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  • 1 show the door

    • vyhodit z dverí

    English-Slovak dictionary > show the door

  • 2 show

    [ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb
    1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) ukázať
    2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) vidieť
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) hrať; vystaviť
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) ukázať
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) odprevadiť; ukázať
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) ukázať
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) naznačiť, prezradiť
    8) (to give or offer (someone) kindness etc: He showed him no mercy.) preukázať
    2. noun
    1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) predstavenie, výstava, estráda, program
    2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) demonštrovanie, ukážka
    3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) zdanie, dojem
    4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) efekt
    5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) výkon
    - showiness
    - show-business
    - showcase
    - showdown
    - showground
    - show-jumping
    - showman
    - showroom
    - give the show away
    - good show!
    - on show
    - show off
    - show up
    * * *
    • vec
    • uvádzat hru
    • uviest
    • vztýcit
    • zábava
    • vystavovat
    • výkon
    • vykazovat
    • vystavovat na výstave
    • vypadat
    • vypocítavat
    • výstava
    • vyvesit
    • zdat sa byt
    • záležitost
    • zavesit
    • zdanie
    • skupina
    • show
    • svedcit
    • sútažná výstava
    • sútaž
    • stretnutie
    • spôsobit viditelným
    • sprievod
    • trochu ochutnat
    • ukazovat na výstave
    • ukazovanie
    • úmyselne predvádzat
    • ukázanie
    • trochu použit
    • ukázat
    • ukázat sa
    • ukazovat
    • ukážka
    • prevedenie
    • príst
    • prejavovat sa
    • prehliadka
    • príležitost
    • prezradit
    • predstavenie
    • predvedenie
    • premietat
    • premietanie
    • predvádzat
    • previest
    • preukázat
    • prejavit
    • prevádzat
    • program
    • predložit
    • držat
    • hlásit vyhrané body
    • estráda
    • efekt
    • dostavit sa
    • film
    • dovolit vidiet
    • karneval
    • hra
    • javit
    • javit sa
    • hrat
    • atrakcia
    • bitka
    • bežat
    • budit
    • byt vidiet
    • akcia
    • bojová operácia
    • dávat
    • dokázat
    • divadelná revue
    • cirkusové predstavenie
    • demonštrácia
    • dojem
    • divadlo
    • cirkus
    • divadelná spolocnost
    • dat najavo
    • divadelné predstavenie
    • rozvinút
    • robit sprievodcu
    • revue
    • paráda
    • optický dojem
    • oznámit
    • práca
    • ponúkat
    • pohlad
    • postavit
    • podnik
    • letka
    • možnost
    • oddiel
    • odhalovat
    • odhalit
    • objavit sa
    • nosit

    English-Slovak dictionary > show

  • 3 the ...

    ((with comparative adjective or adverb) used to show the connection or relationship between two actions, states, processes etc: The harder you work, the more you earn.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > the ...

  • 4 show one's paces

    (to show what one can do: They made the horse show its paces.) ukázať, čo dokáže

    English-Slovak dictionary > show one's paces

  • 5 the

    [ðə, ði]
    (The form [ðə] is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house or consonant sound eg the union [ðə'ju:njən]; the form [ði] is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple or vowel sound eg the honour [ði 'onə]) (člen určitý) ten, tá, to
    1) (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known: Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off!)
    2) (used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc: The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well.)
    3) (used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names: the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean).)
    4) (used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc: In this job we are paid by the hour.)
    5) (used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other: He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all.)
    6) ((often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc: He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it.)
    - the...
    * * *
    • že
    • tá
    • tým, cím
    • ten
    • to

    English-Slovak dictionary > the

  • 6 show up

    1) (to make obvious: This light shows up the places where I've mended this coat.) ukázať
    2) (to reveal the faults of: Mary was so neat that she really showed me up.) odhaliť, ukázať v pravom svetle
    3) (to stand out clearly: The scratches showed up on the photograph.) (zreteľne) vystúpiť
    4) (to appear or arrive: I waited for her, but she never showed up.) objaviť sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > show up

  • 7 show-business

    noun (the entertainment industry, especially the branch of the theatre concerned with variety shows, comedy etc.) zábavné podnikanie v oblasti divadla a filmu

