1 towing attachment
2 towing attachment
1) Сельское хозяйство: сцепное устройство2) Автомобильный термин: буксирное приспособление, сцепное приспособление -
3 towing attachment
буксирное приспособление; сцепное приспособление* * * -
4 towing attachment
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > towing attachment
5 attachment
принадлежность; приспособление; устройство; присоединение; дополнительная насадка; соединение; скрепление; прикрепление; прицепка; приставка; крепление; вспомогательная деталь; накладная головка- attachment bolt - attachment cap - attachment chain - attachment changing - attachment clip - attachment cord - attachment crane - attachment cross-section - attachment cylinder - attachment device - attachment features - attachment fitting - attachment flange - attachment frame - attachment head - attachment instability - attachment line - attachment magazine - attachment of fittings - attachment plate - attachment plug - attachment point - attachment rack - attachment refit - attachment retainer - attachment screw - attachment section - attachment spindle - attachment spring - attachment's tool changer - attachment unit interface - angle head attachment - angle head drilling attachment - angle head milling attachment - angle spindle attachment - auto-change electrode attachment - axle attachment - auxiliary attachment - back-working attachment - backhoe attachment - backlash-eliminating attachment - bagging attachment - ball attachment - ball-and-socket attachment - bearing cup pulling attachment - beater attachment - bolt-and-socket attachment - bolt-on attachment - bolted-on attachment - bunching attachment - bundle clamping attachment - cam-milling attachment - caterpillar attachment - circular milling attachment - circular planing attachment - clevis eye attachment - coarse threading attachment - collet chuck attachment - collet handwheel attachment - compound indexing attachment - compound vertical milling attachment - compound vertical-spindle attachment - concave planing attachment - cone center attachment - control attachment - convex planing attachment - copy-milling attachment - cross-drill attachment - crowning attachment - cutting attachment - cutter-driving attachment - cutter-sharpening attachment - cylinder attachment - cylindrical attachment - differential indexing attachment - dividing attachment - dovetail blade attachment - draft attachment - draw-in attachment - driving attachment - duplex planing attachment - duplex radial planing attachment - dust-removing attachment - dwell control attachment - end-working attachment - extra attachment - face-mounted attachment - facing attachment - fast-acting attachment - felling attachment - finder attachment - fir-tree blade attachment - flange attachment - flap attachment - gear cutting attachment - grinding wheel attachment - gripping attachment - groove-type blade attachment - guide vane attachment - hand-feed attachment - head attachment - heavy milling attachment - high-speed attachment - high-speed milling attachment - Hirth-coupled attachment - horizontal milling attachment - illuminating attachment - impactor attachment - indexing attachment - instrument attachment - integral attachment - internal attachment - jaw-opening attachment - jig-grinding attachment - key-way attachment - lathe's taper attachment - lathe-tracer attachment - lathe-tracing attachment - lead attachment - lead screw tapping attachment - levelling attachment - lift-out attachment - location attachment - long-lead attachment - low-lead attachment - machining attachments - mast attachment - measuring attachment - milling attachment - milling-drilling attachment - miter attachment - miter-cutting attachment - mounting attachment - multispindle attachment - multispindle drilling attachment - multistop attachment - muzzle attachment - oil groove attachment - optional attachments - parking attachment - pickoff attachment - pin-type blade attachment - pitch-tracing attachment - planer attachment - planting attachment - plating attachment - positioning attachment - power takeoff attachment - profiling attachment - push-pull attachment - quality control attachment - rack-cutting attachment - rack-indexing attachment - rack-milling attachment - radius grinding attachment - radius planing attachment - radius turning attachment - recording attachment - relieving attachment - right-angle attachment - right-angle head attachment - right-angle milling attachment - rigid attachment - roller tenon attachment - roller-tongue attachment - rotary attachment - rotary milling attachment - rotary milling head