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  • 1 write

    past tense - wrote; verb
    1) (to draw (letters or other forms of script) on a surface, especially with a pen or pencil on paper: They wrote their names on a sheet of paper; The child has learned to read and write; Please write in ink.) rašyti
    2) (to compose the text of (a book, poem etc): She wrote a book on prehistoric monsters.) rašyti
    3) (to compose a letter (and send it): He has written a letter to me about this matter; I'll write you a long letter about my holiday; I wrote to you last week.) parašyti
    - writing
    - writings
    - written
    - writing-paper
    - write down
    - write out

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > write

  • 2 way

    [wei] 1. noun
    1) (an opening or passageway: This is the way in/out; There's no way through.) įėjimas, išėjimas
    2) (a route, direction etc: Which way shall we go?; Which is the way to Princes Street?; His house is on the way from here to the school; Will you be able to find your/the way to my house?; Your house is on my way home; The errand took me out of my way; a motorway.) kelias
    3) (used in the names of roads: His address is 21 Melville Way.) gatvė
    4) (a distance: It's a long way to the school; The nearest shops are only a short way away.) kelias, atstumas
    5) (a method or manner: What is the easiest way to write a book?; I know a good way of doing it; He's got a funny way of talking; This is the quickest way to chop onions.) būdas
    6) (an aspect or side of something: In some ways this job is quite difficult; In a way I feel sorry for him.) atžvilgis, būdas
    7) (a characteristic of behaviour; a habit: He has some rather unpleasant ways.) įprotis
    8) (used with many verbs to give the idea of progressing or moving: He pushed his way through the crowd; They soon ate their way through the food.)
    2. adverb
    ((especially American) by a long distance or time; far: The winner finished the race way ahead of the other competitors; It's way past your bedtime.) toli
    - wayside
    - be/get on one's way
    - by the way
    - fall by the wayside
    - get/have one's own way
    - get into / out of the way of doing something
    - get into / out of the way of something
    - go out of one's way
    - have a way with
    - have it one's own way
    - in a bad way
    - in
    - out of the/someone's way
    - lose one's way
    - make one's way
    - make way for
    - make way
    - under way
    - way of life
    - ways and means

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > way

  • 3 inscribe

    (to carve or write: The monument was inscribed with the names of the men who died in the war; He carefully inscribed his name in his new book.) iškalti, įrašyti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > inscribe

  • 4 goal

    1) (in football, rugby, hockey etc the act of kicking, hitting etc a ball between the goalposts; the point gained by doing this: He scored six goals.) įvartis
    2) (an aim or purpose: My goal in life is to write a book.) tikslas, uždavinys
    - goalpost

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > goal

  • 5 register

    ['re‹istə] 1. noun
    ((a book containing) a written list, record etc: a school attendance register; a register of births, marriages and deaths.) registracijos knyga, sąrašas, registras
    2. verb
    1) (to write or cause to be written in a register: to register the birth of a baby.) (už)registruoti
    2) (to write one's name, or have one's name written, in a register etc: They arrived on Friday and registered at the Hilton Hotel.) užsiregistruoti
    3) (to insure (a parcel, letter etc) against loss in the post.) užregistruoti
    4) ((of an instrument, dial etc) to show (a figure, amount etc): The thermometer registered 25°C.) parodyti
    - registrar
    - registry
    - register office / registry office
    - registration number

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > register

  • 6 enter

    1) (to go or come in: Enter by this door.) įeiti
    2) (to come or go into (a place): He entered the room.) įeiti
    3) (to give the name of (another person or oneself) for a competition etc: He entered for the race; I entered my pupils for the examination.) už(si)rašyti, už(si)registruoti
    4) (to write (one's name etc) in a book etc: Did you enter your name in the visitors' book?) įrašyti
    5) (to start in: She entered his employment last week.) pradėti
    - enter on/upon

