалу, центр технической помощи30) ЕБРР: Technical Assistance Centre31) Полимеры: triallyl cyanurate32) Туризм: (Travel Agent Commission) комиссионные туристической фирмы33) Океанография: Total Allowable Catch34) Химическое оружие: Transatlantic Center, training activities contractor, transport associated car35) Электротехника: turbine automatic control36) ООН: Treaty Of Amity And Cooperation37) Общественная организация: Teens Against Cancer38) Чат: Totally Arm Chair39) НАСА: Telemetry and Command Computer, Total Airflow Control40) СМС: Take A Chance -
1) Компьютерная техника: Transaction Analysis Graphics2) Спорт: Take And Give3) Военный термин: TEMPEST Advisory Group, Target Actions Group, Target Aimpoint Graphic, The Adjutant General, Theater Army Group, Troop Action Guidance, tactical airlift group, technical assessment group, telemetry-system analysis group, terminating and grounding, test analysis guide, training aids guide, transport air group5) Религия: The Ares Gods6) Железнодорожный термин: Norfolk Southern Railway Company7) Юридический термин: Tactical Assault Group8) Телекоммуникации: Technical Advisory Group (IEEE 802)9) Сокращение: Tactical Air Group (Canadian Air Command), Target Adaptive Guidance circuit, Telescoped-Ammunition Gun, Towed Acoustic Generator, Training Advisory Group (UK)10) Университет: Transfer Admission Guarantee11) Физиология: Topical Antimicrobial Gel12) Вычислительная техника: Technical Advisory Group (PIMA, I3C)14) Пищевая промышленность: triacylglycerol15) Фирменный знак: Thomas Aircraft Group16) Деловая лексика: Teambuilding Adventure And Growth, Technical Assistance Group17) Образование: Talented And Gifted, Teacher Advisor Group, Teacher Assistance Given, Tuition Aid Grant18) Океанография: Trans Atlantic Geotraverse19) Химическое оружие: Transatlantic Center20) Авиационная медицина: trans-cockpit authority gradient21) Расширение файла: Technical Advisory Group22) Должность: Technician Affiliate Group23) AMEX. Tag- It Pac, Inc. -
8 TAc
1) Общая лексика: Центр временного размещения( для беженцев, мигрантов) (Temporary accommodation centre)3) Медицина: thoracic aortic calcification4) Спорт: Total Allowed Catches, Triple A Chicago5) Военный термин: Tactical Access Controller, Tactical Command Post, Team Aerial Combat, Technical Advisory Committee, Technology Assessment Center, Terminal Access Control, Test Advisory Committee, Theater Airlift Command, Total Aerial Combat, Total Amount of Codes, Total Area Coverage, Transportation Account Code, Tri-Service Tactical Digital Communication System, tactical CP, tactical air control, tactical air controller, tactical airlift center, tactical assignment console, tactical coordinator, tank tire control, target acquisition center, target acquisition console, technical applications center, technical area coordinator, telemetry and control, terminal area control, theater Army communications, tracking accuracy control, training aids center, training alarm controller, trouble analysis chart, type of activity code, Terrain Analysis Center (U.S. Army)6) Техника: TELENET access controller, teletext data acquisition and control module, television advisory committee, time-to-amplitude converter, transformer analog computer, translator, assembler, computer7) Сельское хозяйство: Total Available Carbohydrate8) Строительство: thick asbestos-cement9) Математика: Triangle Array Cross10) Бухгалтерия: Total Average Cost11) Фармакология: Technical Auditing Committee12) Автомобильный термин: throttle actuator control, thermostatic air cleaner (GM)13) Астрономия: The Astronomy Connection14) Ветеринария: Tiger Authentication Committee15) Грубое выражение: Took A Crap16) Телекоммуникации: Terminal Access Circuit17) Сокращение: Tactical Advanced Computer, Tactical Air Command, Tactical Airlift Command (Now defunct (USA)), Technical Activities Committee, Threat Adaptive Countermeasures, Trade Agreement Committee, Training And Awareness Conference, Trapped Air Cushion, Terminal Access Controller (replaced TIP; ARPANET/MILNET)18) Университет: Teach