attachment - rotary table attachment - screw attachment - screw-cutting attachment - screwed-on attachment - short-lead attachment - slotting attachment - spherical turning attachment - spindle attachment - spindle nose attachment - spindle-indexing attachment - spiral milling attachment - spring attachment - springing attachment - square hole drilling attachment - strain link tongue attachment - Swiss turning attachment - swivel-head vertical milling attachment - swiveling attachment - swiveling milling attachment - takeoff attachment - taper attachment - taper-turning attachment - tapering attachment - taut tape attachment - telescopic attachment - templet-copying attachment - tension link tongue attachment - thread-chasing attachment - thread-cutting attachment - thread-milling attachment - thread-rolling attachment - threading attachment - time-limit attachment - tongue attachment - tool taper attachment - tow attachment - towing attachment - tower attachment - tracer attachment - tracing attachment - tree shear attachment - trueing attachment - turnaround attachment - turret attachment - twin-clamp attachment - universal attachment - universal milling attachment - verifying attachment - vertical milling attachment - vertical-spindle milling attachment - web attachment - wheel-forming attachment - wheel grab attachment - wheelhead-mounted attachment - wide-angle attachment -
6 attachment
прикрепление; стыковка; прилипание ( пограничного слоя) ; присоединение ( скачка уплотнения) ; слияние ( частиц) ; приспособление; приставка; принадлежность; насадок -
7 attachment
1) крепление; прикрепление; присоединение•- bolt-and-socket attachment
- bolted-on attachment
- flange attachment
- spring attachment
- towing attachment
- web attachment -
8 tow attachment
= towing attachment; авто. буксировочное устройство; сцепное приспособление -
1) Общая лексика: (American Translators Association) Американская ассоциация переводчиков (http://www.atanet.org)2) Компьютерная техника: Advanced Technology Architecture, Analog Telephone Adaptor3) Авиация: фактическое время прибытия4) Медицина: anterior tibial artery, alimentary toxic aleukia5) Спорт: American Taekwondo Association6) Военный термин: Air Traffic Agency, Air Transport Association, Anti-Tank Assault, Army Transportation Association, Atlantic Treaty Association, Ocean Tug, actual time of arrival, additional training assembly, advanced tactical aircraft, air training advisor, air training area, air transport auxiliary, air-to-air, automatic track acquisition, automatic tracking antenna, auxiliary timer assembly, aviation training aids, перспективный испытательный ускоритель, перспективный тактический самолёт7) Техника: American Translators Association, American Trucking Association, ammonium triacetate, attention active, avionics test article, azimuth torquer amplifier8) Шутливое выражение: All Terrain Ants, Always Tardy Airlines9) Юридический термин: Alternatives To Aggression10) Экономика: Admission Temporaire, Temporary Admission11) Автомобильный термин: American Tracking Association, Американская автотранспортная ассоциация12) Ветеринария: Animal Transport Association13) Грубое выражение: Any Time Anywhere14) Телекоммуникации: Analog Telephone Adapter15) Сокращение: Advanced Test Accelerator, Aerospace Technologies of Australia, American Taxpayers Association, American Teachers Association, Army Technical Architecture, Automatic Target Acquisition, Automatic Terrain Avoidance, Automatic Trouble Analysis, Auxiliary Ocean Tug (USA), Advanced Technology (AT) Attachment, Asynchronous Terminal Adapter, Agrarische Termijnmarkt Amsterdam (Netherlands)16) Физиология: Abort The Abortion17) Вычислительная техника: ARCnet Trade Association, advanced technology attachment, Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA, HDD), интерфейс ATA18) Нефть: accrued treasury assets19) Транспорт: A Tired American, Air Transport Association of America, American Taxicab Association, American Transit Association, American Trucking Associations, Arrival Times Approximate20) Пищевая промышленность: атипичный характер старения (белые вина) (atypical aging character of white wines)21) Фирменный знак: American Towing Alliance, American Trans Air23) Образование: application-theory-application (метод обучения)24) Сетевые технологии: AT attachment25) Полимеры: aurin-tricarbonic acid26) Телефония: analog terminal adapter, адаптер аналогового терминала27) Океанография: American Tunaboat Association28) Авиационная медицина: absolute atmosphere29) Hi-Fi. Automatic Tuner Activator30) Общественная организация: American Thyroid Association, American Tinnitus Association31) Международная торговля: Admission Temporaire-Temporary Admission -
