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См. также в других словарях:

  • Squash — Fédération internationale Fédération mondiale de squash Champion(ne)(s) du monde en titre …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Squash tennis — is an American variant of squash racquets, but played with a ball and racquets that are closer to the equipment used for lawn tennis, and with somewhat different rules. For younger players the game offers the complexity of squash racquets and the …   Wikipedia

  • Squash Ontario — is an organization committed to promoting the sport of squash in Ontario, using the mission statement To provide an environment in which the sport of squash can thrive, by offering quality services and innovative promotion to ensure that the… …   Wikipedia

  • squash — [ skwaʃ ] n. m. • 1930; mot angl. ♦ Anglic. Sport dans lequel deux joueurs côte à côte se renvoient, à l aide de raquettes, une balle de caoutchouc qui rebondit sur les murs d un court fermé. Jouer au squash. Faire du squash. ● squash, squashs… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Squash — 〈[ skwɔ̣ʃ] n.; od. s; unz.; Sp.〉 Rückschlagspiel zwischen zwei Spielern auf einer ,40 x 9,75 m großen, von vier Wänden begrenzten Fläche [engl., „pressen“ <vulgärlat. exquassare; <lat. ex „aus, heraus“ + quassare „schleudern“] * * * Squash… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • squash rackets — ➡ squash * * * ▪ 1995       The dominance of Jansher Khan of Pakistan and Michelle Martin of Australia continued throughout 1994. Both retained their British Open titles in April and their world championships later in the year. Khan was… …   Universalium

  • Squash-Verband Berlin-Brandenburg — e.V. Gründung: 1900 Gründungsort: Berlin Präsident: Alexander Korsch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Squash and stretch — is a common animation technique applied to characters or machinery in motion, giving it a cartoonish feel as opposed to realistic jerky motion. It was used to great effect in early 1920s American cartoons such as Felix the Cat and Betty Boop. It… …   Wikipedia

  • Squash — Squash, n. [Massachusetts Indian asq, pl. asquash, raw, green, immature, applied to fruit and vegetables which were used when green, or without cooking; askutasquash vine apple.] (Bot.) A plant and its fruit of the genus {Cucurbita}, or gourd… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Squash beetle — Squash Squash, n. [Massachusetts Indian asq, pl. asquash, raw, green, immature, applied to fruit and vegetables which were used when green, or without cooking; askutasquash vine apple.] (Bot.) A plant and its fruit of the genus {Cucurbita}, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Squash bug — Squash Squash, n. [Massachusetts Indian asq, pl. asquash, raw, green, immature, applied to fruit and vegetables which were used when green, or without cooking; askutasquash vine apple.] (Bot.) A plant and its fruit of the genus {Cucurbita}, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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