Advise And Counsel, Thomas Aquinas College19) Электроника: Telemetry and Command, Time Amplitude Converter, Time To Amplitude Converter, Transparent Audio Compression20) Вычислительная техника: token access controller, transistorized automatic control, Terminal Access Controller (ARPANET/MILNET, replaced TIP), Technical Assistance Center (Cisco), Type Approval Code (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems), Technology Access Center (Rogue-Wave), Tactical Air Command (see)21) Токсикология: ОДК, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимое количество22) Транспорт: This Ain't Controls, Transport Accident Commission23) Воздухоплавание: Tacan, Terminal Control Area24) Фирменный знак: The Adventure Company, The Angel Company, The Art Corner, Trustee Assistance Corporation25) Экология: ТКК, технический консультативный комитет26) СМИ: Title Author Call27) Деловая лексика: Tenants Are Customers, Time Activity Curve, Total Activity Cycle, общий размер рыболовных квот (total allowed catches)28) Образование: Teach Assess And Counsel, Teens Against Chemicals29) Сетевые технологии: Terminal Access Controller, Totally Accurate Controller, Type Of Address Code, technical assistance center, контроллер доступа к терминалу, центр технической помощи30) ЕБРР: Technical Assistance Centre31) Полимеры: triallyl cyanurate32) Туризм: (Travel Agent Commission) комиссионные туристической фирмы33) Океанография: Total Allowable Catch34) Химическое оружие: Transatlantic Center, training activities contractor, transport associated car35) Электротехника: turbine automatic control36) ООН: Treaty Of Amity And Cooperation37) Общественная организация: Teens Against Cancer38) Чат: Totally Arm Chair39) НАСА: Telemetry and Command Computer, Total Airflow Control40) СМС: Take A Chance -
9 TaC
1) Общая лексика: Центр временного размещения( для беженцев, мигрантов) (Temporary accommodation centre)3) Медицина: thoracic aortic calcification4) Спорт: Total Allowed Catches, Triple A Chicago5) Военный термин: Tactical Access Controller, Tactical Command Post, Team Aerial Combat, Technical Advisory Committee, Technology Assessment Center, Terminal Access Control, Test Advisory Committee, Theater Airlift Command, Total Aerial Combat, Total Amount of Codes, Total Area Coverage, Transportation Account Code, Tri-Service Tactical Digital Communication System, tactical CP, tactical air control, tactical air controller, tactical airlift center, tactical assignment console, tactical coordinator, tank tire control, target acquisition center, target acquisition console, technical applications center, technical area coordinator, telemetry and control, terminal area control, theater Army communications, tracking accuracy control, training aids center, training alarm controller, trouble analysis chart, type of activity code, Terrain Analysis Center (U.S. Army)6) Техника: TELENET access controller, teletext data acquisition and control module, television advisory committee, time-to-amplitude converter, transformer analog computer, translator, assembler, computer7) Сельское хозяйство: Total Available Carbohydrate8) Строительство: thick asbestos-cement9) Математика: Triangle Array Cross10) Бухгалтерия: Total Average Cost11) Фармакология: Technical Auditing Committee12) Автомобильный термин: throttle actuator control, thermostatic air cleaner (GM)13) Астрономия: The Astronomy Connection14) Ветеринария: Tiger Authentication Committee15) Грубое выражение: Took A Crap16) Телекоммуникации: Terminal Access Circuit17) Сокращение: Tactical Advanced Computer, Tactical Air Command, Tactical Airlift Command (Now defunct (USA)), Technical Activities Committee, Threat Adaptive Countermeasures, Trade Agreement Committee, Training And Awareness Conference, Trapped Air Cushion, Terminal Access Controller (replaced TIP; ARPANET/MILNET)18) Университет: Teach Advise And Counsel, Thomas Aquinas College19) Электроника: Telemetry and Command, Time Amplitude Converter, Time To Amplitude Converter, Transparent Audio Compression20) Вычислительная техника: token access controller, transistorized automatic control, Terminal Access Controller (ARPANET/MILNET, replaced TIP), Technical Assistance Center (Cisco), Type Approval Code (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems), Technology Access Center (Rogue-Wave), Tactical Air Command (see)21) Токсикология: ОДК, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимое количество22) Транспорт: This Ain't Controls, Transport Accident Commission23) Воздухоплавание: Tacan, Terminal Control Area24) Фирменный знак: The Adventure Company, The Angel Company, The Art Corner, Trustee Assistance Corporation25) Экология: ТКК, технический консультативный комитет26) СМИ: Title Author Call27) Деловая лексика: Tenants Are Customers, Time Activity Curve, Total Activity Cycle, общий размер рыболовных квот (total allowed catches)28) Образование: Teach Assess And Counsel, Teens Against Chemicals29) Сетевые технологии: Terminal Access Controller, Totally Accurate Controller, Type Of Address Code, technical assistance center, контроллер доступа к терминалу, центр технической помощи30) ЕБРР: Technical Assistance Centre31) Полимеры: triallyl cyanurate32) Туризм: (Travel Agent Commission) комиссионные туристической фирмы33) Океанография: Total Allowable Catch34) Химическое оружие: Transatlantic Center, training activities contractor, transport associated car35) Электротехника: turbine automatic control36) ООН: Treaty Of Amity And Cooperation37) Общественная организация: Teens Against Cancer38) Чат: Totally Arm Chair39) НАСА: Telemetry and Command Computer, Total Airflow Control40) СМС: Take A Chance -
10 Tac
1) Общая лексика: Центр временного размещения( для беженцев, мигрантов) (Temporary accommodation centre)3) Медицина: thoracic aortic calcification4) Спорт: Total Allowed Catches, Triple A Chicago5) Военный термин: Tactical Access Controller, Tactical Command Post, Team Aerial Combat, Technical Advisory Committee, Technology Assessment Center, Terminal Access Control, Test Advisory Committee, Theater Airlift Command, Total Aerial Combat, Total Amount of Codes, Total Area Coverage, Transportation Account Code, Tri-Service Tactical Digital Communication System, tactical CP, tactical air control, tactical air controller, tactical airlift center, tactical assignment console, tactical coordinator, tank tire control, target acquisition center, target acquisition console, technical applications center, technical area coordinator, telemetry and control, terminal area control, theater Army communications, tracking accuracy control, training aids center, training alarm controller, trouble analysis chart, type of activity code, Terrain Analysis Center (U.S. Army)6) Техника: TELENET access controller, teletext data acquisition and control module, television advisory committee, time-to-amplitude converter, transformer analog computer, translator, assembler, computer7) Сельское хозяйство: Total Available Carbohydrate8) Строительство: thick asbestos-cement9) Математика: Triangle Array Cross10) Бухгалтерия: Total Average Cost11) Фармакология: Technical Auditing Committee12) Автомобильный термин: throttle actuator control, thermostatic air cleaner (GM)13) Астрономия: The Astronomy Connection14) Ветеринария: Tiger Authentication Committee15) Грубое выражение: Took A Crap16) Телекоммуникации: Terminal Access Circuit17) Сокращение: Tactical Advanced Computer, Tactical Air Command, Tactical Airlift Command (Now defunct (USA)), Technical Activities Committee, Threat Adaptive Countermeasures, Trade Agreement Committee, Training And Awareness Conference, Trapped Air Cushion, Terminal Access Controller (replaced TIP; ARPANET/MILNET)18) Университет: Teach Advise And Counsel, Thomas Aquinas College19) Электроника: Telemetry and Command, Time Amplitude Converter, Time To Amplitude Converter, Transparent Audio Compression20) Вычислительная техника: token access controller, transistorized automatic control, Terminal Access Controller (ARPANET/MILNET, replaced TIP), Technical Assistance Center (Cisco), Type Approval Code (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems), Technology Access Center (Rogue-Wave), Tactical Air Command (see)21) Токсикология: ОДК, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимое количество22) Транспорт: This Ain't Controls, Transport Accident Commission23) Воздухоплавание: Tacan, Terminal Control Area24) Фирменный знак: The Adventure Company, The Angel Company, The Art Corner, Trustee Assistance Corporation25) Экология: ТКК, технический консультативный комитет26) СМИ: Title Author Call27) Деловая лексика: Tenants Are Customers, Time Activity Curve, Total Activity Cycle, общий размер рыболовных квот (total allowed catches)28) Образование: Teach Assess And Counsel, Teens Against Chemicals29) Сетевые технологии: Terminal Access Controller, Totally Accurate Controller, Type Of Address Code, technical assistance center, контроллер доступа к терминалу, центр технической помощи30) ЕБРР: Technical Assistance Centre31) Полимеры: triallyl cyanurate32) Туризм: (Travel Agent Commission) комиссионные туристической фирмы33) Океанография: Total Allowable Catch34) Химическое оружие: Transatlantic Center, training activities contractor, transport associated car35) Электротехника: turbine automatic control36) ООН: Treaty Of Amity And Cooperation37) Общественная организация: Teens Against Cancer38) Чат: Totally Arm Chair39) НАСА: Telemetry and Command Computer, Total Airflow Control40) СМС: Take A Chance -
11 tac
1) Общая лексика: Центр временного размещения( для беженцев, мигрантов) (Temporary accommodation centre)3) Медицина: thoracic aortic calcification4) Спорт: Total Allowed Catches, Triple A Chicago5) Военный термин: Tactical Access Controller, Tactical Command Post, Team Aerial Combat, Technical Advisory Committee, Technology Assessment Center, Terminal Access Control, Test Advisory Committee, Theater Airlift Command, Total Aerial Combat, Total Amount of Codes, Total Area Coverage, Transportation Account Code, Tri-Service Tactical Digital Communication System, tactical CP, tactical air control, tactical air controller, tactical airlift center, tactical assignment console, tactical coordinator, tank tire control, target acquisition center, target acquisition console, technical applications center, technical area coordinator, telemetry and control, terminal area control, theater Army communications, tracking accuracy control, training aids center, training alarm controller, trouble analysis chart, type of activity code, Terrain Analysis Center (U.S. Army)6) Техника: TELENET access controller, teletext data acquisition and control module, television advisory committee, time-to-amplitude converter, transformer analog computer, translator, assembler, computer7) Сельское хозяйство: Total Available Carbohydrate8) Строительство: thick asbestos-cement9) Математика: Triangle Array Cross10) Бухгалтерия: Total Average Cost11) Фармакология: Technical Auditing Committee12) Автомобильный термин: throttle actuator control, thermostatic air cleaner (GM)13) Астрономия: The Astronomy Connection14) Ветеринария: Tiger Authentication Committee15) Грубое выражение: Took A Crap16) Телекоммуникации: Terminal Access Circuit17) Сокращение: Tactical Advanced Computer, Tactical Air Command, Tactical Airlift Command (Now defunct (USA)), Technical Activities Committee, Threat Adaptive Countermeasures, Trade Agreement Committee, Training And Awareness Conference, Trapped Air Cushion, Terminal Access Controller (replaced TIP; ARPANET/MILNET)18) Университет: Teach Advise And Counsel, Thomas Aquinas College19) Электроника: Telemetry and Command, Time Amplitude Converter, Time To Amplitude Converter, Transparent Audio Compression20) Вычислительная техника: token access controller, transistorized automatic control, Terminal Access Controller (ARPANET/MILNET, replaced TIP), Technical Assistance Center (Cisco), Type Approval Code (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems), Technology Access Center (Rogue-Wave), Tactical Air Command (see)21) Токсикология: ОДК, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимая