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со всех языков на словенский


  • 1 blě̑dъ

    blě̑dъ Grammatical information: adj. o Accent paradigm: c Proto-Slavic meaning: `pale'
    Page in Trubačev: II 111-112
    Old Church Slavic:
    blědъ `pale' [adj o]
    bledój (dial.) `pale' [adj o];
    blëdyj (dial.) `pale' [adj o]
    blidýj `pale' [adj o]
    bledý `pale' [adj o]
    bledý `pale' [adj o]
    blady `pale' [adj o]
    bladḯ `pale' [adj o]
    Upper Sorbian:
    blědy `pale, bright' [adj o]
    Lower Sorbian:
    blědy `pale' [adj o]
    blȉjed `pale' [adj o], blijèda [Nomsf];
    Čak. blȋd (Vrgada) `pale' [adj o], blīdȁ [Nomsf], blȋdo [Nomsn];
    Čak. bliȇt (Orbanići) `pale' [adj o], bliedȁ [Nomsf]
    blẹ̑d `pale' [adj o]
    bled `pale' [adj o]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: bloiʔd-(u̯)ó-
    blaĩvas `whitish, blue, sober' [adj o] 4
    Indo-European reconstruction: bʰloid-(u̯)o-
    Page in Pokorny: 160
    Comments: In view of Winter's law, we would expect to find traces of a glottalic element in Balto-Slavic. The accentuation of Lith. blaivas - the Proto-Slavic form is mobile and therefore inconclusive - offers no evidence for an original acute, however. Pokorny's reconstruction *bhlǝido-s is impossible for Slavic and *bhleh₂ido-s is incompatible with the mobile accentuation of the adjective in Balto-Slavic.
    Other cognates:
    OE blāt `pale' [adj];
    OHG bleizza `pallor' [f]

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > blě̑dъ

  • 2 čàjati

    čàjati Grammatical information: v. Accent paradigm: a
    Page in Trubačev: IV 10-11
    Old Church Slavic:
    čajati `expect, thirst for, hope for' [verb], čajǫ [1sg]
    čájat' `expect, hope for' [verb], čáju [1sg], čáet [3sg] \{1\}
    čȁjati `wait' [verb]
    čȃjati `wait' [verb], čȃjem [1sg]
    Indo-European reconstruction: kweh₁i-e/o-
    Certainty: +
    Page in Pokorny: 636
    Comments: Its has been a matter of dispute (see LIV s.v. * kʷei-) whether or not the root contains a laryngeal. Even though Dybo (1968: 205, 234, 236) classifies čajati as (c), it seems to me that the evidence warrants the reconstruction of AP (a), which in my framework implies the former presence of a laryngeal.
    Other cognates:
    Skt. cā́yati `perceive, observe' [verb];
    Gk. τίω `esteem, respect highly' [verb]
    \{1\} Also AP (a) in Old Russian, with traces of (c) (Zaliznjak 1985: 133).

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > čàjati

  • 3 nòvъ

    nòvъ Grammatical information: adj. o Accent paradigm: b Proto-Slavic meaning: `new'
    Page in Trubačev: XXVI 9-13
    nóvyj `new' [adj o] \{1\}
    nový `new' [adj o]
    nový `new' [adj o]
    nowy `new' [adj o]
    nȍv `new' [adj o], nȍva [Nomsf];
    Čak. nȍvī (Vrgada) `new' [adj o], nȍvå̄ [Nomsf], nȍvō [Nomsn];
    Čak. novȋ (Novi) `new' [adj o];
    Čak. nuõf (Orbanići) `new' [adj o], nȍva [Nomsf], nȍvo [Nomsn]
    nòv `new' [adj o], nóva [Gens];
    nọ̑v `new' [adj o]
    nov `new' [adj o]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: nou(i)os
    naũjas `new' [adj o]
    Indo-European reconstruction: neuos
    IE meaning: new
    Certainty: +
    Page in Pokorny: 769
    Other cognates:
    Skt. náva- (RV+) `new, fresh, young' [adj];
    Gk. νέος `new' [adj];
    Lat. novus `new' [adj];
    Go. niujis `new' [adj]
    \{1\} AP (c) in Old Russian with traces of (b) (Zaliznjak 1985: 138).

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > nòvъ

  • 4 rębika

    rębika; rębina Grammatical information: f. ā Proto-Slavic meaning: `rowan tree'
    rjabíka (dial.) `rowan tree' [f ā];
    rjabína `rowan tree' [f ā]
    rjabýna (dial.) `rowan tree' [f ā]
    rebika (dial.) `rowan tree' [f ā]
    rebíka `rowan tree' [f ā]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: ri(m)ʔb-;; ru(m)ʔb-
    ìrbė `partridge' [f ē] 1;
    irbẽnis `snowball-tree' [m io]
    ir̃be `partridge' [f ē];
    irbęnājs `snowball-tree' [m o];
    rubenis `black grouse' [m io]
    Indo-European reconstruction: r(e)mb-
    Certainty: -
    Page in Pokorny: 334
    Comments: Latv. rubenis < *rub- and OIc. rjúpa < *reub- lack the nasal element of *ręb- but nevertheless seem to be cognate. Lith. ráibas, Latv. ràibs `speckled, variegated' (= Ukr. ribyj?) probably belongs here as well. The i: u alternation in the root and the traces of prenasalization (not to mention the *e- of jerębъ) definitely point to a non-Indo-European origin. The u of Latv. rubenis must have been secondarily shortened because in view of Winter's law we would have expected *rūbenis, cf. Lith. ìrbė, Latv. ir̃be `hazel-grouse'.
    Other cognates:
    OIc. rjúpa `ptarmigan' [f] \{1\}