10 point
точка; пункт; место; ориентир; вершина, острие, конец; деление ( шкалы) ; румб ( компаса) ; показывать, указывать100 foot point — точка на высоте 100 футов (30,5 м)
35-ft height point — точка на высоте 35 футов (10,5 м) над уровнем впп
computed air release point — расчётный пункт сброса (десанта, грузов); расчётная точка сбрасывания бомб
ground pressurization test point — точка наземной проверки герметичности [герметизации]
mean point of impact — центр [средняя точка] попаданий; геометрический центр площади рассеивания (бомб)
near wake critical point — аэрд. критическая точка н ближней области следа
one point per flight — один режим на [за] полет (об испытании)
oxygen (system) charging point — точка зарядки [заправки] кислородной системы
point of thrust termination — точка прекращения работы двигателя, конец активного участка
side load reaction point — точка [узел], воспринимающая боковую нагрузку
11 fitting
соединение, монтаж; установка; крепление; дооборудование, доработка; фитинг; pl. арматура -
12 device
1) устройство2) установка; агрегат3) аппарат4) механизм5) прибор; измерительное устройство7) компонент; элемент8) схема•devices identical in design — конструктивные аналоги;-
alphanumeric display device-
automatic exposure control device-
bubble memory device-
bucket brigade charge-coupled device-
decision-making device-
drilling bit feed device-
electrical device-
exposure control device-
Gunn-effect device-
Hall-effect device-
hard-copy output device-
household electrical device-
humidity detecting device-
hybrid-type device-
Josephson-effect device-
maneuvering propulsion device-
materials-handling device-
multiport device-
night observation device-
noise dampening device-
photoconducting device-
propulsion device-
protection device-
raster-display device-
registering pin device-
reversible film feeding device-
seed-feeding device-
supply reel braking device-
three-axis device -
13 point
1) точка2) остриё, острый конец || заострять4) положение; позиция; координата ( рабочего органа)5) указывать; ориентировать, наводить6) место; пункт11) ж.-д. стрелочный перевод; стрелка; остряк, перо ( стрелочного перевода)13) расшивать швы ( кладки)16) пишущий узел, пишущий элемент (ручки, карандаша)17) пищ. оценочный балл•point at infinity — бесконечно удалённая точка;to point off — отводить ( в сторону);to pass through a point — проходить через точку-
Abel flash point
acid dew point
actual point
acute round needle point
addressable point
adherent point
aerodrome check point
aerodrome reference point
agate arrestment point
aggregative transition point
agreed reporting point
aiming point
air supply breathing point
aircraft fire point
alternator pivot point
anchor point
anchorage point
aniline point
annealing point
antinodal point
aplantic points
arch work point
arithmetic point
array feed point
assumed point
attachment point
automatic point
azeotropic point
backoff point
backward stagnation point
balance point
base point
bend point
bending yield point
binary point
bleeding point
bleed point
blow point
blunt round needle point
boiling point
boundary point
branch point
breaker point
break-in point
breaking point
brittle point
bubble point
bucking point
bullet point
burble point
burn point
burning point
burnout point
burster point
cardinal points
casing point
central point
changeover point
characteristic point
check point
chemical-pinch point
chilling point
chisel point
clearing point
close spread collar point
closed flash point
cloud point
cold point
collinear points
collocation point
common depth point
compass points
concyclic points
condensation point
congelation point
consolute point
consumption point of current
contact point
contactor points
control point
control transfer point
corona point
correct point
coupler pivot point
coupling point
critical point
crossing point
crossover point
cryogen boiling point
Curie point
cuspidal point
cut point
cutoff point
cutting point
datum point
dead point
decimal point
defined point
delivery point
demixing point
dendritic point
depth reference point
destination point
destruction point
detonation point
dew point
dial indicator contact point
diamond grinding point
diamond point
directional kickoff point
discharge point
dispatching point
dispersion point
distinct curve collar point
distinct points
distinguished point
distribution point
double point
drain point
draw point
drawoff point
driving point
dropping point
dry point
dryout point
early warning point
edit point
edit-in point
edit-out point
elevation point
elliptic point
emission point
