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  • 1 life

    adj. liv-, livs-; för livet
    n. liv; själ; livlighet, vitalitet; tillvaro, levnadssätt; levnadsteckning, biografi; livslängd; livstid (fängelsestraff)
    * * *
    plural - lives; noun
    1) (the quality belonging to plants and animals which distinguishes them from rocks, minerals etc and things which are dead: Doctors are fighting to save the child's life.) liv
    2) (the period between birth and death: He had a long and happy life.) liv
    3) (liveliness: She was full of life and energy.) liv, livlighet
    4) (a manner of living: She lived a life of ease and idleness.) liv, leverne
    5) (the period during which any particular state exists: He had many different jobs during his working life.) liv
    6) (living things: It is now believed that there may be life on Mars; animal life.) liv
    7) (the story of a life: He has written a life of Churchill.) levnadsteckning
    8) (life imprisonment: He was given life for murder.) livstid
    - lifelike
    - life-and-death
    - lifebelt
    - lifeboat
    - lifebuoy
    - life-cycle
    - life expectancy
    - lifeguard
    - life-jacket
    - lifeline
    - lifelong
    - life-saving
    - life-sized
    - life-size
    - lifetime
    - as large as life
    - bring to life
    - come to life
    - for life
    - the life and soul of the party
    - not for the life of me
    - not on your life!
    - take life
    - take one's life
    - take one's life in one's hands
    - to the life

    English-Swedish dictionary > life

  • 2 take life

    (to kill: It is a sin to take life.) döda, ta ngns liv

    English-Swedish dictionary > take life

  • 3 take one's life in one's hands

    (to take the risk of being killed.)

    English-Swedish dictionary > take one's life in one's hands

  • 4 take one's life

    (to kill oneself.)

    English-Swedish dictionary > take one's life

  • 5 take one's life in one's hand

    riskera sitt liv

    English-Swedish dictionary > take one's life in one's hand

  • 6 risk

    n. risk, fara; ansvar
    v. riskera, äventyra; våga
    * * *
    [risk] 1. noun
    ((a person, thing etc which causes or could cause) danger or possible loss or injury: He thinks we shouldn't go ahead with the plan because of the risks involved / because of the risk of failure.) risk
    2. verb
    1) (to expose to danger; to lay open to the possibility of loss: He would risk his life for his friend; He risked all his money on betting on that horse.) riskera
    2) (to take the chance of (something bad happening): He was willing to risk death to save his friend; I'd better leave early as I don't want to risk being late for the play.) utsätta sig för risken att, riskera
    - at a person's own risk
    - at own risk
    - at risk
    - at the risk of
    - run/take the risk of
    - run/take the risk
    - take risks / take a risk

    English-Swedish dictionary > risk

  • 7 adopt

    v. adoptera, upptaga, anta (ga); införa; lägga sig till med, ta till sig
    * * *
    1) (to take (a child of other parents) as one's own: Since they had no children of their own they decided to adopt a little girl.) adoptera
    2) (to take (something) as one's own: After going to France he adopted the French way of life.) anamma, lägga sig till med, anta
    - adoptive

    English-Swedish dictionary > adopt

  • 8 time

    adj. tids-
    n. tid; tidsperiod; klockslag; takt
    v. välja tiden för
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) tid, [] klockan []
    2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) tid
    3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.) tid, tidpunkt, -dags
    4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') tid
    5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) tidpunkt
    6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) gång
    7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) tid, stunder
    8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) takt, tempo
    2. verb
    1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) ta tid på
    2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) välja tidpunkten för, tajma
    - timelessly
    - timelessness
    - timely
    - timeliness
    - timer
    - times
    - timing
    - time bomb
    - time-consuming
    - time limit
    - time off
    - time out
    - timetable
    - all in good time
    - all the time
    - at times
    - be behind time
    - for the time being
    - from time to time
    - in good time
    - in time
    - no time at all
    - no time
    - one
    - two at a time
    - on time
    - save
    - waste time
    - take one's time
    - time and time again
    - time and again

    English-Swedish dictionary > time

  • 9 delight

    n. behag, nöje; glädje
    v. glädja sig åt, finna behag i, njuta av
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to please greatly: I was delighted by/at the news; They were delighted to accept the invitation.) glädja []
    2) (to have or take great pleasure (from): He delights in teasing me.) finna nöje i, vara road av, njuta av
    2. noun
    ((something which causes) great pleasure: Peacefulness is one of the delights of country life.) nöje, glädje, behag, njutning
    - delightfully

    English-Swedish dictionary > delight

  • 10 love

    n. kärlek; tillgivenhet; älskling; förtjusande sak; noll poäng (tennis); sötnos (slang)
    v. älska; tycka om; vara förälskad; vilja innerligt
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a feeling of great fondness or enthusiasm for a person or thing: She has a great love of music; her love for her children.) kärlek, förtjusning, passion
    2) (strong attachment with sexual attraction: They are in love with one another.) förälskelse
    3) (a person or thing that is thought of with (great) fondness (used also as a term of affection): Ballet is the love of her life; Goodbye, love!) passion, älskling
    4) (a score of nothing in tennis: The present score is fifteen love (written 15-0).) noll
    2. verb
    1) (to be (very) fond of: She loves her children dearly.) älska
    2) (to take pleasure in: They both love dancing.) tycka mycket om, älska
    - lovely
    - loveliness
    - lover
    - loving
    - lovingly
    - love affair
    - love-letter
    - lovesick
    - fall in love with
    - fall in love
    - for love or money
    - make love
    - there's no love lost between them