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > rębika

  • 5 rębina

    rębika; rębina Grammatical information: f. ā Proto-Slavic meaning: `rowan tree'
    rjabíka (dial.) `rowan tree' [f ā];
    rjabína `rowan tree' [f ā]
    rjabýna (dial.) `rowan tree' [f ā]
    rebika (dial.) `rowan tree' [f ā]
    rebíka `rowan tree' [f ā]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: ri(m)ʔb-;; ru(m)ʔb-
    ìrbė `partridge' [f ē] 1;
    irbẽnis `snowball-tree' [m io]
    ir̃be `partridge' [f ē];
    irbęnājs `snowball-tree' [m o];
    rubenis `black grouse' [m io]
    Indo-European reconstruction: r(e)mb-
    Certainty: -
    Page in Pokorny: 334
    Comments: Latv. rubenis < *rub- and OIc. rjúpa < *reub- lack the nasal element of *ręb- but nevertheless seem to be cognate. Lith. ráibas, Latv. ràibs `speckled, variegated' (= Ukr. ribyj?) probably belongs here as well. The i: u alternation in the root and the traces of prenasalization (not to mention the *e- of jerębъ) definitely point to a non-Indo-European origin. The u of Latv. rubenis must have been secondarily shortened because in view of Winter's law we would have expected *rūbenis, cf. Lith. ìrbė, Latv. ir̃be `hazel-grouse'.
    Other cognates:
    OIc. rjúpa `ptarmigan' [f] \{1\}

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > rębina

  • 6 rębь

    rębь; rębъkъ Grammatical information: m. jo??; m. o Proto-Slavic meaning: `hazel-grouse, partridge'
    rjab' ( Dal': eccl., N. dial.) `sand-grouse, hazel-grouse' [m jo];
    rjabók (dial.) `hazel-grouse' [m o] \{1\}
    rę̑b `partridge' [m o]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: re/imbo-
    ìrbė `partridge' [f ē] 1;
    jerubė̃, jerumbė̃ (dial.) `hazel-grouse' [f ē] 3b
    ir̃be `partridge' [f ē];
    rubenis `black grouse' [m io]
    Indo-European reconstruction: r(e)mb-o-
    Certainty: -
    Page in Pokorny: 334
    Other cognates:
    OIc. rjúpa `ptarmigan' [f] \{2\}
    \{1\} Cf. rjábčik (the Standard Russian form), rjábuška and rjábec or rjabéc `hazel-grouse', rjábka `partridge' (Dal' s.v. rjabyj). The form rjabéc also means `trout'. \{2\} Latv. rubenis < *rub- and OIc. rjúpa < *reub- lack the nasal element of *ręb- and contain u but nevertheless seem to be cognate. Lith. raibas 3/4, Latv. ràibs `speckled, variegated' (Ukr. ribyj?) may belong here as well. The e: eu alternation and the traces of prenasalization (not to mention the *e- of jerębъ etc.) definitely point to a non-Indo-European origin. The u of Latv. rubenis poses a problem because in view of Winter's law we would have expected *rūbenis, cf. Lith. ìrbė, Latv. ir̃be `hazel-grouse'.

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > rębь

  • 7 rębъkъ

    rębь; rębъkъ Grammatical information: m. jo??; m. o Proto-Slavic meaning: `hazel-grouse, partridge'
    rjab' ( Dal': eccl., N. dial.) `sand-grouse, hazel-grouse' [m jo];
    rjabók (dial.) `hazel-grouse' [m o] \{1\}
    rę̑b `partridge' [m o]
    Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction: re/imbo-
    ìrbė `partridge' [f ē] 1;
    jerubė̃, jerumbė̃ (dial.) `hazel-grouse' [f ē] 3b
    ir̃be `partridge' [f ē];
    rubenis `black grouse' [m io]
    Indo-European reconstruction: r(e)mb-o-
    Certainty: -
    Page in Pokorny: 334
    Other cognates:
    OIc. rjúpa `ptarmigan' [f] \{2\}
    \{1\} Cf. rjábčik (the Standard Russian form), rjábuška and rjábec or rjabéc `hazel-grouse', rjábka `partridge' (Dal' s.v. rjabyj). The form rjabéc also means `trout'. \{2\} Latv. rubenis < *rub- and OIc. rjúpa < *reub- lack the nasal element of *ręb- and contain u but nevertheless seem to be cognate. Lith. raibas 3/4, Latv. ràibs `speckled, variegated' (Ukr. ribyj?) may belong here as well. The e: eu alternation and the traces of prenasalization (not to mention the *e- of jerębъ etc.) definitely point to a non-Indo-European origin. The u of Latv. rubenis poses a problem because in view of Winter's law we would have expected *rūbenis, cf. Lith. ìrbė, Latv. ir̃be `hazel-grouse'.

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > rębъkъ

  • 8 znamenьje

    znamenьje Grammatical information: n. io Proto-Slavic meaning: `sign'
    Old Church Slavic:
    znamenie `sign' [n io]
    znamení `sign' [n io]
    znamenie `sign' [n io]
    znȁmēnje `sign, symbol, omen' [n jo];
    Čak. znamiẽnje (Orbanići) `traces, trail' [n jo]
    známenje `sign' [n jo]
    Indo-European reconstruction: ǵneh₃-men-
    Other cognates:
    Gk. γνω̃μα `sign, symptom' [n]

    Slovenščina-angleščina big slovar > znamenьje

См. также в других словарях:

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