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  • 1 wear

    n. 1. хувцас. men's wear эрэгтэй хүний хувцас. 2. эдэлгээ. This carpet stands very heavy \wear. Энэ хивс тун эдэлгээ сайтай. 3. элэгдэл. My shoes are showing (signs of) \wear. Миний гутал элэгдэж эхэлж байх шив. weаr and tear элэгдэл. The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal \wear and tear. Хэвийн элэгдэл нь даатгалд хамаарахгүй. v. (pt wore, pp worn) 1. өмсөх, зүүх, -тай байх. She \wear s her hair long. Тэр урт үстэй. wear a board сахалтай байх, wear a ring бөгжтэй, бөгж зүүсэн, wear a hat малгайтай, малгай өмссөн. 2. дүртэй, царайтай. He wore a puzzled frown. Тэр эр гайхширсан байртай хөмсөг зангидав. The house wore a neglected look. Байшин эзэнгүй хаягдсан маягтай болжээ. 3. элэгдэх, хуучрах, элээх. The stones had been worn by the constant flow of water. Чулуунууд усанд элэгдэж гөлгөр болсон байв. 4. эдэлгээ даах. You should choose a fabric that will \wear (well). Чи сайн эдэлгээтэй материалаар хийсэн хувцас харж аваарай. 5. эцээх, ядраах. He felt worn out. Тэр ядарсан байв. 6. зөвшөөрөх, хүлцэх. He wanted to sail the boat alone but his parents wouldn`t \wear it. Завиар ганцаараа явахыг тэр хүсэж байсан авч аав ээж нь юу гэж зөвшөөрөх вэ. wear one`s heart on one`s sleeve биеэ барьж чаддаггүй. wear the pants/ trousers гэр бүлд зонхилох хүн. It`s quite clear who \wear s the trousers in that house. Энэ айлд асуудлыг хэн шийддэг нь харваас илт байна шүү дээ. wear thin 1. элэгдэх. 2. барагдах, шавхагдах. My patience is beginning to \wear very thin. Миний тэвчээр барагдаж гүйцэх нь байна. wear (sth) away элээх, арилгах, цоолох. The inscription on the coin had worn away. Зоосон дээрх бичиг баларч арилсан байна. wear down элэгдэх, ноорох; эцээх, ядраах. wear sb/ sth down дарах, дийлэх. wear on цаг хугацаа удаан үргэлжлэх, сунжрах. wear (sth) off арилах, устах. The pain is slowly \wearing off. Өвчин аажмаар арилж байна. wear (sth) out барах, элээх. Her patience was at last worn out. Эцсийн эцэст түүний тэвчээр барагдав. wear oneself/ sb out хүч тэнхээг барах, эцээх, залхах. Just listening to his silly chatter \wear s me out. Түүний дэмий донгосч суухаас л би бүр залхчихдаг юм. wearable adj. өмсөж болох, зүүх боломжтой. His wardrobe is full of clothes that are no longer \wear. Дахин өмсөж зүүх аргагүй болсон хувцас хунар түүний хувцасны шүүгээгээр дүүрэн байна. wearily adv. 1. ядрангуй. 2. залхуу хүрмээр. wearer n. хувцасны эзэн.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > wear

См. также в других словарях:

  • wear — wear1 [wer] vt. wore, worn, wearing [ME weren < OE werian, akin to ON verja, Goth wasjan, to clothe < IE base * wes , to clothe > Sans vastra , L vestis, clothing, vestire, to clothe] 1. a) to have on the body or carry on the person… …   English World dictionary

  • clothes — clothes, clothing, dress, attire, apparel, raiment are comparable when they denote a person s garments considered collectively. Clothes and clothing are general words which do not necessarily suggest a wearer or personal owner but sometimes a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • wear — I. /wɛə / (say wair) verb (wore, worn, wearing) –verb (t) 1. to carry or have on the body or about the person as a covering, equipment, ornament, or the like: to wear a coat; to wear a watch; to wear a disguise. 2. to have or use on a person… …  

  • Wear — Wear, v. t. [imp. {Wore} (w[=o]r); p. p. {Worn} (w[=o]rn); p. pr. & vb. n. {Wearing}. Before the 15th century wear was a weak verb, the imp. & p. p. being {Weared}.] [OE. weren, werien, AS. werian to carry, to wear, as arms or clothes; akin to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • One Less Lonely Girl — Single by Justin Bieber from the album My World …   Wikipedia

  • wear — wearer, n. /wair/, v., wore, worn, wearing, n. v.t. 1. to carry or have on the body or about the person as a covering, equipment, ornament, or the like: to wear a coat; to wear a saber; to wear a disguise. 2. to have or use on the person… …   Universalium

  • clothes —    Many beliefs focus on new clothes, and there are several times when it was good to wear them for the first time. One was *New Year, on the principle that whatever you did on that day would affect the rest of the year, while others swore by… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • wear — [[t]we͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦♦ wears, wearing, wore, worn 1) VERB When you wear something such as clothes, shoes, or jewellery, you have them on your body or on part of your body. [V n] He was wearing a brown uniform... [V …   English dictionary

  • clothes — noun (plural) the things that people wear to cover their body or keep warm: I need some new clothes. | work/school clothes (=clothes suitable for work or school) USAGE NOTE: CLOTHES WORD CHOICE: clothes, clothing, piece/item of clothing, garment …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • wear — [[t]wɛər[/t]] v. wore, worn, wear•ing, n. 1) to carry or have on the body or about the person as a covering, support, ornament, or the like: to wear a coat; to wear a wig[/ex] 2) to bear or have in one s aspect or appearance: to wear a smile[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

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