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  • 1 tie

    [taɪ] 1. n ( BRIT)
    (also: necktie) krawat m; ( string etc) wiązanie nt, wiązadło nt; ( fig) więź f; ( match) spotkanie nt, mecz m; ( draw) remis m
    2. vt
    parcel związywać (związać perf); shoelaces zawiązywać (zawiązać perf)
    3. vi

    "black/white tie" — uwaga na zaproszeniu, oznaczająca, że wymaganym na przyjęciu strojem jest smoking/frak

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    1. present participle - tying; verb
    1) ((often with to, on etc) to fasten with a string, rope etc: He tied the horse to a tree; The parcel was tied with string; I don't like this job - I hate being tied to a desk.) wiązać
    2) (to fasten by knotting; to make a knot in: He tied his shoelaces.) wiązać
    3) (to be joined by a knot etc: The belt of this dress ties at the front.) zawiązywać się, wiązać się
    4) (to score the same number of points etc (in a game, competition etc): Three people tied for first place.) (z)remisować
    2. noun
    1) (a strip of material worn tied round the neck under the collar of a shirt: He wore a shirt and tie.) krawat
    2) (something that joins: the ties of friendship.) więź
    3) (an equal score or result (in a game, competition etc); a draw.) remis
    4) (a game or match to be played.) mecz
    - tie someone down
    - tie down
    - tie in/up

    English-Polish dictionary > tie

См. также в других словарях:

  • tie — tie1 W3S2 [taı] v past tense and past participle tied present participle tying ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(string/rope)¦ 2¦(game/competition)¦ 3 be tied to something 4 be tied to/by something 5 tie the knot 6 tie yourself (up) in knots 7 tie one on …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • tie — 1 /taI/ verb 1 STRING/ROPE a) (T) to fasten one thing to another with a piece of string, rope etc: tie sth to/behind/onto etc: Tie this label onto your suitcase. | tie sb to sth: They tied him to a lamp post and beat him up. | tie sb s hands/feet …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • tie — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 worn around the neck with a shirt ADJECTIVE ▪ undone ▪ His tie was undone. ▪ loose ▪ askew ▪ His tie was askew and his hair unc …   Collocations dictionary

  • tie — [taɪ] verb tied PTandPP tying PRESPART tie up phrasal verb [transitive] 1. tie ↔ something up to use money for something so that it is not easily available to be used for anything else …   Financial and business terms

  • tie something off — ˌtie sthˈoff derived to put a knot in the end of sth; to close sth with string, thread, etc • to tie off a rope • to tie off an artery Main entry: ↑tiederived …   Useful english dictionary

  • tie up — verb 1. secure with or as if with ropes (Freq. 3) tie down the prisoners tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed • Syn: ↑tie down, ↑bind, ↑truss • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • tie*/*/ — [taɪ] (present participle tying) verb I 1) [T] to fasten two ends of a piece of string, rope etc together with a knot, or to fasten things together with string, rope etc Sally bent down to tie her shoelaces.[/ex] They tied one end of the rope to… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • loose — 1 /lu:s/ adjective 1 NOT FIXED not firmly fixed in place: One of my buttons is loose. | a loose floorboard | come/work loose (=become loose): A piece of stair carpet had come loose. 2 ROPE/CHAIN ETC a rope, chain etc that is loose is not fastened …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • half hitch — noun a knot used to fasten a rope temporarily to an object; usually tied double • Hypernyms: ↑knot * * * noun : a knot usually tied double and used for temporarily securing a rope to an object by making a turn around the object, around the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • string — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 thin cord ADJECTIVE ▪ taut, tight ▪ He pulled the string tight. ▪ loose ▪ tangled ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • tight — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} adj., adv. 1 not loose VERBS ▪ be, feel, look, seem ▪ become, get, go ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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