    English-Swedish dictionary > love

  • 11 pleasure

    n. nöje; glädje; välbehag
    * * *
    (something that gives one enjoyment; joy or delight: the pleasures of country life; I get a lot of pleasure from listening to music.) nöje, behag, njutning
    - pleasurably
    - pleasure-boat / pleasure-craft
    - take pleasure in

    English-Swedish dictionary > pleasure

  • 12 positive

    adj. positiv; tydlig, bestämd; säker på; praktisk
    n. positiv bild; positiv pol (el); positiv (grammatik)
    * * *
    ['pozətiv] 1. adjective
    1) (meaning or saying `yes': a positive answer; They tested the water for the bacteria and the result was positive (= the bacteria were present).) positiv
    2) (definite; leaving no doubt: positive proof.) säker
    3) (certain or sure: I'm positive he's right.) säker
    4) (complete or absolute: His work is a positive disgrace.) riktig, ren
    5) (optimistic and prepared to make plans for the future: Take a more positive attitude to life.) positiv
    6) (not showing any comparison; not comparative or superlative.) absolut, utan jämförelse
    7) ((of a number etc) greater than zero.) positiv
    8) (having fewer electrons than normal: In an electrical circuit, electrons flow to the positive terminal.) positiv
    2. noun
    1) (a photographic print, made from a negative, in which light and dark are as normal.) positiv
    2) ((an adjective or adverb of) the positive (not comparative or superlative) degree.) positiv
    - positively

    English-Swedish dictionary > positive

  • 13 separate

    adj. separat, enskild; särskild; avskild
    v. separera, skilja; åtskilja; särskilja; skiljas; dela; skilja sig; avskilja
    * * *
    1. ['sepəreit] verb
    1) ((sometimes with into or from) to place, take, keep or force apart: He separated the money into two piles; A policeman tried to separate the men who were fighting.) dela upp, skilja åt, sära på
    2) (to go in different directions: We all walked along together and separated at the cross-roads.) skiljas åt
    3) ((of a husband and wife) to start living apart from each other by choice.) separera
    2. [-rət] adjective
    1) (divided; not joined: He sawed the wood into four separate pieces; The garage is separate from the house.) skild, avskild, separat
    2) (different or distinct: This happened on two separate occasions; I like to keep my job and my home life separate.) skild, åtskild
    - separable
    - separately
    - separates
    - separation
    - separatist
    - separatism
    - separate off
    - separate out
    - separate up

    English-Swedish dictionary > separate

  • 14 shape

    n. form; utformning; figur; tillstånd; kondition; mönster, modell
    v. forma; designa, utforma; ta form; bildas; skapa; gestalta; styra mot
    * * *
    [ʃeip] 1. noun
    1) (the external form or outline of anything: People are all (of) different shapes and sizes; The house is built in the shape of a letter L.) form, fason, skapnad
    2) (an indistinct form: I saw a large shape in front of me in the darkness.) gestalt, figur
    3) (condition or state: You're in better physical shape than I am.) tillstånd, skick, form, kondition
    2. verb
    1) (to make into a certain shape, to form or model: She shaped the dough into three separate loaves.) forma
    2) (to influence the nature of strongly: This event shaped his whole life.) forma
    3) ((sometimes with up) to develop: The team is shaping (up) well.) arta sig, se lovande ut
    - shapeless
    - shapelessness
    - shapely
    - shapeliness
    - in any shape or form
    - in any shape
    - out of shape
    - take shape

    English-Swedish dictionary > shape

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Take My Life, Please — Episodio de Los Simpson Episodio n.º Temporada 20 Episodio 430 Código de producción LABF01 Guionista(s) Don Payne Director Steve Dean Moore Fecha de emisión …   Wikipedia Español

  • Take My Life — Take My Life, Please Эпизод Симпсонов «Take My Life, Please» нет изображения № эпизода 430 Код эпизода LABF01 Первый эфир 15 февраля 2009 года Сценарист Don Payne Режиссёр …   Википедия

  • Take My Life, Please — «Take My Life, Please» «Забери мою жизнь, пожалуйста» Эпизод «Симпсонов» …   Википедия

  • take (your) life in (your) hands — to do something very dangerous. I think you take your life in your hands every time you get on a plane …   New idioms dictionary

  • take your life in your hands — take your life in your ˈhands idiom to risk being killed • You take your life in your hands just crossing the road here. Main entry: ↑lifeidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • take (your) life in (your) hands — take (your) life in/into (your) hands to do something dangerous. I m sure this elevator isn t properly maintained. I feel as though I m taking my life into my hands every time I go in it …   New idioms dictionary

  • take (your) life into (your) hands — take (your) life in/into (your) hands to do something dangerous. I m sure this elevator isn t properly maintained. I feel as though I m taking my life into my hands every time I go in it …   New idioms dictionary

  • Take this life (song) — Take this life is the first track of the Swedish Death metal band In Flames s album Come Clarity which was released in 2006. A video also was made for the track and shows people attempting suicide but giving up near the end of the song. It is a… …   Wikipedia

  • take a life — index slay Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Take My Life...Please! — Infobox Television episode Title = Red Snow Series = The Twilight Zone Caption = Season = 1 Episode = 53 Airdate = March 28, 1986 Production = Writer = Gordon Mitchell Director = Gus Trikonis Guests = Tim Thomerson : Billy Diamond Ray Buktenica …   Wikipedia

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