    English-Slovak dictionary > show-business

  • 8 lead the way

    (to go first (especially to show the way): She led the way upstairs.) ukazovať cestu
    * * *
    • viest
    • ukazovat
    • udávat tón
    • udat tón
    • íst na cele
    • byt prvý
    • razit cestu

    English-Slovak dictionary > lead the way

  • 9 in the first

    (expressions used to show steps in an argument, explanation etc: He decided not to buy the house, because in the first place it was too expensive, and in the second place it was too far from his office.) po prvé, po druhé

    English-Slovak dictionary > in the first

  • 10 give (someone) the cold shoulder

    ( also coldshoulder verb) (to show that one is unwilling to be friendly with (a person): All the neighbours gave her the cold shoulder; He cold-shouldered all his sister's friends.) chladne sa chovať

    English-Slovak dictionary > give (someone) the cold shoulder

  • 11 give (someone) the cold shoulder

    ( also coldshoulder verb) (to show that one is unwilling to be friendly with (a person): All the neighbours gave her the cold shoulder; He cold-shouldered all his sister's friends.) chladne sa chovať

    English-Slovak dictionary > give (someone) the cold shoulder

  • 12 champ at the bit

    (to be impatient; to show signs of impatience.) byť netrpezlivý

    English-Slovak dictionary > champ at the bit

  • 13 give the show away

    (to make known a secret, trick etc.) prezradiť

    English-Slovak dictionary > give the show away

  • 14 of

    1) (belonging to: a friend of mine.) patriaci k
    2) (away from (a place etc); after (a given time): within five miles of London; within a year of his death.) od
    3) (written etc by: the plays of Shakespeare.) od
    4) (belonging to or forming a group: He is one of my friends.) z
    5) (showing: a picture of my father.) (zobrazujúci)
    6) (made from; consisting of: a dress of silk; a collection of pictures.) (vyrobený, vytvorený) z
    7) (used to show an amount, measurement of something: a gallon of petrol; five bags of coal.) (vyjadruje množstvo, mieru)
    8) (about: an account of his work.) o
    9) (containing: a box of chocolates.) (vyjadruje obsah)
    10) (used to show a cause: She died of hunger.) (vyjadruje príčinu)
    11) (used to show a loss or removal: She was robbed of her jewels.) o
    12) (used to show the connection between an action and its object: the smoking of a cigarette.) (vyjadruje príčinu)
    13) (used to show character, qualities etc: a man of courage.) (vyjadruje vlastnosť)
    14) ((American) (of time) a certain number of minutes before (the hour): It's ten minutes of three.) za, po
    * * *
    • z
    • o
    • od

    English-Slovak dictionary > of

  • 15 display

    [di'splei] 1. verb
    1) (to set out for show: The china was displayed in a special cabinet.) vystaviť
    2) (to show: She displayed a talent for mimicry.) prejaviť
    2. noun
    1) ((an) act of showing or making clear: a display of military strength.) ukážka
    2) (an entertainment etc intended to show the ability etc of those taking part: a dancing display.) predvedenie
    3) (something which shows or sets out something else: an advertising display.) výstava
    4) (the part of a video recorder, calculator, digital watch etc that shows numbers, the date, time, or other information.) displej, zobrazovacia jednotka
    * * *
    • vystavit
    • výklad
    • zobrazit
    • prejavit
    • prejav
    • nádhera
    • monitor
    • obrazovka

    English-Slovak dictionary > display

  • 16 accent

    1. ['æksənt] noun
    1) ((a mark used to show) the stress on a syllable: The accent is on the second syllable.) prízvuk
    2) (a mark used to show the pronunciation of a letter in certain languages: Put an accent on the e in début.) akcent, spôsob výslovnosti
    3) (emphasis: The accent must be on hard work.) dôraz
    4) (a special way of pronouncing words in a particular area etc: an American accent.) akcent, prízvuk
    2. [ək'sent] verb
    (to pronounce with stress or emphasis: The second syllable is accented.) zdôrazniť
    * * *
    • výslovnost
    • zdôraznit
    • spôsob reci
    • spôsob výslovnosti
    • prízvuk
    • prízvukovat
    • dôraz
    • klást prízvuk
    • jazyk
    • akcent
    • ciarka
    • dávat prízvuk
    • rec
    • oznacit prízvukom

