1 Tough
Short message service: TUF -
2 tough
Short message service: TUF -
3 TOUGH LOVE International
Non-profit-making organization: TLIУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > TOUGH LOVE International
4 Tough And Long
Jocular: TL -
5 Tough Cat
Jocular: TC -
6 Tough Cookie
Chat: TC -
7 Tough Decision
American: TD -
8 Tough Guy
Chat: TG -
9 Tough Jeep
Jocular: TJ -
10 Tough Little Center
Food industry: TLCУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Tough Little Center
11 Tough Love
Non-profit-making organization: TL -
12 Tough Luck
Short message service: TL -
13 Tough Luck Charlie
Jocular: TLCУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Tough Luck Charlie
14 Tough Pigs
Food industry: TP -
15 Tough Plastic Sheathed
Electronics: TPSУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Tough Plastic Sheathed
16 Tough Shit
17 Tough Shit Administration
Rude: TSAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Tough Shit Administration
18 Tough Shit Retard
Rude: TSR -
19 Tough Shit, Asshole
Rude: TSAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Tough Shit, Asshole
20 Tough Shit, Jack
Rude: TSJ
См. также в других словарях:
tough´ly — tough «tuhf», adjective, adverb, noun, verb. –adjective. 1. bending without breaking: »Leather is tough; cardboard is not. 2. hard to cut, tear, or chew: »The steak was so tough, I couldn t eat it. 3. stiff; sticky: »tough clay … Useful english dictionary
Tough — Tough, a. [Compar. {Tougher}; superl. {Toughest}.] [OE. tough, AS. t[=o]h, akin to D. taai, LG. taa, tage, tau, OHG. z[=a]hi, G. z[aum]he, and also to AS. getenge near to, close to, oppressive, OS. bitengi.] 1. Having the quality of flexibility… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tough — 高校鉄拳伝タフ/タフ (Koko Tekken den Tough/Tough) Genre action, comédie, arts martiaux, sport Manga : Koko Tekken den Tough Type Seinen Auteur Tetsuya Saruwatari … Wikipédia en Français
tough — [tuf] adj. [ME < OE toh, akin to Ger zäh, tough, viscous, prob. < IE base * denk , to bite > TONGS] 1. strong but pliant; that will bend, twist, etc. without tearing or breaking 2. that will not cut or chew easily [tough steak] 3.… … English World dictionary
Tough — may refer to: * Tough (manga), a Japanese manga series by Tetsuya Saruwatari * Tough (song), by country music artist Craig Morgan * Tough (Kurtis Blow album), a 1982 album by Kurtis Blow * Tough (Wishbone Ash album), a 2008 album by Wishbone Ash… … Wikipedia
tough — 〈[ tʌ̣f] Adj.; umg.〉 hart, streng, tüchtig, selbstsicher, bestimmt ● die Verhandlungen waren sehr tough; ihr Auftreten ist tough [engl., „hart, zäh“] * * * tough [taf ; engl. tough, verw. mit ↑ zäh], taff [jidd. toff < hebr. tôv = gut] <Adj … Universal-Lexikon
tough — tough; tough·en; tough·ie; tough·ish; tough·ly; tough·ness; … English syllables
tough — [adj1] sturdy, strong brawny, cohesive, conditioned, dense, durable, fibrous, firm, fit, flinty, hard, hard as nails*, hard bitten*, hardened, hardy, healthy, indigestible, inflexible, leathery, lusty, mighty, molded, resilient, resistant, rigid … New thesaurus
tough´en|er — tough|en «TUHF uhn», transitive verb. to make tough or tougher: »He toughened his muscles by doing exercises. –v.i. to become tough or tougher: »His muscles finally toughened. –tough´en|er, noun … Useful english dictionary
tough|en — «TUHF uhn», transitive verb. to make tough or tougher: »He toughened his muscles by doing exercises. –v.i. to become tough or tougher: »His muscles finally toughened. –tough´en|er, noun … Useful english dictionary
Tough — TOUGH, a parish, in the district of Alford, county of Aberdeen, 5 miles (S. E. by E.) from Alford; containing 762 inhabitants. This place is situated partly in the northern and western portions of the Corrennie range, or Red hill, and partly… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland