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  • 1 be on the market

    (to be for sale: Her house has been on the market for months.) vera til sölu

    English-Icelandic dictionary > be on the market

  • 2 market

    1. noun
    1) (a public place where people meet to buy and sell or the public event at which this happens: He has a clothes stall in the market.) markaður
    2) ((a place where there is) a demand for certain things: There is a market for cotton goods in hot countries.) markaður
    2. verb
    (to (attempt to) sell: I produce the goods and my brother markets them all over the world.) setja á markað
    - marketing
    - market-garden
    - market-place
    - market-square
    - market price/value
    - market research
    - be on the market

    English-Icelandic dictionary > market

  • 3 market price/value

    (the price at which a thing is being sold at a particular time: What's the current market price of gold?) markaðsverð

    English-Icelandic dictionary > market price/value

  • 4 market research

    (investigation of the habits and preferences of the public in choosing what goods to buy: She does market research for a cosmetics firm.) markaðskönnun

    English-Icelandic dictionary > market research

  • 5 market-place

    noun (the open space or square in a town in which a market is held.) markaður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > market-place

  • 6 market-square

    noun (the open space or square in a town in which a market is held.) markaður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > market-square

  • 7 the Common Market

    ((formerly) an association of certain European countries to establish free trade (without duty, tariffs etc) among them, now replaced by the European Union.) Efnahagsbandalag Evrópu

    English-Icelandic dictionary > the Common Market

  • 8 black market

    ((a place for) the illegal buying and selling, at high prices, of goods that are scarce, rationed etc: coffee on the black market.) svartur markaður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > black market

  • 9 stock market

    (a stock exchange, or the dealings on that.) verðbréfamarkaður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > stock market

  • 10 forum

    1) (any public place in which discussions take place, speeches are made etc: In modern times the television studio is as much a forum for public opinion as the market-places of ancient Rome used to be.) staður ætlaður til almennra umræðna
    2) (a market-place in ancient Roman cities and towns.) (markaðs)torg

    English-Icelandic dictionary > forum

  • 11 saturate

    ['sæ əreit]
    1) (to make very wet: Saturate the earth round the plants.) gegnvæta
    2) (to fill completely: The market has been saturated with paintings like that.) metta

    English-Icelandic dictionary > saturate

  • 12 squat

    [skwot] 1. past tense, past participle - squatted; verb
    (to sit down on the heels or in a crouching position: The beggar squatted all day in the market place.) sitja á hækjum sér
    2. adjective
    (short and fat; dumpy: a squat little man; an ugly, squat building.) kubbslegur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > squat

  • 13 fat

    [fæt] 1. noun
    1) (an oily substance made by the bodies of animals and by some plants: This meat has got a lot of fat on it.) fita
    2) (a kind of such substance, used especially for cooking: There are several good cooking fats on the market.) feiti
    2. adjective
    1) (having a lot of fat on one's body; large, heavy and round in shape: He was a very fat child.) feitur
    2) (large or abundant: Her business made a fat profit; A fat lot of good that is! (= That is no good at all)) feitur; arðvænlegur
    - fatten
    - fatty
    - fattiness
    - fat-head

    English-Icelandic dictionary > fat

  • 14 place

    [pleis] 1. noun
    1) (a particular spot or area: a quiet place in the country; I spent my holiday in various different places.) staður
    2) (an empty space: There's a place for your books on this shelf.) pláss
    3) (an area or building with a particular purpose: a market-place.) -staður, -hús, svæði
    4) (a seat (in a theatre, train, at a table etc): He went to his place and sat down.) sæti
    5) (a position in an order, series, queue etc: She got the first place in the competition; I lost my place in the queue.) sæti, staða
    6) (a person's position or level of importance in society etc: You must keep your secretary in her place.) staða, stétt
    7) (a point in the text of a book etc: The wind was blowing the pages of my book and I kept losing my place.) staður
    8) (duty or right: It's not my place to tell him he's wrong.) skylda; réttur
    9) (a job or position in a team, organization etc: He's got a place in the team; He's hoping for a place on the staff.) sæti, staða
    10) (house; home: Come over to my place.) hús; heimili
    11) ((often abbreviated to Pl. when written) a word used in the names of certain roads, streets or squares.) staður; notað í heitum gatna/torga
    12) (a number or one of a series of numbers following a decimal point: Make the answer correct to four decimal places.) sæti
    2. verb
    1) (to put: He placed it on the table; He was placed in command of the army.) setja (á)
    2) (to remember who a person is: I know I've seen her before, but I can't quite place her.) koma (e-m) fyrir sig
    - go places
    - in the first
    - second place
    - in place
    - in place of
    - out of place
    - put oneself in someone else's place
    - put someone in his place
    - put in his place
    - take place
    - take the place of

    English-Icelandic dictionary > place

  • 15 black

    [blæk] 1. adjective
    1) (of the colour in which these words are printed: black paint.) svartur
    2) (without light: a black night; The night was black and starless.) svartur; dimmur
    3) (dirty: Your hands are black!; black hands from lifting coal.) svartur (af skít)
    4) (without milk: black coffee.) svartur (kaffi)
    5) (evil: black magic.) svartur (galdur)
    6) ((often offensive: currently acceptable in the United States, South Africa etc) Negro, of African, West Indian descent.) svartur
    7) ((especially South Africa) coloured; of mixed descent (increasingly used by people of mixed descent to refer to themselves).) svartur
    2. noun
    1) (the colour in which these words are printed: Black and white are opposites.) svartur
    2) (something (eg paint) black in colour: I've used up all the black.) svartur
    3) ((often with capital: often offensive: currently acceptable in the United states, South Africa etc) a Negro; a person of African, West Indian etc descent.) svertingi
    3. verb
    (to make black.) sverta
    - blacken
    - black art/magic
    - blackbird
    - blackboard
    - black box
    - the Black Death
    - black eye
    - blackhead
    - blacklist
    4. verb
    (to put (a person etc) on such a list.) setja á svartan lista
    5. noun
    (the act of blackmailing: money got by blackmail.) fjárkúgun
    - Black Maria
    - black market
    - black marketeer
    - blackout
    - black sheep
    - blacksmith
    - black and blue
    - black out
    - in black and white

