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  • 1 tortoise

    * * *
    (a kind of four-footed, slow-moving reptile covered with a hard shell.) (szárazföldi) teknősbéka

    English-Hungarian dictionary > tortoise

  • 2 shell

    gránát, külsőség, karosszérialemezek, váz, burok to shell: ágyúz, lehánt, fejt, kihámoz, kihüvelyez, lő
    * * *
    [ʃel] 1. noun
    1) (the hard outer covering of a shellfish, egg, nut etc: an eggshell; A tortoise can pull its head and legs under its shell.) héj
    2) (an outer covering or framework: After the fire, all that was left was the burned-out shell of the building.) váz
    3) (a metal case filled with explosives and fired from a gun etc: A shell exploded right beside him.) gránát
    2. verb
    1) (to remove from its shell or pod: You have to shell peas before eating them.) (meg)hámoz, fejt
    2) (to fire explosive shells at: The army shelled the enemy mercilessly.) (ágyúval, gránátokkal) lő
    - come out of one's shell
    - shell out

    English-Hungarian dictionary > shell

  • 3 turtle

    vadgalamb, jó bőr, gerle, tengeri teknős, gerlice to turtle: teknősbékára halászik
    * * *
    (a kind of large tortoise, especially one living in water.) teknősbéka
    - turtle soup

    English-Hungarian dictionary > turtle

См. также в других словарях:

  • Tortoise — Datos generales Origen Chicago, Illinois, Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Tortoise — Tor toise, n. [OE. tortuce, fr. OF. tortis crooked, fr. L. tortus twisted, crooked, contorted, p. p. of torquere, tortum, to wind; cf. F. tortue tortoise, LL. tortuca, tartuca, Pr. tortesa crookedness, tortis crooked. so called in allusion to its …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tortoise — Жанр построк Годы 1990 по сей день Страна …   Википедия

  • TORTOISE — (Mod. Heb. צָב), a reptile. In Israel there are several species of both land and water tortoises; the latter lives in both sweet and salt water. Some commentators identify the צָב (ẓav), enumerated among the unclean reptiles (Lev. 11:29), with… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • tortoise — (n.) 1550s, altered (perhaps by influence of porpoise) from Middle English tortuse (late 15c.), tortuce (mid 15c.), tortuge (late 14c.), from M.L. tortuca (mid 13c.), perhaps from L.L. tartaruchus of the underworld (see TURTLE (Cf. turtle)).… …   Etymology dictionary

  • tortoise — [tôrt′əs] n. pl. tortoises or tortoise [ME tortuce < ML tortuca, altered (prob. by assoc. with L tortus, twisted) < VL * tartaruca < ? LGr tartarouchos, evil demon, orig., controlling Tartarus] a turtle, esp. one that lives on land, as… …   English World dictionary

  • tortoise — should be pronounced taw tǝs. The form taw toyz, with the second syllable like poise, is non standard …   Modern English usage

  • tortoise — ► NOUN ▪ a slow moving land reptile with a scaly or leathery domed shell into which it can retract its head and legs. ORIGIN Latin tortuca …   English terms dictionary

  • Tortoise — Taxobox name = Tortoises image width = 250px image caption = A Galápagos Giant Tortoise regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Reptilia ordo = Testudines subordo = Cryptodira superfamilia = Testudinoidea familia = Testudinidae subdivision… …   Wikipedia

  • Tortoise — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tortoise (homonymie). Tortoise …   Wikipédia en Français

  • tortoise — /tawr teuhs/, n. 1. a turtle, esp. a terrestrial turtle. 2. a very slow person or thing. 3. testudo (def. 1). [1350 1400; var. of earlier (15th century) tortuse, tortose, tortuce, ME tortuca < ML tortuca, for LL tartarucha (fem. adj.) of Tartarus …   Universalium

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