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с монгольского на английский


  • 1 touch

    v. 1. хүрэх, шүргэх, тулах. 2. барих, хүрэх, тэмтрэх. Can you \touch your toes? Таны гар хөлийнхөө өлмийд хүрэх үү? 3. хүрэх, оролдох, үймүүлэх, бусниулах. I told you not \touch my things! Миний юмыг бүү бусниул гэж би чамд эс хэлээ юу! 4. амсах, ураал хүргэх. 5. сэтгэл хөдөлгөх. 6. хөндөх, хүрэх. 7. -ний дайнд хүрэх, эн зэрэгцэх. 8. тодорхой түвшинд/ хэмжээнд хүрэх. 9. хамаарах, хамаатай байх. touch bottom тартагтаа тулах, улам дордох. touch down (онгоц) газарт буух. touch on/ upon sth (асуудлыг) хөндөх. n. 1. хүрэх, хөндөх. 2. тэмтрэхүй. 3. зураас. he was putting the finishing \touches to the picture тэр, сүүлчийн хэдэн зураасыг татаад уг зургийг дуусгаж байв. 4. ялигүй, жаахан, өчүүхэн төдий. 5. (хөгжим тоглох, жүжиглэх) ур, маяг. 6. харилцаатай байх. We must keep in \touch. Бид холбоо харилцаатай байх ёстой. in touch (with sb) холбоо харилцаатай (байх). in/ out of touch with sth -ний талаар мэдэж/ мэдэхгүй байх. an easy/ soft touch (sl) юм хялбархан салгаж болох гэнэн хүн.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > touch

См. также в других словарях:

  • touch upon — index allude, comment, mention, pertain Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • touch upon — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms touch upon : present tense I/you/we/they touch upon he/she/it touches upon present participle touching upon past tense touched upon past participle touched upon same as touch on I have already touched upon… …   English dictionary

  • touch upon — Synonyms and related words: address to, affect, allude to, answer to, appertain to, apply to, bear on, bear upon, belong to, blink, bring to attention, bring to notice, brush, brush by, call attention to, carefully ignore, cite, cold shoulder,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • To touch upon — Touch Touch, v. i. 1. To be in contact; to be in a state of junction, so that no space is between; as, two spheres touch only at points. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. To fasten; to take effect; to make impression. [R.] [1913 Webster] Strong waters… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • touch upon — ► touch on (or upon) 1) deal briefly with (a subject). 2) come near to being. Main Entry: ↑touch …   English terms dictionary

  • touch upon something — ˈtouch on/upon sth derived to mention or deal with a subject in only a few words, without going into detail • In his speech he was only able to touch on a few aspects of the problem. • The central issue of the debate was hardly touched on in his… …   Useful english dictionary

  • touch\ upon — • touch (up)on v To speak of or write of briefly. The speaker touched on several other subjects in the course of his talk but mostly kept himself to the main topic. Contrast: dwell on …   Словарь американских идиом

  • touch upon sth — UK US touch on/upon sth Phrasal Verb with touch({{}}/tʌtʃ/ verb [I or T] ► to mention a subject quickly when speaking or writing about another subject: »Before concluding, I would like to touch on the excellent work done by our interns …   Financial and business terms

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  • touch upon — speak of or write of briefly The news article about the company touched upon their previous legal problems …   Idioms and examples

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