1 total production rate
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > total production rate
2 total production rate
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > total production rate
3 total production rate
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > total production rate
4 total production rate
1) Нефть: общий дебит2) Нефтегазовая техника суммарный дебит -
5 total liquids production rate
Нефть и газ: общие темпы отбора продукцииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > total liquids production rate
6 rate
1. норма; ставка; тариф; расценка; цена; стоимость; оценка || исчислять; оценивать2. степень3. разряд; сорт; класс || классифицировать4. темп, скорость, быстрота протекания какого-нибудь процесса5. величина, расход6. производительность, номинальные рабочие данные машины7. отношение; пропорция9. определять, измерять; устанавливать, подсчитывать; фиксировать ( значение величины)rate of water injection — скорость нагнетания [подачи] воды
* * *
1. скорость; темп; интенсивность; степень2. норма3. стоимость; оценка
* * *
1. норма; скорость, темп, производительность2. размер, мера, масштаб3. цена, стоимость; тариф
* * *
быстрота; частота; скорость; интенсивность; оценка; норма
* * *
1) скорость; темп; интенсивность; степень2) норма3) стоимость; оценка•- rate of advance
- rate of aeration
- rate of angle increase
- rate of attack
- rate of crack propagation
- rate of deformation
- rate of delivery
- rate of development
- rate of deviation change
- rate of dilution
- rate of divergence
- rate of feed
- rate of flow
- rate of formation influx
- rate of grout
- rate of hole angle charge
- rate of hole deviation change
- rate of inspection
- rate of linkage
- rate of net drilling
- rate of oil recovery
- rate of penetration
- rate of percolation
- rate of piercing
- rate of pressure rise
- rate of rise
- rate of sedimentation
- rate of setting
- rate of sinking
- rate of solidification
- rate of throughput
- rate of travel
- rate of wear
- rate of yield
- abort rate
- absolute drilling rate
- accelerated failure rate
- acceptable degradation rate
- acceptable failure rate
- acceptable hazard rate
- acceptable malfunction rate
- admissible flow rate
- admissible production rate
- age-specific failure rate
- age-wear-specific failure rate
- air rate
- allowable flow rate
- allowable production rate
- anticipated failure rate
- assessed failure rate
- average daily flow rate
- average daily production rate
- average injection rate
- average monthly flow rate
- average monthly production rate
- average penetration rate
- average well monthly production rate
- basic failure rate
- bathtub hazard rate
- block rate
- blowout rate
- build rate
- burn-in hazard rate
- catalyst circulation rate
- catastrophic failure rate
- chance failure rate
- change rate
- circulation rate
- collective failure rate
- complaint rate
- component failure rate
- condensate production rate
- conditional failure rate
- constant rate
- constant failure rate
- constant production rate
- corrosion rate
- counting rate
- crack growth rate
- critical production rate
- cumulative failure rate
- current production rate
- cutting rate
- daily flow rate
- daily production rate
- damage rate
- decline rate
- decreasing failure rate
- decreasing hazard rate
- defect rate
- degradation rate
- degradation failure rate
- depletion rate
- deterioration rate
- discharge rate
- dormant failure rate
- drill penetration rate
- drilling rate
- efficient production rate
- engineering maximum efficient rate
- estimated flow rate
- estimated production rate
- failure rate
- far count rate
- fault rate
- feed rate
- feed-out rate
- field rate
- field-usage failure rate
- fieldwide rate of production
- fieldwide rate of recovery
- film-drainage rate
- filtration rate
- final flow rate
- final production rate
- flame jet cutting rate
- flat rate
- flaw rate
- flexible rates
- flooding rate
- flow rate
- flowing production rate
- fluid-flow rate
- flush production rate
- forced outage rate
- formation fluid withdrawal rate
- gas flow rate
- gas leak rate
- gas-free production rate
- general failure rate
- hazard rate
- improvement rate
- in-commission rate
- in-service failure rate
- incentive rate
- increasing failure rate
- initial rate
- initial failure rate
- initial flow rate
- initial production rate
- injection rate
- input rate
- instantaneous failure rate
- interval rate of production
- levelized rate
- limiting failure rate
- log-data rate
- long-spacing detector counting rate
- low production rate
- maintenance action rate
- maintenance downtime rate
- malfunction rate
- mass rate
- maximum efficiency rate
- maximum efficient rate
- maximum permissible rate
- maximum recovery rate
- mean failure rate
- median failure rate
- metered rate
- monotone failure rate
- near count rate
- negotiated rate
- nominal failure rate
- norm rate
- normalized failure rate
- observed defect rate
- observed failure rate
- oil flow rate
- oil production rate
- optimum failure rate
- optimum flow rate
- optimum production rate
- outage replacement rate
- pellet rate
- pipeline rate
- potential production rate
- predicted failure rate
- preventive maintenance rate
- production rate
- production decline rate
- productive rate
- pump rate
- pump stroke rate
- pumping rate
- ready rate
- receiving rate
- recovery rate
- recurrence rate
- reduced rate
- reliability rate
- reservoir voidage rate
- residential rate
- retail rate
- rig day rate
- sampling rate
- search rate
- seasonal rate
- settled production rate
- settling rate
- shear rate
- shooting rate
- short-spacing detector counting rate
- stable flow rate
- stable production rate
- standard failure rate
- steady production rate
- step rate
- storage failure rate
- straight fixed variable rate
- subsequent production rate
- system failure rate
- tanker loading rate
- target failure rate
- threshold flow rate
- total failure rate
- total production rate
- unacceptable failure rate
- unit rate of flow
- unit dimensionless production rate
- unit production rate
- unmetered rate
- unpowered failure rate
- unsteady production rate
- upper critical failure rate
- utilization rate
- variable production rate
- voidage rate
- volume flow rate
- water-free production rate
- water-influx rate
- water-injection rate
- water-intake rate
- wear-out failure rate
- welding rate
- well flow rate
- well production rate
- withdrawal rate* * *• 1) норма; 2) скорость• глубина• измерять• ставка• темп -
7 rate
3) частота4) расход5) норма || нормировать6) тариф || тарифицировать7) степень8) отношение; коэффициент10) оценка || оценивать11) определять; устанавливать; подсчитывать; рассчитывать (напр. мощность, несущую способность)•rates to consumers — тарифы на отпуск (напр. электроэнергии) потребителям-
absolute disintegrate rate
absorbed dose rate
acceptance rate
accident rate
adiabatic lapse rate
advance rate
aging rate
allowable leak rate
angular rate
annual depletion rate
application rate
area rate
arrival rate
ascensional rate
assessed failure rate
attenuation rate
autoconvective lapse rate
base wage rate
baud rate
bearer rate
beating rate
bit rate
bit-error rate
bit-transfer rate
block meter rate
block-error rate
boiling rate
boil-up rate
bonus rate
break flow rate
breeding rate
burning rate
calling rate
capture rate
carbonization rate
cargo rate
carrier-ionization rate
casting rate
catalyst circulation rate
charging rate
chipping rate
chip rate
chopping rate
circulation rate
class rate
climb rate
clock rate
closed rate
closure rate
coke rate
cold storage rates
collision rate
combustion rate
completion rate
concentration rate
containment leak rate
continuous rate
controlled rate
convective expansion rate
conversion rate
conveyance rate
cooling rate
core heat generation rate
corrosion rate
counting rate
crack growth rate
creep rate
crosshead rate
cure rate
cutter wear rate
daily consumptive use rate
data-transfer rate
data rate
decay rate
decompression rate
deflection rate
deionization rate
delivery rate
demand cost rate
demand rate
deposition rate
descent rate
development rate
deviation rate
differential rate
differentiated electricity rates
diffusion rate
directional rate
discharge rate
disposal rate
distance rate
dither rate
dosage rate
downtime rate
drainage rate
drawing rate
drift rate
drilling rate
droop rate
dry adiabatic lapse rate
electricity rate
electric rate
energy fluence rate
energy release rate
entropy production rate
entropy rate
erasing rate
erosion rate
error rate
etching rate
etch rate
evacuation rate
evaporating rate
excitation rate
exposure rate
failure rate
failure-per-mile rate
false alarm rate
fatal accident frequency rate
fatality rate
fault rate
feed rate
field germination rate
field-repetition rate
fieldwide rate of recovery
film rate
filtering rate
finishing rate
fire-propagation rate
firing rate
fission rate
flat rate
flexible rates
flicker rate
flooding rate
flotation rate
flour extraction rate
flow rate
flush production rate
flutter rate
forced outgage rate
frame rate
frame-repetition rate
freezing rate
freight rate
freight-all-kinds rates
frequency-sweep rate
frequency-tuning rate
fuel rate
functional throughput rate
gas leak rate
gathering rate
generation rate
grinding rate
growth rate
gyro drift rate
half-clock rate
hardening rate
heat absorption rate
heat dissipation rate
heat generation rate
heat rate
heat-flow rate
heating rate
heat-transfer rate
hit rate
image refresh rate
impact wear rate
in-commission rate
infiltration rate
information rate
injection rate
instantaneous failure rate
intermittent rate
ionization rate
irrigation rate
iso-wear rates
job rates
kerma rate
keying rate
lapse rate
leakage rate
linear wear rate
line-of-sight rate
line-repetition rate
liquid efflux rate
lubrication rate
maintenance rate
mass flow rate
mass wear rate
maximum efficiency rate
maximum permissible rate
maximum stepping rate
medium rate
melting rate
melt-off rate
metal-removal rate
modulation rate
moist-adiabatic lapse rate
NC programmed feed rate
negative flow rate
nucleation rate
Nyquist rate
obturation rate
off-peak power rate
operating rate
optimal feed rate
outgassing rate
output rate
overall drilling rate
oxidation rate
paging rate
peak power rate
penetration rate
percolation rate
phase generation rate
phase rate
picture-taking rate
pitch rate
plastic strain rate
positive flow rate
potential rate of evaporation
pouring rate
power rate
precipitation rate
predetermined rate
predicted failure rate
priming rate
printout rate
print rate
production decline rate
production rate
projection rate
proper feed rate
protection rate
pull rate
pulldown rate
pulse-recurrence rate
pulse rate
radiation rate
radioactive decay rate
range rate
rapid air cut feed rate
rapid return rate
rate of acceleration
rate of angular motion
rate of attack
rate of blowing
rate of braking
rate of carbon drop
rate of convergence
rate of crack propagation
rate of deformation
rate of dilution
rate of discharge
rate of dive
rate of energy input
rate of exchange
rate of exposure
rate of fall
rate of film movement
rate of gain
rate of hole deviation change
rate of lancing
rate of linkage
rate of loading
rate of opening
rate of plant depreciation
rate of pulse rise
rate of rainfall
rate of rise
rate of roll
rate of sedimentation
rate of shear
rate of slope
rate of stirring
rate of surface runoff
rate or carbon oxidation
reactivity insertion rate
reading rate
read rate
recovery rate
recycle rate
reflood rate
refresh rate
refrigeration rate
repetition rate
reset rate
residential rate
respiration rate
retail charter rate
retail rate
retention rate
rigidity rate
rolling rate
runout rate
sample rate
saturated-adiabatic lapse rate
saturation rate
scrap generation rate
scrap rate
secondary creep rate
sectorial rate
self-discharge rate
setting rate
settled production rate
settling rate
signaling rate
silicon pulling rate
slew rate
snowmelt inflow rate
solidification rate
sparking rate
specific commodity rate
specific heat flow rate
specific rate of flow
specific rate of sediment transport
specific wear rate
spreading rate of jet
spring rate
squeeze rate
standard rate
starting rate
steam rate
stepping rate
stock removal rate
strain rate
stress rate
sub-Nyquist rate
success rate
superadiabatic lapse rate
supply rate
survival rate
sweep rate
taking rate
tariff rate
temperature lapse rate
testing rate
thermal transfer rate
through rate
throughput rate
time rate of change
time rate
time-of-day electricity rate
time-of-day rate
tool-wear rate
total mass rate
tracking rate
traffic flow rate
transfer rate
transmission rate
transport rate
turn rate
turnover rate
twenty-five ampere rate
undetected error rate
uniform quench rate
unit rate
unloading rate
update rate
vaporizing rate
vitrification rate
voidage rate
voltage recovery rate
volume erosion rate
volume wear rate
volumetric flow rate
volumetric rate
vulcanization rate
water application rate
water consumption rate
water use rate
wear rate
weft insertion rate
weight rate
wheel removal rate
wholesale charter rate
wholesale rate
withdrawal rate
write writing rate
write rate
yawing rate
yaw rate
zero-crossing rate -
8 rate
скорость, быстрота; темп; интенсивность; вертикальная скорость; частота ( событий) ; норма, степень; балл; производительность; ( секундный) расход (жидкости, газа) ; стоимость ( билета) ; классифицировать, (под)разделять на категории; оценивать. rate of roll-out — угловая скорость крена при выводе (из разворота)
accelerate the rate of roll — увеличивать угловую скорость крена [вращения вокруг продольной оси]
aircraft operational readiness rate — процент [количество] боеготовых самолётов в подразделении
autopilot-induced rate of roll — угловая скорость крена, создаваемая автопилотом
break a rate of descent — прекращать снижение, резко уменьшать вертикальную скорость снижения
control surface (movement) rate — угловая скорость отклонения руля [поверхности управления]
cumulative aircraft accident rate — суммарный коэффициент аварийности (среднее число лётных происшествий за месяц, квартал или год)
diffusion limited recession rate — скорость уноса массы, ограниченная диффузией
jet engine base maintenance return rate — процент возврата в строй неисправных реактивных двигателей после ремонта в условиях аэродрома базирования
pilot's instrument scanning rate — быстрота обзора [считывания показаний] приборов лётчиком
radar altimeter sinking rate — измеренная радиолокационным высотомером вертикальная скорость снижения
rate of altimeter unwinding — скорость потери высоты по высотомеру; быстрота уменьшения показаний высотомера
rate of approach to the stall — скорость приближения к срыву [сваливанию]
rate of discharge ( — секундный) расход выходящих газов [вытекающей жидкости]
rate of heat loss — скорость теплоотдачи [отвода тепла]
rate of increase of incidence — Бр. быстрота увеличения угла атаки
rate of part consumption — быстрота износа [расходования] частей [деталей]
sea level rate of climb — скороподъёмность на уровне моря [у земли]
shutdown rate of the engines — частота отказов [отключений] двигателей
stall recovery pitch rate — угловая скорость тангажа для вывода из режима срыва [сваливания]
stop the sink rate — прекращать снижение, уменьшать вертикальную скорость снижения
9 rate
1. n1) норма; размер2) ставка, тариф; такса; расценка3) курс (валюты, ценных бумаг); цена4) скорость, темп5) процент, доля; коэффициент6) разряд, сорт7) местный налог; коммунальный налог
- accident rate
- accident frequency rate
- accounting rate
- accumulated earnings tax rate
- accumulated profits tax rate
- actuarial rate
- administered rate
- ad valorem
- advertising rate
- advertisement rate
- agreed rate
- air freight rates
- all-commodity rate
- all-in rate
- amortization rate
- annual rate
- annual average growth rate
- annual interest rate
- annualized rate of growth
- annual percentage rate
- annual production rate
- anticipated rate of expenditures
- any-quantity rate
- applicable rate
- area rate
- average rate
- average rate of return
- average annual rate
- average growth rate
- average tax rate
- average weighted rate
- backwardation rate
- baggage rate
- bank rate
- bank discount rate
- bank's repurchase rate
- base rate
- base lending rate
- basic rate
- rate rate of charge
- basing rate
- basis rate
- benchmark rate
- benchmark overnight bank lending rate
- berth rate
- bill rate
- birth rate
- blanket rate
- blended rate
- bond rate
- bonus rates
- borrowing rate
- bridge rate
- broken cross rates
- broker loan rate
- bulk cargo rate
- burden rate
- buyer's rate