концентрация, ориентировочно допустимое количество22) Транспорт: This Ain't Controls, Transport Accident Commission23) Воздухоплавание: Tacan, Terminal Control Area24) Фирменный знак: The Adventure Company, The Angel Company, The Art Corner, Trustee Assistance Corporation25) Экология: ТКК, технический консультативный комитет26) СМИ: Title Author Call27) Деловая лексика: Tenants Are Customers, Time Activity Curve, Total Activity Cycle, общий размер рыболовных квот (total allowed catches)28) Образование: Teach Assess And Counsel, Teens Against Chemicals29) Сетевые технологии: Terminal Access Controller, Totally Accurate Controller, Type Of Address Code, technical assistance center, контроллер доступа к терминалу, центр технической помощи30) ЕБРР: Technical Assistance Centre31) Полимеры: triallyl cyanurate32) Туризм: (Travel Agent Commission) комиссионные туристической фирмы33) Океанография: Total Allowable Catch34) Химическое оружие: Transatlantic Center, training activities contractor, transport associated car35) Электротехника: turbine automatic control36) ООН: Treaty Of Amity And Cooperation37) Общественная организация: Teens Against Cancer38) Чат: Totally Arm Chair39) НАСА: Telemetry and Command Computer, Total Airflow Control40) СМС: Take A Chance -
12 tag
1) Компьютерная техника: Transaction Analysis Graphics2) Спорт: Take And Give3) Военный термин: TEMPEST Advisory Group, Target Actions Group, Target Aimpoint Graphic, The Adjutant General, Theater Army Group, Troop Action Guidance, tactical airlift group, technical assessment group, telemetry-system analysis group, terminating and grounding, test analysis guide, training aids guide, transport air group5) Религия: The Ares Gods6) Железнодорожный термин: Norfolk Southern Railway Company7) Юридический термин: Tactical Assault Group8) Телекоммуникации: Technical Advisory Group (IEEE 802)9) Сокращение: Tactical Air Group (Canadian Air Command), Target Adaptive Guidance circuit, Telescoped-Ammunition Gun, Towed Acoustic Generator, Training Advisory Group (UK)10) Университет: Transfer Admission Guarantee11) Физиология: Topical Antimicrobial Gel12) Вычислительная техника: Technical Advisory Group (PIMA, I3C)14) Пищевая промышленность: triacylglycerol15) Фирменный знак: Thomas Aircraft Group16) Деловая лексика: Teambuilding Adventure And Growth, Technical Assistance Group17) Образование: Talented And Gifted, Teacher Advisor Group, Teacher Assistance Given, Tuition Aid Grant18) Океанография: Trans Atlantic Geotraverse19) Химическое оружие: Transatlantic Center20) Авиационная медицина: trans-cockpit authority gradient21) Расширение файла: Technical Advisory Group22) Должность: Technician Affiliate Group23) AMEX. Tag- It Pac, Inc. -
13 TAT
1. target aircraft transmitter - бортовой передатчик самолёта-мишени;2. technical acceptance team - группа технической приёмки;3. television awareness training - подготовка специалистов в области телевидения;4. terramycin animal formula - формула террамицина для животных;5. thinned aperture telescope - телескоп с уменьшенной апертурой;6. thyrosine aminotransferase - тирозинаминотрансфераза;7. toxin-antitoxin - токсин антитоксин;8. trace acceptance tester - приёмосдаточный испытатель прикладных программ;9. transatlantic cable - трансатлантический кабель;10. turnaround time - межремонтный срок службы; общее время производственного цикла; длительность цикла обработки; время прогона;11. two-axis tracking - слежение по двум координатам;12. type-approval test - типовые испытания на соответствие техническим условиям -
14 line
линия; цепь ( боевой порядок) ; линия фронта; развернутый строй; позиция; ( оборонительный) рубеж; проводная связь; провод, кабель; отмечаться по основному направлению— assault starting line— ASW line— bomb safety line— cable communication line— hot line— launching line— line one— lines of communications— O-O line— secured line— target sighting line -
15 flight
полет; рейс; перелёт; звено; летательный аппарат ( в полете) ; ркт. стартовый комплекс; лётный; полётный; бортовой1g flight — прямолинейный горизонтальный полет, полет с единичной перегрузкой, полет без ускорения или торможения
