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  • 1 stun

    1. зашеметявам
    довеждам до безсъзнание (зa удaр)
    2. изплашвам, смайвам, слисвам
    3. проглушавам ушите (зa шум)
    4. шокирам
    5. sl. замайвам (зa рaдост, любов и пр.)
    * * *
    {st^n} v (-nn-) 1. зашеметявам; довеждам до безсъзнание (зa удaр
    * * *
    смайвам; слисвам; потрисам; зашеметявам; изумявам;
    * * *
    1. sl. замайвам (зa рaдост, любов и пр.) 2. довеждам до безсъзнание (зa удaр) 3. зашеметявам 4. изплашвам, смайвам, слисвам 5. проглушавам ушите (зa шум) 6. шокирам
    * * *
    stun[stʌn] v (- nn-) 1. зашеметявам; 2. слисвам, смайвам, потрисам.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > stun

См. также в других словарях:

  • STUN — (сокр. от англ. Session Traversal Utilities for NAT, Утилиты трассировки сессий для NAT, ранее англ. Simple Traversal of UDP through NATs, Простое прохождение UDP через серверы NAT)  это сетевой протокол, который позволяет клиенту …   Википедия

  • Stun (Bloody Roar) — Stun (スタン) is a fictional character from the Bloody Roar series. He first appears in the second game of the series.AffiliationBusuzima Former Colleague, Now Sworn Enemy Jenny Friend and then targeted enemy of clone Stun.HistoryBloody Roar 2Steven …   Wikipedia

  • STUN — (sigla en inglés de Simple Transversal of UDP over NATs) es un protocolo de red del tipo cliente/servidor que permite a clientes NAT encontrar su dirección IP pública, el tipo de NAT en el que se encuentra y el puerto de Internet asociado con el… …   Wikipedia Español

  • stun — stun·dism; stun·dist; stun·do baptist; stun·kard; stun·ner; stun·ning; stun·ning·ly; stun·poll; stun·sail; stun; stun·s l; …   English syllables

  • stun grenade — ● stun * * * ˈstun grenade 7 [stun grenade] noun a small bomb that shocks people so that they cannot do anything, without seriously injuring them …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stun — Stun, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stunned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Stunning}.] [OE. stonien, stownien; either fr. AS. stunian to resound (cf. D. stenen to groan, G. st[ o]hnen, Icel. stynja, Gr. ?, Skr. stan to thunder, and E. thunder), or from the same… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stun — [stun] vt. stunned, stunning [ME stonien < OFr estoner, to stun: see ASTONISH] 1. to make senseless or unconscious, as by a blow 2. to daze or stupefy; shock deeply; astound; overwhelm [stunned by the news] 3. to overpower or bewilder as by a… …   English World dictionary

  • Stun — Stun, n. The condition of being stunned. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stun — [ stʌn ] verb transitive * 1. ) to shock and surprise someone so much that they cannot react immediately: His violent death stunned the nation. I was stunned to find that he d left without us. stun at/by: All of them were stunned by the news. 2.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • stun — c.1300, to daze or render unconscious (from a blow, powerful emotion, etc.), probably aphetic of O.Fr. estoner to stun (see ASTONISH (Cf. astonish)). Stunning popularized for splendid, excellent c.1849 …   Etymology dictionary

  • stun gun — stun guns N COUNT A stun gun is a device that can immobilize a person or animal for a short time without causing them serious injury …   English dictionary

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