- buying rate
- cable rates
- call rate
- call loan rate
- call money rate
- capacity rate
- capital gain rate
- capitalization rate
- carload rate
- carrier rate
- carrying over rate
- cash rate
- ceiling rate
- central rate
- cheque rate
- check rate
- class rate
- clearing rate
- closing rate
- collection rate
- column rate
- combination rate
- combination freight rate
- combination through rate
- combined rate
- commercial bank lending rates
- commission rate
- commitment rate
- commodity rate
- common freight rate
- compensation rate
- compound growth rate
- composite rate
- concessionary interest rate
- conference rate
- consumption rate
- container rate
- contango rate
- conventional rate
- conventional rate of interest
- conversion rate
- cost rate
- coupon rate
- credit rates
- cross rate
- cross-over discount rate
- crude rate
- curb rate
- currency rate
- current rate
- current rate of exchange
- customs rate
- cutback rate
- daily rate
- daily wage rate
- day rate
- death rate
- deck cargo rate
- default rate
- demand rate
- demurrage rate
- departmental overhead rate
- deposit rate
- deposit interest rate
- depreciation rate
- discharging rates
- discount rate
- dispatch rate
- distress rate
- dividend rate
- double exchange rate
- downtime rate
- drawdown rate
- drawing rate
- dual rate
- duty rate
- earned rate
- earning rate
- economic expansion rate
- economic growth rate
- effective rate
- effective rate of return
- effective annual rate
- effective exchange rate
- effective tax rate
- employment rate
- enrollment rate
- equalizing discount rate
- equilibrium exchange rate
- equilibrium growth rate
- estimated rate
- euro-dollar exchange rate
- evaluated wage rate
- exchange rate
- exchange rate to the dollar
- existing rates
- exorbitant rate
- exorbitant interest rate
- expansion rate
- expenditure rate
- export rate
- express rate
- extraction rate
- face interest rate
- failure rate
- fair rate of exchange
- favourable rate
- final rate
- financial internal rate of return
- fine rate
- first rate
- fixed rate
- fixed rate of exchange
- fixed rate of royalty
- fixed interest rate
- flat rate
- flexible exchange rate
- floating rate
- floating exchange rate
- floating interest rate
- floating prime rate
- floor rate of exchange
- fluctuant rate
- fluctuating rate
- forced rate of exchange
- foreign rate
- foreign exchange rate
- forward rate
- forward exchange rate
- free rate
- free exchange rate
- freight rate
- future rate
- general rates
- general rate of profit
- general cargo rates
- going rate
- going market rate
- going wage rates
- goods rate
- graduated rate
- group rate
- growth rate
- guaranteed wage rate
- handling rate
- high rate
- high rate of exchange
- high rate of productivity
- higher rate
- hiring rate
- hotel rates
- hourly rate
- hourly wage rate
- hurdle rate
- illness frequency rate
- import rate
- incidence rate
- income tariff rates
- increment rate
- individual tax rate
- inflation rate
- info rate
- inland rate
- insurance rate
- insurance premium rate
- interbank rate
- interbank overnight rate
- interest rate
- interest rate on loan capital
- internal rate of return
- job rates
- jobless rate
- key rates
- labour rates
- leading rate
- legal rate of interest
- lending rate
- less-than-carload rate
- liner rates
- liner freight rates
- loading rates
- loan rate
- loan-recovery rate
- local rate
- Lombard rate
- London Interbank Offered Rate
- London money rate
- long rate
- low rate
- lower rate
- margin rate
- marginal rate
- marginal tax rate
- marine rate
- marine transport rate
- market rate
- market rate of interest
- maximum rate
- maximum individual tax rate
- mean rate of exchange
- mean annual rate
- measured day rate
- members rate
- merchant discount rate
- minimum rate
- mixed cargo rate
- minimum lending rate
- minimum tax rate
- mobilization rate
- moderate rate
- monetary exchange rate
- money rate of interest
- money market rate
- monthly rate
- monthly rate of remuneration
- mortgage rate
- mortgage interest rate
- multiple rate
- multiple exchange rate
- municipal rates
- national rate of interest
- natural rate of growth
- natural rate of interest
- negative interest rate
- net rate
- New York interbank offered rate
- nominal interest rate
- nonconference rate
- nonresponse rate
- obsolescence rate
- occupational mortality rate
- offered rate
- official rate
- official rate of discount
- official exchange rate
- one-time rate
- opening rate
- open-market rates
- operating rate
- operation rate
- option rate
- ordinary rate
- output rate
- outstripping growth rate
- overdraft rate
- overhead rate
- overnight rate
- overtime rate
- paper rate
- parallel rate
- parcel rate
- par exchange rate
- parity rate
- par price rate
- part-load rate
- passenger rate
- pay rates
- pegged rate
- pegged exchange rate
- penalty rate
- penalty interest rate
- percentage rate of tax
- per diem rates
- personal income tax rate
- piece rate
- piecework rate
- port rates
- postal rate
- posted rate
- power rate
- preferential rate
- preferential railroad rate
- preferential railway rate
- present rate
- prevailing rate
- prime rate
- priority rates
- private rate of discount
- private market rates
- production rate
- profit rate
- profitability rate
- profitable exchange rate
- progressive rate
- proportional rate
- provisional rate
- purchase rates
- purchasing rate of exchange
- quasi-market rate
- rail rates
- railroad rates
- railway rates
- real economic growth rate
- real effective exchange rate
- real exchange rate
- real interest rate
- reciprocal rate
- redemption rate
- rediscount rate
- reduced rate
- reduced tax rate
- reduced withholding tax rate
- reference rate
- refinancing rate
- reject frequency rate
- remuneration rate
- renewal rate
- rental rate
- repo rate
- response rate
- retention rate
- retirement rate of discount
- royalty rate
- ruling rate
- sampling rate
- saving rate
- scrap frequency rate
- seasonal rates
- second rate
- sellers' rate
- selling rate
- settlement rate
- shipping rate
- short rate
- short-term interest rate
- sight rate
- single consignment rate
- soft lending rate
- space rate
- special rate
- specified rate
- spot rate
- stable exchange rate
- standard rate
- standard fixed overhead rates
- standard variable overhead rates
- standard wage rate
- statutory tax rate
- steady exchange rate
- step-down interest rate
- stevedoring rates
- stock depletion rate
- straight-line rate
- subsidized rate
- survival rate
- swap rate
- tariff rate
- tax rate
- taxation rate
- tax withholding rate
- telegraphic transfer rate
- temporary rate
- third rate
- through rate
- through freight rate
- time rate
- time wage rate
- today's rate
- top rate
- total rate
- trading rate
- traffic rate
- tramp freight rate
- transit rate
- transportation rate
- treasury bill rate
- turnover rate
- two-tier rate of exchange
- unacceptable rate
- unemployment rate
- uniform rates
- uniform business rate
- unofficial rate
- unprecedented rate
- utilization rate
- variable rate
- variable interest rate
- variable repo rate
- volume rate
- wage rate
- wage rate per hour
- wastage rate
- wear rate
- wear-out rate
- wholesale rate
- worker's rate
- year-end exchange rate
- zero interest rate
- zone rate
- rate for advances against collateral
- rate for advances on securities
- rate for cable transfers
- rate for a cheque
- rates for credits
- rates for currency allocations
- rate for loans
- rate for loans on collateral
- rate for mail transfers
- rate for telegraphic transfers
- rate in the outside market
- rate of accumulation
- rates of allocation into the fund
- rate of allowance
- rate of assessment
- rate of balanced growth
- rates of cargo operations
- rate of change
- rate of charge
- rate of commission
- rate of compensation
- rate of competitiveness
- rate of conversion
- rate of corporate taxation
- rate of cover
- rate of currency
- rates of currency allocation
- rate of the day
- rate of demurrage
- rate of dependency
- rate of depletion
- rate of deposit turnover
- rate of depreciation
- rate of development
- rate of discharge
- rate of discharging
- rate of discount
- rate of dispatch
- rate of duty
- rate of exchange
- rate of expenditures
- rate of expenses
- rate of foreign exchange
- rate of freight
- rate of full value
- rate of growth
- rate of increase
- rate of increment
- rate of inflation
- rate of input
- rate of insurance
- rate of interest
- rate of interest on advance
- rate of interest on deposits
- rate of investment
- rate of issue
- rates of loading
- rates of loading and discharging
- rate of natural increase
- rates of natural loss
- rate of option
- rate of pay
- rate of premium
- rate of price inflation
- rates of a price-list
- rate of production
- rate of profit
- rate of profitability
- rate of reduction
- rate of remuneration
- rate of return
- rate of return on capital
- rate of return on the capital employed
- rate of return on net worth
- rate of royalty
- rate of securities
- rate of stevedoring operations
- rates of storage
- rate of subscription
- rate of surplus value
- rate of taxation
- rate of turnover
- rate of unloading
- rate of use
- rate of wages
- rate of work
- rates on credit
- rate on the day of payment
- rate on the exchange
- rate per hour
- rate per kilometre
- at the rate of
- at the exchange rate ruling at the transaction date
- at a growing rate
- at a high rate
- at a low rate
- at present rates
- below the rate
- accelerate the rate
- advance the rate of discount
- align tax rates
- apply tariff rates
- boost interest rates
- boost long-term interest rates
- boost short-term interest rates
- charge an interest rate
- cut rates
- cut interest rates by a quarter point
- determine a rate
- establish a rate
- fix a rate
- grant special rates
- increase rates
- maintain high interest rates
- levy rates
- liberalize interest rates
- liberalize lending rates
- lower the rate of return
- mark down the rate of discount
- mark up the rate of discount
- prescribe rates
- quote a rate
- raise a rate
- reduce a rate
- reduce turnover rates of staff
- revise rates
- set rates
- slash interest rates
- step up the rate of growth
- suspend a currency's fixed rate
- upvalue the current rate of banknotes
- slow down the rate2. v1) оценивать, определять стоимость, устанавливать цену
- rate local and offshore funds -
10 production
n1) изготовление; производство2) продукция•to cut (back) production — свертывать / сокращать производство
to diversify production — диверсифицировать / разнообразить продукцию
to limit production — ограничивать / сокращать производство
- anarchy of productionto reduce production — свертывать / сокращать производство
- animal production
- annual production
- arms production
- atomic power and energy production
- automation of production
- batch production
- coal production
- commercial production
- commodity production
- comprehensive mechanization of production
- continuous production
- costs of production
- crop production
- current production
- curtailment ofproduction
- cutback of production
- cuts in production
- daily production
- decline in production
- domestic production
- drop in production
- economically effective production
- effectiveness of production
- end production
- energy production - fertilizer production
- fishing production
- flexible production
- flow production
- food production
- full-scale production of the neutron bomb
- global production
- high production
- high-cost production
- highly organized production
- highly remunerative production
- improvement of effectiveness of production
- improvement of production
- individual production
- industrial production
- joint production
- labor-intensive production
- lagging industrial production
- large-scale production - line production
- machine mode of production
- mass production
- material production
- means of production
- mechanized production
- mode of production
- nonspecialized production
- nonwaste production
- per capita production
- per head production
- pilot production
- planned production
- power production
- production advances rapidly
- production declines
- production decreases
- production falls
- production increases
- production of consumer goods
- production of illicit alcohol
- production of means of production
- production outstrips demand
- production rises
- profitable production
- public production
- rate of production
- runaway production
- scale of production
- self-reliance in production
- self-sufficiency in production
- serial production
- short-run production
- small-scale production
- social character of production
- social production - sphere of material production
- stagnant production
- steel production
- structure of industrial production
- subsidiary production
- subsistence production
- switchover from military to civilian production
- technical reequipment of production - total world production
- unequally distributed food production
- uninterrupted development of production
- unprofitable production - war production
- waste-free production
- wasteful production
- wasteless production
- well organized production
- world production -
11 rate
1. n1) темп; уровень; показатель2) норма; размер•to accelerate / to speed up rates of growth — ускорять темпы роста
to harmonize VAT rates — согласовывать величину налога на добавленную стоимость / НДС
to improve the literacy rate — повышать процент грамотного населения / степень грамотности
- accounting exchange rateto raise at a rapid rate — расти / повышаться быстрым темпом
- activity rate
- activity rates
- annual growth rate
- annual rate of increase
- at a much slower rate
- at an easy rate
- at an even greater rate
- at prevailing rates of exchange
- at the black market rate
- at the official exchange rate
- at too low rate
- average annual rate
- average rate of profit
- bank lending rate
- bank lending rates
- bank rate
- bank rates
- basic rate
- birth rate
- black-market rate
- building societies' mortgage rates
- child mortality rate
- closing currency rates
- commercial interest rate
- commission rate
- common table of rates
- comparable rate of increase
- contribution rates
- crime rate
- currency exchange rate
- current rate
- cut in interests rates
- death rate
- decrease in the inflation rate
- discount rate
- divorce rate
- dollar rate
- economic growth rate
- effective exchange rate
- effective interest rate
- exchange rate between the dollar and the yen
- exchange rate
- fall in the exchange rate
- fixed exchange rate
- flexible exchange rate
- flexible rate
- floating rates of exchange
- floating rates
- fluctuations of currency exchange rate
- foreign exchange rates
- freight rates
- general rate
- growth rate
- high rate
- high tax rates
- household rate
- huge discrepancy in exchange rates
- illiteracy rate
- industrial growth rates
- infant mortality rate
- inflation rate
- interest rate
- interest rates are at an all-time high
- key discount rate
- lending rate
- lending rates
- literacy rate
- long-term rate of interest
- low rate
- mean annual rate
- mortality rate
- official rate of pay
- official rate
- operational exchange rate
- overall growth rate
- pay rate
- piecework rate
- population growth rate
- priority growth rates
- production rate
- profit rate
- rate of consumption
- rate of domestic capital formation
- rate of economic development
- rate of economic growth
- rate of exchange
- rate of growth
- rate of industrialization
- rate of inflation
- rate of interest
- rate of killing
- rate of population growth
- rate of profit
- rate of return
- rate of surplus value
- rate of unemployment
- rate of work
- rates of assessment
- rates of increase in the national income
- rates of increase of the national income
- record abstention rate
- recruitment rate
- reduction in interest rates
- reliability rate
- rise in interest rates
- rise in lending rates
- rise in the inflation rate to 3.5 per cent
- rising unemployment rate
- short-term rate of interest
- soaring inflation rate
- stable rate of exchange
- stable rates of growth
- steady exchange rate of the pound
- sterling rate
- survival rate
- target rate
- tariff rate
- time rate
- top marginal tax rate
- total rate
- two-tie rate of exchange
- unemployment rate
- value-added tax rates
- VAT rates
- wage rate s
- world market rates
- yen-dollar rate 2. vоценивать; исчислять; определять; измерять; устанавливать -
12 rate
13 production assets
14 общий дебит
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > общий дебит
15 loss
lɔs сущ.