    English-Slovak dictionary > accent

  • 17 guide

    1. verb
    1) (to lead, direct or show the way: I don't know how to get to your house - I'll need someone to guide me; Your comments guided me in my final choice.) viesť, usmerňovať
    2) (to control the movement of: The teacher guided the child's hand as she wrote.) viesť
    2. noun
    1) (a person who shows the way to go, points out interesting things etc: A guide will show you round the castle.) sprievodca, -kyňa
    2) ((also guidebook) a book which contains information for tourists: a guide to Rome.) sprievodca
    3) ((usually with capital) a Girl Guide.) skautka
    4) (something which informs, directs or influences.) radca
    - guideline
    - guided missile
    * * *
    • vodiaci
    • vodit
    • vodca
    • vodidlo
    • vodiaca lišta
    • vodiace zariadenie
    • vedenie
    • vlnovod
    • viest
    • smerovacie zariadenie
    • svetlovod
    • sprievodca
    • prírucka
    • riadit
    • oznamovací
    • návod

    English-Slovak dictionary > guide

  • 18 by

    1. preposition
    1) (next to; near; at the side of: by the door; He sat by his sister.) pri, vedľa
    2) (past: going by the house.) pozdĺž, vedľa
    3) (through; along; across: We came by the main road.) po, cez, krížom
    4) (used (in the passive voice) to show the person or thing which performs an action: struck by a stone.)
    5) (using: He's going to contact us by letter; We travelled by train.)
    6) (from; through the means of: I met her by chance; by post.)
    7) ((of time) not later than: by 6 o'clock.) do
    8) (during the time of.) počas
    9) (to the extent of: taller by ten centimetres.) o
    10) (used to give measurements etc: 4 metres by 2 metres.) na
    11) (in quantities of: fruit sold by the kilo.) na, po
    12) (in respect of: a teacher by profession.) z
    2. adverb
    1) (near: They stood by and watched.) vedľa, blízko
    2) (past: A dog ran by.) okolo, tadiaľ
    3) (aside; away: money put by for an emergency.) bokom
    - bypass 3. verb
    (to avoid (a place) by taking such a road.) obísť
    - bystander
    - by and by
    - by and large
    - by oneself
    - by the way
    * * *
    • vedla
    • pri
    • blízko
    • do
    • cím
    • prostredníctvom
    • podla
    • pomocou
    • kým
    • od
    • okolo
    • o

    English-Slovak dictionary > by

  • 19 direct

    [di'rekt] 1. adjective
    1) (straight; following the quickest and shortest way: Is this the most direct route?) priamy
    2) ((of manner etc) straightforward and honest: a direct answer.) priamy
    3) (occurring as an immediate result: His dismissal was a direct result of his rudeness to the manager.) priamy
    4) (exact; complete: Her opinions are the direct opposite of his.) presný
    5) (in an unbroken line of descent from father to son etc: He is a direct descendant of Napoleon.) priamy
    2. verb
    1) (to point, aim or turn in a particular direction: He directed my attention towards the notice.) obrátiť, zamerať
    2) (to show the way to: She directed him to the station.) ukázať cestu
    3) (to order or instruct: We will do as you direct.) nariadiť, prikázať
    4) (to control or organize: A policeman was directing the traffic; to direct a film.) riadiť; režírovať
    - directional
    - directive
    - directly
    - directness
    - director
    - directory
    * * *
    • viest
    • usmernovat
    • ukázat cestu
    • priamo
    • priamy
    • adresovat
    • dohliadat
    • dat inštrukcie
    • dat pokyn
    • riadit
    • poucit
    • porušit
    • povedat cestu
    • namierit
    • nariadit
    • obrátit

