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tramp vessel

См. также в других словарях:

  • tramp vessel — A ship operating without schedule and not as a component of a fleet of a shipping company, picking up cargo as it finds it …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • tramp — ► VERB 1) walk heavily or noisily. 2) walk wearily or reluctantly over a long distance. ► NOUN 1) an itinerant homeless person who lives by begging or doing casual work. 2) the sound of heavy steps. 3) a long walk. 4) a cargo ve …   English terms dictionary

  • Tramp (disambiguation) — A tramp is a type of vagrant. It may also refer to:In entertainment: * The Tramp, an iconic character played by Charlie Chaplin ** The Tramp (film), a 1915 short film in which he appeared * The Tramp (song), one of Joe Hill s most well known… …   Wikipedia

  • tramp — /træmp / (say tramp) verb (i) 1. to tread or walk with a firm, heavy, resounding step. 2. to walk steadily; march; trudge. 3. to go about as a vagrant or tramp. 4. to make a voyage on a tramp (def. 21). 5. to hike. 6. NZ → bushwalk (def. 1). 7.… …  

  • tramp — tramper, n. trampish, adj. trampishly, adv. trampishness, n. /tramp/, v.i. 1. to tread or walk with a firm, heavy, resounding step. 2. to tread heavily or trample (usually fol. by on or upon): to tramp on a person s toes. 3. to walk steadily;… …   Universalium

  • tramp — [[t]træmp[/t]] v. i. 1) to tread or walk with a firm, heavy step 2) to tread heavily or trample (usu. fol. by on or upon) 3) to walk steadily; march; trudge 4) to go on a walking excursion; hike 5) to go about as a vagabond or tramp 6) to make a… …   From formal English to slang

  • tramp — verb 1》 walk noisily. 2》 walk wearily over a long distance. noun 1》 an itinerant homeless person who lives by begging or doing casual work. 2》 the sound of heavy steps. 3》 a long walk. 4》 a cargo vessel running between many different ports rather …   English new terms dictionary

  • ТРАМП — [сокр. < англ. tramp vessel < tramp бродяга + vessel корабль] грузовое судно, занимающееся перевозками в зависимости от наличия грузов, без фиксированного расписания; фрахтуется на условиях чартера (ЧАРТЕР). Словарь иностранных слов. Комлев Н.Г …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • Hurricane Nina (1957) — Infobox Hurricane Name=Hurricane Nina (1957) Type=hurricane Year=1957 Basin=CPac Formed= November 29, 1957 Dissipated=December 6, 1957 Pressure=≤1002cite web|author=Central Pacific Hurricane Center|year=2007|title=1957 Central Pacific Hurricane… …   Wikipedia

  • SS English Trader — The SS English Trader was a merchant ship which was wrecked in 1941 off the coast of Norfolk, England on the Hammond s Knoll sandbank. [The loss of the English Trader, By Cyril Jolly,Chapter 1, Page 1 ISBN 0906554063 ] . Several epic rescue… …   Wikipedia

  • ТРАМП — (англ. tramp vessel от tramp бродяга) грузовое судно, перевозящее любые массовые грузы по любым направлениям нерегулярно, без определенного расписания (т.н. бродячее судно), в отличие от лайнера, используемого для плановых перевозок по… …   Энциклопедический словарь экономики и права

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