1) гибель, крушение, разрушение Syn: destruction, ruin
2) а) потеря, утрата (лишение частично или полностью имущества, прав, способностей и т. п.) the loss of the lands ≈ потеря земель hearing loss ≈ потеря слуха heat loss ≈ переохлаждение memory loss ≈ потеря памяти loss of sensation ≈ потеря чувствительности loss of vision, loss of one's eyesight ≈ потеря зрения total loss of vision ≈ полная потеря зрения weight loss, loss of a weight ≈
1) потеря веса
2) усушка, усадка loss of value б) утрата, потеря (смерть близких, друзей) the loss of his mother ≈ потеря матери irreparable, irreplaceable, irretrievable loss to our nation ≈ невосстановимая, невосполнимая потеря для нашей страны
3) а) проигрыш, поражение to hand smb. a loss ≈ нанести кому-л. поражение They handed our team its first loss of the season. ≈ Они нанесли нашей команде первой поражение в этом сезоне. to recoup one's gambling losses ≈ возмещать проигрыш б) неудача при осуществлении чего-л. I do not wish to risk the loss of my train. ≈ Я не хочу рисковать и опоздать на поезд.
4) убыток, ущерб, потеря to inflict losses on ≈ причинять ущерб( кому-л.) to make up a loss, offset a loss, recoup a loss, replace a loss ≈ возмещать убытки to sell at a loss ≈ продавать в убыток dead loss ≈ чистый убыток tax loss ≈ налоговый убыток (незапланированный убыток, который учитывается при налогообложении;
налогооблагаемая сумма сокращается на сумму убытка) windfall loss ≈ внезапные убытки, непредвиденные убытки
5) мн.;
воен. потери losses in dead and wounded ≈ потери убитыми и ранеными to take heavy losses ≈ нести тяжелые потери Our forces inflicted heavy losses on the enemy. ≈ Наши силы нанесли серьезный удар по противнику. light losses ≈ небольшие потери loss of life suffer losses sustain losses - incur losses loss replacement
6) тех. угар loss in yarn текст. ≈ угар потеря, лишение - total * полная потеря - * of one's eyesight потеря зрения - * of strength упадок сил - * of blood (медицина) кровопотеря - * of flesh похудание - temperature * падение температуры - * in altitude потеря высоты утрата, потеря - irreparable * невозместимая потеря - grievous * тяжелая утрата - * of opportunities упущенные /неиспользованные/ возможности - without any * of time без всякой потери времени, не теряя ни минуты времени - his death was a great * его смерть была большой утратой гибель - * of a ship with all hands гибель корабля со всей командой проигрыш;
урон - * of a battle поражение в битве ущерб, урон, убыток - dead * чистый убыток - the * of a contract (американизм) незаключенный контракт;
неполучение заказа - to have a *, to meet with a * потерпеть ущерб, понести потерю - to sell at a * продавать в убыток - to incur *es терпеть убытки - to cover a * покрывать убыток - his absence was not a great * его отсутствие - небольшая потеря - it's your *, not mine вы от этого потеряете /вы останетесь в накладе/, не я pl (военное) потери - * replacement возмещение потерь - the * of life потери в людях, потери убитыми - *es in manpower and material потери в живой силе и технике - to suffer heavy *es понести тяжелые потери (специальное) угар смыв( при эррозии) утечка( тока) > to be at a * растеряться, смешаться;
быть в замешательстве /в затруднении, в недоумении/;
(охота) потерять след > he was at a * for a word он не мог подобрать /найти/ нужного слова > he was at a * what to say он не нашелся, что сказать > no great * without some small gain (пословица) нет худа без добра accounting ~ расчетные убытки actual ~ страх. действительная гибель actual ~ фактический страховой убыток actual total ~ страх. действительная полная гибель actual total ~ фактический полный страховой убыток adjusted ~ уточненный размер ущерба agio ~ убытки от спекуляций ценными бумагами на бирже в расчете на ценовые колебания at a ~ в убыток average ~ средние убытки average ~ мор. страх. средний убыток to be at a ~ быть в затруднении, в недоумении;
he was at a loss for words он не мог найти слов to be at a ~ охот. потерять след book ~ убыток, образовавшийся при переоценке активов или пассивов book ~ on realization балансовые убытки при реализации business ~ убытки от сделки capital ~ капитальный убыток capital ~ курсовые потери capital ~ потери от понижения рыночной стоимости активов capital ~ потери при продаже капитального имущества casualty ~ убытки от несчастного случая catastrophe ~ ущерб, вызванный катастрофой catastrophic ~ страх. ущерб, вызванный катастрофой cause a ~ вызывать ущерб causing an insured ~ причинение застрахованных потерь consequential ~ косвенные убытки consequential ~ косвенный ущерб consolidated ~ суммарные убытки constructive total ~ конструктивная полная гибель constructive total ~ полные убытки от строительства contingent ~ непредвиденные потери cover a ~ возмещать ущерб cover a ~ покрывать убытки cyclical ~ циклические убытки data ~ вчт. потеря данных ~ убыток;
to sell at a loss продавать в убыток;
dead loss чистый убыток;
to make good a loss возместить убыток dead ~ чистая потеря dead ~ чистый убыток elementary ~ ущерб от стихийных бедствий exchange gain and ~ курсовые прибыль и убыток exchange ~ курсовой убыток exchange ~ потери валюты exchange ~ потери на разнице валютных курсов exchange ~ сокращение валютных резервов exchange rate ~ курсовой убыток extraordinary profit or ~ необычно высокие прибыль или убыток financial ~ денежные потери financial ~ финансовый убыток fire ~ убытки от пожара foreseeable ~ ожидаемые убытки gross ~ общие потери gross ~ общий ущерб gross ~ суммарные убытки gross operating ~ общий убыток от основной деятельности harvest ~ потери при уборке урожая ~ потеря, утрата;
loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения;
to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю to be at a ~ быть в затруднении, в недоумении;
he was at a loss for words он не мог найти слов incur a ~ нести потери incur a ~ терпеть убытки indirect ~ косвенный ущерб inflict a ~ наносить потери inflict a ~ причинять ущерб initial ~ первоначальный убыток insurance ~ убытки при страховании insured ~ застрахованный убыток intercompany ~ межфирменные убытки interest ~ потеря процентов investment ~ инвестиционные потери involve a ~ вызывать убытки liability for ~ ответственность за убытки loss гибель, утрата ~ гибель ~ лишение ~ потери ~ pl воен. потери;
loss of life потери в людях, потери убитыми ~ потеря, утрата;
loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения;
to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю ~ вчт. потеря ~ потеря ~ вчт. проигрыш ~ пропажа ~ убытки ~ убыток, ущерб ~ убыток;
to sell at a loss продавать в убыток;
dead loss чистый убыток;
to make good a loss возместить убыток ~ убыток ~ тех. угар;
loss in yarn текст. угар ~ урон, проигрыш ~ урон;
проигрыш ~ урон ~ утрата ~ ущерб ~ after tax убытки после уплаты налогов ~ before depreciation убытки до начисления износа ~ before financial items убытки до проводки по бухгалтерским книгам ~ before financing убытки до финансирования ~ before tax убытки до уплаты налога ~ by market fluctuation потери, вызванные конъюнктурными колебаниями ~ by market fluctuation потери, вызванные колебаниями цен на рынке ~ for financial year потери за финансовый год ~ for financial year убытки за финансовый год ~ for period потери за период ~ for period убытки за период ~ for year потери за финансовый год ~ for year убытки за финансовый год ~ in income потеря дохода ~ in real value снижение реальной стоимости ~ in transit потери при перевозке ~ in value потеря ценности ~ in value upon resale снижение стоимости при перепродаже ~ тех. угар;
loss in yarn текст. угар ~ of capital потеря капитала ~ of creditworthiness потеря кредитоспособности ~ of earning capacity снижение потенциального дохода индивидуума ~ of earnings through disablement потеря заработка по нетрудоспособности ~ of goodwill потеря благораспололожения клиентов ~ of goodwill потеря неосязаемых активов ~ of goodwill снижение условной стоимости деловых связей фирмы ~ of interest earnings потеря дохода от процентов ~ of liberty потеря свободы ~ pl воен. потери;
loss of life потери в людях, потери убитыми ~ of liquidity снижение ликвидности ~ потеря, утрата;
loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения;
to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю ~ of production производственные потери ~ of production снижение производства ~ of profits потеря прибылей ~ of profits упущенная выгода ~ of profits insurance страхование от потери прибылей ~ of profits insurance страхование от простоя производства ~ of profits insurance страхование упущенной прибыли ~ of rent insurance страхование от понижения арендной платы ~ of right потеря права ~ of time потеря времени ~ of trade утрата профессии ~ of votes потеря голосов ~ of weight потеря в весе ~ of weight усушка ~ on bond issue потери от выпуска займа ~ on currency exchange потери на разнице валютных курсов ~ on disposal of fixed assets потери при продаже труднореализуемых активов ~ on disposal of fixed assets потери при реализации неликвидных активов ~ on disposal of property потери при реализации собственности ~ on ordinary activities убытки от обычных видов деятельности ~ on receivables outstanding потери от дебиторской задолженности ~ on securities потери от изменения курса ценных бумаг ~ on the rate потери от изменения процентной ставки ~ on the rate убытки от изменения курса ~ replacement воен. возмещение потерь ~ through delay потери вследствие задержки ~ убыток;
to sell at a loss продавать в убыток;
dead loss чистый убыток;
to make good a loss возместить убыток maritime ~ ущерб при морских перевозках maximum ~ максимальный ущерб meet a ~ покрывать убытки ~ потеря, утрата;
loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения;
to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю minor ~ незначительный ущерб modest ~ небольшой ущерб mortality ~ потери в результате повышения смертности net capital ~ чистые потери капитала net exchange ~ убыток от обмена валюты net ~ чистые потери net ~ чистый убыток nonrealized exchange ~ нереализованные потери на разнице валютных курсов normal ~ обычный ущерб notify a ~ заявлять о пропаже operating ~ убыток от основной деятельности overall ~ общие потери paper ~ бумажный убыток paper ~ нереализованный убыток partial ~ частичная гибель (предмета страхования) partial ~ частичная гибель предмета страхования partial ~ частичная потеря pecuniary ~ денежный ущерб pecuniary ~ имущественный ущерб pecuniary ~ материальный ущерб pending ~ невозмещенные убытки petty ~ незначительный ущерб possible ~ возможные потери potential ~ потенциальные убытки probable maximum ~ максимально возможный ущерб processing ~ вчт. потери при обработке данных profit and ~ прибыли и убытки profit or ~ прибыль или убыток realized ~ установленный ущерб record ~ огромный ущерб report a ~ давать сведения об ущербе ~ убыток;
to sell at a loss продавать в убыток;
dead loss чистый убыток;
to make good a loss возместить убыток short-term ~ краткосрочный убыток singeing ~ потери на опаливание specific ~ конкретно перечисленные потери suffer a ~ нести убыток suffer a ~ терпеть ущерб suffer: ~ страдать;
испытывать, претерпевать;
he suffers from headaches онстрадаетотголовныхболей;
to suffer a loss потерпеть убыток to suffer (или to sustain) losses понести потери to suffer (или to sustain) losses терпеть убытки sustain a ~ нести потери sustain: ~ испытывать, выносить;
to sustain injuries получить увечье;
to sustain a loss понести потерю tax ~ убытки от налогообложения technical ~ технические потери total ~ общая сумма убытков total ~ общие потери total ~ полная гибель (предмета страхования) total ~ полная потеря trading ~ торговый убыток tranducer ~ вчт. потеря преобразования transition ~ переходная потеря translation ~ потеря на неогибание translation ~ потеря передачи unrealized ~ нереализованный убыток weight ~ утруска -
16 loss
[lɔs]accounting loss расчетные убытки actual loss страх. действительная гибель actual loss фактический страховой убыток actual total loss страх. действительная полная гибель actual total loss фактический полный страховой убыток adjusted loss уточненный размер ущерба agio loss убытки от спекуляций ценными бумагами на бирже в расчете на ценовые колебания at a loss в убыток average loss средние убытки average loss мор.страх. средний убыток to be at a loss быть в затруднении, в недоумении; he was at a loss for words он не мог найти слов to be at a loss охот. потерять след book loss убыток, образовавшийся при переоценке активов или пассивов book loss on realization балансовые убытки при реализации business loss убытки от сделки capital loss капитальный убыток capital loss курсовые потери capital loss потери от понижения рыночной стоимости активов capital loss потери при продаже капитального имущества casualty loss убытки от несчастного случая catastrophe loss ущерб, вызванный катастрофой catastrophic loss страх. ущерб, вызванный катастрофой cause a loss вызывать ущерб causing an insured loss причинение застрахованных потерь consequential loss косвенные убытки consequential loss косвенный ущерб consolidated loss суммарные убытки constructive total loss конструктивная полная гибель constructive total loss полные убытки от строительства contingent loss непредвиденные потери cover a loss возмещать ущерб cover a loss покрывать убытки cyclical loss циклические убытки data loss вчт. потеря данных loss убыток; ущерб; to sell at a loss продавать в убыток; dead loss чистый убыток; to make good a loss возместить убыток dead loss чистая потеря dead loss чистый убыток elementary loss ущерб от стихийных бедствий exchange gain and loss курсовые прибыль и убыток exchange loss курсовой убыток exchange loss потери валюты exchange loss потери на разнице валютных курсов exchange loss сокращение валютных резервов exchange rate loss курсовой убыток extraordinary profit or loss необычно высокие прибыль или убыток financial loss денежные потери financial loss финансовый убыток fire loss убытки от пожара foreseeable loss ожидаемые убытки gross loss общие потери gross loss общий ущерб gross loss суммарные убытки gross operating loss общий убыток от основной деятельности harvest loss потери при уборке урожая loss потеря, утрата; loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения; to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю to be at a loss быть в затруднении, в недоумении; he was at a loss for words он не мог найти слов incur a loss нести потери incur a loss терпеть убытки indirect loss косвенный ущерб inflict a loss наносить потери inflict a loss причинять ущерб initial loss первоначальный убыток insurance loss убытки при страховании insured loss застрахованный убыток intercompany loss межфирменные убытки interest loss потеря процентов investment loss инвестиционные потери involve a loss вызывать убытки liability for loss ответственность за убытки loss гибель, утрата loss гибель loss лишение loss потери loss pl воен. потери; loss of life потери в людях, потери убитыми loss потеря, утрата; loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения; to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю loss вчт. потеря loss потеря loss вчт. проигрыш loss пропажа loss убытки loss убыток, ущерб loss убыток; ущерб; to sell at a loss продавать в убыток; dead loss чистый убыток; to make good a loss возместить убыток loss убыток loss тех. угар; loss in yarn текст. угар loss урон, проигрыш loss урон; проигрыш loss урон loss утрата loss ущерб loss after tax убытки после уплаты налогов loss before depreciation убытки до начисления износа loss before financial items убытки до проводки по бухгалтерским книгам loss before financing убытки до финансирования loss before tax убытки до уплаты налога loss by market fluctuation потери, вызванные конъюнктурными колебаниями loss by market fluctuation потери, вызванные колебаниями цен на рынке loss for financial year потери за финансовый год loss for financial year убытки за финансовый год loss for period потери за период loss for period убытки за период loss for year потери за финансовый год loss for year убытки за финансовый год loss in income потеря дохода loss in real value снижение реальной стоимости loss in transit потери при перевозке loss in value потеря ценности loss in value upon resale снижение стоимости при перепродаже loss тех. угар; loss in yarn текст. угар loss of capital потеря капитала loss of creditworthiness потеря кредитоспособности loss of earning capacity снижение потенциального дохода индивидуума loss of earnings through disablement потеря заработка по нетрудоспособности loss of goodwill потеря благораспололожения клиентов loss of goodwill потеря неосязаемых активов loss of goodwill снижение условной стоимости деловых связей фирмы loss of interest earnings потеря дохода от процентов loss of liberty потеря свободы loss pl воен. потери; loss of life потери в людях, потери убитыми loss of liquidity снижение ликвидности loss потеря, утрата; loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения; to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю loss of production производственные потери loss of production снижение производства loss of profits потеря прибылей loss of profits упущенная выгода loss of profits insurance страхование от потери прибылей loss of profits insurance страхование от простоя производства loss of profits insurance страхование упущенной прибыли loss of rent insurance страхование от понижения арендной платы loss of right потеря права loss of time потеря времени loss of trade утрата профессии loss of votes потеря голосов loss of weight потеря в весе loss of weight усушка loss on bond issue потери от выпуска займа loss on currency exchange потери на разнице валютных курсов loss on disposal of fixed assets потери при продаже труднореализуемых активов loss on disposal of fixed assets потери при реализации неликвидных активов loss on disposal of property потери при реализации собственности loss on ordinary activities убытки от обычных видов деятельности loss on receivables outstanding потери от дебиторской задолженности loss on securities потери от изменения курса ценных бумаг loss on the rate потери от изменения процентной ставки loss on the rate убытки от изменения курса loss replacement воен. возмещение потерь loss through delay потери вследствие задержки loss убыток; ущерб; to sell at a loss продавать в убыток; dead loss чистый убыток; to make good a loss возместить убыток maritime loss ущерб при морских перевозках maximum loss максимальный ущерб meet a loss покрывать убытки loss потеря, утрата; loss of one's eyesight потеря зрения; to have a loss, to meet with a loss понести потерю minor loss незначительный ущерб modest loss небольшой ущерб mortality loss потери в результате повышения смертности net capital loss чистые потери капитала net exchange loss убыток от обмена валюты net loss чистые потери net loss чистый убыток nonrealized exchange loss нереализованные потери на разнице валютных курсов normal loss обычный ущерб notify a loss заявлять о пропаже operating loss убыток от основной деятельности overall loss общие потери paper loss бумажный убыток paper loss нереализованный убыток partial loss частичная гибель (предмета страхования) partial loss частичная гибель предмета страхования partial loss частичная потеря pecuniary loss денежный ущерб pecuniary loss имущественный ущерб pecuniary loss материальный ущерб pending loss невозмещенные убытки petty loss незначительный ущерб possible loss возможные потери potential loss потенциальные убытки probable maximum loss максимально возможный ущерб processing loss вчт. потери при обработке данных profit and loss прибыли и убытки profit or loss прибыль или убыток realized loss установленный ущерб record loss огромный ущерб report a loss давать сведения об ущербе loss убыток; ущерб; to sell at a loss продавать в убыток; dead loss чистый убыток; to make good a loss возместить убыток short-term loss краткосрочный убыток singeing loss потери на опаливание specific loss конкретно перечисленные потери suffer a loss нести убыток suffer a loss терпеть ущерб suffer: loss страдать; испытывать, претерпевать; he suffers from headaches онстрадаетотголовныхболей; to suffer a loss потерпеть убыток to suffer (или to sustain) losses понести потери to suffer (или to sustain) losses терпеть убытки sustain a loss нести потери sustain: loss испытывать, выносить; выдерживать; to sustain injuries получить увечье; to sustain a loss понести потерю tax loss убытки от налогообложения technical loss технические потери total loss общая сумма убытков total loss общие потери total loss полная гибель (предмета страхования) total loss полная потеря trading loss торговый убыток tranducer loss вчт. потеря преобразования transition loss переходная потеря translation loss потеря на неогибание translation loss потеря передачи unrealized loss нереализованный убыток weight loss утруска -
17 control
1) управление; регулирование || управлять; регулировать2) контроль || контролировать3) управляющее устройство; устройство управления; регулятор4) профессиональное мастерство, квалификация, техническая квалификация5) pl органы управления•"in control" — "в поле допуска" ( о результатах измерения)
to control closed loop — управлять в замкнутой системе; регулировать в замкнутой системе
- 2-handed controlsto control open loop — управлять в разомкнутой системе; регулировать в разомкнутой системе
- 32-bit CPU control
- acceptance control
- access control
- acknowledge control
- active process control
- adaptable control
- adaptive constraint control
- adaptive control for optimization
- adaptive control
- adaptive feed rate control
- adaptive quality control
- adjustable feed control
- adjustable rotary control
- adjustable speed control
- adjusting control
- adjustment control
- AI control
- air logic control
- analog data distribution and control
- analogical control
- analytical control
- application control
- arrows-on-curves control
- autodepth control
- autofeed control
- automated control of a document management system
- automated technical control
- automatic backlash control
- automatic control
- automatic editing control
- automatic gain control
- automatic gripper control
- automatic level control
- automatic process closed loop control
- automatic remote control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic sequence control
- automatic speed control
- automatic stability controls
- auxiliaries control
- balanced controls
- band width control
- bang-bang control
- bang-bang-off control
- basic CNC control
- batch control
- bibliographic control
- bin level control
- boost control
- built-in control
- button control
- cam control
- cam throttle control
- camshaft control
- carriage control
- Cartesian path control
- Cartesian space control
- cascade control
- C-axis spindle control
- cell control
- center control
- central control
- central supervisory control
- centralized control
- centralized electronic control
- central-station control
- changeover control
- chip control
- circumferential register control
- close control
- closed cycle control
- closed loop control
- closed loop machine control
- closed loop manual control
- closed loop numerical control
- closed loop position control
- clutch control
- CNC control
- CNC indexer control
- CNC programmable control
- CNC symbolic conversational control
- CNC/CRT control
- CNC/MDI control
- coarse control
- coded current control
- coded current remote control
- color control
- combination control
- command-line control
- compensatory control
- composition control
- compound control
- computed-current control
- computed-torque control
- computer control
- computer numerical control
- computer process control
- computer-aided measurement and control
- computer-integrated manufacturing control
- computerized control
- computerized numerical control
- computerized process control
- constant surface speed control
- constant value control
- contactless control
- contact-sensing control
- contamination control
- continuous control
- continuous path control
- continuous process control
- contour profile control
- contouring control
- conventional hardware control
- conventional numerical control
- conventional tape control
- convergent control
- conversational control
- conversational MDI control
- coordinate positioning control
- coordinate programmable control
- copymill control
- counter control
- crossed controls
- current control
- cycle control
- dash control
- data link control
- data storage control
- deadman's handle controls
- depth control
- derivative control
- dial-in control
- differential control
- differential gaging control
- differential gain control
- differential temperature control
- digital brushless servo control
- digital control
- digital position control
- digital readout controls
- dimensional control
- direct computer control
- direct control
- direct digital control
- direct numerical control
- direction control
- directional control
- dirt control
- discontinuous control
- discrete control
- discrete event control
- discrete logic controls
- dispatching control
- displacement control
- distance control
- distant control
- distributed control
- distributed numerical control
- distributed zone control
- distribution control
- dog control
- drum control
- dual control
- dual-mode control
- duplex control
- dust control
- dynamic control
- eccentric control
- edge position control
- EDP control
- electrical control
- electrofluidic control
- electromagnetic control
- electronic control
- electronic level control
- electronic speed control
- electronic swivel control
- elevating control
- emergency control
- end-point control
- engineering change control
- engineering control
- entity control
- environmental control
- error control
- error plus error-rate control
- error-free control
- external beam control
- factory-floor control
- false control
- feed control
- feed drive controls
- feedback control
- feed-forward control
- field control
- fine control
- finger-tip control
- firm-wired numerical control
- fixed control
- fixed-feature control
- fixture-and-tool control
- flexible-body control
- floating control
- flow control
- fluid flow control
- follow-up control
- foot pedal control
- force adaptive control
- forecasting compensatory control
- fork control
- four quadrant control
- freely programmable CNC control
- frequency control
- FROG control
- full computer control
- full order control
- full spindle control
- gage measurement control
- gain control
- ganged control
- gap control
- gear control
- generative numerical control
- generic path control
- geometric adaptive control
- graphic numerical control
- group control
- grouped control
- guidance control
- hairbreath control
- hand control
- hand feed control
- hand wheel control
- hand-held controls
- handle-type control
- hand-operated controls
- hardened computer control
- hardwared control
- hardwared numerical control
- heating control
- heterarchical control
- hierarchical control
- high-integrity control
- high-level robot control
- high-low control
- high-low level control
- high-technology control
- horizontal directional control
- humidity control
- hybrid control
- hydraulic control
- I/O control
- immediate postprocess control
- inching control
- in-cycle control
- independent control
- indexer control
- indirect control
- individual control
- industrial processing control
- industrial-style controls
- infinite control
- infinite speed control
- in-process control
- in-process size control
- in-process size diameters control
- input/output control
- integral CNC control
- integral control
- integrated control
- intelligent control
- interacting control
- interconnected controls
- interlinking control
- inventory control
- job control
- jogging control
- joint control
- joystick control
- just-in-time control
- language-based control
- laser health hazards control
- latching control
- lead control
- learning control
- lever control
- lever-operated control
- line motion control
- linear control
- linear path control
- linearity control
- load control
- load-frequency control
- local control
- local-area control
- logic control
- lubricating oil level control
- machine control
- machine programming control
- machine shop control
- macro control
- magnetic control
- magnetic tape control
- main computer control
- malfunction control
- management control
- manual control
- manual data input control
- manual stop control
- manually actuatable controls
- manufacturing change control
- manufacturing control
- master control
- material flow control
- MDI control
- measured response control
- mechanical control
- memory NC control
- memory-type control
- metering control
- metrological control of production field
- microbased control
- microcomputer CNC control
- microcomputer numerical control
- microcomputer-based sequence control
- microprocessor control
- microprocessor numerical control
- microprogrammed control
- microprogramming control
- milling control
- model reference adaptive control
- model-based control
- moisture control
- motion control
- motor control
- motor speed control
- mouse-driven control
- movable control
- multicircuit control
- multidiameter control
- multilevel control
- multimachine tool control
- multiple control
- multiple-processor control
- multiposition control
- multistep control
- multivariable control
- narrow-band proportional control
- navigation control
- NC control
- neural network adaptive control
- noise control
- noncorresponding control
- noninteracting control
- noninterfacing control
- nonreversable control
- nonsimultaneous control
- numerical contouring control
- numerical control
- numerical program control
- odd control
- off-line control
- oligarchical control
- on-board control
- one-axis point-to-point control
- one-dimensional point-to-point control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open loop control
- open loop manual control
- open loop numerical control
- open-architecture control
- operating control
- operational control
- operator control
- optical pattern tracing control
- optimal control
- optimalizing control
- optimizing control
- oral numerical control
- organoleptic control
- overall control
- overheat control
- override control
- p. b. control
- palm control
- parameter adaptive control
- parameter adjustment control
- partial d.o.f. control
- path control
- pattern control
- pattern tracing control
- PC control
- PC-based control
- peg board control
- pendant control
- pendant-actuated control
- pendant-mounted control
- performance control
- photoelectric control
- physical alignment control
- PIC control
- PID control
- plugboard control
- plug-in control
- pneumatic control
- point-to-point control
- pose-to-pose control
- position/contouring numerical control
- position/force control
- positional control
- positioning control
- positive control
- postprocess quality control
- power adaptive control
- power control
- power feed control
- power-assisted control
- powered control
- power-operated control
- precision control
- predictor control
- preselective control
- preset control
- presetting control
- pressbutton control
- pressure control
- preview control
- process control
- process quality control
- production activity control
- production control
- production result control
- programmable adaptive control
- programmable cam control
- programmable control
- programmable logic adaptive control
- programmable logic control
- programmable machine control
- programmable microprocessor control
- programmable numerical control
- programmable sequence control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus floating control
- proportional plus integral control
- prototype control
- pulse control
- pulse duration control
- punched-tape control
- purpose-built control
- pushbutton control
- quality control
- radio remote control
- radium control
- rail-elevating control
- ram stroke control
- ram-positioning control
- rapid-traverse controls for the heads
- rate control
- ratio control
- reactive control
- real-time control
- reduced-order control
- register control
- registration control
- relay control