    English-Icelandic dictionary > black

  • 16 common

    ['komən] 1. adjective
    1) (seen or happening often; quite normal or usual: a common occurrence; These birds are not so common nowadays.) algengur
    2) (belonging equally to, or shared by, more than one: This knowledge is common to all of us; We share a common language.) sameiginlegur
    3) (publicly owned: common property.) almennings-
    4) (coarse or impolite: She uses some very common expressions.) ruddalegur, ókurteis
    5) (of ordinary, not high, social rank: the common people.) óbreyttur; alþÿðan
    6) (of a noun, not beginning with a capital letter (except at the beginning of a sentence): The house is empty.) samnafn
    2. noun
    ((a piece of) public land for everyone to use, with few or no buildings: the village common.) almenningur
    - common knowledge
    - common law
    - common-law
    - commonplace
    - common-room
    - common sense
    - the Common Market
    - the House of Commons
    - the Commons
    - in common

    English-Icelandic dictionary > common

  • 17 stock

    [stok] 1. noun
    1) ((often in plural) a store of goods in a shop, warehouse etc: Buy while stocks last!; The tools you require are in / out of stock (= available / not available).) birgðir
    2) (a supply of something: We bought a large stock of food for the camping trip.) vörubirgðir, lager
    3) (farm animals: He would like to purchase more (live) stock.) búpeningur
    4) ((often in plural) money lent to the government or to a business company at a fixed interest: government stock; He has $20,000 in stocks and shares.) (ríkis)skuldabréf
    5) (liquid obtained by boiling meat, bones etc and used for making soup etc.) kraftur
    6) (the handle of a whip, rifle etc.) skaft, skefti
    2. adjective
    (common; usual: stock sizes of shoes.) venjulegur
    3. verb
    1) (to keep a supply of for sale: Does this shop stock writing-paper?) hafa til sölu
    2) (to supply (a shop, farm etc) with goods, animals etc: He cannot afford to stock his farm.) koma upp bústofni
    - stocks
    - stockbroker
    - stock exchange
    - stock market
    - stockpile
    4. verb
    (to accumulate (a supply of this sort).) koma sér upp varabirgðum
    - stock-taking
    - stock up
    - take stock

    English-Icelandic dictionary > stock

  • 18 depressed

    1) (sad or unhappy: The news made me very depressed.) dapur
    2) (made less active: the depressed state of the stock market.) sem samdráttur hefur orðið í

    English-Icelandic dictionary > depressed

  • 19 European

    = the European Union (formerly the Common Market, the European Community) noun
    (an economic and political association of certain countries in Europe.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > European

  • 20 black marketeer

    (a person who sells goods on the black market.) svartamarkaðsbraskari

    English-Icelandic dictionary > black marketeer

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Market for Lemons — The Market for Lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism is a 1970 paper by the economist George Akerlof. It discusses information asymmetry, which occurs when the seller knows more about a product than the buyer. A lemon is an… …   Wikipedia

  • The Market for Liberty —   Cover of the hardback edition …   Wikipedia

  • The Market for Lemons —  : Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism est un article de théorie économique de George Akerlof écrit en 1970 établissant les bases de la théorie de la sélection adverse. Professeur à l université de Californie à Berkeley, Akerlof a… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The market for "lemons" —  : Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism est un article de théorie économique de George Akerlof écrit en 1970 établissant les bases de la théorie de la sélection adverse. Professeur à l université de Californie à Berkeley, Akerlof a… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Market for "Lemons" —  : Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism est un article de théorie économique de George Akerlof écrit en 1970 établissant les bases de la théorie de la sélection adverse. Professeur à l université de Californie à Berkeley, Akerlof a… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Market of Alturien — is a board game for 2 to 6 players, released in 2007. Players assume the roles of stall traders in a market town, competing to attract customers. The board is divided into squares, with most squares permitting the building of a stall, always by… …   Wikipedia

  • The Market for Liberty — (El mercado en favor de la libertad) es un libro sobre la ley en el anarcocapitalismo, de 1970, escrito por Linda y Morris Tannehill, que según Karl Hess se ha convertido en algo así como un clásico .[1] Su primera edición fue una obra… …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Market (TV series) — Infobox Television show name = The Market caption = format = Drama camera = picture format = runtime = creator = Rene Naufahu Brett Ihaka Matthew Grainger developer = executive producer = starring = narrated = opentheme = endtheme = country = New …   Wikipedia

  • The Market for Lemons — Das so genannte Saure Gurken Problem (englisch Lemons problem, daher auch Zitronenproblem) wurde von George A. Akerlof in seinem Aufsatz The Market for Lemons entwickelt. Es ist ein Unterfall der asymmetrischen Information, die so genannten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cornering the market — In finance, to corner the market is to purchase enough of a particular stock, commodity, or other asset to allow the price to be manipulated, by analogy to the general business jargon where a company described as having cornered the market has a… …   Wikipedia

  • Wire The Market — Infobox Company company name = Wire the Market company company type = Private foundation = Savage, Minnesota, U.S. (2002) location = 2626 East 82nd Street Suite 220 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55425 key people = Brett Norgaard, Co founder and CEO|… …   Wikipedia

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