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > enter

  • 7 print

    [print] 1. noun
    1) (a mark made by pressure: a footprint; a fingerprint.) žymė, atspaudas
    2) (printed lettering: I can't read the print in this book.) šriftas
    3) (a photograph made from a negative: I entered three prints for the photographic competition.) nuotrauka, atspaudas
    4) (a printed reproduction of a painting or drawing.) reprodukcija
    2. verb
    1) (to mark (letters etc) on paper (by using a printing press etc): The invitations will be printed on white paper.) spausdinti
    2) (to publish (a book, article etc) in printed form: His new novel will be printed next month.) išspausdinti
    3) (to produce (a photographic image) on paper: He develops and prints his own photographs.) daryti
    4) (to mark designs on (cloth etc): When the cloth has been woven, it is dyed and printed.) marginti, raštuoti
    5) (to write, using capital letters: Please print your name and address.) (pa)rašyti didžiosiomis raidėmis
    - printing
    - printing-press
    - print-out
    - in / out of print

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > print

  • 8 refer

    [rə'fə:] 1. past tense, past participle - referred; verb
    1) (to talk or write (about something); to mention: He doesn't like anyone referring to his wooden leg; I referred to your theories in my last book.) kalbėti, užsiminti apie, nurodyti
    2) (to relate to, concern, or apply to: My remarks refer to your last letter.) sietis, būti susijusiam
    3) (to send or pass on to someone else for discussion, information, a decision etc: The case was referred to a higher law-court; I'll refer you to the managing director.) perduoti, pasiųsti, nukreipti
    4) (to look for information (in something): If I'm not sure how to spell a word, I refer to a dictionary.) pažiūrėti
    2. verb
    (to act as a referee for a match: I've been asked to referee (a football match) on Saturday.) teisėjauti
    - reference book
    - reference library

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > refer

  • 9 study

    1. verb
    1) (to give time and attention to gaining knowledge of a subject: What subject is he studying?; He is studying French; He is studying for a degree in mathematics; She's studying to be a teacher.) mokytis, studijuoti
    2) (to look at or examine carefully: He studied the railway timetable; Give yourself time to study the problem in detail.) studijuoti, tyrinėti
    2. noun
    1) (the act of devoting time and attention to gaining knowledge: He spends all his evenings in study; She has made a study of the habits of bees.) mokymasis, studijavimas, tyrinėjimas
    2) (a musical or artistic composition: a book of studies for the piano; The picture was entitled `Study in Grey'.) etiudas
    3) (a room in a house etc, in which to study, read, write etc: The headmaster wants to speak to the senior pupils in his study.) kabinetas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > study

  • 10 reader

    1) (a person who reads books, magazines etc: He's a keen reader.) skaitytojas
    2) (a person who reads a particular newspaper, magazine etc: The editor asked readers to write to him with their opinions.) skaitytojas
    3) (a reading-book, especially for children or for learners of a foreign language: a Latin reader.) skaitiniai, skaitymai

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > reader

См. также в других словарях:

  • write the book on — see ↑write • • • Main Entry: ↑book …   Useful english dictionary

  • to write the book — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • write the book — idi to be the originator or recognized authority: I d trust their judgment about nuclear energy; they practically wrote the book[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

  • Write the book on — be an expert at, especially a self proclaimed expert: Do I know anything about picture hanging? I wrote the book on it! …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • write the book on — Australian Slang be an expert at, especially a self proclaimed expert: Do I know anything about picture hanging? I wrote the book on it! …   English dialects glossary

  • The Book of Books — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • one for the book — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • one for the book — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • to throw the book at — Book Book (b[oo^]k), n. [OE. book, bok, AS. b[=o]c; akin to Goth. b[=o]ka a letter, in pl. book, writing, Icel. b[=o]k, Sw. bok, Dan. bog, OS. b[=o]k, D. boek, OHG. puoh, G. buch; and fr. AS. b[=o]c, b[=e]ce, beech; because the ancient Saxons and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • The Book of the Short Sun — is a trilogy by Gene Wolfe, comprising On Blue s Waters (1999), In Green s Jungles (2000), and Return to the Whorl (2001). It is the sequel to Wolfe s tetralogy The Book of the Long Sun, and has connections to The Book of the New Sun.… …   Wikipedia

  • The Book and the Sword — (zh tsp|t=書劍恩仇錄|s=书剑恩仇录|p=shū jiàn ēn chóu lù; literally, Book Sword Love Hate Record or, more figuratively, Chronicles of Gratitude, Feud, the Book and the Sword ) is the first wuxia novel by Jinyong, first published on February 8 1955 in The… …   Wikipedia

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