- relay-contactor control
- remote control
- remote program control
- remote switching control
- remote valve control
- remote-dispatch control
- resistance control
- resolved motion rate control
- retarded control
- reversal control
- revolution control
- rigid-body control
- robot control
- robot perimeter control
- robot teach control
- rod control
- safety control
- sampled-data control
- sampling control
- schedule control
- SCR's control
- second derivative control
- selective control
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-adaptive control
- self-adjusting control
- self-aligning control
- self-operated control
- self-optimizing control
- self-programming microprocessor control
- semi-automatic control
- sensitivity control
- sensor-based control
- sequence control
- sequence-type control
- sequential control
- series-parallel control
- servo control
- servo speed control
- servomotor control
- servo-operated control
- set value control
- shaft speed control
- shape control
- shift control
- shop control
- shower and high-pressure oil temperature control
- shut off control
- sight control
- sign control
- single variable control
- single-flank control
- single-lever control
- size control
- slide control
- smooth control
- software-based NC control
- softwared numerical control
- solid-state logic control
- space-follow-up control
- speed control
- stabilizing control
- stable control
- standalone control
- start controls
- static control
- station control
- statistical quality control
- steering control
- step-by-step control
- stepless control
- stepped control
- stick control
- stock control
- stop controls
- stop-point control
- storage assignment control
- straight cut control
- straight line control
- stroke control
- stroke length control
- supervisor production control
- supervisory control
- swarf control
- switch control
- symbolic control
- synchronous data link control
- table control
- tap-depth controls
- tape control
- tape loop control
- teach controls
- temperature control
- temperature-humidity air control
- template control
- tension control
- test control
- thermal control
- thermostatic control
- three-axis contouring control
- three-axis point-to-point control
- three-axis tape control
- three-mode control
- three-position control
- throttle control
- thumbwheel control
- time control
- time cycle control
- time optimal control
- time variable control
- time-critical control
- time-proportional control
- timing control
- token-passing access control
- tool life control
- tool run-time control
- torque control
- total quality control
- touch-panel NC control
- touch-screen control
- tracer control
- tracer numerical control
- trajectory control
- triac control
- trip-dog control
- TRS/rate control
- tuning control
- turnstile control
- two-axis contouring control
- two-axis point-to-point control
- two-dimension control
- two-hand controls
- two-position control
- two-position differential gap control
- two-step control
- undamped control
- user-adjustable override controls
- user-programmable NC control
- variable flow control
- variable speed control
- variety control
- varying voltage control
- velocity-based look-ahead control
- vise control
- vision responsive control
- visual control
- vocabulary control
- vocal CNC control
- vocal numerical control
- voltage control
- warehouse control
- washdown control
- water-supply control
- welding control
- wheel control
- wide-band control
- zero set control
- zoned track controlEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > control
18 index
n2) индекс, статистический показатель, характеризующий изменение тех или иных явлений относительно базовой величины4) алфавитный указатель; каталог
- adjusted index
- aggregative index
- alphabetical index
- AMEX Major Market Index
- annual index
- applicable index
- average weighted index
- base index
- benchmark index
- birth rate index
- blue-chip index
- buying power index
- CAC General Index
- calendar year index
- capacity index
- card index
- chain index
- class index of patents
- classified index
- commodity index
- composite index
- consolidated index
- consumer confidence index
- consumer price index
- consumer sentiment index
- core consumer price index
- cost-of-funds index
- cost-of-living index
- crop yield index
- currency pool index
- currency-basket index
- deflator index
- demerit index
- density index
- designation index
- development index
- Dow-Jones index
- Dow Jones industrial index
- downtime index
- dummy index
- economic indices
- engineering and economic indices
- Eurotop 100 index
- exchange rate index
- Financial Times Actuaries Share Index
- Financial Times All-Share Index
- Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index
- Financial Times Share Indices
- Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Share Index
- Financial Times World Index
- fixed weight index
- food price index
- free index
- freight index
- FT index
- FT-SE index
- FT-SE Eurotrack Index
- FT-SE Small Cap Index
- general index
- group index
- growth index
- guarantee index
- hedonic price index
- hi-lo index
- identifying index
- individual index
- industrial production index
- inflation index
- investment index
- labour input index
- leading index
- Lloyd's Shipping index
- market index
- market capitalization index
- maturity index
- migration index
- mobility index
- mortgage contract rate index
- NASDAQ composite index
- Nikkei 300 index
- Nielsen Drug Index
- Nielsen Food Index
- NYSE Common Stock Index
- NYSE Composite Index
- ocean freight rate index
- operational consumer price index
- outgoing product quality index
- output index
- patent index
- performance index
- population concentration index
- postal index
- preliminary index
- price index
- price increase index
- primary index
- priority index
- producer price index
- production index
- product quality index
- profitability index
- public utilities index
- purchasing power index
- qualitative index
- quality index
- quantitative index
- quantity index
- retail price index
- risk index
- seasonal index
- seasonally corrected index
- share index
- share price index
- socioeconomic index
- Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index
- stock index
- stock exchange index
- summary index
- summary consumer price index
- tariff index
- terms of trade index
- total index
- trade index
- tramp freight index
- transport index
- trend-adjusted index
- unadjusted index
- unit-value index
- unweighted index
- utility index
- value index
- variability index
- volume index
- wage index
- weighted index
- wholesale price index
- year index
- index of applicants
- index of applications
- index of companies
- index of competitiveness
- index of consumption
- index of cost of living
- index of effectiveness
- index of employment
- index of entrepreneurial confidence
- index of goods
- index of industrial production
- index of leading economic indicators
- index of leading indicators
- index of licences
- index of manufacturing capacity
- index of prices
- index of production
- index of productivity
- index of real wages
- index of seasonal variation
- index of securities
- index of share prices
- index of stocks
- index of trademarks
- index of trade sections
- affect the index
- calculate indices
- compile a card index
- drive the index to its July low
- enter on a card index
- serve as an index
- track an index -
19 price
1. сущ.
1) цена at a price ≈ по дорогой цене, дорого price for ≈ цена на/за (что-л.) to bring, command, fetch, get a high price ≈ продаваться по высокой цене Icons bring a high price. ≈ Иконы продаются по высокой цене. to bring down, cut, lower, mark down, reduce, roll back, slash, undercut prices ≈ понижать/снижать цены The latest news brought down oil prices. ≈ События последних дней привели к понижению цен на нефть. to fix, set a price ≈ установить цены to freeze price ≈ замораживать цены to hike, increase, mark up, raise prices ≈ повышать цены to hold down, keep down price ≈ не допускать роста цен to maintain prices ≈ удерживать цены на одном уровне to pay an exorbitant price for smth. ≈ заплатить за что-л. очень высокую цену prices drop, fall, go down, slump ≈ происходит резкое падение цен prices go up, rise, shoot up, skyrocket ≈ цены резко возрастают to be a price leader ≈ диктовать цены (на рынке, бирже и т. п.) to quote a price ≈ назначать цену bargain price ≈ договорная цена( цена, на которую согласились продающая и покупающая стороны в процессе торгов) buying price ≈ покупная цена discount price ≈ цена со скидкой, цена ниже номинала going price ≈ действующая цена, действительная цена market price ≈ обозначенная цена, отпускная цена, рыночная цена purchase price ≈ покупная цена reduced price ≈ сниженные/пониженные цены retail price ≈ розничная цена stiff prices ≈ жесткие цены;
устойчивые цены wholesale price ≈ оптовая цена Syn: worth, value
2) ценность above/beyond/without price ≈ бесценный
3) перен. жертва, цена This sacrifice is a small price to pay. ≈ Эта жертва небольшая цена этому. Slovenia will have to pay a high price for independence. ≈ Словении придется заплатить большую цену за независимость. There may be a price to pay for such relentless activity, perhaps ill health or even divorce. ≈ Возможно за такое жесткое поведение ему придется заплатить дорогую цену - потерю здоровья или даже развод. at any price ≈ любой ценой, во что бы то ни стало not at any price ≈ ни за что Syn: worth, value
2. гл.
1) назначать цену, оценивать;
указывать цену The car is priceed at $
20000. ≈ Машина оценена в 20000 долларов. price out price up
2) узнавать цену, прицениваться We went around all the travel agents pricing the different tours. ≈ Мы обошли все туристические агентства, пытаясь узнать цены разных туров. цена - cash * цена при условии уплаты наличными - cost * себестоимость - agreed * условленная цена - * ceiling * максимальная (официально установленная) цена - purchase /buying/ * покупная цена - retail * розничная цена - asked * цена, требуемая продавцом - marked * обозначенная цена - market * существующая рыночная цена /сложившаяся на рынке/ - net * цена-нетто;
цена после вычета всех скидок;
окончательная цена - discount * цена со скидкой;
цена ниже номинала - tender * цена, предложенная на торгах - * freezing /pegging/ замораживание цен - at a * of по цене в - at a * по высокой цене, дорого - to force /to send/ down *s, to depress *s сбивать цены - to force /to send, to puff, to push/ up *s взвинчивать /вздувать/ цены - *s have advanced цены возросли - what's the * of this сколько это стоит? - that's not in my * range это мне не по карману награда( за чью-л. голову) (редкое) (заработная) плата ценность - above /beyong, without/ * бесценный - he has his * его можно купить( за деньги) - a pearl of great * жемчужина большой ценности цена, жертва - not at any * ни за что;
ни при каких обстоятельствах - such losses were too hight a * to pay for victory победа досталась слишком дорогой ценой - it must be done at any * это должно быть сделано любой ценой /во что бы то ни стало/ - he won but only at a * он победил, но дорогой ценой ставка (в пари) > what *..? чего стоит..?;
как обстоит дело с..?, какие (имеются) шансы /виды/ на успех?, как насчет..? > what * glory? чего стоит слава? > what * my chances of being appointed? каковы мои шансы на назначение? > what * fine weather tomorrow? (можно рассчитывать, что) завтра будет хорошая погода? > what * my new bike? как (вам нравится) мой новый велосипед? > what * this! как вам это нравится! назначать цену, оценивать - the goods are *d too hight товар оценен очень высоко - they have *d book out of the market эта книга сейчас мало кому по карману указывать цену (на товаре) прицениваться > to * oneself out of the market завысить цены и потерять покупателей;
оттолкнуть, отпугнуть потребителей высокими ценами ~ цена;
above (или beyond, without) price бесценный;
at a price по дорогой цене acquisition ~ цена приобретения additional ~ цена с надбавкой admission ~ плата за вход admission ~ цена входного билета advertising ~ цена рекламы agreed ~ обусловленная цена agreed ~ согласованная цена agreed ~ установленная цена all trade ~ общий торговый курс all-inclusive ~ полная цена approximate ~ примерная цена ask and bid ~ бирж. цена продавца и цена покупателя ask ~ бирж. запрашиваемая цена ask ~ бирж. курс, предлагаемый продавцом ask ~ бирж. цена продавца ~ цена;
above (или beyond, without) price бесценный;
at a price по дорогой цене ~ цена, жертва;
at any price любой ценой, во что бы то ни стало;
not at any price ни за что attractive ~ привлекательная цена auction ~ аукционная цена average offering ~ средний курс предложения ценных бумаг average offering ~ средняя запрашиваемая цена average ~ средняя цена average producer ~ средняя цена производителя bargain ~ покупная цена base ~ базисная цена basic object ~ базисная целевая цена basic ~ базисная цена basic ~ начальная цена basic ~ первичная цена basic target ~ базисная целевая цена basis ~ основная цена to be a ~ leader эк. диктовать цены (на рынке, бирже и т. п.) beneficial ~ выгодная цена beneficial ~ льготная цена bid ~ курс, предлагаемый покупателем bid ~ предложенная цена bid ~ цена, предлагаемая покупателем bid ~ цена покупателя bid-and-ask ~ бирж. разница между курсами продавца и покупателя bond ~ биржевый курс bond ~ курс государственных процентных бумаг bond ~ курс облигаций bond ~ фондовый курс bulk ~ стоимость партии bunker ~ суд. цена бункерного топлива buy-back ~ выкупная цена buying ~ курс покупателя buying ~ цена покупателя buying ~ цена покупки buying-in ~ скупочная цена calculated ~ расчетная цена call ~ цена облигации при досрочном выкупе catalogue ~ номинальная цена ceiling ~ максимальная цена( установленная властями) ceiling ~ максимальная цена ceiling ~ наивысший курс ценных бумаг CIF ~ цена сиф clean ~ чистая цена clearance ~ цена реализации close ~ минимальный разрыв между ценами покупателя и продавца по ценной бумаге closing ~ курс на момент закрытия биржи commodity ~ цена товара common ~ system система единых цен common target ~ единая плановая цена (ЕЭС) competitive ~ конкурентоспособная цена compulsory minimum ~ обязательная минимальная цена computer rental ~ арендная плата за пользование машиной constant ~ постоянная цена consumer ~ розничная цена consumers' ~ цена для конечных потребителей contact ~ рекл. цена установления контакта conversion ~ курс конвертируемой облигации current ~ существующая цена current ~ цена на данный момент cut the ~ низкая цена cut the ~ снижать цену cut the ~ сниженная цена cut-rate ~ низкая цена cut-rate ~ пониженная цена cut-rate ~ сниженная цена debenture ~ цена долгового обязательства delivery ~ цена доставки delivery ~ цена с доставкой derived intervention ~ производная интервенционная цена (ЕЭС) dirty ~ цена облигации с учетом надбавки discounted ~ цена со скидкой dumping ~ бросовая цена dumping ~ демпинговая цена economic ~ экономически выгодная цена economical ~ экономически обоснованная цена energy ~ стоимость энергии entry ~ цена ввозимой продукции equilibrium ~ равновесная цена estimated ~ рассчитанная цена estimated ~ сметная цена estimated sales ~ оценка продажной цены ex works invoice ~ фактурная цена франко-завод ex works ~ цена франко-завод excess ~ чрезмерно высокая цена excessive ~ чрезмерно высокая цена exercise ~ бирж. цена исполнения exorbitant ~ непомерная цена exorbitant ~ чрезмерно высокая цена export ~ экспортная цена extortionate ~ грабительская цена factor ~ цена производственного фактора factory ~ заводская цена falling ~ снижающаяся цена falling share ~ понижающийся биржевой курс falling share ~ понижающийся курс акций favourable ~ благоприятная цена favourable ~ выгодная цена firm ~ твердая цена firm ~ твердый курс firm ~ устойчивый курс firm underwriting ~ твердая гарантийная цена first ~ начальная цена fix a ~ устанавливать цену fixed ~ постоянная цена fixed ~ твердая цена fixed ~ твердо установленная цена fixed ~ фиксированная цена fixing ~ твердая цена floor ~ минимальная цена floor ~ самая низкая цена fluctuating ~ колеблющаяся цена forward ~ курс по сделкам на срок futures ~ бирж. цена при сделке на срок giveaway ~ бросовая цена giveaway ~ низкая цена gross ~ цена-брутто guaranteed ~ гарантированная цена guide ~ ЕЭС ориентировочная цена guiding ~ ведущая цена guiding ~ определяющая цена half ~ половинная цена import ~ импортная цена inclusive ~ цена с учетом всех услуг increase the ~ повышать цену initial ~ первоначальная цена instalment ~ цена при покупке в рассрочку internal ~ цена на внутреннем рынке intervention ~ интервенционная цена intervention purchase ~ покупная цена при интервенции introductory ~ предварительная цена invoice ~ фактурная цена invoice ~ цена по счету issue ~ цена эмиссии keen ~ низкая цена knockdown ~ минимальная цена (на аукционе) knockdown ~ сбитая цена landed ~ цена с выгрузкой на берег landed ~ цена товара, выгруженного на берег latest purchase ~ последняя покупная цена list ~ прейскурантная цена list ~ прокотированная цена listed ~ прейскурантная цена listed ~ прокотированная цена loss leader ~ цена товара, продаваемого в убыток для привлечения покупателей low ~ низкая цена lowering ~ снижающаяся цена lowest ~ самая низкая цена made-up ~ курс окончательного расчета по сделкам на срок maker's ~ цена производителя making-up ~ курс окончательного расчета по сделкам на срок making-up ~ расчетная цена marginal ~ крайняя цена marked down ~ сниженная цена market ~ курс биржи market ~ рыночная цена market ~ рыночный курс ценных бумаг market target ~ рыночная плановая цена market target ~ рыночная целевая цена match ~ согласованная цена maximum buying-in ~ предельная цена, при которой снимается товар с продажи на аукционе maximum ~ максимальная цена maximum ~ наивысший курс ценных бумаг mean ~ бирж. среднее арифметическое цен покупателя и продавца mean ~ бирж. средний курс mean ~ бирж. средняя цена medium ~ средняя цена middle ~ средний курс middle ~ средняя цена minimum import ~ минимальная цена ввозимых товаров minimum ~ минимальная цена minimum ~ минимальный курс minimum ~ наименьший курс ценных бумаг minimum selling ~ минимальная продажная цена negotiate a ~ договариваться о цене net ~ окончательная цена net ~ цена нетто net ~ цена после вычета всех скидок net ~ цена-нетто net ~ чистая цена net ~ чистая цена акции, котируемая брокером клиенту norm ~ стандартная цена normal ~ нормальная цена ~ цена, жертва;
