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  • 1 tear

    I [tiə] noun
    (a drop of liquid coming from the eye, as a result of emotion (especially sadness) or because something (eg smoke) has irritated it: tears of joy/laughter/rage.) δάκρυ
    - tearfully
    - tearfulness
    - tear gas
    - tear-stained
    - in tears
    II 1. [teə] past tense - tore; verb
    1) ((sometimes with off etc) to make a split or hole in (something), intentionally or unintentionally, with a sudden or violent pulling action, or to remove (something) from its position by such an action or movement: He tore the photograph into pieces; You've torn a hole in your jacket; I tore the picture out of a magazine.) σκίζω
    2) (to become torn: Newspapers tear easily.) σκίζομαι
    3) (to rush: He tore along the road.) τρέχω / ορμώ
    2. noun
    (a hole or split made by tearing: There's a tear in my dress.) σκίσιμο
    - be torn between one thing and another
    - be torn between
    - tear oneself away
    - tear away
    - tear one's hair
    - tear up

    English-Greek dictionary > tear

  • 2 rip

    [rip] 1. past tense, past participle - ripped; verb
    1) (to make or get a hole or tear in by pulling, tearing etc: He ripped his shirt on a branch; His shirt ripped.) (ξε)σκίζω
    2) (to pull (off, up etc) by breaking or tearing: The roof of the car was ripped off in the crash; to rip up floorboards; He ripped open the envelope.) σκίζω
    2. noun
    (a tear or hole: a rip in my shirt.) σκίσιμο

    English-Greek dictionary > rip

  • 3 wear

    [weə] 1. past tense - wore; verb
    1) (to be dressed in or carry on (a part of) the body: She wore a white dress; Does she usually wear spectacles?) φορώ
    2) (to arrange (one's hair) in a particular way: She wears her hair in a pony-tail.) έχω, φτιάχνω (μαλλιά)
    3) (to have or show (a particular expression): She wore an angry expression.) έχω (έκφραση)
    4) (to (cause to) become thinner etc because of use, rubbing etc: This carpet has worn in several places; This sweater is wearing thin at the elbows.) λιώνω, φθείρω / φθείρομαι, τρίβω / -ομαι
    5) (to make (a bare patch, a hole etc) by rubbing, use etc: I've worn a hole in the elbow of my jacket.) ανοίγω με το τρίψιμο
    6) (to stand up to use: This material doesn't wear very well.) αντέχω
    2. noun
    1) (use as clothes etc: I use this suit for everyday wear; Those shoes won't stand much wear.) χρήση
    2) (articles for use as clothes: casual wear; sportswear; leisure wear.) ρούχα
    3) ((sometimes wear and tear) damage due to use: The hall carpet is showing signs of wear.) φθορά
    4) (ability to withstand use: There's plenty of wear left in it yet.) αντοχή, `ψωμιά`
    - wearer
    - wearing
    - worn
    - wear away
    - wear off
    - wear out
    - worn out

    English-Greek dictionary > wear

  • 4 perforation

    1) (a small hole, or a number or line of small holes, made in a sheet of paper etc: The purpose of the perforation(s) is to make the paper easier to tear.) διάτρηση
    2) (the act of perforating or being perforated.) διάτρηση

    English-Greek dictionary > perforation

См. также в других словарях:

  • tear — tear1 [ter] vt. tore, torn, tearing [ME teren < OE teran, to rend, akin to Ger zehren, to destroy, consume < IE base * der , to skin, split > DRAB1, DERMA1] 1. to pull apart or separate into pieces by force; rip or rend (cloth, paper,… …   English World dictionary

  • tear — tear1 [ ter ] (past tense tore [ tɔr ] ; past participle torn [ tɔrn ] ) verb ** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to pull something so that it separates into pieces or gets a hole in it, or to become damaged in this way: RIP: It s made of very… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tear — 1 noun 1 (C) a drop of salty liquid that flows from your eye when you are crying: Tears just rolled down his face. | tear stained cheeks | (be) in tears (=crying): My wife actually broke down in tears telling me. | burst into tears (=suddenly… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • tear — I UK [teə(r)] / US [ter] verb Word forms tear : present tense I/you/we/they tear he/she/it tears present participle tearing past tense tore UK [tɔː(r)] / US [tɔr] past participle torn UK [tɔː(r)n] / US [tɔrn] ** 1) a) [intransitive/transitive] to …   English dictionary

  • tear — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tæhher, tēar; akin to Old High German zahar tear, Greek dakry Date: before 12th century 1. a. a drop of clear saline fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffused between the eye and eyelids …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tear — tear1 /tear/, n. 1. a drop of the saline, watery fluid continually secreted by the lacrimal glands between the surface of the eye and the eyelid, serving to moisten and lubricate these parts and keep them clear of foreign particles. 2. this fluid …   Universalium

  • tear — I. /tɪə / (say tear) noun 1. a drop of the limpid fluid secreted by the lachrymal gland, appearing in or flowing from the eye, chiefly as the result of emotion, especially of grief. 2. something resembling or suggesting a tear, as a drop of a… …  

  • tear — I [[t]tɪər[/t]] n. 1) phl a drop of the saline, watery fluid continually secreted by the lacrimal glands between the surface of the eye and the eyelid 2) phl a drop of this fluid appearing in or flowing from the eye as the result of emotion, esp …   From formal English to slang

  • tear — Ⅰ. tear [1] ► VERB (past tore; past part. torn) 1) rip a hole or split in. 2) (usu. tear up) pull or rip apart or to pieces. 3) damage (a muscle or ligament) by overstretching it. 4) (usu …   English terms dictionary

  • hole — [hōl] n. [ME < OE hol, orig. neut. of adj. holh, hollow, akin to Ger hohl < IE base * kaul , *kul , hollow, hollow stalk > L caulis, Gr kaulos, stalk] 1. a hollow or hollowed out place; cavity; specif., a) an excavation or pit ☆ b) a… …   English World dictionary

  • tear — [n1] rip, cut breach, break, crack, damage, fissure, gash, hole, imperfection, laceration, mutilation, rent, run, rupture, scratch, split, tatter; concept 513 Ant. perfection tear / tears [n2] droplets from eyes, often caused by emotion… …   New thesaurus

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