45° climbing inverted flight — набор высоты под углом 45° в перевёрнутом положении
45° climbing knife flight — набор высоты под углом 45° с боковым скольжением, подъём «по лезвию» под углом 45°
45° diving knife flight — пикирование под углом 45° с боковым скольжением, пикирование «по лезвию» под углом 45°
45° sliding flight — набор высоты под углом 45° с боковым скольжением, подъём «по лезвию» под углом 45°
45° sliding flight — пикирование под углом 45° с боковым скольжением, пикирование «по лезвию» под углом 45°
90° climbing flight — вертикальный подъём, отвесный набор высоты
break up in flight — разрушаться в воздухе [в полете]
Doppler hold hovering flight — полет на висении со стабилизацией по доплеровскому измерителю скорости сноса
flight at the controls — полет за рычагами управления (в качестве лётчика, пилотирующего самолёт)
flight on the deck — бреющий полет, полет на предельно малой высоте
— q flight
См. также в других словарях:
2006 transatlantic aircraft plot — 2006 transatlantic airline plots in the United Kingdom Timeline Suspects Security reaction … Wikipedia
2006 transatlantic aircraft plot suspects — According to British and American authorities, the 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot was a terrorist plot to detonate liquid explosives carried on board several airliners travelling from the United Kingdom to the United States. [cite web |… … Wikipedia
2006 transatlantic aircraft plot security reaction — This article details the security reaction to the 2006 alleged transatlantic aircraft plot.United KingdomFollowing the raids, the terror alert level was raised by Britain s Joint Terrorist Analysis Centre from severe to critical , signalling an… … Wikipedia
Transatlantic flight — is the flight of an aircraft, whether fixed wing aircraft, balloon or other device, which involves crossing the Atlantic Ocean mdash; with a starting point in North America or South America and ending in Europe or Africa, or vice… … Wikipedia
Transatlantic relations — refers to the historic, cultural, political, economic and social relations between countries on both side of the Atlantic Ocean. Sometimes specifically those between the United States, Canada and the countries in Europe, although other meanings… … Wikipedia
Timeline of the 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot — The following is the timeline of events linked to the British terror alert on 10 August 2006.Mid AugustAugust 10August 13August 16August 19August 22August 25eptembereptember 4OctoberOctober 10NovemberNovember 1References … Wikipedia
Transatlantic crossing — For other uses of the term Transatlantic, see Transatlantic (disambiguation). Transatlantic crossings are passages of passengers and cargo across the Atlantic Ocean between the Americas and Europe. Prior to the 19th century, transatlantic… … Wikipedia
Transatlantic tunnel — A transatlantic tunnel is a theoretical tunnel which would span the Atlantic Ocean between North America and Europe and would carry mass transit of some type trains are envisioned in most proposals.Using advanced technologies, speeds of 300 to… … Wikipedia
Abdul Waheed (suspected aircraft bomb plotter) — For other uses, see Abdul Waheed (disambiguation). Abdul Waheed or Wahid, formerly Donald Douglas Stewart Whyte (born June 1986) is one of the suspects arrested in the United Kingdom on August 10, 2006, in connection with the 2006 transatlantic… … Wikipedia
Cargo aircraft — A cargo aircraft (also known as freighters or freight aircraft) is an fixed wing aircraft designed or converted for the carriage of goods, rather than passengers. They are devoid of passenger amenities, and generally feature one or more large… … Wikipedia
Narrow-body aircraft — This Virgin America Airbus A320 is an example of a narrow body passenger cabin. A narrow body aircraft (also known as a single aisle aircraft) is an airliner with a fuselage aircraft cabin width typically of 3 to 4 metres (10 to 13 ft), and… … Wikipedia