at any price любой ценой, во что бы то ни стало;
not at any price ни за что object ~ целевая цена offer ~ запрашиваемая цена offer ~ курс, предлагаемый продацом ценных бумаг offer ~ цена продавца official ~ официальная цена official ~ официальный курс ценных бумаг на бирже oil ~ цена на нефть opening ~ начальный курс opening ~ первая котировка после открытия биржи opening ~ самая высокая и самая низкая цены покупателя и продавца в начале торговой сессии на срочной бирже opening ~ цена при открытии биржи optimum ~ оптимальная цена original ~ начальная цена original ~ первоначальная цена original ~ подлинная цена overall ~ полная цена par ~ нарицательная цена parity ~ эквивалентная цена pegged ~ искусственно поддерживаемая цена preferential ~ льготная цена price курс ценных бумаг ~ назначать цену, оценивать ~ назначать цену ~ оценивать ~ расценивать ~ цена, жертва;
at any price любой ценой, во что бы то ни стало;
not at any price ни за что ~ цена;
above (или beyond, without) price бесценный;
at a price по дорогой цене ~ цена ~ ценность ~ by hammer аукционная цена ~ for futures бирж. курс фьючерсных операций ~ in competitive auction цена на конкурсном аукционе ~ of debt securities стоимость ценной бумаги, представляющей собой долговое обязательство ~ of issue цена эмиссии ~ of material цена материала ~ of security курс ценной бумаги procurement ~ закупочная цена producer ~ цена производителя producer ~ цена фирмы-производителя producer's ~ цена производителя production ~ себестоимость продукции production target ~ плановая цена продукции profitable ~ цена, обеспечивающая прибыль purchase ~ курс, предлагаемый покупателем ценных бумаг purchase ~ покупная цена purchase ~ цена, предлагаемая покупателем purchase ~ цена покупателя quote a ~ назначать цену quoted ~ зарегистрированный на бирже курс quoted ~ назначенная цена quoted ~ объявленная цена quoted ~ прокотированная цена raise the ~ повышать цену raise the ~ поднимать цену raise the ~ увеличивать цену ransom ~ цена выкупа raw material ~ цена на сырье reasonable ~ умеренная цена receding ~ снижающаяся цена receding ~ снижающийся курс recommended ~ предложенная цена recommended ~ рекомендованная цена recommended retail ~ предложенная розничная цена recorded ~ зарегистрированный курс redemption ~ выкупная цена, выкупной курс redemption ~ цена погашения reduce the ~ делать скидку с цены reduce the ~ снижать цену reduce the ~ уменьшать цену reduced ~ льготная цена reduced ~ сниженная цена reduced ~ уменьшенная цена reference ~ контрольная цена remunerative ~ выгодная цена replacement ~ восстановительная цена repurchasing ~ выкупная цена repurchasing ~ цена, по которой инвестиционный фонд выкупает свои акции у инвесторов-клиентов reselling ~ цена перепродаваемого товара reserve ~ отправная цена reserve ~ резервированная цена reserve ~ резервная цена reserve: ~ price резервированная цена;
низшая отправная цена (ниже которой продавец отказывается продать свой товар на аукционе) retail ~ розничная цена retail: ~ attr. розничный;
retail price розничная цена;
retail dealer розничный торговец revalued ~ повышенная цена rock-bottom ~ очень низкая цена ruinous ~ разорительная цена sales ~ продажная цена sales ~ реализационная цена scarcity ~ повышенная цена в период нехватки товара seller's ~ цена, выгодная для продавца selling ~ продажная цена selling ~ реализационная цена set a ~ назначать цену set a ~ устанавливать цену settlement ~ расчетная цена share ~ курс акции share ~ цена акции shortage ~ цена дефицита single intervention ~ единая интервенционная цена sluice-gate ~ "шлюзовая" цена (теоретическая импортная цена на некоторые сельскохозяйственные продукты в Европейском экономическом сообществе) special ~ специальная цена spot ~ наличная цена товара spot ~ наличный курс ценной бумаги spot ~ цена по кассовым сделкам spot ~ цена при продаже за наличные spot ~ цена при условии немедленной уплаты наличными spot ~ цена с немедленной сдачей spot: ~ price цена при условии немедленной уплаты наличными squeeze the ~ ограничивать цену standard ~ нормативная цена standard ~ стандартная цена stock market ~ курс ценных бумаг на фондовом рынке stock ~ биржевой курс stock ~ курс акций stop ~ цена, специально оговоренная в приказе брокеру stop-out ~ самая низкая долларовая цена, по которой казначейские векселя продаются на аукционе street ~ цена на неофициальной бирже street ~ цена по внебиржевым сделкам strike ~ exc. цена исполнения (фиксированная цена, по которой покупатель опциона может использовать свое право купить или продать определенные финансовые документы) striking ~ цена, по которой удовлетворяются заявки участников аукциона новых ценных бумаг striking ~ цена исполнения (фиксированная цена, по которой покупатель опциона может использовать свое право купить или продать определенные финансовые документы) subscription ~ цена подписки suggested ~ предлагаемая розничная цена suggested ~ предложенная цена suggested ~ цена, предлагаемая для розничной продажи suggested retail ~ предлагаемая розничная цена supply ~ цена поставки supply ~ цена предложения support ~ интервенционная цена target ~ базовая цена target ~ курс ценной бумаги, ожидаемый инвестором target ~ намеченная цена target ~ плановая цена target ~ целевая норма прибыли target ~ целевая цена target ~ цена, при которой опцион становится выгоден покупателю tender ~ цена на торгах tender the ~ предлагать цену tentative ~ ориентировочная цена tentative ~ предварительная цена tentative ~ предположительная цена threshold ~ пороговая цена ticket ~ стоимость билета ticket ~ цена билета today's ~ сегодняшняя цена top ~ высшая цена top ~ высший курс ценных бумаг top: ~ наивысший, максимальный;
top speed самая большая скорость;
top price самая высокая цена total ~ итоговая цена total ~ общая цена trade ~ торговая цена trade ~ фабричная цена, оптовая цена trade ~ фабричная цена;
заводская цена trade ~ цена товаров, покупаемых розничным торговцем у оптовика transfer ~ внутрифирменная трансфертная цена transfer ~ отпускная цена transfer ~ трансфертная цена underwriting ~ гарантийная цена uniform ~ единая цена unit ~ единичная (штучная) цена, цена единицы unit ~ цена единицы продукции unit selling ~ продажная цена единицы товара upset ~ низшая отправная цена (на аукционе) upset ~ низшая цена, которую готовы уплатить участники аукциона upset: ~ price низшая отправная цена (на аукционе) usual ~ нормальная цена usual ~ обычная цена weighted average ~ средневзвешенная цена wholesale ~ оптовая цена works ~ цена производства world market ~ цена на мировом рынке year-end ~ курс на конец года year-end ~ цена на конец года zone ~ зональная цена -
20 system
1) система2) установка; устройство•- 2D design system
- 2-D draughting system
- 2D milling CAM system
- 3 nonsimultaneous axes control system
- 3D CAD system
- 3D design system
- 3D milling CAM system
- 3-D surface-modeling system
- 3-D system
- abrasive waterjet cutting system
- absolute control system
- absolute dimension measuring system
- accident-protection system
- accountancy system
- accounting data system
- ACO system
- acoustic feedback control system
- acquisition system
- active enclosure system
- adaptable system
- adaptive CNC system
- adaptive control constraint system
- adaptive control system
- adaptive pulsing system
- adaptive robot system
- add-on NC programming system
- administrative information data system
- administrative information system
- ADR system
- advanced command data system
- advanced data analysis system
- advanced data display system
- advanced display system
- advanced integrated data system
- advanced interactive debugging system
- advanced management information system
- advisory system
- AGV system
- air flotation system
- air-bearing system
- air-cooling system
- air-delivery system
- air-gaging system
- airlock system
- air-oil mist lubrication system
- air-plasma arc-profiling system
- air-purge system
- alarm system
- all-enveloping guard system
- analog computing system
- analog recording system
- angstrom-positioning system
- antideflection system
- antilock brake system
- antisag system
- application-specific system
- APT generating expert system
- Archimedes system
- array system
- AS/RS system
- assembly management system
- assembly system
- attitude display system
- autolube system
- automated communications and messages processing system
- automated design and optimization of control system
- automated design system
- automated digital design system
- automated industrial management system
- automated information data system
- automated information dissemination system
- automated information retrieval system
- automated inventory distribution system
- automated machining system
- automated management information system
- automated management system
- automated measuring system
- automated parts input-output system
- automated reliability and maintenance management system
- automated storage control system
- automatic alignment-and-centering system
- automatic call distribution system
- automatic CAM system
- automatic chuck-changing system
- automatic data acquisition system
- automatic data distribution system
- automatic data system
- automatic diagnostic-and-recovery system
- automatic display plotting system
- automatic distributive numerical control system
- automatic fixturing system
- automatic gaging-and-compensating system
- automatic measurement-and-compensation system
- automatic message accounting system
- automatic message distribution system
- automatic pallet storage/retrieval system
- automatic program transfer system
- automatic record evaluation system
- automatic telemetry system
- automatic test analysis system
- automatic test system
- automatic testing, evaluating and reporting system
- automatic tool cassette changer system
- automatic tool retraction system
- automatic tool retraction/correction/reentry system
- automatic tool wear/tool broken sensing system
- automatically taught system
- automation system
- autonomous system
- autopatch system
- AWS system
- axis drive system
- axis motor system
- axis-stopping system
- backlash-free friction system
- back-to-back system
- balance system
- balanced system of forces
- balanced system
- bar feed system
- bar pulling system
- bar pusher system
- barring coding system
- base coordinate system
- base data system
- base file system
- base operating information system
- basic disk operating system
- basic hole system
- basic input/output system
- basic NC system
- basic programming system
- basic shaft system
- batching system
- batch-machining system
- battery system
- BCC management information system
- beam delivery system
- belt turnover system
- belt twist system
- binary system
- binary vision system
- biped robotic system
- block-tool system
- block-type tool change system
- bonded stores system
- boring system
- bought-in control system
- brake system
- branch information system
- breakaway system
- breathing system
- broad system of ordering
- BTA deep-hole-drilling system
- BTA-style deep-hole-drilling system
- bug-free system
- building block system
- bulk system
- business information system
- buy-and-plug-in system
- C/C system
- cable and hose carrying system
- CAD access system
- CAD system
- CAD/CAM system
- CAD/CAM/CAE and product data management system
- CAD/CAM/CAE system
- CAD/CAPP/CAM system
- CADAR system
- CAD-integrating system
- CAD-only system
- CAE system
- CAE/CAD/CAM system
- CAG system
- CAM system
- cam-and-lever system
- capacitance-based measuring system
- CAPP system
- capture system
- carrierband system
- cart/pallet transfer system
- Cartesian coordinate system
- cassette jaw-change system
- cell control system
- cell management system
- cell-type system
- cellular manufacturing system
- central analog data distributing and controlling system
- central automatic message accounting system
- central storage system
- centralized control system
- centralized coolant and extractor system
- centralized swarf conveying system
- centralized swarf removal system
- chain conveyor system
- check system
- checking system
- checkout system
- chiller system
- chip conveyor system
- chip guard system
- chip-evacuation system
- chuck/chuck jaw changing system
- chucking system
- chuck-jaw system
- chuck-loading system
- CIM system
- circular monitoring system
- circular part-processing system
- circulating lubrication system
- circulating oil system
- circulation system
- clamping system
- closed cooling system
- closed loop control system
- closed loop machine control system
- closed loop size control system
- closed loop system
- closed-proprietary system
- CM system
- CNC hardware system
- CNC machine tool system
- CNC programming system
- CNC system
- CNC transfer system
- CNC-ACC system
- CNC-control system
- coherent system of units
- collecting system
- collet pad top jaw system
- combined cooling system
- combined production system
- command-line NC system
- commercial vision system
- communication system
- companion system
- comprehensive power measurement system
- computer analysis and design system
- computer automation real-time operating system
- computer data communication system
- computer NC system
- computer system
- computer vision system
- computer-aided design support system
- computer-aided dispatch system
- computer-aided gaging system
- computer-aided programming system
- computer-aided telemetry system
- computer-aided test system
- computer-assisted command system
- computer-assisted message processing system
- computer-assisted microfilm retrieval system
- computer-assisted operation sequence planning system
- computer-automated machine-tool system
- computer-automated test system
- computer-based management system
- computer-based message system
