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  • 1 crown

    1. noun
    1) (a circular, often jewelled, head-dress, especially one worn as a mark of royalty or honour: the queen's crown.) coroa
    2) ((with capital) the king or queen or governing power in a monarchy: revenue belonging to the Crown.) coroa
    3) (the top eg of a head, hat, hill etc: We reached the crown of the hill.) topo
    4) ((an artificial replacement for) the part of a tooth which can be seen.) coroa
    2. verb
    1) (to make (someone) king or queen by placing a crown on his or her head: The archbishop crowned the queen.) coroar
    2) (to form the top part of (something): an iced cake crowned with a cherry.) coroar
    3) (to put an artificial crown on (a tooth).) pôr uma coroa
    4) (to hit (someone) on the head: If you do that again, I'll crown you!) bater
    - crown princess
    * * *
    [kraun] n 1 coroa: a) ornato para a cabeça. b) realeza, poder ou autoridade real ou imperial. c) rei, monarca, soberano. d) grinalda, diadema. e) prêmio, galardão, recompensa. f) cabeça. g) crista, cume, topo, cimo. h) Anat, Zool parte superior do dente. i) Dent dente artificial. j) Brit moeda de cinco xelins. k) tonsura. l) topo da cabeça. m) Bot apêndice ou série de apêndices unidos no lado interno da corola. 2 desenho ou objeto em forma de coroa. 3 auge, clímax, culminância. 4 Naut cruz da âncora. 5 copa de árvore. 6 Archit vértice, parte superior de uma cornija. 7 formato de papel (15 x 20 polegadas). 8 copa de chapéu. • vt 1 coroar. he was crowned king / ele foi coroado rei. 2 entronizar, entronar. 3 honrar, premiar, recompensar. 4 encimar, estar no cume de. 5 completar, terminar, tornar perfeito, rematar. 6 pôr diadema em, engrinaldar. 7 fazer dama (no jogo). 8 ornar, adornar. 9 Dent colocar uma coroa. the tooth was crowned / foi colocada uma coroa no dente. • adj pertencente ou relativo à coroa. the Crown o poder real. the evening crowns the day fig não se deve dar por terminado o dia antes da noite. to crown all superar tudo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > crown

  • 2 crown

    1. noun
    1) (a circular, often jewelled, head-dress, especially one worn as a mark of royalty or honour: the queen's crown.) coroa
    2) ((with capital) the king or queen or governing power in a monarchy: revenue belonging to the Crown.) coroa
    3) (the top eg of a head, hat, hill etc: We reached the crown of the hill.) topo
    4) ((an artificial replacement for) the part of a tooth which can be seen.) coroa
    2. verb
    1) (to make (someone) king or queen by placing a crown on his or her head: The archbishop crowned the queen.) coroar
    2) (to form the top part of (something): an iced cake crowned with a cherry.) coroar
    3) (to put an artificial crown on (a tooth).) pôr coroa
    4) (to hit (someone) on the head: If you do that again, I'll crown you!) dar um soco na cabeça
    - crown princess

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > crown

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