end point
energy breakeven point
entry point
entry-exit points
equal time point
equilibrium point
eutectic point
exclamation point
exhaustion end point
exit point
exterior point
extraction point
face point
fashioning point
fatigue point
feeding point
fiber saturation point
fiducial point
filling point
filling-in point
film entry point
film leaving point
final approach point
final boiling point
fine point
fire point
firing point
fixed point
flame break point
flare point
flash point
flexion point
flight reference point
flight way point
floating point
floc point
flooding point
flow point
flywheel dead point
focal point
forced open point
forward stagnation point
fouling point
freeze point
freezing point
French point
frontier point
frost point
fuel injection point
fuel servicing point
full point
fusing point
gage point
gaging point
gas hydrate formation point
gas point
geodetic point
glazier's point
gloss point
grasp point
grid point
grouped service points
half point
hammer point
hard points
heat point
heavy ball needle point
heavy rounded set needle point
heavy set needle point
holding point
hopper work point
horizontal control point
ice point
ignition point
image point
impact point
incongruent melting point
index point
infeed changeover point
initial point
injection point
insertion point
integral point
intended landing point
intercardinal point
interception point
intercept point
interior point
interlocked point
isoelectric point
jacking point
junction point
knee point
laminar separation point
landfall point of the storm
last departure point
lattice point
leaving point
leveling point
level point
lifter point
lifting point
lift-off point
light ball needle point
light rounded set needle point
light set needle point
limiting point
limit point
linking point
load point
loading point
load-unload point
long collar point
lower yield point
lubrication point
machine home point
macroyield point
maker point
matching point
matrix point
maximum power point
measurement point
measure point
medium ball needle point
melting point
mesh point
mid-boiling point
mixed melting point
movable point
multiple point
needle point
neutral point
nodal point
node point
noise measurement point
normal round needle point
observation point
open point
operation point
optimum point
panel point
paper point
paraffin crystallization point
peak point
pelerine point
pen point
pickup point
piercing point
pile stoppage point
pinch point
pinning point
pitch point
pivotal point
pivot point
plait point
plow point
point of absolute zero
point of arrival
point of contraflexure
point of curve
point of departure
point of discontinuity
point of distance
point of engagement
point of fault
point of force application
point of graph
point of hook
point of increase
point of inflection
point of intersection
point of load application
point of looper
point of maximum
point of minimum
point of no return
point of occlusion
point of sight
point of support
point of tangency
point of tree
porous point
pour point
power point
precision point
preroll point
primary calibration point
principal point
probe point
projected peak point
pullout point
quadrantal point
quarter-span point
quarter point
quiescent operating point
radix point
reaction point
receiving point
reentry point
reference point
reflection depth point
refraction depth point
regional heat point
reporting point
rerun point
ripper point
rounded set needle point
saddle point
salient point
saturation point
sectioning point
set needle point
set point
setting point
shot point
sighting point
singing point
single defect point
single point
singular point
sintering point
slinging point
smoke point
softening point
solder termination point
solidification point
source point
special ball needle point
spring point
square collar point
stable point
stadia point
stagnation point
star point
stationary breaker point
stitch transfer point
stuck point
subsatellite point
support point
surveying point
survey point
switch point
switching point
takeoff point
tangent point
tapping point
terminal point
termination point
test point
thaw point
thermal critical point
thermodynamic point
third point
threshold point
tie point
toll point
tool point
touch point
touchdown point
towing point
tow point
trailing point
transfer initiation point
transfer point
transformation point
transit point
transition point
trap point
triangulation point
triple point
tripping point
true molal boiling point
turning point
umbilical point
unload point
unloading point
upper yield point
valley point
vanishing point
vertical control point
visible point
vitrifying point
volumetric boiling point
water supply point