- computer-controlled materials-handling system
- computer-controlled system
- computer-coordinated measuring system
- computer-directed swing-arm tool-changing system
- computer-driven control system
- computer-hosted manufacturing system
- computer-integrated manufacturing system
- computer-integrated system
- computerized information retrieval system
- computerized machine control system
- computerized manufacturing system
- computerized numerical control system
- computerized production control system
- computerized shopfloor data collection system
- computer-oriented production management system
- computer-oriented system
- computing system
- concurrent force system
- conductor system
- conservative system
- constant delivery system
- constant volume system
- constant-contact scanning system
- constraint satisfaction system
- continuous feedback control system
- continuous flow system
- continuous-path CNC system
- continuous-path control system
- contouring control system
- contouring system
- controlled path system
- controlling system
- conventional ACC system
- conversational analysis and drafting system
- conveying system
- conveyor system
- conveyoring system
- conveyorized work-handling system
- coolant clarification system
- coolant laundering system
- coolant mist system
- coolant recirculating system
- coolant recovery system
- coolant recycling system
- coolant supply system
- coolant-circulating system
- coolant-thru-body system
- cooling system
- coordinate drive system
- coordinate system
- coprocessor board system
- copymill control system
- corporate information and office system
- coupling system
- CPS system
- CRT control system
- CRT system
- customer-oriented system
- customized FMS control system
- cut-piece transfer system
- cycloidal tooth system
- data base management system
- data communication system
- data control system
- data input management system
- data management system
- data origination system
- data processing system
- data retrieval system
- data transfer system
- datum system for geometrical tolerancing
- datum system
- DDM system
- decentralized DNC system
- decision enabling system
- decision support system
- dedicated production system
- deep-hole-drilling system
- defect-free machining system
- delivery system
- demand pull flexible system
- demand push flexible system
- departmental management system
- descaling system
- design coordinate system
- design support system
- design-automation system
- design-for-manufacturing system
- design-with-feature system
- desk-top publishing system
- deterministic system
- dexel-based system
- diagnostic communication control system
- diagnostic computer control system
- dialog system
- diamond-lapping system
- digital readout system
- digitizing system
- digitizing/data capture system
- dimensional verification system
- direct impingement starting system
- direct lubrication system
- direct NC system
- discrete-continuous system
- dispatcher system
- distributed computer system
- distributed mass-spring system
- distributed microprocessor system
- distributed processing system
- distributed quality system
- distributed system
- distributive numerical control system
- DNC flexible machining system
- DNC machine control system
- DNC machine tool control system
- DNC system
- DNC/FM system
- document processing system
- document retrieval system
- document search system
- domain-expert system
- Doppler system
- DOS CAM system
- double tube system
- dowel pin system
- DRO system
- drop-feed-lubrication system
- DTP system
- dual laser optical system
- dual laser referencing system
- dual system
- dual-beam LDDM system
- dual-pallet shuttle system
- dual-shaft electric propulsion system
- dynamic beam focusing laser system
- dynamic data system
- dynamic mapping system
- early warning system
- eddy current damper system
- edge-sensing system
- edge-type positioning system
- eight-station pallet system
- electrical contact tracing system
- electrofluidic control system
- emergency protection system
- enclosure system
- encoder checking system
- endpoint locating system
- energy-adaptive system
- energy-saving drive system
- engine starting system
- entry-level NC system
- environmental control system
- equivalent rigid link system
- equivalent systems of forces
- ESD system
- estimating system
- example-driven system
- expert control system
- expert process planning system
- expert system
- external box system
- extractor system
- fact retrieval system
- factory automation system
- fault detection system
- fault-signal system
- FBG system
- feasibility routing system
- feature-based CAM system
- feature-based system
- feed system
- feedback control system
- feedback gaging system
- feedback position control system
- feedback system
- feed-drive system
- feedforward compensatory control system
- feed-only AC system
- feed-overriding system
- FFS system
- file control system
- finite capacity scheduling system
- fixed coordinate system
- fixed-feature NC system
- fixed-rail system
- fixture design system
- fixture system
- fixturing system
- flanged pipe system
- flexible assembly system
- flexible automated manufacturing system
- flexible automation system
- flexible computer-controlled robotic system
- flexible fabricating system
- flexible fixturing system
- flexible handling system
- flexible laser optical system
- flexible laser system
- flexible lathe system
- flexible machine system
- flexible machining center system
- flexible machining system
- flexible manufacturing system
- flexible NC system
- flexible press system
- flexible tooling system
- flexible transfer system
- flexible turning system
- flood coolant system
- flow-line production system
- flow-type manufacturing system
- fluid management system
- fluid power system
- flush-type cooling system
- fly system
- FMS operating system
- FMS/CAD/CAM system
- FMS-type production system
- force measurement system
- force sensory system
- force system
- force-sensing system
- forecasting system
- four-station pallet system
- four-tier quality system
- FROG navigation system
- FROG system
- full-blown system
- fully specified system
- gage system
- gaging computer system
- gaging-and-compensating system
- gantry loading system
- gantry-based turning system
- gantry-style motion system
- gas-turbine starting system
- gating system
- gear roller system
- gear system
- gear testing system
- general information retrieval system
- generative planning system
- generic control system
- generic messaging system
- generic system
- glass fiber system
- glazing system
- goal-seeking system
- graphic numerical control system
- graphic processing system
- graphics system
- graphics-oriented system
- grating measuring system
- gravity oil system
- gray scale imaging system
- grinder vision system
- group control system
- guarding system
- guidance system
- guiding system
- handling system
- handwriting-input system
- hard-automated system
- hardware NC system
- hardware support system
- head change system
- head changer system
- head-changing flexible manufacturing system
- help system
- hierarchical coding system
- hierarchical control system
- hierarchical information control system
- high-noise-immunity system
- high-rise system
- high-speed positioning system
- high-speed-processor control system
- high-volume system
- Hirth gear-tooth system
- holding system
- holding tool system
- hole system
- holonomic system
- host computer-assisted programming system
- host distributive numerical control system
- hybrid computing system
- hydraulic oil system
- hydraulic system
- hydraulic-circuit system
- hypertext system
- ID system
- IDNC system
- illumination system
- image detection system
- image processing system
- imaging system
- IMC system
- immersion-washing system
- inconsistent system of equations
- incremental measuring system
- index system
- indirect lubrication system
- individual lubrication system
- inductive telemetry system
- inductively guided cart system
- industrial vision system
- in-feed system
- inference system
- in-floor chip-disposal system
- information infrastructure system
- information logical system
- information processing system
- information storage and retrieval system
- information system
- information-gathering system
- information-management system
- information-sharing system
- infrared imaging system
- infrared system
- in-house minicomputer system
- in-house system
- inlet control system
- in-process gaging system
- in-process sensing system
- in-process storage system
- insert-selection system
- instrumentation system
- insulating system
- integral movement monitoring system
- integrated CAD/CAPP/CAM system
- integrated CAM system
- integrated circuit numerical control system
- integrated computer system
- integrated information system
- integrated machine system
- integrated machining system
- integrated manufacturing and assembly system
- integrated manufacturing system
- integrated NC machine system
- integrated production system
- integrated sensor system
- intelligent control system
- interactive control system
- interactive graphics processing system
- interactive manufacturing control system
- interconnection system
- interdepartmental communication system
- interferometer measuring system
- interlocking system
- interrupt-driven system
- inventory-management system
- involute tooth system
- IR fault-signal system
- IR system
- ISO system of limits and tolerances
- isolated word recognition system
- jig boring measuring system
- job shop-type flexible system
- joint-actuation system
- just-in-time production system
- kanban pull system
- kinetic control system
- kitting system
- knowledge base management system
- knowledge system
- knowledge-based information system
- knowledge-based system
- krypton laser system
- labeling system
- labor-intensive system
- language-based NC system
- laser beam orientation system
- laser beam positioning system
- laser calibration system
- laser combination energy system
- laser digitizing system
- laser driving system
- laser full automated system
- laser inspection system
- laser interferometer measuring system
- laser machining system
- laser metalworking system
- laser micrometer system
- laser monitoring system
- laser mount system
- laser optical transformation system
- laser pulse power system
- laser pump system
- laser referencing system
- laser thread measurement system
- laser transducer system
- laser-cutting system
- laser-gaging system
- layered control system
- LDDM system
- lead screw drive system
- learning system
- library reference system
- library system
- light guide system
- light recognition system
- line motion control system
- line motion system
- line path system
- linear index system
- linear system of constant coefficients
- linear time invariant system
- linear time-varying system
- linear-encoder-equipped system
- LMFC system
- load/unload system
- loading robot system
- load-monitoring system
- local communications system
- logistics system
- look-up table system
- low-loss optical system
- low-volume lubricant delivery system
- lube system
- lubrication system with continuous delivery
- lubrication system with cyclic delivery
- lubrication system with performance control
- lubrication system without performance control
- lubrication system
- M system
- machine control system
- machine coordinate system
- machine health-monitoring system
- machine management system
- machine surveillance system
- machine tool capability-conditioning system
- machine tool system
- machine vision system
- machine/control system
- machine/tool/workpiece system
- machine-flexible system
- machine-zero reference system
- machining-cell system
- magnetic control system
- magnetic shaft suspension system
- main control system
- maintenance tracking system
- make-up system
- management control system
- management information system
- management system
- management-and-manufacturing system
- managerial reporting system
- man-computer system
- man-machine system
- man-plus-machine system
- manual data input system
- manual programming system
- manufacturing execution system
- manufacturing optimization system
- manufacturing software system
- manufacturing system
- many-degrees-of-freedom system
- many-variable system
- mass-elastic system
- master manufacturing control system
- master-slave control system
- material flow system
- material movement system
- material storage system
- materials-handling control system
- materials-handling system
- matrix array system
- matrix-type system
- MDI contouring control system
- MDI control system
- MDI NC system
- mean line system
- measurement/inspection system
- measuring coordinate system
- measuring system
- measuring/compensation system
- mechanical interface coordinate system
- memory NC system
- memory system
- menu drive system
- menu system
- menu-driven programming system
- metalforming production system with robots
- metalworking laser system
- metamorphic system
- metareasoning system
- metering system
- metrology system
- MIC system
- micro CAD/CAM programming system
- microadjustment system
- microchip-managed control system
- microdispensing system
- microintegrated system
- microload system
- micropackaged distributed system
- microprocessor based system
- microprocessor CNC system
- microprocessor system
- microprocessor-development system
- microstep control system
- microwave drill detection system
- milling CAM system
- milling system
- minicomputer-based numerical control system
- minicomputer-based system
- minicomputer-based test system
- miniload automated storage and retrieval system
- miniload system
- minimal constraint system
- minimum phase shift system
- mist-cooling system
- mixed forging-machining system
- mobility system
- model reference adaptive system
- moderately sized manufacturing system
- modular clamping system
- modular component tooling system
- modular fixture system
- modular holding system
- modular system
- modular tooling system
- modular work holding system
- monitoring system
- monorail material handling system
- motor position sensing system
- mounting system
- MPM system
- MRC system
- MRP system
- MS-DOS system
- multiaxis laser system
- multimachine system
- multimedia system
- multinetwork system
- multipallet system
- multiple computer system
- multiple laser technology system
- multiple pallet changer system
- multiple pallet handling system
- multiple parts feeding system
- multiple sensory system
- multiple spindle head handling-and-changing system
- multiple system of indexing
- multiple-gun spraying system
- multipoint lubrication system
- multipoint network control system
- multiprocessing system
- multiprocessor NC system
- multiprocessor system
- multiproduct manufacturing system
- multiprofile tool system
- multiprogramming system
- multirobot system
- multisensor system
- multiserver queueing system
- multistage system
- multitasking control system
- multiterminal system
- multiuser system
- multivendor information system
- multiwindowing software system
- Nagare system
- narrowly defined expert system
- national information system
- navigation system
- NC contouring system
- NC machine system
- NC part-programming system
- NC system
- NC tooling system
- NC/TP system
- nesting system
- network computer system
- network switching system
- network system
- noise diagnostic system
- noncircular copy-turning system
- noncompensated system
- noncontact laser marking system
- noncontact microwave system
- nonexpert system
- non-NC system
- numerical computer control system
- numerical contour control system
- numerical control system
- numerically controlled tool point system
- object-oriented system
- office system
- office-based programming system
- off-line adviser-type expert system
- off-line programming system
- off-line system
- off-the-shelf system
- oil mist system
- oil scavenge system
- oil system
- oil wash system
- oil-recirculating system
- oligarchical manufacturing system
- OLP system
- one man/one machine system
