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См. также в других словарях:

  • Unionist — may refer to:Trade Unions*A member or supporter of a trade unionEuropeUnited KingdomIn the United Kingdom, British unionists are those people and political organisations who wish their area to remain or become part of the United Kingdom. More… …   Wikipedia

  • trade unionist — trade unionists also trades unionist N COUNT A trade unionist is an active member of a trade union …   English dictionary

  • trade unionist — trade union (Brit. also trades union) ► NOUN ▪ an organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests. DERIVATIVES trade unionism noun trade unionist noun …   English terms dictionary

  • trade-unioniste — trade union [ trɛdynjɔ̃; trɛdjunjɔn ] n. f. • 1876; mot angl., de trade « métier » et union « union » ♦ En Grande Bretagne, Syndicat ouvrier corporatiste. Les trade unions. N. m. TRADE UNIONISME [ trɛdynjɔnism ]; adj. et n. TRADE UNIONISTE . ⊗… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Trade unions in Niger — are free to engage in regular unionist activities, with constitutionally protected provisions for forming and joining trade unions. However, with 95% the working population engaged in subsistence activities, cite book year = 2005 title = Trade… …   Wikipedia

  • unionist — ► NOUN 1) a member of a trade union. 2) (Unionist) a person in Northern Ireland in favour of union with Great Britain. DERIVATIVES unionism noun …   English terms dictionary

  • trade-unionistes — ● trade unioniste, trade unionistes adjectif et nom (anglais trade unionist) Relatif au trade unionisme ; partisan du trade unionisme …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • trade union — also .trades union n BrE an organization, usually in a particular trade or profession, that represents workers, especially in meetings with employers American Equivalent: labor union >trade unionist n >trade unionism n [U] …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • trade union — n. 1. LABOR UNION: also Chiefly Brit. trades union 2. a labor union consisting of workers in a particular trade or craft trade unionism n. trade unionist n …   English World dictionary

  • trade-un|ion|ist — trade unionist, or trade un|ion|ist «TRAYD YOON yuh nihst», noun. 1. a member of a trade union. 2. a supporter of trade unionism …   Useful english dictionary

  • trade union — (Brit. also trades union) ► NOUN ▪ an organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests. DERIVATIVES trade unionism noun trade unionist noun …   English terms dictionary

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