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См. также в других словарях:

  • Squeak — Entwickler The Squeak Community Aktuelle Version 4.2 (4. Februar 2011) Betriebssystem …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Squeak — est une implémentation libre du langage de programmation Smalltalk. Sommaire 1 Introduction 2 Squeak et l éducation 3 Aspects techniques 4 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Squeak — 3.9. Squeak, como la reencarnación de los proyectos Dynabook y Smalltalk de los años 70, busca ser un meta medio. Un lugar donde convivan todos los medios de expresión conocidos hasta la fecha (texto, video, sonido, música, gráficos 2D, gráficos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Squeak — Семантика: объектно ориентированная Появился в: 1996 Автор(ы): Алан Кэй, Дэн Ингаллс, Адель Гольдберг Релиз …   Википедия

  • squeak — [skwēk] vi. [ME squeken, prob. akin to ON skvakka, to gurgle] 1. to make or utter a short, sharp, high pitched sound or cry 2. [Informal, Chiefly Brit.] to act as an informer; squeal vt. 1. to utter or produce in a squeak 2. to cause (a door, etc …   English World dictionary

  • squeak´ing|ly — squeak «skweek», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to make a short, sharp, shrill sound: »A mouse squeaks. 2. Informal. to get or pass with difficulty: »The Senate will block it even if it squeaks through the House (Wall Street Journal). 3. Slang. a) to turn… …   Useful english dictionary

  • squeak´i|ness — squeak|y «SKWEE kee», adjective, squeak|i|er, squeak|i|est. 1. characterized by squeaking sounds; tending to squeak: »a squeaky window. 2. squeak …   Useful english dictionary

  • squeak´i|ly — squeak|y «SKWEE kee», adjective, squeak|i|er, squeak|i|est. 1. characterized by squeaking sounds; tending to squeak: »a squeaky window. 2. squeak …   Useful english dictionary

  • squeak|y — «SKWEE kee», adjective, squeak|i|er, squeak|i|est. 1. characterized by squeaking sounds; tending to squeak: »a squeaky window. 2. squeak …   Useful english dictionary

  • Squeak Piggy Squeak — is a parlour game that is sometimes called Grunt Piggy Grunt.To play the game, one player is chosen to be the farmer ; the others are the piggies. The farmer is blindfolded. All other players sit in a circle surrounding the farmer. The farmer is… …   Wikipedia

  • squeak — ► NOUN 1) a short, high pitched sound or cry. 2) a single remark or communication: I didn t hear a squeak from him. ► VERB 1) make a squeak. 2) say something in a high pitched tone. 3) informal succeed in achieving something by a very narrow… …   English terms dictionary

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