- one man-one operation-one job system
- one-machine flexible system
- one-piece tape spar-measuring system
- one-shot lubrication system
- on-line information system
- on-line process system
- on-line retrieval system
- on-line system
- on-line tool control system
- on-machine gaging system
- on-machine probing system
- on-off control system
- open architecture system
- open cooling system
- open system
- open-front system
- open-loop control system
- operating system
- operational system
- operator guidance system
- operator-controlled NC system
- optical detection system
- optical laser ranging system
- optical MAP system
- optical measurement/inspection system
- optical recognition system
- optical system for laser processing
- optical tracer backup system
- optical transmission system
- opti-feed system
- optimal-position control system
- order-driven system
- order-entry system
- order-picking system
- oscillating system
- oscillatory system
- out-feed system
- output collecting system
- overall system
- p.-t.-p. NC system
- package confinement system
- paging system
- pallet conveyor system
- pallet gripper system
- pallet ID system
- pallet storage system
- pallet storage/changer system
- pallet/platen transfer system
- pallet/robot flexible-machining system
- pallet-based materials handling system
- pallet-based system
- pallet-changer system
- pallet-coding system
- pallet-handling system
- palletized tool magazine system
- pallet-loading system
- pallet-moving system
- pallet-shuttle change system
- pallet-transfer system
- pallet-transport system
- paperless NC system
- parallel force system
- parallel lubrication system
- parametric CNC system
- part flow system
- part handling-and-storage system
- part program-editing system
- part queue system
- part-conveying system
- partial laser system
- part-programming system
- part-retrieval system
- passively mode-locked laser system
- path control system of a machine
- path control system
- pattern recognition system
- pattern tracing system
- pattern-directed system
- PC system
- PC-based CAD system
- PC-based vision system
- pendant-mounted CNC system
- perceptual system
- permanent electro system
- personal computer-based robotic vision system
- phase switching control system
- photogrammetric vision system
- photooptic tracing system
- photooptical tracing system
- piece rate system
- plane system of forces
- planner-oriented system
- plant-integration system
- platen system
- platform-independent CAM system
- playback system
- plugboard control system
- plugboard programming system
- point-to-point system
- popular laser system
- position control system
- positioning control system
- postprocess inspection system
- postprocess system
- postprocess-feedback gaging system
- potentiometer-setting system
- power generating system
- power system
- powered clamping system
- powered track system
- powerful robot system
- precision positioning system
- predictive machinability system
- predictive maintenance system
- pre-emptive system
- pregaging system
- preload system
- preset tooling system
- presetting system
- prismatic flexible manufacturing system
- prismatic machining system
- probe communication system
- problem-oriented information system
- process planning system
- process-flexible system
- production control system
- production expert system
- production-monitoring system
- productions system
- product-testing system
- programmable automation system
- programmable control system
- programmable logic control system
- programmable power monitoring system
- programmed sequence control system
- programming system
- proof-of-concept system
- proprietary NC system
- propulsion system
- propulsive system
- protection system
- prototype system
- prototyping system
- pull system of production
- pull system
- punch tape NC system
- purpose-made materials feeding system
- push system
- qualitative system
- quality control system
- quality system
- quantity produced systems
- question-and-answer system
- question-answering system
- queuing system
- quick-change system
- quick-change workpiece-fixturing system
- quick-change-cutter system
- rack system
- rack-picking system
- rail-borne robotic handling system
- rail-guided transport system
- random mission system
- random mix system
- random order system
- ranging system
- readout system
- ready-to-go system
- real-time vision system
- recirculation system
- rectangular coordinate system
- rectangular triordinate system
- reeving system
- reference retrieval system
- reference system
- reflecting high-power beam optical system
- register system
- registration system
- relay ladder logic system
- reporting system
- reprographic system
- resolver system
- restraint system
- RETIC system
- retrieval system
- retrofit system
- return spring system
- RGV pallet delivery system
- rigid track workpiece transport system
- rigid transfer system
- robot control system
- robot gantry storage-and-retrieval system
- robot learning system
- robot parts-handling system
- robot system
- robot teaching system
- robot tool changing system
- robot-based turning system
- robotic system
- robotic vision system
- robotics CAD system
- robotized metalforming system
- robot-like inspection system
- robot-measuring system
- rod memory system
- roller system
- roll-generating system
- rotary transfer system
- rotary-type tool-mounting system
- rotational system
- routing-flexible system
- rule-based expert system
- running fail-safe system
- running system
- run-time system
- safety actuation system
- safety system
- scale back system
- seam tracking laser processing system
- seam-tracking system
- security system
- selective assembly system
- selective control system
- self-adapting system
- self-contained starting system
- self-contained system
- self-monitoring measuring system
- self-optimizing adaptive control system
- self-programming NC system
- self-teaching system
- self-test system
- sensing system
- sensor system
- sensor-based system
- sensory control system
- sensory feedback system
- sensory interactive system
- sensory-processing system
- sentence recognition system
- sequencing control system
- sequential control system
- series lubrication system
- service system
- servo control system
- servo drive system
- servo positioning system
- servo transducer system
- servo-controlled blade-feed-pressure system
- setting system
- SFP system
- shaft system
- shared tools system
- shopfloor communication message system
- shopfloor part-programming system
- shopfloor programming system
- shopfloor-programming control system
- short-closed oil system
- shuttle car system
- shuttle system
- shuttle-type container system
- side-loading pallet system
- sign system
- signature-analysis system
- silhouetting system
- single system
- single-board computer system
- single-cell system
- single-line lubrication system
- single-point lubrication system
- single-stage system
- single-tube system
- single-unit machining system
- single-variable system
- sinking system
- six-station pallet system
- size-monitoring system
- skidless system
- skid-type system
- small knowledge system
- small scale system
- small-batch manufacturing system
- sociotechnical system
- software-based system
- software-operating system
- solid model CAD system
- solid modeling system
- solids-based system
- sonic digitizing system
- space-monitoring sensor system
- special-purpose CNC system
- special-purpose material handling system
- speech-understanding system
- spindle airblast system
- spindle-probe system
- splash lubrication system
- split-type of tooling system
- spray lubrication system
- sprocket-chain system
- stabilization system
- stabilizing system
- stacking system
- stand-alone system
- standard control system
- standard unit system
- starting system
- statistical process control system
- steady-state system
- stepping motor drive system
- stocker system
- stocking system
- stop-bolt locking system
- storage system
- storage-and-retrieval system
- storage-retrieval system
- straight cut control system
- straight-line control system
- stress calculations infinite element system
- structurally stable system
- structurally unstable system
- stub-tooth system
- subloop system
- supervision system
- supervisory computer control system
- supervisory control system
- surface-measurement system
- surveillance system
- suspension system
- swarf conveyance system
- swarf-management system
- swarf-removal system
- switching system
- synthetic vision system
- system of dimensioning
- system of forces
- system of limits and fits
- system of quantities
- system of the machine retaining devices
- system of units
- tactile sensing system
- tailored NC system
- tailor-made system
- tape-oriented system
- target system
- teach system
- teachable-logic control system
- teaching system
- teach-mode programming system
- technology-intensive system
- telecommunication system
- telemetry gage system
- telemetry system
- teleoperated system
- telepresence system
- telerobotic system
- ten-station pallet system
- term system
- test system
- testing system
- text organizing system
- thermal control system
- thermal enclosure system
- thermal propulsion system
- thread measurement system
- thread measuring system
- three-dimensional CAM system
- three-dimensional coordinate system
- three-wire thread measuring system
- through feed system
- through-the-tool system
- time control system
- time cycle system
- time-shared system
- time-sharing NC programming system
- time-sharing system
- tool animation system
- tool breakage prevention system
- tool change system
- tool condition monitoring system
- tool coolant system
- tool deflection calibration system
- tool identification tag system
- tool life control system
- tool life management system
- tool magazine exchanger system
- tool management system
- tool position-compensating system
- tool shank cleaning system
- tool storage and transport system
- tool storage/management system
- tool-associated system
- tool-clamp system
- tool-holder-work system
- tool-ID system
- tooling AGV system
- tooling system
- tool-in-hand system
- tool-in-use system
- tool-machine system
- tool-monitoring system
- tool-mounting system
- tool-presetting system
- tool-probing system
- tool-to-turret connection system
- tool-transfer system
- torque-monitoring system
- total system
- total-loss lubrication system
- touch-probe digitizer system
- touch-probe digitizing system
- touch-probe system
- towline cart system
- towline conveyor system
- towline handling system
- towline material handling system
- towline transfer system
- tracer control system
- tracing system
- track system
- tracking/scheduling system
- track-monitoring system
- transfer system
- translating system
- transmission system
- transporter system
- traverse-metering system
- tray-type transfer system
- triangulation system
- tribomechanical system
- tri-level stocker system
- triordinate system
- trolley control system
- trouble-free control system
- T-slot system
- tuned system
- turning system
- turning-and-chucking system
- turnkey computer control system
- turnkey system
- turret probing system
- turret tooling system
- two-line lubrication system
- two-machine system
- two-pallet exchange system
- two-shift system
- two-tier inspection system
- unattended machining system
- unattended production system
- uncertain system
- unified system
- unit bore system
- unit system
- unit-build system
- unit-load automated storage and retrieval system
- unit-load system
- UNIX-based 32-bit computer system
- unmonitored control system
- unstable system
- user identification system
- user's CAD system
- V coding system
- vacuum system
- variable pallet system
- variable-coefficient system
- variable-gain ACC system
- variable-mission system
- versatile data acquisition system
- vertical carousel system
- vertical rotating warehouse system
- vibration system
- vibratory system
- video measuring system
- video-based measurement system
- viewing system
- virtual design system
- virtual storage system
- vision guidance system
- vision metrology system
- vision optical system
- vision sensor system
- vision system
- vision tool-presetting system
- vision-based inspection system
- vision-based system
- visual computing system
- visual inspection system
- VME-based system
- voice data entry system
- voice system
- voice-input system
- volume-flexible system
- volume-metric lubrication system
- voluntary standards system
- warehousing system
- warning protection system
- warning system
- wash system
- waste material treatment system
- watchdog system
- waterjet system
- way-lubrication system
- wedge-locked tool clamping system
- wheelhead-measuring system
- windowing system
- wire-cut system
- wire-frame CAD system
- wire-guided transport system
- wire-guided trolley routing system
- word recognition system
- work infeed system
- work transfer system
- work transport system
- workhandling system
- work-holding system
- workpiece-cleaning system
- workstation-oriented CNC system
- zero error position systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > system
См. также в других словарях:
RATE — La rate est un organe lymphoïde richement vascularisé pesant 150 grammes environ chez l’adulte. Elle est située dans la partie supérieure gauche de l’abdomen recouverte par le gril costal. Les fonctions de la rate sont multiples en liaison avec… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Production leveling — Production leveling, also known as production smoothing or – by its Japanese original term – heijunka (平準化?),[1] is a technique for reducing the muda waste and vital to the development of production efficiency in the Toyota Production System and… … Wikipedia
Total Annihilation: The Core Contingency — Developer(s) Cavedog Entertainment Publisher … Wikipedia
total productive maintenance — UK US noun [U] (ABBREVIATION TPM) PRODUCTION ► a system designed to make sure that every machine in a production process is working continuously and at the correct rate … Financial and business terms
Production theory basics — In microeconomics, Production is simply the conversion of inputs into outputs. It is an economic process that uses resources to create a commodity that is suitable for exchange. This can include manufacturing, storing, shipping, and packaging.… … Wikipedia
production, theory of — ▪ economics Introduction in economics, an effort to explain the principles by which a business firm decides how much of each commodity that it sells (its “outputs” or “products”) it will produce, and how much of each kind of labour, raw… … Universalium
Production function — Graph of Total, Average, and Marginal Product In microeconomics and macroeconomics, a production function is a function that specifies the output of a firm, an industry, or an entire economy for all combinations of inputs. This function is an… … Wikipedia
Rate of profit — In economics and finance, the profit rate is the relative profitability of an investment project, of a capitalist enterprise, or of the capitalist economy as a whole. It is similar to the concept of the rate of return on investment. In Marxian… … Wikipedia
Production–possibility frontier — In economics, a production–possibility frontier (PPF), sometimes called a production–possibility curve or product transformation curve, is a graph that compares the production rates of two commodities that use the same fixed total of the factors… … Wikipedia
Rate of return pricing — Target rate of return pricing is a pricing method used almost exclusively by market leaders or monopolists. You start with a rate of return objective, like 5% of invested capital, or 10% of sales revenue. Then you arrange your price structure so… … Wikipedia
Rate of exploitation — The rate of exploitation is a concept in Marxian political economy. It usually refers to the ratio of the total amount of unpaid labor done (surplus value) to the total amount of wages paid (the value of labour power). The rate of exploitation is … Wikipedia