    English-Slovak dictionary > direct

  • 20 measure

    ['meʒə] 1. noun
    1) (an instrument for finding the size, amount etc of something: a glass measure for liquids; a tape-measure.) miera
    2) (a unit: The metre is a measure of length.) jednotka miery
    3) (a system of measuring: dry/liquid/square measure.) miera
    4) (a plan of action or something done: We must take (= use, or put into action) certain measures to stop the increase in crime.) opatrenie
    5) (a certain amount: a measure of sympathy.) miera
    6) ((in music) the musical notes contained between two bar lines.) takt
    2. verb
    1) (to find the size, amount etc of (something): He measured the table.) odmerať
    2) (to show the size, amount etc of: A thermometer measures temperature.) ukazovať
    3) ((with against, besides etc) to judge in comparison with: She measured her skill in cooking against her friend's.) porovnávať
    4) (to be a certain size: This table measures two metres by one metre.) merať
    - beyond measure
    - for good measure
    - full measure
    - made to measure
    - measure out
    - measure up
    * * *
    • velkost
    • vziat mieru
    • vyskúšat (si)
    • zmerat si
    • zobrat mieru
    • zmerat
    • šírka stlpca sadzby
    • rytmus
    • sebakázen
    • sebaovládanie
    • stupen
    • spolocný delitel
    • takt
    • spolocný menovatel
    • tempo
    • urcitá miera
    • umiernenost
    • prejst
    • premeriavat
    • premerat
    • jednotka (miery)
    • brat mieru
    • dlžka riadka
    • delitel
    • rozmer
    • porovnat (si)
    • porovnávat
    • kritérium
    • krokový tanec
    • merat
    • meracia sústava
    • merac
    • mat rozmery
    • merat (si)
    • merat sa
    • medza
    • meradlo
    • miera
    • nápev
    • odmeriavat
    • odmerka
    • odhadnút
    • opatrenie
    • odmerat

    English-Slovak dictionary > measure

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show (The Enema Strikes Back!) — Infobox Album Name = The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show (The Enema Strikes Back!) Type = live Artist = Blink 182 Released = flagicon|UK November 6, 2000 flagicon|US November 7 2000 Recorded = November 4, 1999 at The Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in… …   Wikipedia

  • The Show, the After Party, the Hotel — Infobox Album | Name = The Show, The After Party, The Hotel Type = Album Artist = Jodeci Released = July 18 1995 Recorded = 1995 Genre = Hip hop soul/R B Length = 68:45 Label = Uptown/MCA 11258 Producer = DeVante Swing, Timbaland (uncredited)… …   Wikipedia

  • show the door — {v. phr.} To ask (someone) to go away. * /Ruth was upsetting the other children, so I showed her the door./ * /Our neighbors invited themselves to the party and stayed until Harry showed them the door./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • show the door — {v. phr.} To ask (someone) to go away. * /Ruth was upsetting the other children, so I showed her the door./ * /Our neighbors invited themselves to the party and stayed until Harry showed them the door./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • To show the heels — Heel Heel, n. [OE. hele, heele, AS. h[=e]la, perh. for h[=o]hila, fr. AS. h[=o]h heel (cf. {Hough}); but cf. D. hiel, OFries. heila, h[=e]la, Icel. h[ae]ll, Dan. h[ae]l, Sw. h[ a]l, and L. calx. [root]12. Cf. {Inculcate}.] 1. The hinder part of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To show the teeth — Tooth Tooth (t[=oo]th), n.; pl. {Teeth} (t[=e]th). [OE. toth,tooth, AS. t[=o][eth]; akin to OFries. t[=o]th, OS. & D. tand, OHG. zang, zan, G. zahn, Icel. t[ o]nn, Sw. & Dan. tand, Goth. tumpus, Lith. dantis, W. dant, L. dens, dentis, Gr. odoy s …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To show the white feather — Feather Feath er (f[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. fether, AS. fe[eth]er; akin to D. veder, OHG. fedara, G. feder, Icel. fj[ o][eth]r, Sw. fj[ a]der, Dan. fj[ae]der, Gr. ptero n wing, feather, pe tesqai to fly, Skr. pattra wing, feather, pat to fly, and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To show the cloven foot — Cloven Clo ven (kl[=o] v n), p. p. & a. from {Cleave}, v. t. [1913 Webster] {To show the cloven foot} or {To show the cloven hoof}, to reveal a devilish character, or betray an evil purpose, notwithstanding disguises, Satan being represented… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To show the cloven hoof — Cloven Clo ven (kl[=o] v n), p. p. & a. from {Cleave}, v. t. [1913 Webster] {To show the cloven foot} or {To show the cloven hoof}, to reveal a devilish character, or betray an evil purpose, notwithstanding disguises, Satan being represented… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • The Daily Show — Also known as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Genre …   Wikipedia

  • The Fast Show — Title Card for the Fosters Funny Series of The Fast Show. Format Sketch comedy …   Wikipedia

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