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См. также в других словарях:

  • turn up one's nose at — (informal) To refuse or receive contemptuously • • • Main Entry: ↑nose * * * see nose …   Useful english dictionary

  • turn up one's nose at — idi turn up one s nose at, to dismiss or reject disdainfully …   From formal English to slang

  • turn up one's nose — verb a) To make the gesture of raising ones nose, as a sign of scorn, contempt or disgust. When your turn came, you were carefully collared, and led up to the presence, as if even at that awful moment you were mutinously and murderously disposed …   Wiktionary

  • turn up one's nose —    If you turn up your nose at something, you reject it because you think it is not good enough for you.     He s out of work, but he turns up his nose at any job he s offered …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • turn up one's nose at — refuse as not being good enough for one He turned up his nose at the offer of a job in another department of the company. Digest 20/2002 (smb/smth) to scorn, snub, or reject something Mrs. Beasley wouldn t have anything to do with her new… …   Idioms and examples

  • turn up one’s nose at someone or something — tv. to show disdain or disgust at someone or something. □ This is good, wholesome food. Don’t turn your nose up at it. CD She turned up her nose at Pete, which was probably a good idea …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • turn up one's nose at — {v. phr.} To refuse as not being good enough for you. * /He thinks he should only get steak, and he turns up his nose at hamburger./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • turn up one's nose at — {v. phr.} To refuse as not being good enough for you. * /He thinks he should only get steak, and he turns up his nose at hamburger./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • turn\ up\ one's\ nose\ at — v. phr. (smth/someone) to refuse as not being good enough for you. He thinks he should only get steak, and he turns up his nose at hamburger …   Словарь американских идиом

  • turn up one's nose — phrasal to show scorn or disdain …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • turn up one's nose — phrasal : to show scorn or disdain …   Useful english dictionary

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