wax dropout point
weight boiling point
weight-drop point
well point
wiring point
word break point
working point
yield point
zero point -
14 lug
15 chain
цепь; ряд || соединять цепью || цепной- band chain
- block chain
- bushing chain
- bushing-stud chain
- chain of command
- close looped kinematic chain
- closed kinematic chain
- closed-link chain
- close-link chain
- complete kinematic chain
- compound kinematic chain
- continuous chain
- control chain
- curb chain
- cutting chain
- detachable chain
- dimension chain
- dismountable chain
- double-strand chain
- drag chain
- drive chain
- driving chain
- duplex roller chain
- endless chain
- Ewart chain
- flat-link chain
- flat-link hoisting chain
- guide chain
- guiding chain
- hauling chain
- hoisting chain
- hoisting coil chain
- index chain
- inverted-tooth chain
- kinematic chain
- laminated chain
- leading chain
- link chain
- load chain
- long chain
- loop chain
- main control chain
- measuring chain
- mobile chain
- multiflex chain
- multiple-strand chain
- open kinematic chain
- orbiting chain
- ordinary chain
- pitch chain
- power transmission chain
- precision index chain
- propelling chain
- pull chain
- pulling chain
- punched chain
- return chain
- roller chain
- safety chain
- silent chain
- single chain
- single-strand chain
- single-strand roller chain
- sprocket chain
- storage chain
- straight-link chain
- tension chain
- tested chain
- tool chain
- toothed chain
- tow chain
- towing chain
- transmission chain
- valve chain
- welded chainEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > chain
16 lug
lugвыступattachment lugузел крепленияdown-lock lugсерьга замка выпущенного положенияend lugнаконечникeye lugухоmounting lugмонтажное ухоtowing lugбуксировочный узелup-lock lugсерьга замка убранного положенияwire terminal lugнаконечник проводника
См. также в других словарях:
towing jaws — A coupling attachment on the rear of a truck cab into which the drawbar eye of a trailer fits to lock with a coupling bolt … Dictionary of automotive terms
Tractor — This article is about a vehicle used in agriculture or construction. For the power unit of a semi trailer truck (articulated lorry), see tractor unit. For other uses, see Tractor (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Bicycle trailer — A bicycle trailer is a motorless wheeled frame with a hitch system designed for transporting cargo by bicycle. A bicycle trailer expands the cargo carrying capacity of a bicycle greatly, allowing point to point transport of objects up to 4 cubic… … Wikipedia
Renault UE Chenillette — Infobox Weapon name= Renault UE Chenillette caption=Preserved UE 2 at the Musée des Blindés origin=France type=Prime mover is vehicle=yes service= used by=flagicon|France France flagicon|Nazi Germany Nazi Germany flagicon|Romania Romania wars=… … Wikipedia
Tow hitch — A tow hitch (or tow bar) is a device attached to the chassis of a vehicle for towing or a towbar to an aircraft nose gear, or paired main gears.It can take the form of a tow ball to allow and articulation of a trailer, or a tow pin and jaw with a … Wikipedia
Forklift truck — A forklift (also called a lift truck, a high/low, a stacker truck, or a sideloader) is a powered industrial truck used to lift and transport materials. The modern forklift was developed in the 1920s by various companies including the transmission … Wikipedia
Short Sunderland — infobox Aircraft name = Sunderland type = Military flying boat manufacturer = Short Brothers caption = designer = first flight = 16 October 1937 introduced = 1938 retired = 1967 status = primary user = Royal Air Force more users = French Navy… … Wikipedia
Corgi Toys — (trademark) is the name of a range of die cast toy vehicles produced by Mettoy Playcraft Ltd. in the United Kingdom. The Mettoy company was founded in 1933 by German émigré Philip Ullmann in Northampton, England, where he was later joined by… … Wikipedia
Midnight Towboy — The Simpsons episode Homer s first tow. Episode no. 403 Prod. code JABF21 Orig. … Wikipedia
Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster — The Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) are the pair of large solid rockets used by the Space Shuttle during the first two minutes of powered flight. They are located on either side of the orange external propellant tank. Each SRB produces … Wikipedia
Sukhoi Su-25 — infobox Aircraft name = Su 25 caption =Russian Air Force Su 25T type = Close air support aircraft manufacturer = Sukhoi Design Bureau designer = first flight = 22 February 1975 (T8) introduced = 1981 retired = status = Active service primary user … Wikipedia