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  • 1 tease

    [ti:z] 1. verb
    1) (to annoy or irritate on purpose: He's teasing the cat.) dráždiť
    2) (to annoy or laugh at (a person) playfully: His school-friends tease him about his size.) prekárať, doberať si
    2. noun
    (a person who enjoys teasing others: He's a tease!) posmeškár
    - teasingly
    * * *
    • vtipkár
    • trápit
    • dráždit
    • hnevat
    • cesat (pren.)
    • dobiedzat
    • doberat si
    • rozpúštat
    • robit si srandu
    • roztrhat látku
    • otravovat
    • posmievat sa
    • mykat (pren.)
    • obtažovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > tease

  • 2 strip-tease

    noun (the act, by a woman, of removing her clothes one by one as a theatrical entertainment.) striptíz

    English-Slovak dictionary > strip-tease

  • 3 strip

    [strip] 1. past tense, past participle - stripped; verb
    1) (to remove the covering from something: He stripped the old varnish off the wall; He stripped the branch (of its bark) with his knife.)
    2) (to undress: She stripped the child (naked) and put him in the bath; He stripped and dived into the water; They were told to strip to the waist.)
    3) (to remove the contents of (a house etc): The house/room was stripped bare / stripped of its furnishings; They stripped the house of all its furnishings.)
    4) (to deprive (a person) of something: The officer was stripped of his rank for misconduct.)
    2. noun
    1) (a long narrow piece of (eg cloth, ground etc): a strip of paper.) pruh, pás
    2) (a strip cartoon.) kreslený seriál
    3) (a footballer's shirt, shorts, socks etc: The team has a red and white strip.) dres
    - strip-lighting
    - strip-tease
    3. adjective
    a strip-tease show.) striptízový
    * * *
    • vylúpit
    • vystahovat
    • vyzliect (sa)
    • vykonávat striptíz
    • vziat
    • vydojit
    • vyvárat
    • zdemolovanie
    • zbavit rotácie
    • zbavit nepodstatných vecí
    • zodriet
    • zredukovat
    • zvliect sa
    • zoškrabat
    • znicenie
    • zvliect
    • svetelná batéria
    • stahovat
    • stiahnut
    • strhnút závit
    • trasa
    • demontovat bednenie
    • degradovat
    • demontovat
    • prúžok
    • rozobrat
    • pruh
    • pásik
    • ošklbat
    • páskový
    • pás ocele
    • pásový
    • pás
    • poškodenie
    • lišta
    • kreslený seriál
    • odmastovat
    • odfarbit
    • odniest
    • odhalit
    • odstranovat izoláciu
    • odstránit
    • obnažit sa
    • oddestilovat
    • odstranovat povlak
    • odobrat
    • obra
    • olúpit

    English-Slovak dictionary > strip

  • 4 kid

    I [kid] noun
    1) (a popular word for a child or teenager: They've got three kids now, two boys and a girl; More than a hundred kids went to the disco last night; ( also adjective) his kid brother (= younger brother).) decko; mladší
    2) (a young goat.) kozľa
    3) (( also adjective) (of) the leather made from its skin: slippers made of kid; kid gloves.) kozin(k)a; z kozin(k)y
    II [kid] past tense, past participle - kidded; verb
    (to deceive or tease, especially harmlessly: We were kidding him about the girl who keeps ringing him up; He kidded his wife into thinking he'd forgotten her birthday; He didn't mean that - he was only kidding!)
    * * *
    • humbuk
    • decko
    • dieta
    • kozliatko
    • kozla
    • kozlacina
    • napálit
    • oklamat

    English-Slovak dictionary > kid

  • 5 leave alone

    (not to disturb, upset or tease: Why can't you leave your little brother alone?) nechať na pokoji
    * * *
    • neobtažovat
    • nechat na pokoji
    • nedotýkat sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > leave alone

  • 6 tantalise

    (to tease or torment (a person etc) by making him want something he cannot have and by keeping it just beyond his reach: The expensive clothes in the shop-window tantalized her.) mučiť, týrať, dráždiť
    - tantalising
    * * *
    • dráždit
    • mucit
    • natahovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > tantalise

  • 7 taunt

    [to:nt] 1. verb
    (to tease, or say unpleasant things to (a person) in a cruel way: The children at school taunted him for being dirty.) posmievať sa
    2. noun
    (cruel, unpleasant remarks: He did not seem to notice their taunts.) výsmech
    - tauntingly
    * * *
    • velmi vysoký
    • úštipok
    • výcitka
    • vysmievat sa
    • vytýkat
    • vycítat (komu)
    • vycítat
    • výsmech
    • vysokánsky
    • dohnat
    • pichlavá poznámka
    • posmešok

    English-Slovak dictionary > taunt

  • 8 tantalize

    (to tease or torment (a person etc) by making him want something he cannot have and by keeping it just beyond his reach: The expensive clothes in the shop-window tantalized her.) mučiť, týrať, dráždiť
    - tantalising

    English-Slovak dictionary > tantalize

См. также в других словарях:

  • Tease — (t[=e]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Teased}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Teasing}.] [AS. t?san to pluck, tease; akin to OD. teesen, MHG. zeisen, Dan. t[ae]se, t[ae]sse. [root]58. Cf. {Touse}.] 1. To comb or card, as wool or flax. Teasing matted wool. Wordsworth …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tease tenon — Tease Tease (t[=e]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Teased}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Teasing}.] [AS. t?san to pluck, tease; akin to OD. teesen, MHG. zeisen, Dan. t[ae]se, t[ae]sse. [root]58. Cf. {Touse}.] 1. To comb or card, as wool or flax. Teasing matted wool …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tease & Denial — Tease and Denial (engl, Erregen und Verweigern), auch Orgasm Denial oder T D ist ein Sammelbegriff für all jene sexuellen Praktiken, die eingesetzt werden, um die sexuelle Erregung intensiv zu steigern, ohne jedoch einen Orgasmus zu erreichen.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tease and Denial — (engl. für Erregen und Verweigern), auch Orgasm Denial oder T D, ist ein Sammelbegriff für all jene sexuellen Praktiken, die eingesetzt werden, um die sexuelle Erregung intensiv zu steigern, ohne jedoch einen Orgasmus zu erreichen. Diese… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tease out something — tease out (something) to carefully separate particular facts from a great deal of information. What has always been interesting for me is how you can tease out the reasons for an event as you review its history. After a while, you learn how to… …   New idioms dictionary

  • tease out — (something) to carefully separate particular facts from a great deal of information. What has always been interesting for me is how you can tease out the reasons for an event as you review its history. After a while, you learn how to tease out… …   New idioms dictionary

  • tease — tease·ment; tease; strip·tease; …   English syllables

  • tease — [tēz] vt. teased, teasing [ME tesen < OE tæsan, to pull about, pluck, tease, akin to Du teezen < IE * di s < base * dā(i) , to cut apart, divide > TIDE1] 1. a) to separate the fibers of; card or comb (flax, wool, etc.) b) to fluff… …   English World dictionary

  • Tease — Tease, n. One who teases or plagues. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tease — may refer to:* TEASE, an Annual Canadian Educational Alternative Lifestyle Camping Convention * Teasing * Teaser, a gambling term …   Wikipedia

  • Tease and denial — (also called orgasm denial or T D ) is a general term used to describe any technique that involves the sexual stimulation of a person to cause intense arousal without climax. It is usually practiced for the express purpose of creating powerful… …   Wikipedia

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